Esempio n. 1
        public ActionResult Charge(string stripeToken, string stripeEmail)
            T_Members m = new T_Members();

            StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "sk_test_LxFXRsxnoaNeykNC7ucJ3ztg006XowH6fy";

            var myCharge = new ChargeCreateOptions();
                // always set these properties

                myCharge.Amount = (int)Session["total"];

                myCharge.Currency     = "INR";
                myCharge.ReceiptEmail = stripeEmail;
                myCharge.Description  = "Sample Charge";
                myCharge.Source       = stripeToken;
                myCharge.Capture      = true;

                myCharge.Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "MemberId", "6735" },

            var    chargeService = new Stripe.ChargeService();
            Charge stripeCharge  = chargeService.Create(myCharge);

        public IActionResult Payment(string stripeToken)
            // retriever order from session
            var order = HttpContext.Session.GetObject <Models.Order>("Order");

            // 1. create Stripe customer
            var customerService = new Stripe.CustomerService();
            var charges         = new Stripe.ChargeService();

            StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = _iconfiguration["Stripe:SecretKey"];
            Stripe.Customer customer = customerService.Create(new Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions
                Source = stripeToken,
                Email  = User.Identity.Name

            // 2. create Stripe charge
            var charge = charges.Create(new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions
                Amount      = Convert.ToInt32(order.Total * 100),
                Description = "COMP2084 Beer Store Purchase",
                Currency    = "cad",
                Customer    = customer.Id

            // 3. save a new order to our db

            // 4. save the cart items as new OrderDetails to our db
            var cartItems = _context.Carts.Where(c => c.CustomerId == HttpContext.Session.GetString("CartUsername"));

            foreach (var item in cartItems)
                var orderDetail = new OrderDetail
                    OrderId   = order.Id,
                    ProductId = item.ProductId,
                    Quantity  = item.Quantity,
                    Cost      = item.Price



            // 5. delete the cart items from this order
            foreach (var item in cartItems)


            // 6. load an order confirmation page
            return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Orders", new { @id = order.Id }));
Esempio n. 3
        public IActionResult Payment(string stripeEmail, string stripeToken)
            //get secret key from configuration and pass to stripe API
            StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = _iconfiguration.GetSection("Stripe")["SecretKey"];
            var cartUsername = User.Identity.Name;
            var cartItems    = _context.Carts.Where(c => c.Username == cartUsername).ToList();
            var order        = HttpContext.Session.GetObject <Orders>("Order");

            //invoke stripe payment attempt
            var customerService = new Stripe.CustomerService();
            var charges         = new Stripe.ChargeService();

            Stripe.Customer customer = customerService.Create(new Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions
                Source = stripeToken,
                Email  = stripeEmail

            var charge = charges.Create(new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions
                Amount      = Convert.ToInt32(order.Total * 100),
                Description = "Sample Charge",
                Currency    = "cad",
                Customer    = customer.Id

            //save the order

            //save the order details
            foreach (var item in cartItems)
                var orderDetail = new OrderDetails
                    OrderId   = order.OrderId,
                    ProductId = item.ProductId,
                    Quantity  = item.Quantity,
                    Price     = item.Price



            //empty the cart
            foreach (var item in cartItems)


            return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Orders", new { id = order.OrderId }));
        public ActionResult Charge(string stripeToken, string stripeEmail)
                ApplicationDbContext db = new ApplicationDbContext();
                if (Request["OrderId"] != null)
                    int           orderId = int.Parse(Request["orderId"].ToString()); //it requests an order Id from the front
                    CustomerOrder o       = db.Orders.Find(orderId);                  //the order is found in the database by its Id

                    //the orders properties are adjusted appropriately
                    o.Payment = true;// the order is set to 'Paid'
                    //the next block finds each product in the order and adjusts their stock levels
                    o.BasketItems = o.GetItems(o.Id);
                    foreach (Basket b in o.BasketItems)
                        int stock = b.Product.Stock - b.Quantity;

                        o.SetStock(b.Product.Id, stock);

