Esempio n. 1
        internal const int REDIS_MAX_ARGS = 1024 * 1024; // there is a <= 1024*1024 max constraint inside redis itself:

        internal void WriteHeader(string command, int arguments)
            if (arguments >= REDIS_MAX_ARGS) // using >= here because we will be adding 1 for the command itself (which is an arg for the purposes of the multi-bulk protocol)
                throw ExceptionFactory.TooManyArgs(Multiplexer.IncludeDetailInExceptions, command, null, Bridge.ServerEndPoint, arguments + 1);
            var commandBytes = Multiplexer.CommandMap.GetBytes(command);

            if (commandBytes == null)
                throw ExceptionFactory.CommandDisabled(Multiplexer.IncludeDetailInExceptions, command, null, Bridge.ServerEndPoint);

            // remember the time of the first write that still not followed by read
            Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref firstUnansweredWriteTickCount, Environment.TickCount, 0);

            WriteRaw(outStream, arguments + 1);
            WriteUnified(outStream, commandBytes);