Esempio n. 1
        public void LoadPersistantData()
            // load carry over value from task into pointer.

            if (currentTask != null)
                currentTask.GetStringValue("persistantData", out persistantData);
Esempio n. 2
        void updateTaskInfo(StoryPointer pointer)
            StoryTask theTask = pointer.currentTask;

            if (theTask == null || theTask.Pointer.pointerObject == null)

            if (theTask.Instruction != "wait")
                //string displayText;

                string displayText = theTask.scope == SCOPE.GLOBAL ? "G| " : "L| ";

                // if (theTask.scope == SCOPE.GLOBAL)
                //    displayText = "G | ";
                //    displayText = "L | ";


                displayText = displayText + theTask.Instruction + " | ";

                // If a task has a value for "debug" we display it along with task description.

                string debugText;

                if (theTask.GetStringValue("debug", out debugText))
                    displayText = displayText + debugText;

                theTask.Pointer.deusText.text      = displayText;
                theTask.Pointer.deusTextSuper.text = theTask.Pointer.currentPoint.StoryLine + " " + GENERAL.ALLPOINTERS.Count;
                theTask.Pointer.deusTextSuper.text = theTask.Pointer.currentPoint.StoryLine;
Esempio n. 3
        void updateTaskDisplays()
            if (PointerBlock == null || DebugCanvas == null)
                Warning("Set references for pointerblock and deuscanvas.");

            // Go over all pointers and plot them into our diplay

            for (int i = 0; i < GENERAL.ALLPOINTERS.Count; i++)
                StoryPointer pointer = GENERAL.ALLPOINTERS[i];

                if (!itemList.Exists(x => x.StoryPointer == pointer))
                    Item ni = new Item(pointer, PointerBlock);
                    ni.displayObject.transform.SetParent(DebugCanvas.transform, false);


            //   Log("datacount " + GENERAL.ALLDATA.Count);

            // Go over all data objects and plot them into our diplay

             * for (int i = 0; i < GENERAL.ALLDATA.Count; i++)
             * {
             *  StoryData data = GENERAL.ALLDATA[i];
             *  if (!itemList.Exists(x => x.StoryData == data))
             *  {
             *      //    Log("addin gitem");
             *      Item ni = new Item(data, PointerBlock);
             *      ni.displayObject.transform.SetParent(DeusCanvas.transform, false);
             *      itemList.Add(ni);
             *  }
             * }

            // Go over all items backwards and remove any

            for (int i = itemList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (itemList[i].TimeOut != 0 && itemList[i].TimeOut < Time.time)

            // Go over all display items and update them.

            for (int i = 0; i < itemList.Count; i++)
                int   row   = i / PointerDisplayCols;
                int   col   = i % PointerDisplayCols;
                float scale = 1f / PointerDisplayCols;

                Item item = itemList[i];

//                item.displayObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>().localPosition = scale * new Vector3(PointerDisplayCols / 2f * -1024f + 512f + col * 1024f, PointerDisplayRows / 2f * 512f - 256f - row * 512f, 0);
                item.displayObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>().localPosition = scale * new Vector3(PointerDisplayCols / 2f * -1024f + 512f + col * 1024f, PointerDisplayRows / 2f * 512f - 256f - row * 512f, 0);

                item.displayObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>().localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);

                switch (item.Type)
                case Item.TYPE.POINTER:

                    if (item.TimeOut == 0 && !GENERAL.ALLPOINTERS.Contains(item.StoryPointer))
                        item.TimeOut = Time.time + 1f;

                    StoryTask theTask = item.StoryPointer.currentTask;

                    if (theTask == null || item.displayObject == null)

                    if (theTask.Instruction != "wait" && theTask.Instruction != "end")
                        //    string displayText = theTask.scope == SCOPE.GLOBAL ? "G| " : "L| ";

                        string displayText = theTask.Instruction;

                        // If a task has a value for "debug" we display it along with task description.

                        string debugText;

                        if (theTask.GetStringValue("debug", out debugText))
                            displayText = displayText + " | " + debugText;

                        item.deusText.text      = displayText;
                        item.deusTextSuper.text = theTask.Pointer.currentPoint.StoryLine + " " + GENERAL.ALLPOINTERS.Count + (theTask.scope == SCOPE.GLOBAL ? " G" : " L");
                        item.deusTextSuper.text = theTask.Pointer.currentPoint.StoryLine;


                case Item.TYPE.DATA:

                     * item.deusText.text = item.StoryData.GetChangeLog();
                     * item.deusTextSuper.text = "data: " + item.StoryData.ID + GENERAL.ALLDATA.Count;