                    //to follow are all the properties of a strip payment

                    Stripe.StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "sk_test_wHoSwq3TOM5ZJkaKQrG9GWjo00uhPcOhUa";

                    var myCharge = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions();
                    // always set these properties
                    myCharge.Amount       = (long.Parse(Request["Total"].ToString())); //the total is requested from the front
                    myCharge.Currency     = "gbp";                                     //currency
                    myCharge.ReceiptEmail = stripeEmail;
                    myCharge.Description  = "Sample Charge";
                    myCharge.Source       = stripeToken;
                    myCharge.Capture      = true;
                    var    chargeService = new Stripe.ChargeService();
                    Charge stripeCharge  = chargeService.Create(myCharge);
                //this will redirect to the ViewBasket page if the order id is not found for any reason
                    return(RedirectToAction("ViewBasket, User"));
            //this is a failsafe to send users to their order page if the abouv code doesnt execute properly
                return(RedirectToAction("SeeOrders, Order"));
        public ActionResult Charge(string stripeEmail, string stripeToken, int?Id)
            StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "sk_test_uOveI2SFAXbU4XnnSunDN8kN00Q2y172o5";
            var            deals    = db.Deals;
            List <Vehicle> vehicles = db.Vehicles.ToList();

            foreach (var d in deals)
                var     v      = d.VehicleId;
                Vehicle vozilo = vehicles.Where(ve => ve.Id == v).First(); //izbereno vozilo
                var     total  = vozilo.Price * (d.DateTo.DayOfYear - d.DateFrom.DayOfYear);

            var customers = new Stripe.CustomerService();
            var charges   = new Stripe.ChargeService();

            var customer = customers.Create(new Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions
                Email  = stripeEmail,
                Source = stripeToken
            Deal deal = new Deal();

            int  ivona = Convert.ToInt32(Id);
            Deal deal1 = db.Deals.Where(de => de.Id == Id).First();

            Session["price"] = deal1.TotalPrice;
            long totalStripes = Convert.ToInt64(Session["price"]);

            deal1.plateno = true;
            deal.plateno = true;

            var charge = charges.Create(new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions
                Amount       = totalStripes * 100,
                Description  = "Description for Stripe implmentation",
                Currency     = "mkd",
                Customer     = customer.Id,
                ReceiptEmail = stripeEmail,
                Metadata     = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "OrderID", deal.Id.ToString() },
                    { "PostCode", "2300" }

Esempio n. 6
        public static stripe.Charge CreateCharge(this ProcessPaymentRequest processPaymentRequest, StripePaymentSettings stripePaymentSettings, CurrencySettings currencySettings, Store store,
                                                 ICustomerService customerService, ICurrencyService currencyService, IGenericAttributeService genericAttributeService)
            int substep = 0;

                var customer = customerService.GetCustomerById(processPaymentRequest.CustomerId);
                if (customer == null)
                    throw new NopException("Customer cannot be loaded");
                substep = 1;
                var currency = currencyService.GetCurrencyById(currencySettings.PrimaryStoreCurrencyId);
                if (currency == null)
                    throw new NopException("Primary store currency cannot be loaded");
                substep = 2;
                if (!Enum.TryParse(currency.CurrencyCode, out StripeCurrency stripeCurrency))
                    throw new NopException($"The {currency.CurrencyCode} currency is not supported by Stripe");
                substep = 3;

                var stripeCustomerService = new stripe.CustomerService(stripePaymentSettings.GetStripeClient());
                var chargeService         = new stripe.ChargeService(stripePaymentSettings.GetStripeClient());
                var tokenService          = new stripe.TokenService(stripePaymentSettings.GetStripeClient());
                substep = 4;
                var stripeCustomer = stripeCustomerService.GetOrCreateCustomer(customer, genericAttributeService, stripePaymentSettings);
                substep = 5;
                var tokenOptions = processPaymentRequest.CreateTokenOptions(customer, stripeCurrency);
                substep = 6;
                var token = tokenService.Create(tokenOptions);
                substep = 7;
                var chargeOptions = processPaymentRequest.CreateChargeOptions(store, token, stripePaymentSettings.TransactionMode, stripeCurrency);
                substep = 8;

                var charge = chargeService.Create(chargeOptions);
                substep = 9;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception($"Failed at substep {substep}", ex);
Esempio n. 7
        public static stripe.Charge CreateCharge(this ProcessPaymentRequest processPaymentRequest,
                                                 StripePaymentSettings stripePaymentSettings,
                                                 CurrencySettings currencySettings,
                                                 Store store,
                                                 ICustomerService customerService,
                                                 IStateProvinceService stateProvinceService,
                                                 ICountryService countryService,
                                                 ICurrencyService currencyService,
                                                 IGenericAttributeService genericAttributeService)
            var customer = customerService.GetCustomerById(processPaymentRequest.CustomerId);

            if (customer == null)
                throw new NopException("Customer cannot be loaded");

            var currency = currencyService.GetCurrencyById(currencySettings.PrimaryStoreCurrencyId);

            if (currency == null)
                throw new NopException("Primary store currency cannot be loaded");

            if (!Enum.TryParse(currency.CurrencyCode, out StripeCurrency stripeCurrency))
                throw new NopException($"The {currency.CurrencyCode} currency is not supported by Stripe");

