public static async Task PickPlayer(Set playerMatch, SdlPlayer pick, DiscordChannel context)
            PickPlayerResponse pickPlayerResponse = Matchmaker.PickSetPlayer(pick, playerMatch);

            if (!pickPlayerResponse.Success)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pickPlayerResponse.Message))
                    await context.SendMessageAsync(pickPlayerResponse.Message);

                if (pickPlayerResponse.Exception != null)


            await context.SendMessageAsync($"Added {pick.DiscordId.ToUserMention()}.");

            if (pickPlayerResponse.LastPlayer)
                await context.SendMessageAsync("There is only one player left! Drafting them automatically.");

                await MatchModule.MoveToMatch(context, playerMatch);
                await context.SendMessageAsync($"{playerMatch.GetPickingTeam().Captain.DiscordId.ToUserMention()} it is your turn to pick.", embed : playerMatch.GetEmbedBuilder().Build());
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task Close(CommandContext ctx, string type, int number)
            type = type.ToLower();

            if (type == "set")
                await ctx.RespondAsync("Closing set and removing roles please wait...");

                Set set = Matchmaker.Sets[number - 1];

                List <DiscordRole> roleRemovalList = CommandHelper.DraftRoleIds.Select(e => ctx.Guild.GetRole(e)).ToList();

                foreach (SdlPlayer sdlPlayer in set.AllPlayers)
                    await(await ctx.Guild.GetMemberAsync(sdlPlayer.DiscordId)).RemoveRolesAsync(roleRemovalList);

                decimal points = await MatchModule.ReportScores(set, true);

                DiscordEmbed setEmbed = set.GetScoreEmbedBuilder(points, 0).Build();

                await ctx.RespondAsync($"An admin has closed set number {number}.", embed : setEmbed);

            else if (type == "lobby")
                Matchmaker.Lobbies[number - 1].Close();
                await ctx.RespondAsync($"An admin has closed lobby number {number}.");
                await ctx.RespondAsync("Please specify \"set\" or \"lobby\".");
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task Leave(CommandContext ctx)
                if (!(ctx.User is DiscordMember user))

                Lobby joinedLobby = Matchmaker.Lobbies.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Players.Any(f => f.DiscordId == user.Id));

                if (joinedLobby != null)
                    joinedLobby.RemovePlayer(joinedLobby.Players.FirstOrDefault(e => e.DiscordId == user.Id));

                    await ctx.RespondAsync($"You have left lobby #{joinedLobby.LobbyNumber}.");

                    if (joinedLobby.Players.Count == 0)

                        await ctx.RespondAsync($"Lobby #{joinedLobby.LobbyNumber} has been disbanded.");
                    Set joinedSet = Matchmaker.Sets.FirstOrDefault(e => e.AllPlayers.Any(f => f.DiscordId == user.Id));

                    if (joinedSet == null)

                    if (ctx.Channel.Id != (await CommandHelper.ChannelFromSet(joinedSet.SetNumber)).Id)

                    decimal penalty = MatchModule.CalculatePoints(joinedSet) / 2 + 10;

                    string penaltyDir  = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Globals.AppPath, "Penalties")).FullName;
                    string penaltyFile = Path.Combine(penaltyDir, $"{user.Id}.penalty");

                    string penaltyMessage = $"If you leave the set, you will be instated with a penalty of {penalty} points. ";
                    Record record;

                    if (File.Exists(penaltyFile))
                        record = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Record>(File.ReadAllText(penaltyFile));

                        int infractionCount = record.InfractionsThisMonth() + 1;

                        switch (infractionCount)
                        case 1:
                            penaltyMessage += "";

                        case 2:
                            penaltyMessage += "In addition, you will be banned from participating in SDL for 24 hours.";

                        case 3:
                            penaltyMessage += "In addition, you will be banned from participating in SDL for 1 week.";

