private void doClone(MonstorSpr m) { pausebg = true; if (currClone != null) { Destroy(currClone); Debug.Log("销毁生成的"); } Debug.Log("生成clone " + Time.time); GameObject go = m.go; if (currIndex == 0) { first =; //GameEntry.Event.Fire(this, new ChooseMonstorEvent(first)); this.showFirstComList(); } else { second =; } //音效 GameEntry.Sound.PlaySound(1); //特效 doEffect(); currClone = Instantiate(go) as GameObject; currClone.transform.parent = monsSpr.transform; currClone.transform.localPosition = go.transform.localPosition; m.SetActive(false); }
public void SetData(DRMonster d) { = d; this.used = true; leftTime = 0; monBase.SetActive(true); monBase.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, -90); w = -0.4f; moveFlag = false; //Debug.Log("显示"); go.transform.Find("Text").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = data.BName; string imgUrl = AssetUtility.GetUIImageAssets(data.asset); GameEntry.Resource.LoadAsset(imgUrl, new LoadAssetCallbacks((assetName, asset, duration, userData) => { //Log.Info("Load font '{0}' OK.{1}", imgUrl,asset); //Image img = go.GetComponent<Image>(); //创建Sprite Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)asset; Sprite sprite = Sprite.Create(texture, new Rect(0, 0, texture.width, texture.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); img.sprite = sprite; }, (assetName, status, errorMessage, userData) => { Log.Error("Can not load font '{0}' from '{1}' with error message '{2}'.", data.asset, assetName, errorMessage); })); }
//结果判断 private void doEndStory(DRMonster dMon) { Debug.Log("游戏结束 完成结局"); GameEntry.Sound.PlaySound(8); GameObject endGo = this.gameObject.transform.Find("endTxt").gameObject; endGo.GetComponent <Text>().text = getEndStory(dMon.endValue.ToString()); endingSprImg.SetActive(true); showStartButton(); m_start = false; }
//生成怪物 public void GenerateMonstor() { int l = genMonstors.Count; DRMonster monData = generateSingle(); if (l < maxNum) { } else { //删除第一个 genMonstors.RemoveAt(0); } genMonstors.Add(monData); //显示 GameEntry.Event.Fire(this, new MonstorCountChange(genMonstors)); }
private void setMonInfo(GameObject go, DRMonster data) { GameObject ts = go.transform.Find("Text").gameObject; GameObject img = go.transform.Find("Image").gameObject; string asset = "wrong"; if (data != null) { string info = data.BName; ts.GetComponent <Text>().text = info; asset = data.asset; } else { ts.GetComponent <Text>().text = "失败"; } LoadAndSetImage(asset, img.GetComponent <Image>()); }
private void clearShow(bool des = false) { if (des) { //音效 GameEntry.Sound.PlaySound(5); showCompose(null, first, second); setHp(failSub); } first = null; second = null; firstGO.gameObject.SetActive(false); secondGO.gameObject.SetActive(false); lImg.SetActive(false); rImg.SetActive(false); //finGO.gameObject.SetActive(false); tableView.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
private static void ShowBiology(this EntityComponent entityComponent, Type logicType, string entityGroup, EntityData data) { if (data == null) { Log.Warning("Data is invalid."); return; } IDataTable <DRMonster> dtEntity = GameEntry.DataTable.GetDataTable <DRMonster>(); DRMonster drEntity = dtEntity.GetDataRow(data.Id); if (drEntity == null) { Log.Warning("Can not load entity id '{0}' from data table.", data.TypeId.ToString()); return; } entityComponent.ShowEntity(data.Id, logicType, AssetUtility.GetBiology("MonstorPrefab"), entityGroup, data); }