            var stripeCustomerService = new stripe.CustomerService(stripePaymentSettings.GetStripeClient());
            var chargeService         = new stripe.ChargeService(stripePaymentSettings.GetStripeClient());
            var tokenService          = new stripe.TokenService(stripePaymentSettings.GetStripeClient());

            var stripeCustomer = stripeCustomerService.GetOrCreateCustomer(customer, genericAttributeService, stripePaymentSettings);

            var tokenOptions  = processPaymentRequest.CreateTokenOptions(customerService, stateProvinceService, countryService, stripeCurrency);
            var token         = tokenService.Create(tokenOptions);
            var chargeOptions = processPaymentRequest.CreateChargeOptions(store, token, stripePaymentSettings.TransactionMode, stripeCurrency);

            var charge = chargeService.Create(chargeOptions);

        public ActionResult Charge(string stripeEmail, string stripeToken, decimal amount, string orderId)
            var customers = new CustomerService();
            var charges   = new Stripe.ChargeService();

            amount = (long)amount;

            var             userManager = HttpContext.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager <ApplicationUserManager>();
            ApplicationUser user        = userManager.FindByNameAsync(User.Identity.Name).Result;

            var customer = customers.Create(options: new Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions
                Email  = stripeEmail,
                Source = stripeToken,
                Name   = user.UserName

            var charge = charges.Create(new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions
                Amount      = (long)amount,//charge in cents
                Description = "Sample Charge",
                Currency    = "usd",
                Customer    = customer.Id

            if (charge.Status == "succeeded" && charge.Paid == true)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    var order = HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Get <ApplicationDbContext>().Orders.Find(orderId);
                    order.PaymentStatus = PaymentStatusEnum.Paid;
                    HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Get <ApplicationDbContext>().Entry(order).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Get <ApplicationDbContext>().SaveChanges();

                    ViewBag.Message = order;
                    ViewBag.Msg     = "Payment is successful!";

            ViewBag.Msg = "Payment is not successful!";
Esempio n. 9
        public ActionResult Charge(string stripeToken, string stripeEmail)
            Stripe.StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "sk_test_51IBkDtCJuzxdYhOtnAcKUjVmnkHNrG9BvNTd666CsYqe8wm4H4D9VtttOSPb0sst5X6vJhCz2NWpTWSccloeFlfp00zpv1gwFX";

            var myCharge = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions();

            // always set these properties
            myCharge.Amount       = 500;
            myCharge.Currency     = "USD";
            myCharge.ReceiptEmail = stripeEmail;
            myCharge.Description  = "Sample Charge";
            myCharge.Source       = stripeToken;
            myCharge.Capture      = true;
            var    chargeService = new Stripe.ChargeService();
            Charge stripeCharge  = chargeService.Create(myCharge);

Esempio n. 10
        public static Charge StripePaymentsForm(string Email, string stripeToken, string Price)
            var customerService = new Stripe.CustomerService();
            var chargeService   = new Stripe.ChargeService();
            var priceConverted  = decimal.Parse(Price) * 100;
            var customer        = customerService.Create(new Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions
                Email  = Email,
                Source = stripeToken,

            return(chargeService.Create(new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions
                Amount = (long)priceConverted,
                Description = "Spartan Boosting",
                Currency = "EUR",
                Customer = customer.Id
Esempio n. 11
        public ActionResult Charge(string stripeToken, string stripeEmail)
            Stripe.StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "sk_test_51ITYUZKuxtPIEeD5lsPmKh2sG7jhzhhOpuBjXgXg4PL8cdjL79dL038v5SXcR32Ro9yIRxpfX6KfPQrQSxmR1h1p00xID5MdR4";

            var myCharge = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions();

            // always set these properties
            myCharge.Amount       = 500;
            myCharge.Currency     = "USD";
            myCharge.ReceiptEmail = stripeEmail;
            myCharge.Description  = "Sample Charge";
            myCharge.Source       = stripeToken;
            myCharge.Capture      = true;
            var    chargeService = new Stripe.ChargeService();
            Charge stripeCharge  = chargeService.Create(myCharge);

Esempio n. 12
        public ActionResult Charge(string stripeToken, string stripeEmail)
            Stripe.StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "stripeSecretKey";

            AppointmentFormViewModel GetProductPrice = new AppointmentFormViewModel();

            var myCharge = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions();

