private void LoginBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { UserName.IsTabStop = PassWord.IsTabStop = false; ErrorLabel.Visibility = LoginBtn.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Progress.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; UserName.IsTabStop = PassWord.IsTabStop = true; if (login == null || login.Username != UserName.Text) { login = new UserLogin(UserName.Text, PassWord.Password); } login.TwoFactorCode = TwoFactorCode.Text.ToUpper(); login.EmailCode = EmailCode.Text.ToUpper(); login.CaptchaText = CaptchaText.Text; login.DoLogin(async response => { await Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { ProcessLoginResponse(response); }); }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //This basic loop will log into user accounts you specify, enable the mobile authenticator, and save a maFile (mobile authenticator file) while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Enter user/password: "******"Please enter your email code: "); string code = Console.ReadLine(); login.EmailCode = code; break; case LoginResult.NeedCaptcha: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(APIEndpoints.COMMUNITY_BASE + "/public/captcha.php?gid=" + login.CaptchaGID); //Open a web browser to the captcha image Console.WriteLine("Please enter captcha text: "); string captchaText = Console.ReadLine(); login.CaptchaText = captchaText; break; case LoginResult.Need2FA: Console.WriteLine("Please enter your mobile authenticator code: "); code = Console.ReadLine(); login.TwoFactorCode = code; break; } } AuthenticatorLinker linker = new AuthenticatorLinker(login.Session); linker.PhoneNumber = null; //Set this to non-null to add a new phone number to the account. var result = linker.AddAuthenticator(); if (result != AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.AwaitingFinalization) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to add authenticator: " + result); continue; } try { string sgFile = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(linker.LinkedAccount, Formatting.Indented); string fileName = linker.LinkedAccount.AccountName + ".maFile"; File.WriteAllText(fileName, sgFile); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); Console.WriteLine("EXCEPTION saving maFile. For security, authenticator will not be finalized."); continue; } Console.WriteLine("Please enter SMS code: "); string smsCode = Console.ReadLine(); var linkResult = linker.FinalizeAddAuthenticator(smsCode); if (linkResult != AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.Success) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to finalize authenticator: " + linkResult); } } }
private void btnSteamLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string username = txtUsername.Text; string password = txtPassword.Text; if (LoginReason == LoginType.Android) { FinishExtract(username, password); return; } else if (LoginReason == LoginType.Refresh) { RefreshLogin(username, password); return; } var userLogin = new UserLogin(username, password); LoginResult response = LoginResult.BadCredentials; while ((response = userLogin.DoLogin()) != LoginResult.LoginOkay) { switch (response) { case LoginResult.NeedEmail: InputForm emailForm = new InputForm("Enter the code sent to your email:"); emailForm.ShowDialog(); if (emailForm.Canceled) { this.Close(); return; } userLogin.EmailCode = emailForm.txtBox.Text; break; case LoginResult.NeedCaptcha: CaptchaForm captchaForm = new CaptchaForm(userLogin.CaptchaGID); captchaForm.ShowDialog(); if (captchaForm.Canceled) { this.Close(); return; } userLogin.CaptchaText = captchaForm.CaptchaCode; break; case LoginResult.Need2FA: MessageBox.Show("This account already has a mobile authenticator linked to it.