Esempio n. 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Player p1   = new Player("David", SpaceType.Player1, PlayerColor.Red);
            Player p2   = new Player("Paul", SpaceType.Player2, PlayerColor.Blue);
            Game   plop = new Game(p1, p2);

            Position pos1 = new Position();

            pos1.row = 3;
            pos1.col = 4;

            Position pos2 = new Position();

            pos2.row = 6;
            pos2.col = 4;

            plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player2Pieces[2], pos1);
            plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player1Pieces[0], pos2);



            for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++)
                Position nextPos = new Position();
                nextPos.row = pos1.row + 1;
                nextPos.col = pos1.col;
                switch (plop.movePiece(pos1, nextPos))
                case 1: Console.WriteLine("Piece MOVED !");

                case 10: Console.WriteLine("WIN !!!");

                case 20: Console.WriteLine("TIE !");

                case 30: Console.WriteLine("LOST !!!");

                case 50: Console.WriteLine("You found the flag !");

                default: Console.WriteLine("Move not allowed !");
Esempio n. 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Player p1 = new Player("David", SpaceType.Player1, PlayerColor.Red);
            Player p2 = new Player("Paul", SpaceType.Player2, PlayerColor.Blue);
            Game plop = new Game(p1,p2);

            Position pos1 = new Position();
            pos1.row = 3;
            pos1.col = 4;

            Position pos2 = new Position();
            pos2.row = 6;
            pos2.col = 4;

            plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player2Pieces[2], pos1);
            plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player1Pieces[0], pos2);



            for (int i = 1; i <8;i++ )
                Position nextPos = new Position();
                nextPos.row = pos1.row+1;
                nextPos.col = pos1.col;
                switch (plop.movePiece(pos1, nextPos))
                    case 1: Console.WriteLine("Piece MOVED !");
                    case 10: Console.WriteLine("WIN !!!");
                    case 20: Console.WriteLine("TIE !");
                    case 30: Console.WriteLine("LOST !!!");
                    case 50: Console.WriteLine("You found the flag !");
                    default: Console.WriteLine("Move not allowed !");
Esempio n. 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Player p1   = new Player("David", SpaceType.Player1, PlayerColor.Red);
            Player p2   = new Player("Paul", SpaceType.Player2, PlayerColor.Blue);
            Game   plop = new Game(p1, p2);

            Position pos1 = new Position();

            pos1.row = 0;
            pos1.col = 0;

            Position pos2 = new Position();

            pos2.row = 6;
            pos2.col = 4;

            //plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player2Pieces[0], pos1);
            //plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player1Pieces[0], pos2);
            //plop.initPlayerPieces(p1, p2);

            // set up a complete board
            //int numPieces = plop.player1Pieces.Count();

            //plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player2Pieces[3], pos1);
            int pieceIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    Position posB = new Position(); // player 2
                    posB.row = j;
                    posB.col = i;
                    plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player2Pieces[pieceIndex], posB);
                    // Player 1
                    Position posA = new Position();
                    posA.row = 9 - j;
                    posA.col = 9 - i;
                    plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player1Pieces[pieceIndex], posA);
                    pieceIndex++; // go to next piece


            // check the player's piece lists

            foreach (var p in plop.player1Pieces)
            Console.WriteLine("Player 2");
            foreach (var p in plop.player2Pieces)

            /* Test the getMoves() function */
            Position flag2Pos = new Position();

            flag2Pos.col = 0;
            flag2Pos.row = 3;
            int             rc; // return code
            List <Position> flagMoves = plop.getMoves(flag2Pos, out rc);

            foreach (var p in flagMoves)
                Console.WriteLine("row: {0}", p.row);
                Console.WriteLine("col: {0}", p.col);

            Position marsh2Pos = new Position();

            marsh2Pos.col = 1;
            marsh2Pos.row = 3;
            List <Position> marshMoves = plop.getMoves(marsh2Pos, out rc);

            foreach (var p in marshMoves)
                Console.WriteLine("row: {0}", p.row);
                Console.WriteLine("col: {0}", p.col);