            // always set these properties
            myCharge.Amount       = 100 * (long)context.Products.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == GetProductPrice.Product).Price;
            myCharge.Currency     = "eur";
            myCharge.ReceiptEmail = stripeEmail;
            myCharge.Description  = GetProductPrice.Product.ToString();
            myCharge.Source       = stripeToken;
            myCharge.Capture      = true;
            var    chargeService = new Stripe.ChargeService();
            Charge stripeCharge  = chargeService.Create(myCharge);

Esempio n. 13
        public ActionResult Custom(CustomViewModel customViewModel)
            customViewModel.PaymentForHidden = false;
            var chargeOptions = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions()
                Amount   = 3900,
                Currency = "usd",
                //Source = new StripeSourceOptions() { TokenId = customViewModel.StripeToken },

                //SourceTokenOrExistingSourceId = customViewModel.StripeToken,
                Description  = string.Format("JavaScript Framework Guide Ebook for {0}", customViewModel.StripeEmail),
                ReceiptEmail = customViewModel.StripeEmail

            var chargeService = new Stripe.ChargeService();

                var stripeCharge = chargeService.Create(chargeOptions);
            catch (StripeException stripeException)
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, stripeException.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, ex.Message);

            //LOG stripeCharge log Id property in to the DB to refrence the transaction later

Esempio n. 14
        public async Task <IActionResult> SummaryPost(string stripeToken)
            var claimsIdentity = (ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity;
            var claim          = claimsIdentity.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);

            detailCart.listCart = await _db.ShoppingCart.Where(c => c.ApplicationUserId == claim.Value).ToListAsync();

            detailCart.OrderHeader.PaymentStatus = SD.PaymentStatusPending;
            detailCart.OrderHeader.OrderDate     = DateTime.Now;
            detailCart.OrderHeader.UserId        = claim.Value;
            detailCart.OrderHeader.Status        = SD.PaymentStatusPending;
            detailCart.OrderHeader.PickUpTime    = Convert.ToDateTime(detailCart.OrderHeader.PickUpDate.ToShortDateString() + " " + detailCart.OrderHeader.PickUpTime.ToShortTimeString());

            List <OrderDetails> orderDetailsList = new List <OrderDetails>();

            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

            detailCart.OrderHeader.OrderTotalOriginal = 0;

            foreach (var item in detailCart.listCart)
                item.MenuItem = await _db.MenuItem.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == item.MenuItemId);

                OrderDetails orderDetails = new OrderDetails
                    MenuItemId  = item.MenuItemId,
                    OrderId     = detailCart.OrderHeader.Id,
                    Description = item.MenuItem.Description,
                    Name        = item.MenuItem.Name,
                    Price       = item.MenuItem.Price,
                    Count       = item.Count
                detailCart.OrderHeader.OrderTotalOriginal += orderDetails.Count * orderDetails.Price;

            if (HttpContext.Session.GetString(SD.ssCouponCode) != null)
                detailCart.OrderHeader.CouponCode = HttpContext.Session.GetString(SD.ssCouponCode);
                var couponFromDb = await _db.Coupon.Where(c => c.Name.ToLower() == detailCart.OrderHeader.CouponCode.ToLower()).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

                detailCart.OrderHeader.OrderTotal = SD.DiscountedPrice(couponFromDb, detailCart.OrderHeader.OrderTotalOriginal);
                detailCart.OrderHeader.OrderTotal = detailCart.OrderHeader.OrderTotalOriginal;
            detailCart.OrderHeader.CouponCodeDiscount = detailCart.OrderHeader.OrderTotalOriginal - detailCart.OrderHeader.OrderTotal;

            HttpContext.Session.SetInt32(SD.ssShoppingCartCount, 0);
            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

            var options = new ChargeCreateOptions
                Amount      = Convert.ToInt32(detailCart.OrderHeader.OrderTotal * 100),
                Currency    = "usd",
                Description = "Order ID : " + detailCart.OrderHeader.Id,
                SourceId    = stripeToken,
            var    service = new Stripe.ChargeService();
            Charge charge  = service.Create(options);

            if (charge.BalanceTransactionId == null)
                detailCart.OrderHeader.PaymentStatus = SD.PaymentStatusRejected;
                detailCart.OrderHeader.TransactionId = charge.BalanceTransactionId;

            if (charge.Status.ToLower() == "succeeded")
                detailCart.OrderHeader.PaymentStatus = SD.PaymentStatusApproved;
                detailCart.OrderHeader.Status        = SD.StatusSubmitted;
                detailCart.OrderHeader.PaymentStatus = SD.PaymentStatusRejected;

            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Esempio n. 15
        public Charge Create(ChargeCreateOptions options)
            var service = new Stripe.ChargeService();