\nRemove the old authenticator from your Steam account before adding a new one.", "Login Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); return; case LoginResult.BadRSA: MessageBox.Show("Error logging in: Steam returned \"BadRSA\".", "Login Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); return; case LoginResult.BadCredentials: MessageBox.Show("Error logging in: Username or password was incorrect.", "Login Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); return; case LoginResult.TooManyFailedLogins: MessageBox.Show("Error logging in: Too many failed logins, try again later.", "Login Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); return; case LoginResult.GeneralFailure: MessageBox.Show("Error logging in: Steam returned \"GeneralFailure\".", "Login Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); return; } } //Login succeeded SessionData session = userLogin.Session; AuthenticatorLinker linker = new AuthenticatorLinker(session); AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult linkResponse = AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.GeneralFailure; while ((linkResponse = linker.AddAuthenticator()) != AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.AwaitingFinalization) { switch (linkResponse) { case AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.MustProvidePhoneNumber: string phoneNumber = ""; while (!PhoneNumberOkay(phoneNumber)) { InputForm phoneNumberForm = new InputForm("Enter your phone number in the following format: +{cC} phoneNumber. EG, +1 123-456-7890"); phoneNumberForm.txtBox.Text = "+1 "; phoneNumberForm.ShowDialog(); if (phoneNumberForm.Canceled) { this.Close(); return; } phoneNumber = FilterPhoneNumber(phoneNumberForm.txtBox.Text); } linker.PhoneNumber = phoneNumber; break; case AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.MustRemovePhoneNumber: linker.PhoneNumber = null; break; case AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.GeneralFailure: MessageBox.Show("Error adding your phone number. Steam returned \"GeneralFailure\"."); this.Close(); return; } } Manifest manifest = Manifest.GetManifest(); string passKey = null; if (manifest.Entries.Count == 0) { passKey = manifest.PromptSetupPassKey("Please enter an encryption passkey. Leave blank or hit cancel to not encrypt (VERY INSECURE)."); } else if (manifest.Entries.Count > 0 && manifest.Encrypted) { bool passKeyValid = false; while (!passKeyValid) { InputForm passKeyForm = new InputForm("Please enter your current encryption passkey."); passKeyForm.ShowDialog(); if (!passKeyForm.Canceled) { passKey = passKeyForm.txtBox.Text; passKeyValid = manifest.VerifyPasskey(passKey); if (!passKeyValid) { MessageBox.Show("That passkey is invalid. Please enter the same passkey you used for your other accounts."); } } else { this.Close(); return; } } } //Save the file immediately; losing this would be bad. if (!manifest.SaveAccount(linker.LinkedAccount, passKey != null, passKey)) { manifest.RemoveAccount(linker.LinkedAccount); MessageBox.Show("Unable to save mobile authenticator file. The mobile authenticator has not been linked."); this.Close(); return; } MessageBox.Show("The Mobile Authenticator has not yet been linked. Before finalizing the authenticator, please write down your revocation code: " + linker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode); AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult finalizeResponse = AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.GeneralFailure; while (finalizeResponse != AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.Success) { InputForm smsCodeForm = new InputForm("Please input the SMS code sent to your phone."); smsCodeForm.ShowDialog(); if (smsCodeForm.Canceled) { manifest.RemoveAccount(linker.LinkedAccount); this.Close(); return; } InputForm confirmRevocationCode = new InputForm("Please enter your revocation code to ensure you've saved it."); confirmRevocationCode.ShowDialog(); if (confirmRevocationCode.txtBox.Text.ToUpper() != linker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode) { MessageBox.Show("Revocation code incorrect; the authenticator has not been linked."); manifest.RemoveAccount(linker.LinkedAccount); this.Close(); return; } string smsCode = smsCodeForm.txtBox.Text; finalizeResponse = linker.FinalizeAddAuthenticator(smsCode); switch (finalizeResponse) { case AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.BadSMSCode: continue; case AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.UnableToGenerateCorrectCodes: MessageBox.Show("Unable to generate the proper codes to finalize this authenticator. The authenticator should not have been linked. In the off-chance it was, please write down your revocation code, as this is the last chance to see it: " + linker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode); manifest.RemoveAccount(linker.LinkedAccount); this.Close(); return; case AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.GeneralFailure: MessageBox.Show("Unable to finalize this authenticator. The authenticator should not have been linked. In the off-chance it was, please write down your revocation code, as this is the last chance to see it: " + linker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode); manifest.RemoveAccount(linker.LinkedAccount); this.Close(); return; } } //Linked, finally. Re-save with FullyEnrolled property. manifest.SaveAccount(linker.LinkedAccount, passKey != null, passKey); MessageBox.Show("Mobile authenticator successfully linked. Please write down your revocation code: " + linker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode); this.Close(); }