                            penaltyMessage +=
                                "In addition, you will be banned from participating in SDL for 1 week AND will be barred from participating in cups.";
                        penaltyMessage += " Otherwise, this time will be just a warning.";

                        record = new Record
                            AllInfractions = new List <Infraction>()

                    await ctx.RespondAsync(penaltyMessage + "\nAre you sure you wish to leave the set? (Y/N)");

                    InteractivityModule interactivity = ctx.Client.GetInteractivityModule();

                    MessageContext response =
                        await interactivity.WaitForMessageAsync(x => user.Id == x.Author.Id, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

                    if (response == null)
                        await ctx.RespondAsync($"{user.Mention} took too long to respond. Assuming you changed your mind, please continue with the set.");
                    else if (response.Message.Content.ToLower() == "y")
                        decimal points = await MatchModule.ReportScores(joinedSet, true);

                        await MySqlClient.PenalizePlayer(await MySqlClient.RetrieveSdlPlayer(user.Id), (int)penalty, "Left a set.");

                        record.AllInfractions.Add(new Infraction
                            Penalty       = (int)penalty,
                            Notes         = "Left a set.",
                            TimeOfOffense = DateTime.Now

                        if (joinedSet.AlphaTeam.Players.Any(e => e.DiscordId == user.Id))
                                joinedSet.AlphaTeam.Players.First(e => e.DiscordId == user.Id));
                        else if (joinedSet.BravoTeam.Players.Any(e => e.DiscordId == user.Id))
                                joinedSet.BravoTeam.Players.First(e => e.DiscordId == user.Id));
                        else if (joinedSet.DraftPlayers.Any(e => e.DiscordId == user.Id))
                                joinedSet.DraftPlayers.First(e => e.DiscordId == user.Id));

                        List <DiscordMember> remainingUsers =
                            ctx.Guild.Members.Where(x => joinedSet.AllPlayers.Any(y => y.DiscordId == x.Id)).ToList();

                        File.WriteAllText(penaltyFile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(record, Formatting.Indented));

                        await ctx.RespondAsync(
                            $"{user.Mention} Aforementioned penalty applied. Don't make a habit of this! " +
                            $"As for the rest of the set, you will return to <#572536965833162753> to requeue. " +
                            $"Beginning removal of access to this channel in 30 seconds. " +
                            $"Rate limiting may cause the full process to take up to two minutes.",
                            embed : joinedSet.GetScoreEmbedBuilder(points, points / 2).Build());

                        /*Lobby movedLobby = Matchmaker.Lobbies.First(e => !e.Players.Any());
                         * if (movedLobby == null)
                         * {
                         *  // TODO Not sure what to do if all lobbies are filled.
                         *  return;
                         * }
                         * foreach (SdlPlayer joinedSetPlayer in joinedSet.AllPlayers)
                         * {
                         *  movedLobby.AddPlayer(joinedSetPlayer, true);
                         * }*/


                        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));

                        List <DiscordRole> roleRemovalList = CommandHelper.DraftRoleIds.Select(e => ctx.Guild.GetRole(e)).ToList();

                        await user.RemoveRolesAsync(roleRemovalList.Where(x => user.Roles.Select(xr => xr.Id).Contains(x.Id)));

                        foreach (DiscordMember member in remainingUsers)
                            await member.RemoveRolesAsync(roleRemovalList.Where(x => member.Roles.Any(f => f.Id == x.Id)));

