}// STOCK STATUS static public void StockStatusNum(List <Stock> stockList, StockMath math) // DISPLAYS STATUS OF ALL STOCKS, NUMBERS FOR BUYING/SELLING { int counter = 1; Console.WriteLine("uTrade TM:"); Console.Write("Num: Name:"); for (int i = 0; i < math.charCountMax(stockList); i++) { Console.Write(" "); } Console.WriteLine("Amt Owned Price History History Two"); foreach (Stock stockrelay in stockList) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("[{0}] ", counter); Console.Write(" " + stockrelay.Name); for (int i = 0; i < math.charCountMax(stockList) - stockrelay.Name.Length; i++) { Console.Write(" "); } Console.Write(" " + stockrelay.Owned + " " + stockrelay.Price + " " + stockrelay.History + " " + stockrelay.HistoryTwo); Console.WriteLine(); counter++; } }// STOCK STATUS
}// main end static public void StockStatus(List <Stock> stockList, StockMath math, User user) // DISPLAYS STATUS OF ALL STOCKS { Console.WriteLine("uTrade TM:"); Console.Write("Name:"); for (int i = 0; i < math.charCountMax(stockList); i++) { Console.Write(" "); } Console.WriteLine("Amt Owned Price History History Two"); foreach (Stock stockrelay in stockList) { Console.Write(stockrelay.Name); for (int i = 0; i < math.charCountMax(stockList) - stockrelay.Name.Length; i++) { Console.Write(" "); } Console.Write(" " + stockrelay.Owned + " " + stockrelay.Price + " " + stockrelay.History + " " + stockrelay.HistoryTwo); Console.WriteLine(); } }// STOCK STATUS
static void Main(string[] args) { //declared up here for convienince int stockSelection; StockMath math = new StockMath(); User user = new User(); int stockOrder; //Title Card Console.WriteLine("Welcome to uTrade Solutions \n Press any key to begin"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); //Adding Stocks to a list, soliciting user input Console.WriteLine("What Stocks would you like to trade today \n Enter the name to add them to the list to view, type done when finished."); List <string> stockNames = new List <string>(); // declaing a string list to add the names to string nameBuffer = ""; while (5 > 1) // infintie loop { nameBuffer = Console.ReadLine(); if (nameBuffer.ToLower() == "done") // checks to see if the user is done entering names before adding the name to the list { Console.Clear(); break; } else { stockNames.Add(nameBuffer); // adds name to list if not done } Console.Clear(); // clears ui and reiprints ui writing the list and soliciting input again Console.WriteLine("What Stocks would you like to trade today? \n "); Console.WriteLine(" \n \n \n List of Stocks Currently Added \n"); for (int i = 0; i < stockNames.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(stockNames[i]); } Console.WriteLine(" \n \n \n \n \n Enter the name to add them to the list to view, type done when finished."); // writes out the names from the list } //end input loop List <Stock> stockList = new List <Stock>(); // make new list of stock classes foreach (string name in stockNames) // make a stock class for each stock name and assign the names to the stocks { Stock stock = new Stock(name); stockList.Add(stock); } List <Stock> assets = new List <Stock>(); // list of owned stocks // game start shows chart of stocks and options while (5 > 1) { Console.Clear(); StockStatus(stockList, math, user); // show status of all stocks Console.WriteLine("You have ${0}.", user.Money); Console.WriteLine("\n \n \n"); Console.WriteLine("You currently have ${0} availible.", user.Money); Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do today?"); Console.WriteLine(" [1] Buy stocks \n [2] Sell stocks \n [3] Read the news \n [4] Go to Next month \n [5] Leave uTrade"); var keyin = Console.ReadKey(); switch (keyin.KeyChar) { case '1': // BUY STOCKS CASE Console.Clear(); StockStatusNum(stockList, math); Console.WriteLine("\n \n Enter the number of the Stock you would like to buy"); stockSelection = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); stockSelection--; Console.WriteLine(" \n And how many of that stock would you like to buy?"); stockOrder = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); yy if (stockOrder * stockList[stockSelection].Price > user.Money) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry you dont have the funds in your account \n press any key to continue.........."); Console.ReadKey(); } else { user.Money -= stockOrder * stockList[stockSelection].Price; stockList[stockSelection].Owned += stockOrder; } break; case '2': // SELL STOCK CASE Console.Clear(); StockStatusNum(stockList, math); Console.WriteLine("\n \n Enter the number of the Stock you would like to buy"); stockSelection = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); stockSelection--; Console.WriteLine("\n How many {0} would you like to sell?", stockList[stockSelection].Name); stockOrder = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (stockOrder > stockList[stockSelection].Owned) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry you dont have that many {0} \n press any key to continue.........", stockList[stockSelection].Name); } else { user.Money += stockOrder * stockList[stockSelection].Price; stockList[stockSelection].Owned -= stockOrder; } break; case '3': // News Case Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("CNN.com/stockinfo \n \n \n "); math.ReadNews(stockList); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to go back to the console."); Console.ReadKey(); break; case '4': // Advance month case math.DelStock(stockList); math.AllMonth(stockList); break; case '5': break; } } }// main end