private static async Task HandleAutomatedCustomization(CustomizationHelper helper)
            var sourceIdStr = helper.EnsureValid(helper.StringValueOf(helper.Context.AdditionalProperties, "Id"), s => s != null,
                                                 $"The source Id is missing in the customization context: {helper.Context}");
            var sourceVariables = helper.ArrayValueOf(helper.Context.AdditionalProperties, "Variables");

            //Get source Id
            helper.EnsureValid(int.TryParse(sourceIdStr, out var sourceId), v => v,
                               $"The source Id<{sourceIdStr}> coming from the customization context is not convertible to an interger");

            var source = (await helper.GetSources(new[] { sourceId })).FirstOrDefault();

            if (source is null)
                helper.SendFeedback($"The source with Id<{sourceId}> does not exist in the database");
                if (!helper.WhatIf)

                //In whatif mode, create a fake source
                source = new Source
                    Id         = 0,
                    EanNumber  = "FAKE EAN",
                    ClientData = JObject.Parse("{'No client data'}"),
                    Name       = "FAKE NAME",
                    SiteId     = 0,
                    SiteName   = "NO SITE"
            await Process(source, sourceVariables, helper, false);
        private static async Task HandleManualCustomizationOnAllSources(CustomizationHelper helper)
            helper.SendFeedback("Handling all sources having no variable");
            const int pageSize = 500;
            var       account  = await helper.GetAccount(AccountId);

            var variablesList = new ConcurrentBag <Variable>();

            var processedCount = 0;
            var tasks          = new List <Task>();

            foreach (var sourceIdsToProcess in helper.Split(account.Sources, pageSize))
                tasks.Add(Task.Run(async() =>
                    Interlocked.Add(ref processedCount, sourceIdsToProcess.Count);
                    helper.SendFeedback($"Start processing {sourceIdsToProcess.Count} sources, {processedCount} sources processed so far");

                    var sourceIdsWithoutVariables = (await helper.GetSourceIdsWithoutVariables(sourceIdsToProcess)).ToList();
                    if (sourceIdsWithoutVariables.Any())
                        var sourcesToProcess = (await helper.GetSources(sourceIdsWithoutVariables.Distinct())).ToList();
                        if (sourcesToProcess.Any())
                            if (helper.WhatIf)
                                helper.SendFeedback($"Processing {sourcesToProcess.Count} sources having no variable");

                            foreach (var source in sourcesToProcess)
                                var vars = await Process(source, new List <string>(), helper, outputJsonInsteadOfCreatingVariables);
                                foreach (var v in vars)

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

#if __DEBUG
            helper.SendFeedback($"Serializing {variablesList.Count} variables to file '{new FileInfo(outputJsonFileName).FullName}'");
            File.WriteAllText(outputJsonFileName, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(variablesList));
            helper.SendFeedback($"End of process (lasted {(DateTime.UtcNow - start):g})");