private void btnSteamLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string username = txtUsername.Text; string password = txtPassword.Text; mUserLogin = new UserLogin(username, password); LoginResult response = LoginResult.BadCredentials; while ((response = mUserLogin.DoLogin()) != LoginResult.LoginOkay) { switch (response) { case LoginResult.NeedEmail: InputForm emailForm = new InputForm("Enter the code sent to your email:"); emailForm.ShowDialog(); if (emailForm.Canceled) { this.Close(); return; } mUserLogin.EmailCode = emailForm.txtBox.Text; break; case LoginResult.NeedCaptcha: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(String.Format("{0}/public/captcha.php?gid={1}", APIEndpoints.COMMUNITY_BASE, mUserLogin.CaptchaGID)); InputForm captchaForm = new InputForm("Enter the captcha that opened in your browser:"); captchaForm.ShowDialog(); if (captchaForm.Canceled) { this.Close(); return; } mUserLogin.CaptchaText = captchaForm.txtBox.Text; break; case LoginResult.Need2FA: MessageBox.Show("This account already has a mobile authenticator linked to it. Please remove that first."); this.Close(); return; break; } } //Login succeeded SessionData session = mUserLogin.Session; AuthenticatorLinker linker = new AuthenticatorLinker(session); AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult linkResponse = AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.GeneralFailure; while ((linkResponse = linker.AddAuthenticator()) != AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.AwaitingFinalization) { switch (linkResponse) { case AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.MustProvidePhoneNumber: string phoneNumber = ""; while (!PhoneNumberOkay(phoneNumber)) { InputForm phoneNumberForm = new InputForm("Enter your phone number in the following format: +{cC} phoneNumber. EG, +1 123-456-7890"); phoneNumberForm.txtBox.Text = "+1 "; phoneNumberForm.ShowDialog(); if (phoneNumberForm.Canceled) { this.Close(); return; } phoneNumber = FilterPhoneNumber(phoneNumberForm.txtBox.Text); } linker.PhoneNumber = phoneNumber; break; case AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.MustRemovePhoneNumber: linker.PhoneNumber = null; break; case AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.GeneralFailure: this.Close(); return; break; } } //Save the file immediately; losing this would be bad. if (!MobileAuthenticatorFileHandler.SaveMaFile(linker.LinkedAccount)) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to save mobile authenticator file. The mobile authenticator has not been linked."); this.Close(); return; } MessageBox.Show("The Mobile Authenticator has not yet been linked. Before finalizing the authenticator, please write down your revocation code: " + linker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode); AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult finalizeResponse = AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.GeneralFailure; while (finalizeResponse != AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.Success) { InputForm smsCodeForm = new InputForm("Please input the SMS code sent to your phone."); smsCodeForm.ShowDialog(); if (smsCodeForm.Canceled) { MobileAuthenticatorFileHandler.DeleteMaFile(linker.LinkedAccount); this.Close(); return; } InputForm confirmRevocationCode = new InputForm("Please enter your revocation code to ensure you've saved it."); confirmRevocationCode.ShowDialog(); if(confirmRevocationCode.txtBox.Text.ToUpper() != linker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode) { MessageBox.Show("Revocation code incorrect; the authenticator has not been linked."); MobileAuthenticatorFileHandler.DeleteMaFile(linker.LinkedAccount); this.Close(); return; } string smsCode = smsCodeForm.txtBox.Text; finalizeResponse = linker.FinalizeAddAuthenticator(smsCode); switch (finalizeResponse) { case AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.BadSMSCode: continue; break; case AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.UnableToGenerateCorrectCodes: MessageBox.Show("Unable to generate the proper codes to finalize this authenticator. The authenticator should not have been linked. In the off-chance it was, please write down your revocation code, as this is the last chance to see it: " + linker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode); MobileAuthenticatorFileHandler.DeleteMaFile(linker.LinkedAccount); this.Close(); return; break; case AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.GeneralFailure: MessageBox.Show("Unable to finalize this authenticator. The authenticator should not have been linked. In the off-chance it was, please write down your revocation code, as this is the last chance to see it: " + linker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode); MobileAuthenticatorFileHandler.DeleteMaFile(linker.LinkedAccount); this.Close(); return; } } //Linked, finally. Re-save with FullyEnrolled property. MobileAuthenticatorFileHandler.SaveMaFile(linker.LinkedAccount); MessageBox.Show("Mobile authenticator successfully linked. Please write down your revocation code: " + linker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode); this.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Handles logging in after data has been extracted from Android phone /// </summary> /// <param name="username">Steam username</param> /// <param name="password">Steam password</param> private async void FinishExtract(string username, string password) { long steamTime = await TimeAligner.GetSteamTimeAsync(); Manifest man = Manifest.GetManifest(); androidAccount.FullyEnrolled = true; UserLogin mUserLogin = new UserLogin(username, password); LoginResult response = LoginResult.BadCredentials; while ((response = mUserLogin.DoLogin()) != LoginResult.LoginOkay) { switch (response) { case LoginResult.NeedEmail: InputForm emailForm = new InputForm("Enter the code sent to your email:"); emailForm.ShowDialog(); if (emailForm.Canceled) { this.Close(); return; } mUserLogin.EmailCode = emailForm.txtBox.Text; break; case LoginResult.NeedCaptcha: CaptchaForm captchaForm = new CaptchaForm(mUserLogin.CaptchaGID); captchaForm.ShowDialog(); if (captchaForm.Canceled) { this.Close(); return; } mUserLogin.CaptchaText = captchaForm.CaptchaCode; break; case LoginResult.Need2FA: mUserLogin.TwoFactorCode = androidAccount.GenerateSteamGuardCodeForTime(steamTime); break; case LoginResult.BadRSA: MessageBox.Show("Error logging in: Steam returned \"BadRSA\".", "Login Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); return; case LoginResult.BadCredentials: MessageBox.Show("Error logging in: Username or password was incorrect.", "Login Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); return; case LoginResult.TooManyFailedLogins: MessageBox.Show("Error logging in: Too many failed logins, try again later.", "Login Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); return; case LoginResult.GeneralFailure: MessageBox.Show("Error logging in: Steam returned \"GeneralFailure\".", "Login Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); return; } } androidAccount.Session = mUserLogin.Session; HandleManifest(man); }
private bool LinkMobileAuthenticator() { if (SteamGuardAccount != null) { return false; } Logging.LogGenericInfo("Linking new ASF MobileAuthenticator...", BotName); UserLogin userLogin = new UserLogin(SteamLogin, SteamPassword); LoginResult loginResult; while ((loginResult = userLogin.DoLogin()) != LoginResult.LoginOkay) { switch (loginResult) { case LoginResult.NeedEmail: userLogin.EmailCode = Program.GetUserInput(BotName, Program.EUserInputType.SteamGuard); break; default: Logging.LogGenericError("Unhandled situation: " + loginResult, BotName); return false; } } AuthenticatorLinker authenticatorLinker = new AuthenticatorLinker(userLogin.Session); AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult linkResult; while ((linkResult = authenticatorLinker.AddAuthenticator()) != AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.AwaitingFinalization) { switch (linkResult) { case AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.MustProvidePhoneNumber: authenticatorLinker.PhoneNumber = Program.GetUserInput(BotName, Program.EUserInputType.PhoneNumber); break; default: Logging.LogGenericError("Unhandled situation: " + linkResult, BotName); return false; } } SteamGuardAccount = authenticatorLinker.LinkedAccount; try { File.WriteAllText(MobileAuthenticatorFile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(SteamGuardAccount)); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.LogGenericException(e, BotName); return false; } AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult finalizeResult = authenticatorLinker.FinalizeAddAuthenticator(Program.GetUserInput(BotName, Program.EUserInputType.SMS)); if (finalizeResult != AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.Success) { Logging.LogGenericError("Unhandled situation: " + finalizeResult, BotName); DelinkMobileAuthenticator(); return false; } Logging.LogGenericInfo("Successfully linked ASF as new mobile authenticator for this account!", BotName); Program.GetUserInput(BotName, Program.EUserInputType.RevocationCode, SteamGuardAccount.RevocationCode); return true; }
private static void SteamAuthLogin() { var authLogin = new UserLogin(_config.Username, _config.Password); LoginResult result; do { result = authLogin.DoLogin(); switch (result) { case LoginResult.NeedEmail: Console.Write("An email was sent to this account's address, please enter the code here to continue: "); authLogin.EmailCode = Console.ReadLine(); break; case LoginResult.NeedCaptcha: Process.Start("" + authLogin.CaptchaGID); Console.Write("Please enter the captcha that just opened up on your default browser: "); authLogin.CaptchaText = Console.ReadLine(); break; case LoginResult.Need2FA: Console.Write("Please enter in your authenticator code: "); authLogin.TwoFactorCode = Console.ReadLine(); break; default: throw new Exception("Case was not accounted for. Case: " + result); } } while (result != LoginResult.LoginOkay); AuthenticatorLinker linker = new AuthenticatorLinker(authLogin.Session); Console.Write("Please enter the number you wish to associate this account in the format +1XXXXXXXXXX where +1 is your country code, leave blank if no new number is desired: "); string phoneNumber = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(phoneNumber)) phoneNumber = null; linker.PhoneNumber = phoneNumber; AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult linkResult = linker.AddAuthenticator(); if (linkResult != AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.AwaitingFinalization) { Console.WriteLine("Could not add authenticator: " + linkResult); Console.WriteLine( "If you attempted to link an already linked account, please tell FatherFoxxy to get off his ass and implement the new stuff."); return; } if (!SaveMobileAuth(linker)) { Console.WriteLine("Issue saving auth file, link operation abandoned."); return; } Console.WriteLine( "You should have received an SMS code, please input it here. If the code does not arrive, please input a blank line to abandon the operation."); AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult finalizeResult; do { Console.Write("SMS Code: "); string smsCode = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(smsCode)) return; finalizeResult = linker.FinalizeAddAuthenticator(smsCode); } while (finalizeResult != AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.BadSMSCode); }
/// <summary> /// Login button /// </summary> private void loginButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string susername = usernameText.Text; string spassword = passwordText.Text; if(susername.Length > 0 && spassword.Length > 0) { userLogin = new UserLogin(susername, spassword); LoginResult loginres = LoginResult.BadCredentials; while((loginres = userLogin.DoLogin()) != LoginResult.LoginOkay) { /*We need to enter the email code to access the account*/ if(loginres == LoginResult.NeedEmail) { InputForm emailForm = new InputForm("Enter the code sent to the email account associated with the account."); emailForm.ShowDialog(); if(emailForm.inputCancelled) { Close(); return; } userLogin.EmailCode = emailForm.inputText.Text; continue; } /*We need the captcha ...*/ if(loginres == LoginResult.NeedCaptcha) { Process.Start(string.Format("{0}/public/captcha.php?gid={1}", APIEndpoints.COMMUNITY_BASE, userLogin.CaptchaGID)); InputForm captchaForm = new InputForm("Enter the captcha code that is showing in your browser."); captchaForm.ShowDialog(); if(captchaForm.inputCancelled) { Close(); return; } userLogin.CaptchaText = captchaForm.inputText.Text; continue; } /*We need mobile auth code ...