//this is purely cosmetic and helps describe the squares surrounding the cursor public static void Cardinal(Player Cont, Coordinate Pos) { Coordinate up = new Coordinate(Pos.X, Pos.Y); up.MoveUp(); Coordinate right = new Coordinate(Pos.X, Pos.Y); right.MoveRight(); Coordinate down = new Coordinate(Pos.X, Pos.Y); down.MoveDown(); Coordinate left = new Coordinate(Pos.X, Pos.Y); left.MoveLeft(); System.Console.ForegroundColor = Cont.GetRenderColour(); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 12); Console.WriteLine("{0}'s Turn", Cont.GetPlayerNum); Console.ResetColor(); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0); List <string> CardinalString = new List <string>() { "Centre", "Up", "Right", "Down", "Left" }; List <Coordinate> Direction = new List <Coordinate>() { Pos, up, right, down, left }; for (int card = 0; card < 5; card++) { //Square Check = StishBoard.Instance.getSquare(Coord[card,0], Coord[card, 1]); Square Check = StishBoard.Instance.getSquare(Direction[card]); if (Check != null) { string CheckType; if (Check.Dep.DepType == null) { CheckType = "Nothing"; } else { CheckType = Check.Dep.DepType; } string CheckOwner; if (Check.Owner == null) { CheckOwner = "No One"; } else { CheckOwner = Check.Owner.GetPlayerNum; } Console.SetCursorPosition(4 * 6, (card + 3)); Console.WriteLine("{0} has: {1} Health, contains: {2} , belongs to: {3} , Movement Points: {4}", CardinalString[card], Check.Dep.Health.ToString(), CheckType, CheckOwner, Check.Dep.MP.ToString()); } } }