public void InitConfig() { //获得第一类怪物 IDataTable <DRMonster> dtMonstor = GameEntry.DataTable.GetDataTable <DRMonster>(); DRMonster[] list = dtMonstor.GetAllDataRows(); currMonstors = new List <DRMonster>(); genMonstors = new List <DRMonster>(); int lent = list.Length; for (int i = 0; i < lent; i++) { DRMonster dr = list[i]; if (dr.IsFirst()) { currMonstors.Add(dr); } } }
protected internal override void OnOpen(object userData) #endif { base.OnOpen(userData); InitConfig(); upFlag = true; lastTime = 0; currIndex = 0; tickTime = 0; curPos = ufoMpoveImg.transform.localPosition; int ll = goMons.Length; monPool = new MonstorSpr[ll]; transAndPoss = new TransformAndPos[ll]; for (int i = 0; i < ll; i++) { GameObject go = goMons[i]; monPool[i] = new MonstorSpr(go); transAndPoss[i] = new TransformAndPos(go.transform.localPosition, go.transform.localScale); } tableView.InitTableView(null, 0, updateItem); startBtn = Buttons.transform.Find("Start").gameObject; pauseBtn = Buttons.transform.Find("pause").gameObject; quitBtn = Buttons.transform.Find("quit").gameObject; //monsSpr = this.transform.Find("monsSpr").gameObject; defaultMon = new DRMonster(); defaultMon.asset = "none"; defaultMon.BName = "未知"; sld.maxValue = maxHp; sld.value = maxHp; lastHp = curHp; firTrans = firstGO.transform.localPosition; secTrans = secondGO.transform.localPosition; this.showStartButton(); }
//添加到怪物->生成 表 private void addToGenList(DRMonster data, DRMonster fir, DRMonster sec) { if (data.Id != 100 && data.Id != 200) { currMonstors.Add(data); if (myDictionary.ContainsKey(fir.Id)) { myDictionary[fir.Id].AddCompose(new SimpleName(sec, data)); } else { ComposedMon cmon = new ComposedMon(); myDictionary.Add(fir.Id, cmon); cmon.AddCompose(new SimpleName(sec, data)); } if (myDictionary.ContainsKey(sec.Id)) { myDictionary[fir.Id].AddCompose(new SimpleName(sec, data)); } else { ComposedMon cmon = new ComposedMon(); myDictionary.Add(sec.Id, cmon); cmon.AddCompose(new SimpleName(fir, data)); } //完全合成之后不再显示这怪物 if ((myDictionary[fir.Id].currMonstors.Count >= DRSynthesis.allDictionary[fir.Id].Count())) { delMonWithId(fir); } if (fir.Id != sec.Id) { if ((myDictionary[sec.Id].currMonstors.Count >= DRSynthesis.allDictionary[sec.Id].Count())) { delMonWithId(sec); } } } }
private void showCompose(DRMonster data, DRMonster fir, DRMonster sec) { string asset = "wrong"; string BName = "失败"; if (data != null) { asset = data.asset; BName = data.BName; } string imgUrl = AssetUtility.GetUIImageAssets(asset); GameEntry.Resource.LoadAsset(imgUrl, new LoadAssetCallbacks((assetName, assete, duration, userData) => { //Log.Info("Load font '{0}' OK.{1}", imgUrl,asset); Image img = finGO.GetComponent <Image>(); //创建Sprite Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)assete; Sprite sprite = Sprite.Create(texture, new Rect(0, 0, texture.width, texture.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); img.sprite = sprite; finGO.transform.Find("Text").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = BName; finGO.SetActive(true); Invoke("hideFinGo", 1.2f); clearShow(); }, (assetName, status, errorMessage, userData) => { Log.Error("Can not load font '{0}' from '{1}' with error message '{2}'.", asset, assetName, errorMessage); })); }
public ChooseMonstorEvent(DRMonster mons) { mData = mons; }