            /* Test a WIN */

             * int column = 0;
             * Position start1 = new Position();
             * start1.col = column;
             * start1.row = 6;
             * //Position next1 = new Position();
             * //next1.col = column;
             * //next1.row = start1
             * for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
             *  // move player 1
             *  Position next = new Position();
             *  next.row = 5-i;
             *  next.col = column;
             *  switch (plop.movePiece(start1, next))
             *  {
             *      case 1: Console.WriteLine("Piece MOVED !");
             *          break;
             *      case 10: Console.WriteLine("WIN !!!");
             *          break;
             *      case 20: Console.WriteLine("TIE !");
             *          break;
             *      case 30: Console.WriteLine("LOST !!!");
             *          break;
             *      case 50: Console.WriteLine("You found the flag !");
             *          break;
             *      default: Console.WriteLine("Move not allowed !");
             *          break;
             *  }
             *  plop.initialGrid.displayGrid();
             *  start1.row = next.row; // update
             * }

            // test movement

             * Position firstPos = new Position();
             * firstPos.row = 3;
             * firstPos.col = 1;
             * Position nextPos = new Position();
             * nextPos.row = 4;
             * nextPos.col = 1;
             * switch (plop.movePiece(firstPos, nextPos))
             *  {
             *      case 1: Console.WriteLine("Piece MOVED !");
             *          break;
             *      case 10: Console.WriteLine("WIN !!!");
             *          break;
             *      case 20: Console.WriteLine("TIE !");
             *          break;
             *      case 30: Console.WriteLine("LOST !!!");
             *          break;
             *      case 50: Console.WriteLine("You found the flag !");
             *          break;
             *      default: Console.WriteLine("Move not allowed !");
             *          break;
             *  }
             * plop.initialGrid.displayGrid();
             * // another move
             * firstPos.row = nextPos.row;
             * firstPos.col = nextPos.col;
             * nextPos.row = 5;
             * switch (plop.movePiece(firstPos, nextPos))
             *  {
             *      case 1: Console.WriteLine("Piece MOVED !");
             *          break;
             *      case 10: Console.WriteLine("WIN !!!");
             *          break;
             *      case 20: Console.WriteLine("TIE !");
             *          break;
             *      case 30: Console.WriteLine("LOST !!!");
             *          break;
             *      case 50: Console.WriteLine("You found the flag !");
             *          break;
             *      default: Console.WriteLine("Move not allowed !");
             *          break;
             *  }
             * plop.initialGrid.displayGrid();
             * for (int i = 1; i <8;i++ )
             * {
             *  Position nextPos = new Position();
             *  nextPos.row = pos1.row+1;
             *  nextPos.col = pos1.col;
             *  switch (plop.movePiece(pos1, nextPos))
             *  {
             *      case 1: Console.WriteLine("Piece MOVED !");
             *          break;
             *      case 10: Console.WriteLine("WIN !!!");
             *          break;
             *      case 20: Console.WriteLine("TIE !");
             *          break;
             *      case 30: Console.WriteLine("LOST !!!");
             *          break;
             *      case 50: Console.WriteLine("You found the flag !");
             *          break;
             *      default: Console.WriteLine("Move not allowed !");
             *          break;
             *  }
             *  pos1.row++;
             *  plop.initialGrid.displayGrid();
             * }
Esempio n. 4
         * static int distance(Position pos1, Position pos2)
         * {
         *  return Math.Abs(pos1.row - pos2.row) + Math.Abs(pos1.col - pos2.col);
         * }
        static void setUpBoard()
            /* Initial Set up
             * 1. FLAG: goes in back two rows
             * 2. BOMBS: 2-3 go near FLAG, rest go in rows 2-3
             * 3. SCOUTS: Go in front 2 rows
             * 4. MINERS: Go anywhere but front row
             * 5. Everything else is RANDOM
            // First determine flag position 0 <= flagPos <= 19
            // in back two rows
            Random rnd = new Random(); // random number generator

            // Make lists of all available positions for each player, updated during process
            List <Position> availableP1 = new List <Position>();
            List <Position> availableP2 = new List <Position>();