Esempio n. 16
        public ActionResult Charge(StripeChargeModel model)
        { //    4242424242424242
            string errormessage  = "";
            bool   isvalidemail  = false;
            bool   isvalidamount = false;
            HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = new HttpResponseMessage();

                var  addr       = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(model.Email);
                bool emailvalid = (addr.Address == model.Email);
                isvalidemail = true;
                errormessage += "invalid email\r\n";
                isvalidemail  = false;

            if (model.Amount == 0)
                isvalidamount = false;
                errormessage += "invalid amount\r\n";
                isvalidamount = true;

            if (isvalidamount == true && isvalidemail == true)
                    string Name            = model.CardHolderName;
                    string CardNumber      = model.CardNum;
                    long   ExpirationYear  = long.Parse(model.Expyear);
                    long   ExpirationMonth = long.Parse(model.ExpMonth);
                    string CVV2            = model.CVV;
                    string Buyer_Email     = model.Email;
                    int    amount          = (int)model.Amount;


                    Stripe.CreditCardOptions card = new Stripe.CreditCardOptions();

                    card.Name = Name;

                    card.Number = CardNumber;

                    card.ExpYear = ExpirationYear;

                    card.ExpMonth       = ExpirationMonth;
                    card.AddressLine1   = model.AddressLine1;
                    card.AddressLine2   = model.AddressLine2;
                    card.AddressState   = model.AddressCity;
                    card.AddressCountry = model.AddressCountry;
                    card.AddressZip     = model.AddressPostcode;
                    card.Cvc            = CVV2;

                    // set card to token object and create token

                    Stripe.TokenCreateOptions tokenCreateOption = new Stripe.TokenCreateOptions();

                    tokenCreateOption.Card = card;

                    Stripe.TokenService tokenService = new Stripe.TokenService();

                    Stripe.Token token = tokenService.Create(tokenCreateOption);

                    //create customer object then register customer on Stripe

                    Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions customer = new Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions();

                    customer.Email = Buyer_Email;

                    var custService = new Stripe.CustomerService();

                    Stripe.Customer stpCustomer = custService.Create(customer);
                    //create credit card charge object with details of charge

                    var options = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions
                        Amount = (int)(amount * 100),

                        //                    Amount = (int)(model.Amount * 100),
                        //                    Currency = "gbp",
                        //                    Description = "Description for test charge",
                        //                    Source = model.Token
                        Currency = "gbp",

                        ReceiptEmail = Buyer_Email,

                        Source      = model.Token,
                        Description = "Description for test charge"

                    //and Create Method of this object is doing the payment execution.

                    var service = new Stripe.ChargeService();

                    Stripe.Charge charge = service.Create(options); // This will do the Payment            }
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Success"));
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "error :  " + errormessage));
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "error :  " + errormessage));
Esempio n. 17
        public ViewResult makePayment(PaymentInformation cardInfo)

                Stripe.CreditCardOptions card = new Stripe.CreditCardOptions();
                card.Name     = cardInfo.CardOwnerFirstName + " " + cardInfo.CardOwnerLastName;
                card.Number   = cardInfo.CardNumber;
                card.ExpYear  = cardInfo.ExpirationYear;
                card.ExpMonth = cardInfo.ExpirationMonth;
                card.Cvc      = cardInfo.CVV2;


                Stripe.TokenCreateOptions token = new Stripe.TokenCreateOptions();
                token.Card = card;
                Stripe.TokenService serviceToken = new Stripe.TokenService();
                Stripe.Token        newToken     = serviceToken.Create(token);

                Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions myCustomer = new Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions();
                myCustomer.Email       = cardInfo.Buyer_Email;
                myCustomer.SourceToken = newToken.Id;
                var             customerService = new Stripe.CustomerService();
                Stripe.Customer stripeCustomer  = customerService.Create(myCustomer);

                var t = TempData["totalCost"];

                int    t1 = (int)Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(t)) - 1;
                string total;
                string input_decimal_number = t.ToString();

                var regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("(?<=[\\.])[0-9]+");
                if (regex.IsMatch(input_decimal_number))
                    string decimal_places = regex.Match(input_decimal_number).Value;
                    total = t1.ToString() + decimal_places;
                    total = t1 + "00";


                var options = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions
                    Amount       = Convert.ToInt32(total),
                    Currency     = "USD",
                    ReceiptEmail = cardInfo.Buyer_Email,
                    CustomerId   = stripeCustomer.Id,

                var           service = new Stripe.ChargeService();
                Stripe.Charge charge  = service.Create(options);

            catch (StripeException e)
                switch (e.StripeError.ErrorType)
                case "card_error":

                    error = (" Error Message: " + e.StripeError.Message);

                case "api_connection_error":

                case "api_error":

                case "authentication_error":

                case "invalid_request_error":

                case "rate_limit_error":

                case "validation_error":