                        /*await (await ctx.Client.GetChannelAsync(572536965833162753))
                         *  .SendMessageAsync($"{8 - movedLobby.Players.Count} players needed to begin.",
                         *      embed: movedLobby.GetEmbedBuilder().Build());*/
                        await ctx.RespondAsync("Assuming you declined leaving since you did not reply with \"Y\". Please continue with the set.");
            catch (Exception e)
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task Kick(CommandContext ctx, DiscordMember user, bool noPenalty = false)
            Lobby joinedLobby = Matchmaker.Lobbies.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Players.Any(f => f.DiscordId == user.Id));

            if (joinedLobby != null)
                joinedLobby.RemovePlayer(joinedLobby.Players.FirstOrDefault(e => e.DiscordId == user.Id));

                await ctx.RespondAsync($"{user.Mention} has been kicked from lobby #{joinedLobby.LobbyNumber}.");

                if (joinedLobby.Players.Count == 0)

                    await ctx.RespondAsync($"Lobby #{joinedLobby.LobbyNumber} has been disbanded.");
                Set joinedSet = Matchmaker.Sets.FirstOrDefault(e => e.AllPlayers.Any(f => f.DiscordId == user.Id));

                decimal points = await MatchModule.ReportScores(joinedSet, true);

                if (joinedSet == null)

                if (!noPenalty)
                    string penaltyDir  = Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Globals.AppPath, "Penalties")).FullName;
                    string penaltyFile = Path.Combine(penaltyDir, $"{user.Id}.penalty");
                    Record record;

                    if (File.Exists(penaltyFile))
                        record = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Record>(File.ReadAllText(penaltyFile));
                        record = new Record
                            AllInfractions = new List <Infraction>()

                    // await AirTableClient.PenalizePlayer(user.Id, (int) (10 + points / 2), "Was kicked from a set.");

                    record.AllInfractions.Add(new Infraction
                        Penalty       = (int)(10 + points / 2),
                        Notes         = "Was kicked from a set.",
                        TimeOfOffense = DateTime.Now

                    File.WriteAllText(penaltyFile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(record, Formatting.Indented));

                if (joinedSet.AlphaTeam.Players.Any(e => e.DiscordId == user.Id))
                        joinedSet.AlphaTeam.Players.First(e => e.DiscordId == user.Id));
                else if (joinedSet.BravoTeam.Players.Any(e => e.DiscordId == user.Id))
                        joinedSet.BravoTeam.Players.First(e => e.DiscordId == user.Id));
                else if (joinedSet.DraftPlayers.Any(e => e.DiscordId == user.Id))
                        joinedSet.DraftPlayers.First(e => e.DiscordId == user.Id));

                List <DiscordMember> remainingUsers =
                    ctx.Guild.Members.Where(x => joinedSet.AllPlayers.Any(y => y.DiscordId == x.Id)).ToList();

                await ctx.RespondAsync(
                    $"{user.Mention} was kicked from the set. " +
                    $"Beginning removal of access to this channel in 30 seconds. " +
                    $"Rate limiting may cause the full process to take up to two minutes.",
                    embed : joinedSet.GetScoreEmbedBuilder(points, 0).Build());

                #region RemovedForBug

                /*Lobby movedLobby = Matchmaker.Lobbies.First(e => !e.Players.Any());
                 * if (movedLobby == null)
                 * {
                 *  // TODO Not sure what to do if all lobbies are filled.
                 *  return;
                 * }
                 * foreach (SdlPlayer joinedSetPlayer in joinedSet.AllPlayers)
                 * {
                 *  movedLobby.AddPlayer(joinedSetPlayer, true);
                 * }*/



                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));

                List <DiscordRole> roleRemovalList = CommandHelper.DraftRoleIds.Select(e => ctx.Guild.GetRole(e)).ToList();

                await user.RemoveRolesAsync(roleRemovalList.Where(x => user.Roles.Select(xr => xr.Id).Contains(x.Id)));

                foreach (DiscordMember member in remainingUsers)
                    await member.RemoveRolesAsync(roleRemovalList.Where(x => member.Roles.Any(f => f.Id == x.Id)));

                #region AlsoRemoved

                /*await ((ITextChannel)ctx.Client.GetChannel(572536965833162753))
                 *  .SendMessageAsync($"{8 - movedLobby.Players.Count} players needed to begin.",
                 *      embed: movedLobby.GetEmbedBuilder().Build());*/