List<ToolStripItem> CreateMnisForScriptContexts(Strategy strategy) {
			var ret = new List<ToolStripItem>();
			foreach (string scriptContextName in strategy.ScriptContextsByName.Keys) {
				var mni = new ToolStripMenuItem(scriptContextName, null, this.mniStrategyOpenWithScriptContext_Click, "mni" + scriptContextName);
			return ret;
		ChartFormManager chartCreateShowPopulateSelectorsSlidersFromStrategy(Strategy strategy) {
			ChartFormManager chartFormManager = new ChartFormManager();
			chartFormManager.InitializeWithStrategy(this.mainForm, strategy);
			this.mainForm.GuiDataSnapshot.ChartFormManagers.Add(chartFormManager.DataSnapshot.ChartSerno, chartFormManager);
			return chartFormManager;
		void syncFolderStrategySelectedFromRowIndexClicked(int itemIndexSelected) {
			string folder = this.tree.SelectedObject as string;
			if (folder != null) {
				this.FolderSelected = folder;
				this.StrategySelected = null;
			Strategy strategy = this.tree.SelectedObject as Strategy;
			if (strategy == null) {
				string msg = "this.tree.SelectedObject is not a Strategy and wasn't a Folder either";
			this.StrategySelected = strategy;
			this.FolderSelected = strategy.StoredInFolderRelName;
		public void Initialize(Strategy strategy) {
			this.Strategy = strategy;

			foreach (UserControl control in base.Controls) control.Dispose();
			try {
				if (this.Strategy == null) return;
				if (this.Strategy.Script == null) return;
				foreach (ScriptParameter parameter in
						this.Strategy.ScriptParametersMergedWithCurrentContext.Values) {
					SliderComboControl slider = this.SliderComboFactory(parameter);
			} finally {
				base.Height = this.PreferredHeight;
		public void StrategyDelete(Strategy strategy) {
			string currentJsonAbspath = strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath;
			string msig = "StrategyDelete(" + currentJsonAbspath + "): ";
			this.currentJsonAbspathCheckThrow(strategy, msig);

			try {
			} catch (Exception e) {
				string msg = "Permission denied in [" + strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath + "]?";
				throw new Exception(msig + msg, e);
		public void StrategyAdd(Strategy strategy, string folderName) {
			string msig = "StrategyAdd(" + strategy.Name + ", " + folderName + "): ";
			strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath = this.StrategyJsonAbsNameFor(strategy, null, folderName);

			string path = this.AbsPath + folderName + strategy.Name;
			if (File.Exists(path)) {
				string msg = "StrategyFolder already saved as [" + path + "]";
				throw new Exception(msig + msg);
			var strategyFound = this.LookupByName(strategy.Name);
			if (strategyFound != null && strategyFound.StoredInJsonAbspath.ToUpper() == folderName.ToUpper()) {
				string msg = "StrategyFolder is not saved as [" + path + "] but exists in this.StrategiesInFolders as "
					+ "[" + strategyFound.StoredInJsonAbspath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + strategyFound.Name + "]";
				throw new Exception(msig + msg);

			try {
				this.FolderAdd(folderName, false);
				if (this.StrategiesInFolders.ContainsKey(folderName) == false) {
					this.StrategiesInFolders.Add(folderName, new List<Strategy>());
				if (this.StrategiesInFolders[folderName].Contains(strategy) == false) {
				this.StrategySave(strategy, false);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				string msg = "Permission denied in [" + strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath + "]?";
				throw new Exception(msig + msg, e);
		public void CancelStrategyOrders(string account, Strategy strategy, string symbol, BarScaleInterval dataScale) {
			try {
				Exception e = new Exception("just for call stack trace");
				throw e;
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				string msg = "I won't cancel any orders; reconsider application architecture";
				Assembler.PopupException(msg, ex);
		public string StrategyJsonAbsNameFor(Strategy strategy, string newStrategyName = null, string newFolderName = null) {
			string jsonCurrentOrRenamed = (newStrategyName == null) ? strategy.Name : newStrategyName;
			string folderCurrentOrRenamed = (newFolderName == null) ? strategy.StoredInFolderRelName : newFolderName;
			return Path.Combine(this.FolderAbsPathFor(folderCurrentOrRenamed), jsonCurrentOrRenamed + ".json");
		public void StrategyRename(Strategy strategy, string strategyNameTo) {
			string currentJsonAbspath = strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath;
			string msig = "StrategyRename(" + currentJsonAbspath + "=>" + strategyNameTo + "): ";
			this.currentJsonAbspathCheckThrow(strategy, msig);
			this.StrategyRenameCheckThrow(strategy, strategyNameTo);

