public ActionScreen(Game game, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Viewport vp) : base(game, spriteBatch) { tMap = new Terrain(game); cam = new Camera2D(vp); unit = new Building(spriteBatch, game, cam, mouse); }
public StatusBar(Vector2 pos, Texture2D img, int len, Rectangle size, string Direction, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Camera2D cam) { this.position = pos; this.image = img; this.length = len; this.size = size; this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch; = cam; length = (int)(length / 10); pImgA = new PosImg[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { pImg = new PosImg(position, image); pImgA[i] = pImg; if (Direction == "Right") { position.X += size.Width + 1; } else if (Direction == "Left") { position.X -= size.Width - 1; } else if (Direction == "Up") { position.Y -= size.Height - 1; } else if (Direction == "Down") { position.Y += size.Height + 1; } } }
public UnitBase(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Game game, Camera2D cam, MouseHandler mH) { selectionTexture = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("UtilityTextures/SBox"); this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch; = cam; this.mH = mH; oType = "unitbase"; }
public MinionBase(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Game game, Camera2D cam, MouseHandler mH) : base(spriteBatch, game, cam, mH) { Image = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("KC_Pong"); ImageRec = new Rectangle((int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y, Image.Width, Image.Height); Position = new Vector2(50, 50); OType = "minionbase"; Health = 100; ui = new UI(game, spriteBatch, cam, mH, this); unitName = "Minion!"; }
public BuildandUpgrade(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Camera2D cam, Texture2D image, Vector2 pos) { this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch; = cam; this.image = image; size.Width = 30; size.Height = 30; this.position = pos; size.X = (int)position.X; size.Y = (int)position.Y; }
public void DrawTerrain(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Camera2D cam) { for (int y = 0; y < newTerrain.GetLength(0); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < newTerrain.GetLength(1); x++) { spriteBatch.Draw(tiles[newTerrain[y, x]], new Rectangle(x * tileWidth - cam.CamPosX, y * tileHeight - cam.CamPosY, tileWidth, tileHeight), Color.White); } } }
public BandUList(Game game, SpriteBatch sB, Camera2D cam, Texture2D image, Vector2 pos, Building.BuildingList bL) { this.spriteBatch = sB; = cam; structPos = pos; bPos = structPos; structImg = image; bList = bL; UpgradeImage = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Upgrade"); BuildImage = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Build"); initialBuild = new BuildandUpgrade(sB, cam, BuildImage, pos); initialUpgrade = new BuildandUpgrade(sB, cam, UpgradeImage, pos); }
//**************************************** // THIS IS FOR THE MINION CLASS //**************************************** public UI(Game game, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Camera2D cam, MouseHandler mH, MinionBase m) { = game; this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch; = cam; this.mH = mH; pos = new Vector2(m.Position.X, m.ImageRec.Height); progBox = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("UtilityTextures/RedBox"); healthBox = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("UtilityTextures/RedBox"); size = new Rectangle((int)m.Position.X, (int)m.Position.Y, m.ImageRec.Width / 10, 10); sBar = new StatusBar(m.Position, healthBox, health, size, "Right", spriteBatch, cam); //font spriteName = game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("menufont"); fontLoc = new Vector2(m.Position.X, m.Position.Y - 10); name = m.UnitName; }
public Building(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Game game, Camera2D cam, MouseHandler mH) : base(spriteBatch, game, cam, mH) { Image = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("CPU_Pong"); ImageRec = new Rectangle((int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y, Image.Width, Image.Height); unitName = "test"; uniqueName = "101"; OType = "building"; Health = 100; bList = BuildingList.Barracks; bUL = new BandUList(game, spriteBatch, cam, this.Image, this.Position, bList); uI = new UI(game, spriteBatch, cam, mH, this); this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch; = game; = cam; this.mH = mH; }
//**************************************** // THIS IS FOR THE BUILDING CLASS //**************************************** public UI(Game game, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Camera2D cam, MouseHandler mH, Building b) { = game; this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch; = cam; this.mH = mH; pos = new Vector2(b.Position.X, b.ImageRec.Height); size = new Rectangle((int)b.Position.X, (int)b.Position.Y, b.ImageRec.Width / 10, 10); progBox = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("UtilityTextures/RedBox"); healthBox = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("UtilityTextures/RedBox"); sBar = new StatusBar(pos, healthBox, health, size, "Right", spriteBatch, cam); //font spriteName = game.Content.Load<SpriteFont>("menufont"); fontLoc = new Vector2(b.Position.X, b.Position.Y - 10); name = b.UnitName; //Console.WriteLine("Font Location: " + fontLoc.X + ", " + fontLoc.Y); }