public DataSet cRecuperaDsResult(string sObjeto) { DataSet dsData = null; try { string idSession = new clsCacheControl().RecuperarSesionId(); string FileCache = sObjeto + "_" + idSession; dsData = new clsSerializer().XMLDataset(FileCache); } catch { } return(dsData); }
/// <summary> /// Metodo para idiomas generales /// </summary> /// <param name="Forma">Tipo de referencia</param> /// <param name="ReferenciaPaginas">Referencia</param> /// <returns>Dataset de resultados</returns> public DataSet dsIdioma(string Forma, string ReferenciaPaginas, string sOrden) { DataSet dstDatos = new DataSet(); string Idioma = clsSesiones.getIdioma(); string Aplicacion = clsSesiones.getAplicacion().ToString(); clsSerializer cSerializer = new clsSerializer(); string strPathXML = clsValidaciones.XMLDatasetCreaGen(); string strArchivo = Forma + "_" + ReferenciaPaginas + sOrden + "_" + Idioma + Aplicacion + ".xml"; string strFile = strPathXML + strArchivo; try { if (File.Exists(strFile)) { dstDatos = cSerializer.XMLDatasetGen(strFile); } else { string Control = clsValidaciones.GetKeyOrAdd("Controls", "Controls"); StringBuilder Consulta = new StringBuilder(); DataSql dSql = new DataSql(); Consulta.AppendLine(" SELECT tblRefereControls_1.strValor AS strControlValue, tblIdioma.strObject AS strEtiqueta, tblIdioma.strLabel, tblIdioma.strText, "); Consulta.AppendLine(" tblIdioma.strTooltip, tblIdioma.strLink, tblIdioma.strLinkClient, tblIdioma.strImagen, tblIdioma.intTipo "); Consulta.AppendLine(" FROM tblTipoRefere AS tblTipoRefere_1 INNER JOIN "); Consulta.AppendLine(" tblRefereControls AS tblRefereControls_1 ON tblTipoRefere_1.intidTipoRefere = tblRefereControls_1.intidTipoRefere INNER JOIN "); Consulta.AppendLine(" tblTipoRefere INNER JOIN "); Consulta.AppendLine(" tblRefereControls ON tblTipoRefere.intidTipoRefere = tblRefereControls.intidTipoRefere INNER JOIN "); Consulta.AppendLine(" tblRelaRefereControls ON tblRefereControls.intidRefere = tblRelaRefereControls.intidRefereControl INNER JOIN "); Consulta.AppendLine(" tblIdioma ON tblRelaRefereControls.intidRefereAsociado = tblIdioma.intForma AND "); Consulta.AppendLine(" tblRefereControls.intAplicacion = tblIdioma.intAplicacion ON tblRefereControls_1.intidRefere = tblIdioma.intEtiqueta AND "); Consulta.AppendLine(" tblRefereControls_1.intAplicacion = tblIdioma.intAplicacion "); Consulta.AppendLine(" WHERE (tblTipoRefere.strTipoRefere = '" + ReferenciaPaginas + "') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblRefereControls.strIdioma = 'es') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblTipoRefere.strIdioma = 'es') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblTipoRefere_1.strIdioma = 'es') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblRefereControls_1.strIdioma = 'es') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblIdioma.strIdioma = '" + Idioma + "') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblRefereControls.strRefere = '" + Forma + "') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblIdioma.intAplicacion = " + Aplicacion + ") "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblTipoRefere_1.strTipoRefere = '" + Control + "') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblRefereControls_1.intOrden = " + sOrden + ") "); Consulta.AppendLine(" ORDER BY tblIdioma.intTipo "); Consulta.AppendLine(" "); Consulta.AppendLine(" SELECT tblRefereControls_1.strValor AS strControlValue, tblIdioma.strObject AS strEtiqueta "); Consulta.AppendLine(" FROM tblTipoRefere AS tblTipoRefere_1 INNER JOIN "); Consulta.AppendLine(" tblRefereControls AS tblRefereControls_1 ON tblTipoRefere_1.intidTipoRefere = tblRefereControls_1.intidTipoRefere INNER JOIN "); Consulta.AppendLine(" tblTipoRefere INNER JOIN "); Consulta.AppendLine(" tblRefereControls ON tblTipoRefere.intidTipoRefere = tblRefereControls.intidTipoRefere INNER JOIN "); Consulta.AppendLine(" tblRelaRefereControls ON tblRefereControls.intidRefere = tblRelaRefereControls.intidRefereControl INNER JOIN "); Consulta.AppendLine(" tblIdioma ON tblRelaRefereControls.intidRefereAsociado = tblIdioma.intForma AND "); Consulta.AppendLine(" tblRefereControls.intAplicacion = tblIdioma.intAplicacion ON tblRefereControls_1.intidRefere = tblIdioma.intEtiqueta AND "); Consulta.AppendLine(" tblRefereControls_1.intAplicacion = tblIdioma.intAplicacion "); Consulta.AppendLine(" WHERE (tblTipoRefere.strTipoRefere = '" + ReferenciaPaginas + "') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblRefereControls.strIdioma = 'es') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblTipoRefere.strIdioma = 'es') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblTipoRefere_1.strIdioma = 'es') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblRefereControls_1.strIdioma = 'es') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblIdioma.strIdioma = '" + Idioma + "') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblRefereControls.strRefere = '" + Forma + "') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblIdioma.intAplicacion = " + Aplicacion + ") "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblTipoRefere_1.strTipoRefere = '" + Control + "') "); Consulta.AppendLine(" AND (tblRefereControls_1.intOrden = " + sOrden + ") "); Consulta.AppendLine(" GROUP BY tblRefereControls_1.strValor, tblIdioma.strObject "); dSql.Conexion = Conexion; dstDatos = dSql.Select(Consulta.ToString()); cSerializer.DatasetXMLGen(dstDatos, strFile); } } catch { } return(dstDatos); }