			string newJsonAbspath = this.StrategyJsonAbsNameFor(strategy, strategyNameTo);
			try {
				File.Move(currentJsonAbspath, newJsonAbspath);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				string msg = "Permission denied in [" + strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath + "]?";
				throw new Exception(msig + msg, e);
			strategy.Name = strategyNameTo;
			strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath = newJsonAbspath;
		public bool StrategyRenameIsLikelyToSucceed(Strategy strategy, string strategyNameTo) {
			try {
				this.StrategyRenameCheckThrow(strategy, strategyNameTo);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				return false;
			return true;
		public void Initialize(ChartShadow chartShadow,
		                       Strategy strategy, OrderProcessor orderProcessor, IStatusReporter statusReporter) {

			string msg = " at this time, FOR SURE this.Bars==null, strategy.Script?=null";
			this.ChartShadow = chartShadow;
			this.Strategy = strategy;
			this.OrderProcessor = orderProcessor;
			this.StatusReporter = statusReporter;

			if (this.Strategy != null) {
				if (this.Bars != null) {
					this.Strategy.ScriptContextCurrent.Symbol = this.Bars.Symbol;
					this.Strategy.ScriptContextCurrent.DataSourceName = this.DataSource.Name;
				if (this.Strategy.Script == null) {
					msg = "I will be compiling this.Strategy.Script when in ChartFormsManager.StrategyCompileActivatePopulateSliders()";
					//} else if (this.Bars == null) {
					//	msg = "InitializeStrategyAfterDeserialization will Script.Initialize(this) later with bars";
				} else {
			// Executor.Bars are NULL in ScriptExecutor.ctor() and NOT NULL in SetBars
		protected ScriptExecutor(ChartShadow chartShadow, Strategy strategy, 
		                         OrderProcessor orderProcessor, IStatusReporter statusReporter) : this() {
			this.Initialize(chartShadow, strategy, orderProcessor, statusReporter);
Esempio n. 13
		public Alert(Bar bar, double qty, double priceScript, string signalName,
				Direction direction, MarketLimitStop marketLimitStop, OrderSpreadSide orderSpreadSide,
				Strategy strategy) : this() {

			if (direction == Direction.Unknown) {
				string msg = "ALERT_CTOR_DIRECTION_MUST_NOT_BE_UNKNOWN: when creating an Alert, direction parameter can't be null";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			if (bar == null) {
				string msg = "ALERT_CTOR_BAR_MUST_NOT_BE_NULL: when creating an Alert, bar parameter can't be null";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			if (bar.ParentBars == null) {
				string msg = "ALERT_CTOR_PARENT_BARS_MUST_NOT_BE_NULL: when creating an Alert, bar.ParentBars can't be null";
				throw new Exception(msg);
			this.Bars = bar.ParentBars;
			this.PlacedBar = bar;
			this.PlacedBarIndex = bar.ParentBarsIndex;
			this.Symbol = bar.Symbol;
			this.BarsScaleInterval = this.Bars.ScaleInterval;
			if (this.Bars.SymbolInfo != null) {
				SymbolInfo symbolInfo = this.Bars.SymbolInfo;
				this.SymbolClass = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbolInfo.SymbolClass) == false) ? symbolInfo.SymbolClass : "UNKNOWN_CLASS";
				this.MarketOrderAs = symbolInfo.MarketOrderAs;
			this.AccountNumber = "UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT";
			if (this.DataSource.BrokerProvider != null && this.DataSource.BrokerProvider.AccountAutoPropagate != null
			    && string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Bars.DataSource.BrokerProvider.AccountAutoPropagate.AccountNumber) != false) {
				this.AccountNumber = this.Bars.DataSource.BrokerProvider.AccountAutoPropagate.AccountNumber;

