Esempio n. 1
        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject repulsor, float scareRadius = 40f, float fleeWeight = 0.2f, string idTag = "BOID",
                                                 float cohesionThreshold = 40f, float repulsionThreshold = 10f,
                                                 float wanderRate        = 10f)
            SteeringOutput fleeOutput;

            if ((ownKS.position - repulsor.transform.position).magnitude <= scareRadius)
                fleeOutput = Flee.GetSteering(ownKS, repulsor);
                fleeOutput = NULL_STEERING;

            SteeringOutput result = Flocking.GetSteering(ownKS, idTag, cohesionThreshold, repulsionThreshold, wanderRate);

            // beware, Flocking may return NULL_STEERING. In that case, just apply flee
            if (result == NULL_STEERING)

            result.linearAcceleration  = result.linearAcceleration * (1 - fleeWeight) + fleeOutput.linearAcceleration * fleeWeight;
            result.angularAcceleration = result.angularAcceleration * (1 - fleeWeight) + fleeOutput.angularAcceleration * fleeWeight;

Esempio n. 2
        private static KinematicState surrogateKS;          // kinematic state for surrogate target

        public override SteeringOutput GetSteering()
            // no KS? get it
            if (this.ownKS == null)
                this.ownKS = GetComponent <KinematicState>();

            return(Flocking.GetSteering(this.ownKS, idTag, cohesionThreshold, repulsionThreshold, wanderRate));
Esempio n. 3
        /* other weight configurations:
         * - 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4
         * - 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.4
         * - 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.1
         * Generally a low vm is enough.
         * Generally rp must be higher than co and the rest, otherwise boids touch each other

        public override SteeringOutput GetSteering()
            // no KS? get it
            if (this.ownKS == null)
                this.ownKS = GetComponent <KinematicState>();

            SteeringOutput result = Flocking.GetSteering(this.ownKS, idTag, cohesionThreshold, repulsionThreshold, wanderRate, vmWeight, rpWeight, coWeight, wdWeight);

            base.applyRotationalPolicy(rotationalPolicy, result, null);
        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS,
                                                 string idTag, float cohesionsThreshold, float repulsionThreshold, float wanderRate,
                                                 bool showWhishker, float lookAheadLength, float avoidDistance, float secondaryWhiskerAngle, float secondaryWhiskerRatio)
            // give priority to obstacle avoidance
            SteeringOutput so = ObstacleAvoidance.GetSteering(ownKS, showWhishker, lookAheadLength,
                                                              avoidDistance, secondaryWhiskerAngle, secondaryWhiskerRatio);

            if (so == null)
                return(Flocking.GetSteering(ownKS, idTag, cohesionsThreshold, repulsionThreshold, wanderRate));

        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKs, string idTag, float cohesionThreshold, float repulsionThreshold,
                                                 float wanderRate, float vmWeight, float rpWeight, float coWeight, float wdWeight,
                                                 GameObject target, float distance, float angle,
                                                 float kpWeight)
            SteeringOutput fl = Flocking.GetSteering(ownKs, idTag, cohesionThreshold, repulsionThreshold,
                                                     wanderRate, vmWeight, rpWeight, coWeight, wdWeight);
            SteeringOutput kp = KeepPosition.GetSteering(ownKs, target, distance, angle);

            if (kp == NULL_STEERING)

            fl.linearAcceleration = fl.linearAcceleration * (1 - kpWeight) + kp.linearAcceleration * kpWeight;
            // fl.linearAcceleration = fl.linearAcceleration.normalized * ownKs.maxAcceleration;

Esempio n. 6
        public static SteeringOutput GetSteering(KinematicState ownKS, GameObject attractor, float seekWeight = 0.2f, string idTag = "BOID",
                                                 float cohesionThreshold = 40f, float repulsionThreshold = 10f,
                                                 float wanderRate        = 10f,
                                                 float vmWeight          = 0.08f, float rpWeight = 0.46f, float coWeight = 0.23f, float wdWeight = 023f)
            SteeringOutput seekOutput = Seek.GetSteering(ownKS, attractor);
            SteeringOutput result     = Flocking.GetSteering(ownKS, idTag, cohesionThreshold, repulsionThreshold, wanderRate);

            // beware, Flocking may return NULL_STEERING. In that case, just apply seek
            if (result == NULL_STEERING)

            result.linearAcceleration  = result.linearAcceleration * (1 - seekWeight) + seekOutput.linearAcceleration * seekWeight;
            result.angularAcceleration = result.angularAcceleration * (1 - seekWeight) + seekOutput.angularAcceleration * seekWeight;