            // lists of all used positions
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    availableP2.Add(new Position(i, j));
                    availableP1.Add(new Position(9 - i, 9 - j));
            /* Flags First  playerXPieces[3] ------------------------------------------ */
            //Position flag2Pos = new Position();
            int      flag2Index = rnd.Next(19);
            Position flag2Pos   = availableP2[flag2Index];

            p2.flagPos = flag2Pos; // SETTING FOR THE PLAYER
            //flag2Pos.row = flag2Index / 10;
            //flag2Pos.col = flag2Index % 10;
            plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player2Pieces[3], flag2Pos);
            //Position flag1Pos = new Position();
            int      flag1Index = rnd.Next(19);
            Position flag1Pos   = availableP1[flag1Index];

            p1.flagPos = flag1Pos; // SETTING FOR THE PLAYER!!!!!
            //flag1Pos.row = flag1Index / 10;
            //flag1Pos.col = flag1Index % 10;
            plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player1Pieces[3], flag1Pos);
            //Console.WriteLine("Done with flag...");
            int             numBombs      = rnd.Next(2) + 2; // number of bombs for flag, 2 or 3
            List <Position> bombs         = new List <Position>();
            List <Position> possibleBombs = new List <Position>();

            if (flag2Pos.col == 0)
            { // edge or corner
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag2Pos.row + 1, flag2Pos.col));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag2Pos.row, flag2Pos.col + 1));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag2Pos.row + 1, flag2Pos.col + 1));
            else if (flag2Pos.col == 9)
            { // Other edge or corner
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag2Pos.row + 1, flag2Pos.col));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag2Pos.row, flag2Pos.col - 1));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag2Pos.row + 1, flag2Pos.col - 1));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag2Pos.row, flag2Pos.col - 1));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag2Pos.row, flag2Pos.col + 1));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag2Pos.row + 1, flag2Pos.col - 1));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag2Pos.row + 1, flag2Pos.col));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag2Pos.row + 1, flag2Pos.col + 1));

            // actually add the bombs to list
            int index;

            for (int i = 0; i < numBombs; i++)
                index = rnd.Next(possibleBombs.Count);
                bombs.Add(possibleBombs[index]); // add the chosen pos
                possibleBombs.RemoveAt(index);   //  then remove that pos from the list of possibles
            //Console.WriteLine("Done with first bombs...");
            int bombIndex = 34; // first bomb in list

            foreach (var p in bombs)
                plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player2Pieces[bombIndex], p);
            //Console.WriteLine("Doing random bombs...");
            // Place the rest of the bombs, go anywhere but row 1
            for (int i = 0; i < (6 - numBombs); i++)
                index = rnd.Next(28 - numBombs);
                plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player2Pieces[bombIndex], availableP2[index]);

            // PLAYER 1 -----------------------------------------------------
            numBombs      = rnd.Next(2) + 2; // number of bombs for flag, 2 or 3
            bombs         = new List <Position>();
            possibleBombs = new List <Position>();
            if (flag1Pos.col == 0)
            { // edge or corner
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag1Pos.row - 1, flag1Pos.col));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag1Pos.row, flag1Pos.col + 1));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag1Pos.row - 1, flag1Pos.col + 1));
            else if (flag1Pos.col == 9)
            { // Other edge or corner
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag1Pos.row - 1, flag1Pos.col));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag1Pos.row, flag1Pos.col - 1));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag1Pos.row - 1, flag1Pos.col - 1));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag1Pos.row, flag1Pos.col - 1));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag1Pos.row, flag1Pos.col + 1));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag1Pos.row - 1, flag1Pos.col - 1));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag1Pos.row - 1, flag1Pos.col));
                possibleBombs.Add(new Position(flag1Pos.row - 1, flag1Pos.col + 1));