                    // Unknown Error Type
                ViewBag.Greeting = error;
        private async void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

                //This are the sample test data use MVVM bindings to send data to the ViewModel

                Stripe.CreditCardOptions stripcard = new Stripe.CreditCardOptions();
                stripcard.Number   = cardNumberEntry.Text;
                stripcard.ExpYear  = Convert.ToInt32(expiryDate.Text.Split('/')[1]);
                stripcard.ExpMonth = Convert.ToInt32(expiryDate.Text.Split('/')[0]);
                stripcard.Cvc      = cvvEntry.Text;

                //Step 1 : Assign Card to Token Object and create Token

                Stripe.TokenCreateOptions token = new Stripe.TokenCreateOptions();
                token.Card = stripcard;
                Stripe.TokenService serviceToken = new Stripe.TokenService();
                Stripe.Token        newToken     = serviceToken.Create(token);

                // Step 2 : Assign Token to the Source

                var options = new SourceCreateOptions
                    Type     = SourceType.Card,
                    Currency = "usd",
                    Token    = newToken.Id

                var    service = new SourceService();
                Source source  = service.Create(options);

                //Step 3 : Now generate the customer who is doing the payment

                Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions myCustomer = new Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions()
                    Name        = nameEntry.Text,
                    Email       = emailEntry.Text,
                    Description = "Amare Payment",

                var             customerService = new Stripe.CustomerService();
                Stripe.Customer stripeCustomer  = customerService.Create(myCustomer);

                mycustomer = stripeCustomer.Id; // Not needed

                //Step 4 : Now Create Charge Options for the customer.

                var chargeoptions = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions
                    Amount       = 100,
                    Currency     = "USD",
                    ReceiptEmail = emailEntry.Text,
                    Customer     = stripeCustomer.Id,
                    Source       = source.Id

                //Step 5 : Perform the payment by  Charging the customer with the payment.
                var           service1 = new Stripe.ChargeService();
                Stripe.Charge charge   = service1.Create(chargeoptions); // This will do the Payment

                getchargedID = charge.Id;                                // Not needed
                await DisplayAlert("Payment", "Payment Success", "Okay");

                await Navigation.PopAsync();
            catch (Stripe.StripeException ex)
                await DisplayAlert("Payment Error", ex.Message, "Okay");
Esempio n. 19
        public ActionResult Charge(FormCollection formCollection)
            Stripe.StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["stripeSecretKey"];
            var myCharge = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions();

            // always set these properties
            myCharge.Amount   = long.Parse(formCollection[0]);
            myCharge.Currency = "VND";
            var    listVe         = context.Ves.ToList();
            string maVeCuoi       = listVe[listVe.Count - 1].MaVe;
            int    identity       = int.Parse(maVeCuoi.Substring(2));
            var    listHoaDon     = context.HoaDons.ToList();
            string maHoaDonCuoi   = listHoaDon[listHoaDon.Count - 1].MaHoaDon;
            int    identityHoaDon = int.Parse(maHoaDonCuoi.Substring(2));
            var    listKhachHang  = context.KhachHangs.ToList();

            if (Session["MaTaiKhoan"] == null)
                if (Session["MaKhachHangVangLai"] != null)
                    var hoaDon = new HoaDon()
                        MaHoaDon     = "HD" + (identityHoaDon + 1).ToString("00"),
                        MaKhachHang  = Session["MaKhachHangVangLai"].ToString(),
                        MaNhanVien   = "ADMIN",
                        ThoiGianXuat = DateTime.Now
                    string idTour = formCollection[1];
                    for (int i = 2; i < formCollection.Count - 3; i += 2)
                        int quantity = 0;
                        if (Int32.TryParse(formCollection[i + 1], out quantity))
                            for (int j = 0; j < int.Parse(formCollection[i + 1]); j++)
                                Ve ve = new Ve()
                                    MaVe     = "Ve" + (identity + 1).ToString("00"),
                                    MaTour   = idTour,
                                    MaLoaiVe = formCollection[i],
                                    MaHoaDon = hoaDon.MaHoaDon
                    return(Content("Bạn chưa điền thông tin! Hãy đăng nhập hoặc điền thông tin trước khi đặt"));
                KhachHang khachHang = context.KhachHangs.Find(Session["MaTaiKhoan"]);
                var       hoaDon    = new HoaDon()
                    MaHoaDon     = "HD" + (identityHoaDon + 1).ToString("00"),
                    MaKhachHang  = khachHang.MaKhachHang,
                    MaNhanVien   = "ADMIN",
                    ThoiGianXuat = DateTime.Now
                string idTour = formCollection[1];
                for (int i = 2; i < formCollection.Count - 3; i += 2)
                    int soLuongVe = 0;
                        soLuongVe = int.Parse(formCollection[i + 1]);
                    catch (Exception e)
                    for (int j = 0; j < soLuongVe; j++)
                        Ve ve = new Ve()
                            MaVe     = "Ve" + (identity + 1).ToString("00"),
                            MaTour   = idTour,
                            MaLoaiVe = formCollection[i],
                            MaHoaDon = hoaDon.MaHoaDon