private void delMonWithId(DRMonster data) { allGenWithDelet.Add(data.Id, true); Debug.Log("删除" + data.Id); currMonstors.Remove(data); }
private void doCompose() { pausebg = false; if (first == null || second == null) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("存在空 {0} {1}", first == null, second == null)); return; } Debug.Log("开始合成 .. " + first.Id + " " + second.Id); string cid = first.Id + "_" + second.Id; IDataTable <DRSynthesis> dtScene = GameEntry.DataTable.GetDataTable <DRSynthesis>(); DRSynthesis[] list = dtScene.GetAllDataRows(); DRSynthesis drScene = null; int lent = list.Length; for (int i = 0; i < lent; i++) { DRSynthesis dr = list[i]; if (dr.Id_Id.Equals(cid)) { drScene = dr; break; } } if (drScene != null) { drScene.CanCompose(); string tid = drScene.cId; Debug.Log("合成id" + drScene.cId); if (tid != null && tid != "") { //查找表 IDataTable <DRMonster> dtmon = GameEntry.DataTable.GetDataTable <DRMonster>(); DRMonster drmon = dtmon.GetDataRow(int.Parse(tid)); if (drmon != null) { DRMonster dmon = currMonstors.Find((DRMonster obj) => drmon.Id == obj.Id); if (dmon == null) { Debug.Log("添加新物种" + drmon.Id + " " + drmon.asset); addToGenList(drmon, first, second); if (drmon.Id != 200 && drmon.Id != 100) { setHp(sucAddOnce); } else if (drmon.Id == 200) { //setHp(failSub); } } else { Debug.Log("已有物种" + drmon.Id + " " + drmon.asset); if (drmon.Id != 200 && drmon.Id != 100) { setHp(sucAdd); } else if (drmon.Id == 200) { //setHp(failSub); } } //显示合成 //音效 GameEntry.Sound.PlaySound(drmon.soundId); showCompose(drmon, first, second); //显示提示 tipTxt.text = drmon.intro; eimg.SetActive(true); eimg.transform.Find("infoTxt").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = drmon.intro; Invoke("hideTxt", 0.8f); //drmon.endValue = 1000; if (drmon.endValue >= 1000) { //结束 m_start = false; doEndStory(drmon); } } else { //todo 配置 //是不是平局 //if (tid.Equals("100")) //{ // //音效 // GameEntry.Sound.PlaySound(5); // clearShow(false,"ashes","灰烬"); //}else if (tid.Equals("200")) //{ // clearShow(true,"wrong","残渣"); //}else //{ clearShow(true); //} } } else { clearShow(true); } } else { clearShow(true); } }
public bool hasAdd(DRMonster d) { return(d.Id == comMon.Id); }
public SimpleName(DRMonster c, DRMonster t) { this.comMon = c; this.toMon = t; }
private MonstorSpr generateSingle() { int num = currMonstors.Count; DRMonster mon = null; int tryCount = 0; //是否有选中 if (first != null && myDictionary.ContainsKey(first.Id)) { //增加可合成几率 //可合成的材料 int sNum = myDictionary[first.Id].currMonstors.Count; int allNum = sNum + num; int t = Mathf.FloorToInt(Random.Range(0, allNum)); int r = (int)t; //默认逻辑 while (tryCount < 9) { if (r >= num) { mon = myDictionary[first.Id].currMonstors[r - num].comMon; } else { mon = currMonstors[r]; //Debug.Log("使用monstor" + (mon ==null)); } Debug.Log(num + " 随机数生成 " + r); if (mon != null && mon.Id != lastGenId) { break; } //伪随机 r++; r = r > allNum - 1 ? 0 : r; tryCount++; } } else { int t = Mathf.FloorToInt(Random.Range(0, num)); int r = (int)t; //默认逻辑 while (tryCount < 9) { Debug.Log(num + " 随机数 " + r); mon = currMonstors[r]; //Debug.Log("使用monstor" + (mon == null)); if (mon != null && mon.Id != lastGenId) { break; } //伪随机 r++; r = r > num - 1 ? 0 : r; tryCount++; } } lastGenId = mon.Id; for (int i = 0; i < goMons.Length; i++) { if (monPool[i].used == false) { monPool[i].SetData(mon); return(monPool[i]); } } return(null); }