private void UpdateAnimations(object sender, UpdateTickedEventArgs e) { if (contentPatcher == null) { var modData = Helper.ModRegistry.Get("Pathoschild.ContentPatcher"); contentPatcher = (StardewModdingAPI.Mod)modData.GetType().GetProperty("Mod", PrivateI | PublicI).GetValue(modData); var patchManager = contentPatcher.GetType().GetField("PatchManager", PrivateI).GetValue(contentPatcher); cpPatches = (IEnumerable)patchManager.GetType().GetField("Patches", PrivateI).GetValue(patchManager); CollectPatches(); } ++frameCounter; foreach (var patch in animatedPatches) { if (!patch.Value.IsActive.Invoke() || patch.Value.Source == null || patch.Value.Target == null) { continue; } if (frameCounter % patch.Key.AnimationFrameTime == 0) { if (++patch.Value.CurrentFrame >= patch.Key.AnimationFrameCount) { patch.Value.CurrentFrame = 0; } var sourceRect = patch.Key.FromArea; sourceRect.X += patch.Value.CurrentFrame * sourceRect.Width; var cols = new Color[sourceRect.Width * sourceRect.Height]; patch.Value.Source.GetData(0, sourceRect, cols, 0, cols.Length); patch.Value.Target.SetData(0, patch.Key.ToArea, cols, 0, cols.Length); } } }
public override void Entry(IModHelper helper) { Mod.Instance = this; this.GreenhouseExterior = this.Helper.Content.Load <Texture2D>("assets/GreenhouseConstruction_Greenhouse.png"); helper.Events.GameLoop.GameLaunched += this.onGameLaunched; helper.Events.Display.MenuChanged += this.OnMenuChanged; helper.Events.Player.Warped += this.onWarped; helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveLoaded += this.FixWarps; }
public InventoryPage(StardewModdingAPI.Mod mod, int xPositionOnScreen, int yPositionOnScreen, int width, int height) : base(xPositionOnScreen, yPositionOnScreen, width, height) { this.mod = mod; hoverAmountField = mod.Helper.Reflection.GetField <int>(this, "hoverAmount"); hoveredItemField = mod.Helper.Reflection.GetField <Item>(this, "hoveredItem"); hoverTextField = mod.Helper.Reflection.GetField <string>(this, "hoverText"); hoverTitleField = mod.Helper.Reflection.GetField <string>(this, "hoverTitle"); trashCanLidRotationField = mod.Helper.Reflection.GetField <float>(this, "trashCanLidRotation"); drawAction = DrawModInventoryPage; }
private void UpdateAnimations(object sender, UpdateTickedEventArgs e) { if (contentPatcher == null) { var modData = Helper.ModRegistry.Get("Pathoschild.ContentPatcher"); contentPatcher = (StardewModdingAPI.Mod)modData.GetType().GetProperty("Mod", PrivateI | PublicI).GetValue(modData); var patchManager = contentPatcher.GetType().GetField("PatchManager", PrivateI).GetValue(contentPatcher); cpPatches = (IEnumerable)patchManager.GetType().GetField("Patches", PrivateI).GetValue(patchManager); CollectPatches(); } if (findTargetsCounter > 0 && --findTargetsCounter == 0) { UpdateTargetTextures(); } while (findTargetsQueue.Count > 0) { var patch = findTargetsQueue.Dequeue(); UpdateTargetTextures(patch); } ++frameCounter;[0] = null; foreach (var patch in animatedPatches) { if (!patch.Value.IsActive.Invoke() || patch.Value.Source == null || patch.Value.Target == null) { continue; } if (frameCounter % patch.Key.AnimationFrameTime == 0) { if (++patch.Value.CurrentFrame >= patch.Key.AnimationFrameCount) { patch.Value.CurrentFrame = 0; } var sourceRect = patch.Value.FromAreaFunc.Invoke(); sourceRect.X += patch.Value.CurrentFrame * sourceRect.Width; var targetRect = patch.Value.ToAreaFunc.Invoke(); if (targetRect == Rectangle.Empty) { targetRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, sourceRect.Width, sourceRect.Height); } var cols = new Color[sourceRect.Width * sourceRect.Height]; patch.Value.Source.GetData(0, sourceRect, cols, 0, cols.Length); patch.Value.Target.SetData(0, targetRect, cols, 0, cols.Length); } } }
public override void Entry(IModHelper helper) { instance = this; var modData = helper.ModRegistry.Get("Pathoschild.ContentPatcher"); contentPatcher = (StardewModdingAPI.Mod)modData.GetType().GetProperty("Mod", PrivateI | PublicI).GetValue(modData); var patchManager = contentPatcher.GetType().GetField("PatchManager", PrivateI).GetValue(contentPatcher); cpPatches = (IEnumerable)patchManager.GetType().GetField("Patches", PrivateI).GetValue(patchManager); CollectPatches(); Helper.Events.GameLoop.UpdateTicked += UpdateAnimations; Helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveCreated += UpdateTargetTextures; Helper.Events.GameLoop.SaveLoaded += UpdateTargetTextures; Helper.Events.GameLoop.DayStarted += UpdateTargetTextures; }
public JsonAssets(StardewModdingAPI.Mod mod) { Mod = mod; JA = GetAssemblyByName("JsonAssets"); if (JA == null) { Mod.Monitor.Log("Could not locate the JsonAssets assembly, mod will not be functional.", LogLevel.Warn); return; } JaMod = JA.GetType("JsonAssets.Mod"); if (JaMod == null) { Mod.Monitor.Log("Could not locate the JsonAssets mod class, mod will not be functional.", LogLevel.Warn); return; } var i = JaMod.GetField("instance", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static); if (i == null) { Mod.Monitor.Log("Could not locate the JsonAssets mod instance field, mod will not be functional.", LogLevel.Warn); return; } JaModInstance = i.GetValue(null); if (JaModInstance == null) { Mod.Monitor.Log("Could not locate the JsonAssets mod instance, mod will not be functional.", LogLevel.Warn); return; } RegisterObjectMethod = JaMod.GetMethod("RegisterObject", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public); if (RegisterObjectMethod == null) { Mod.Monitor.Log("Could not locate the JsonAssets RegisterObject function, mod will not be functional.", LogLevel.Warn); return; } ObjectDataType = JA.GetType("JsonAssets.Data.ObjectData"); if (ObjectDataType == null) { Mod.Monitor.Log("Could not locate the JsonAssets ObjectData class, mod will not be functional.", LogLevel.Warn); return; } IsHappy = true; }
public static bool FixSchedules(StardewModdingAPI.Mod __instance) { if (!Config.IsEnabled || !Config.Extras.ModPatches.PatchCustomNPCFixes) { return(true); } List <NPC?> allCharacters = Utility.getAllCharacters(new()) !; var processedSet = new ConcurrentDictionary <NPC, byte>(); Parallel.ForEach(allCharacters, npc => { if (npc is null) { return; } if (npc.Schedule is not null) { return; } if (!processedSet.TryAdd(npc, 0)) { return; } try { var schedule = npc.getSchedule(Game1.dayOfMonth); npc.Schedule = schedule; npc.checkSchedule(Game1.timeOfDay); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Warning($"CustomNPCFixes Override: Exception processing schedule for NPC '{npc.Name}'", ex); } }); return(false); }