*/ /*The user needs to remove existing authenticator before we can proceed, so we'll just bail out*/ if(loginres == LoginResult.Need2FA) { MessageBox.Show("Please remove the existing authenticator device you have attatched to your account to in order to proceed."); Close(); return; } /*Incorrect password or similar*/ if(loginres == LoginResult.GeneralFailure) { MessageBox.Show("Trouble logging in.\nWrong password?"); Close(); return; } } /*Login successful, proceed*/ SessionData sessionData = userLogin.Session; AuthenticatorLinker authLinker = new AuthenticatorLinker((sessionData)); AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult authResult = AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.GeneralFailure; while ((authResult = authLinker.AddAuthenticator()) != AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.AwaitingFinalization) { /*We need phone number to proceed*/ if(authResult == AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.MustProvidePhoneNumber) { string phoneNumber = string.Empty; while(!ValidPhoneNumberInput(phoneNumber)) { InputForm phoneNumberForm = new InputForm("Enter your phone number in the following format:\n+1 123-456-7890"); phoneNumberForm.inputText.Text = "+1 "; phoneNumberForm.ShowDialog(); if(phoneNumberForm.inputCancelled) { Close(); return; } phoneNumber = FilterPhoneNumber(phoneNumberForm.inputText.Text); } authLinker.PhoneNumber = phoneNumber; continue; } /*Remove previous number attatched to the account*/ if(authResult == AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.MustRemovePhoneNumber) { authLinker.PhoneNumber = string.Empty; continue; } /*Oops*/ if(authResult == AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.GeneralFailure) { MessageBox.Show("Something bad happened..."); Close(); return; } } /*Taking a pause to save the information that we've gathered thus far*/ if(!FileHandler.SaveSGAFile(authLinker.LinkedAccount)) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to save the current data. The authenticator has not been linked.", "Error"); Close(); return; } /*Final checks*/ AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult finalRes = AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.GeneralFailure; while(finalRes != AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.Success) { /*Get SMS code that was sent to users phone, providing the number was correct*/ InputForm smsForm = new InputForm("Enter the SMS code you received on your phone."); smsForm.ShowDialog(); if(smsForm.inputCancelled) { /*Delete file here*/ FileHandler.DeleteSGAFile(authLinker.LinkedAccount); Close(); return; } /*Finalize the process and check last things*/ finalRes = authLinker.FinalizeAddAuthenticator(smsForm.inputText.Text); /*Check if the SMS code was bad*/ if(finalRes == AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.BadSMSCode) { MessageBox.Show("Incorrect SMS code. Try again."); continue; } /*General failure number one*/ if(finalRes == AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.UnableToGenerateCorrectCodes || finalRes == AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.GeneralFailure) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unable to generate correct codes.\nThe authenticator has not been linked.\n\n" + "However, please write the revocation code down just incase:\n\n {0}", authLinker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode), "Error"); /*Delete file here*/ FileHandler.DeleteSGAFile(authLinker.LinkedAccount); Close(); return; } } /*Finally done - save everything*/ if(!FileHandler.SaveSGAFile(authLinker.LinkedAccount)) { MessageBox.Show("Save failed."); //Do something about it } MessageBox.Show("Mobile authenticator successfully linked.\nRevocation code: " + authLinker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode, "Success!"); Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Missing login details."); } }