            myCharge.ReceiptEmail = formCollection[formCollection.Count - 1];
            myCharge.Source       = formCollection[formCollection.Count - 3];
            myCharge.Capture      = true;
            var chargeService = new Stripe.ChargeService();

                Charge stripeCharge = chargeService.Create(myCharge);
            catch (Exception e)
Esempio n. 20
        public ViewResult makePayment(PaymentInformation cardInfo)

                //Create Card Object to create Token
                Stripe.CreditCardOptions card = new Stripe.CreditCardOptions();
                card.Name     = cardInfo.CardOwnerFirstName + " " + cardInfo.CardOwnerLastName;
                card.Number   = cardInfo.CardNumber;
                card.ExpYear  = cardInfo.ExpirationYear;
                card.ExpMonth = cardInfo.ExpirationMonth;
                card.Cvc      = cardInfo.CVV2;

                //Assign Card to Token Object and create Token
                Stripe.TokenCreateOptions token = new Stripe.TokenCreateOptions();
                token.Card = card;
                Stripe.TokenService serviceToken = new Stripe.TokenService();
                Stripe.Token        newToken     = serviceToken.Create(token);

                Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions myCustomer = new Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions();
                myCustomer.Email       = cardInfo.Buyer_Email;
                myCustomer.SourceToken = newToken.Id;
                var             customerService = new Stripe.CustomerService();
                Stripe.Customer stripeCustomer  = customerService.Create(myCustomer);

                //Create Charge Object with details of Charge
                var options = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions
                    Amount       = Convert.ToInt32(cardInfo.Amount),
                    Currency     = "USD",
                    ReceiptEmail = cardInfo.Buyer_Email,
                    CustomerId   = stripeCustomer.Id,
                //and Create Method of this object is doing the payment execution.
                var           service = new Stripe.ChargeService();
                Stripe.Charge charge  = service.Create(options); // This will do the Payment

            catch (StripeException e)
                switch (e.StripeError.ErrorType)
                case "card_error":
                    //error = ("Code: " + e.StripeError.Code + "; ");
                    error = (" Error Message: " + e.StripeError.Message);

                case "api_connection_error":

                case "api_error":

                case "authentication_error":

                case "invalid_request_error":

                case "rate_limit_error":

                case "validation_error":

                    // Unknown Error Type
                ViewBag.Greeting = error;
        public PaymentView(DateTime bookingDate, string centerName, string sportName, string courtName, string startingBookingTime, string endingBookingTime, double TotalPaymentAmount)

            //startingBookingTime AND endingBookingTime  are TimeSpan not DateTime  ...... Done

            var uname = Preferences.Get("UserName", String.Empty);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(uname))
                username.Text = "Guest";
                username.Text = uname;

            centername.Text = centerName;

            courtname.Text = courtName;

            //bookingdate.Text = bookingDate.Date.ToString();
            cvm = new PaymentViewModel(bookingDate);
            this.BindingContext = cvm;

            bookingtime.Text = startingBookingTime.ToString() + " - " + endingBookingTime.ToString();

            double RoundedTotalPaymentAmount = Math.Round(TotalPaymentAmount, 1, MidpointRounding.ToEven);

            totalpaymentamount.Text = "RM " + RoundedTotalPaymentAmount.ToString();

            string totalp = totalpaymentamount.Text;

            DateTime s = Convert.ToDateTime(startingBookingTime);
            DateTime d = Convert.ToDateTime(endingBookingTime);

            NewEventHandler.Clicked += async(sender, args) =>
                // if check payment from Moustafa is true, then add booking to firebase

                    //This are the sample test data use MVVM bindings to send data to the ViewModel

                    Stripe.TokenCardOptions stripcard = new Stripe.TokenCardOptions();

                    stripcard.Number   = cardnumber.Text;
                    stripcard.ExpYear  = Int64.Parse(expiryYear.Text);
                    stripcard.ExpMonth = Int64.Parse(expirymonth.Text);
                    stripcard.Cvc      = cvv.Text;
                    //stripcard.Cvc = Int64.Parse(cvv.Text);