            // actually add the bombs to list
            for (int i = 0; i < numBombs; i++)
                index = rnd.Next(possibleBombs.Count);
                bombs.Add(possibleBombs[index]); // add the chosen pos
                possibleBombs.RemoveAt(index);   //  then remove that pos from the list of possibles
            //Console.WriteLine("plop.player1Pieces: {0}", plop.player1Pieces.Count);
            bombIndex = 34; // first bomb in list
            foreach (var p in bombs)
                plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player1Pieces[bombIndex], p);
            // Place the rest of the bombs, go anywhere but row 1
            for (int i = 0; i < (6 - numBombs); i++)
                index = rnd.Next(28 - numBombs);
                plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player1Pieces[bombIndex], availableP1[index]);

            List <List <Piece> > playerPieceLists = new List <List <Piece> >();

            foreach (var pieces in playerPieceLists)
                List <Position> available = new List <Position>();
                if (pieces == plop.player1Pieces)
                    available = availableP1;
                    available = availableP2;
                /* Now for SCOUTS, playerXPieces[26 - 33]*/
                int scoutIndex = 26; // first scout in list
                int count      = 20;
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    index = available.Count - rnd.Next(count) - 1;
                    plop.setPieceOnGrid(pieces[scoutIndex], available[index]);

                /* Now for MINERS, playerXPieces[21-]
                 * could be 10 spots left in first row
                int minerIndex = 21;
                count = 10;
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    index = rnd.Next(available.Count - count);
                    plop.setPieceOnGrid(pieces[minerIndex], available[index]);
                /* Now do the rest of the pieces, should be RANDOM! */
                for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
                    if (i != 3)
                        index = rnd.Next(available.Count); // random remaining position
                        plop.setPieceOnGrid(pieces[i], available[index]);
Esempio n. 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Player p1   = new Player("P1", SpaceType.Player1, PlayerColor.Red);
            Player p2   = new Player("P2", SpaceType.Player2, PlayerColor.Blue);
            Game   plop = new Game(p1, p2);

            Position pos1 = new Position();

            pos1.row = 0;
            pos1.col = 0;

            Position pos2 = new Position();

            pos2.row = 6;
            pos2.col = 4;

            int pieceIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    Position posB = new Position(); // player 2
                    posB.row = j;
                    posB.col = i;
                    plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player2Pieces[pieceIndex], posB);
                    // Player 1
                    Position posA = new Position();
                    posA.row = 9 - j;
                    posA.col = 9 - i;
                    plop.setPieceOnGrid(plop.player1Pieces[pieceIndex], posA);
                    pieceIndex++; // go to next piece

            plop.start(); // start the game

            // check the player's piece lists
            foreach (var p in plop.player1Pieces)
            Console.WriteLine("Player 2");
            foreach (var p in plop.player2Pieces)

            // display the initial grid

            // Test random movement
            int      rc;                        // return code, needed for getMoves()
            Random   rnd      = new Random();   // random number generator
            int      numMoves = 5;              // how many moves do you want to test???
            Position pos      = new Position(); // initial position

            // this position will be where player 2s leftmost miner is, next to their flag
            // note that all movement is based on position, whatever piece is at that position will be moved.
            pos.row = 3;
            pos.col = 1;
            Position nextPos = new Position();
            int      moveIndex; // this helps choose a random move from the list of possible moves at a given state

            for (int i = 0; i < numMoves; i++)
                List <Position> moves = plop.getMoves(pos, out rc);
                Console.WriteLine("Possible moves at {0}", i);
                foreach (var p in moves)
                    Console.WriteLine("row: {0}", p.row);
                    Console.WriteLine("col: {0}", p.col);
                moveIndex = rnd.Next(moves.Count);          // random number no bigger than size of list
                Position next = nextPos = moves[moveIndex]; // update position
                // movePiece() moves whatever piece is at pos to next.
                // it returns a numeric code that represents what happened at the move.
                switch (plop.movePiece(pos, next))
                case 1: Console.WriteLine("Piece MOVED !");

                case 10: Console.WriteLine("WIN !!!");

                case 20: Console.WriteLine("TIE !");

                case 30: Console.WriteLine("LOST !!!");

                case 50: Console.WriteLine("You found the flag !");

                default: Console.WriteLine("Move not allowed !");
                plop.initialGrid.displayGrid(); // show the grid
                pos = next;                     // update the piece's current position