private void ImportAuthenticator(string maFilePath) { if (BotDatabase.SteamGuardAccount != null || !File.Exists(maFilePath)) { return; } Logging.LogGenericInfo("Converting SDA .maFile into ASF format...", BotName); try { BotDatabase.SteamGuardAccount = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SteamGuardAccount>(File.ReadAllText(maFilePath)); File.Delete(maFilePath); Logging.LogGenericInfo("Success!", BotName); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.LogGenericException(e, BotName); return; } // If this is SDA file, then we should already have everything ready if (BotDatabase.SteamGuardAccount.Session != null) { Logging.LogGenericInfo("Successfully finished importing mobile authenticator!", BotName); return; } // But here we're dealing with WinAuth authenticator Logging.LogGenericInfo("ASF requires a few more steps to complete authenticator import...", BotName); if (!InitializeLoginAndPassword()) { return; } UserLogin userLogin = new UserLogin(BotConfig.SteamLogin, BotConfig.SteamPassword); LoginResult loginResult; while ((loginResult = userLogin.DoLogin()) != LoginResult.LoginOkay) { switch (loginResult) { case LoginResult.Need2FA: userLogin.TwoFactorCode = Program.GetUserInput(Program.EUserInputType.TwoFactorAuthentication, BotName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userLogin.TwoFactorCode)) { return; } break; default: Logging.LogGenericError("Unhandled situation: " + loginResult, BotName); return; } } if (userLogin.Session == null) { BotDatabase.SteamGuardAccount = null; Logging.LogGenericError("Session is invalid, linking can't be completed!", BotName); return; } BotDatabase.SteamGuardAccount.FullyEnrolled = true; BotDatabase.SteamGuardAccount.Session = userLogin.Session; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BotDatabase.SteamGuardAccount.DeviceID)) { BotDatabase.SteamGuardAccount.DeviceID = Program.GetUserInput(Program.EUserInputType.DeviceID, BotName); } BotDatabase.Save(); Logging.LogGenericInfo("Successfully finished importing mobile authenticator!", BotName); }
private void LinkMobileAuthenticator() { if (BotDatabase.SteamGuardAccount != null) { return; } Logging.LogGenericInfo("Linking new ASF MobileAuthenticator...", BotName); if (!InitializeLoginAndPassword()) { return; } UserLogin userLogin = new UserLogin(BotConfig.SteamLogin, BotConfig.SteamPassword); LoginResult loginResult; while ((loginResult = userLogin.DoLogin()) != LoginResult.LoginOkay) { switch (loginResult) { case LoginResult.NeedEmail: userLogin.EmailCode = Program.GetUserInput(Program.EUserInputType.SteamGuard, BotName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userLogin.EmailCode)) { return; } break; default: Logging.LogGenericError("Unhandled situation: " + loginResult, BotName); return; } } AuthenticatorLinker authenticatorLinker = new AuthenticatorLinker(userLogin.Session); AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult linkResult; while ((linkResult = authenticatorLinker.AddAuthenticator()) != AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.AwaitingFinalization) { switch (linkResult) { case AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.MustProvidePhoneNumber: authenticatorLinker.PhoneNumber = Program.GetUserInput(Program.EUserInputType.PhoneNumber, BotName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authenticatorLinker.PhoneNumber)) { return; } break; default: Logging.LogGenericError("Unhandled situation: " + linkResult, BotName); return; } } BotDatabase.SteamGuardAccount = authenticatorLinker.LinkedAccount; string sms = Program.GetUserInput(Program.EUserInputType.SMS, BotName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sms)) { Logging.LogGenericWarning("Aborted!", BotName); DelinkMobileAuthenticator(); return; } AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult finalizeResult; while ((finalizeResult = authenticatorLinker.FinalizeAddAuthenticator(sms)) != AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.Success) { switch (finalizeResult) { case AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.BadSMSCode: sms = Program.GetUserInput(Program.EUserInputType.SMS, BotName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sms)) { Logging.LogGenericWarning("Aborted!", BotName); DelinkMobileAuthenticator(); return; } break; default: Logging.LogGenericError("Unhandled situation: " + finalizeResult, BotName); DelinkMobileAuthenticator(); return; } } // Ensure that we also save changes made by finalization step (if any) BotDatabase.Save(); Logging.LogGenericInfo("Successfully linked ASF as new mobile authenticator for this account!", BotName); Program.GetUserInput(Program.EUserInputType.RevocationCode, BotName, BotDatabase.SteamGuardAccount.RevocationCode); }