                    //Step 1 : Assign Card to Token Object and create Token

                    Stripe.TokenCreateOptions token = new Stripe.TokenCreateOptions();
                    token.Card = stripcard;
                    Stripe.TokenService serviceToken = new Stripe.TokenService();
                    Stripe.Token        newToken     = serviceToken.Create(token);

                    // Step 2 : Assign Token to the Source

                    var options = new SourceCreateOptions
                        Type     = SourceType.Card,
                        Currency = "myr",
                        Token    = newToken.Id

                    var    service = new SourceService();
                    Source source  = service.Create(options);

                    //Step 3 : Now generate the customer who is doing the payment

                    Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions myCustomer = new Stripe.CustomerCreateOptions()
                        Name        = "Moustafa",
                        Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                        Description = "Customer for [email protected]",

                    var             customerService = new Stripe.CustomerService();
                    Stripe.Customer stripeCustomer  = customerService.Create(myCustomer);

                    mycustomer = stripeCustomer.Id; // Not needed

                    //Step 4 : Now Create Charge Options for the customer.

                    var chargeoptions = new Stripe.ChargeCreateOptions
                        //Amount = (Int64.Parse(RoundedTotalPaymentAmount)) * 100,
                        //Amount = Convert.ToInt32(RoundedTotalPaymentAmount) * 100,
                        //Amount = (long?)(double.Parse(RoundedTotalPaymentAmount) * 100),
                        Amount       = (long?)(double.Parse(totalp) * 100),
                        Currency     = "MYR",
                        ReceiptEmail = "*****@*****.**",
                        Customer     = stripeCustomer.Id,
                        Source       = source.Id

                    //Step 5 : Perform the payment by  Charging the customer with the payment.
                    var           service1 = new Stripe.ChargeService();
                    Stripe.Charge charge   = service1.Create(chargeoptions); // This will do the Payment

                    getchargedID = charge.Id; // Not needed
                catch (Exception ex)
                    UserDialogs.Instance.Alert(ex.Message, null, "ok");
                    Console.Write("error" + ex.Message);

                    //await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("error ", ex.Message, "OK");
                    //if (getchargedID != null)
                    if (getchargedID != null)
                        var acd = new AddBookingData(sportName, courtName, username.Text, centerName, s, d, bookingDate, RoundedTotalPaymentAmount);
                        await acd.AddBookingDataAsync();

                        UserDialogs.Instance.Alert("Payment Successed", "Success", "Ok");
                        Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current.MainPage = new MainTabbedView();
                        //await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Payment Successed ", "Success", "OK");
                        UserDialogs.Instance.Alert("Something Wrong", "Faild", "OK");
                        //await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Payment Error ", "faild", "OK");

                 * var acd = new AddBookingData(sportName, courtName, username.Text, centerName, s, d, bookingDate, RoundedTotalPaymentAmount);
                 * await acd.AddBookingDataAsync();
                 * /*
                 * //Application.Current.MainPage = new MainTabbedView();
                 * //await Navigation.PopModalAsync();
                 * //await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
                 * /*
                 * Navigation.InsertPageBefore(new NewPage(), Navigation.NavigationStack[0]);
                 * await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();

             * public void GetCustomerInformationID(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * {
             *  var service = new CustomerService();
             *  var customer = service.Get(mycustomer);
             *  var serializedCustomer = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customer);
             *  //  var UserDetails = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CustomerRetriveModel>(serializedCustomer);
             * }
             * public void GetAllCustomerInformation(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * {
             *  var service = new CustomerService();
             *  var options = new CustomerListOptions
             *  {
             *      Limit = 3,
             *  };
             *  var customers = service.List(options);
             *  var serializedCustomer = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customers);
             * }
             * public void GetRefundForSpecificTransaction(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * {
             *  var refundService = new RefundService();
             *  var refundOptions = new RefundCreateOptions
             *  {
             *      Charge = getchargedID,
             *  };
             *  Refund refund = refundService.Create(refundOptions);
             *  refundID = refund.Id;
             * }
             * public void GetRefundInformation(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * {
             *  var service = new RefundService();
             *  var refund = service.Get(refundID);
             *  var serializedCustomer = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(refund);
             * }

             * async Task NewEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * {
             *  // if check payment from Moustafa is true, then
             *  // add booking to firebase
             *  var acd = new AddBookingData(sportName, courtName, username.Text, centerName, s, d, bookingDate, TotalPaymentAmount);
             *  await acd.AddBookingDataAsync();
             * }