			this.Qty = qty;
			this.PriceScript = priceScript;
			this.SignalName = signalName;
			this.Direction = direction;
			this.MarketLimitStop = marketLimitStop;
			this.OrderSpreadSide = orderSpreadSide;

			this.Strategy = strategy;
			if (this.Strategy != null) {
				this.StrategyID = this.Strategy.Guid;
				this.StrategyName = this.Strategy.Name;
			if (this.Strategy.Script != null) {
				string msg = "Looks like a manual Order submitted from the Chart";
		public StrategyEventArgs(string folder, Strategy strategy) {
			this.Folder = folder;
			this.Strategy = strategy;
		public void SelectStrategy(Strategy strategy) {
			if (strategy == null) {
				string msg = "why would you pass strategy[" + strategy+ "]=null???";
			if (Assembler.InstanceInitialized.RepositoryDllJsonStrategy.AllStrategiesAvailable.Contains(strategy) == false) {
				string msg = "you may have removed {strategy[" + strategy+ "]"
					+ "from tree before application restart"
					+ ", but an open chart with this strategy became Active and requests SelectStrategy()";
			if (this.tree.IsExpanded(strategy.StoredInFolderRelName) == false) {
				this.tree_Expanded(this, new TreeBranchExpandedEventArgs(strategy.StoredInFolderRelName, null));
			//int index = this.tree.IndexOf(strategy);
			//this.tree.SelectedIndex = index; 
			this.StrategySelected = strategy;
		public void StrategyMoveToFolder(Strategy strategy, string folderTo) {
			string currentJsonAbspath = strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath;
			string folderFrom = strategy.StoredInFolderRelName;
			string msig = "StrategyMoveToFolder(" + currentJsonAbspath + "=>" + folderTo + "): ";

			string newJsonAbspath = this.StrategyJsonAbsNameFor(strategy, null, folderTo);
			strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath = newJsonAbspath;
			string strategyName = strategy.Name;
			strategy.Name = "$$$DUMMY_STRATEGY_NAME";
			strategy.Name = this.StrategyRenameModifyNameTillNoException(strategy, strategyName);
			strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath = this.StrategyJsonAbsNameFor(strategy, null, folderTo);
			//if (File.Exists(newJsonAbspath)) {
			//	string msg = "File.Exists(newJsonAbspath=" + newJsonAbspath + ") = true";
			//	throw new Exception(msig + msg);

			try {
				//this.currentJsonAbspathCheckThrow(strategy, msig, strategy.Name);
				File.Move(currentJsonAbspath, strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath = currentJsonAbspath;
				strategy.Name = strategyName;
				string msg = "Permission denied in [" + strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath + "]?";
				throw new Exception(msig + msg, e);
		public string StrategyRenameModifyNameTillNoException(Strategy strategy, string strategyNameTo) {
			if (StrategyRenameIsLikelyToSucceed(strategy, strategyNameTo) == true) {
				return strategyNameTo;
			int limit = 10;
			Exception lastException = null;
			for (int i = 1; i <= limit; i++) {
				string ret2 = strategyNameTo + i;
				//if (StrategyRenameIsLikelyToSucceed(strategy, strategyNameTo) == true) return ret2;
				try {
					this.StrategyRenameCheckThrow(strategy, ret2);
				} catch (Exception e) {
					lastException = e;
				return ret2;
			//string msg = "strategies [" + folderNameTo + "] ... [" + (folderNameTo + limit) + "] already exist, can't generate name";
			//throw new Exception(msg, lastException);
			throw lastException;
		protected Dictionary<string, List<Strategy>> StrategiesScanFolders() {
			var ret = new Dictionary<string, List<Strategy>>();
			string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(this.AbsPath);
			foreach (string subfolderAbsPath in directories) {
				string subfolderOnly = subfolderAbsPath.Substring(this.AbsPath.Length);
				if (ret.ContainsKey(subfolderOnly) == false) {
					ret.Add(subfolderOnly, new List<Strategy>());
				string[] jsonFiles = Directory.GetFiles(subfolderAbsPath, "*.json");
				foreach (string strategyJsonAbsFile in jsonFiles) {
					try {
						Strategy strategy = this.StrategyDeserializeFromJsonFile(strategyJsonAbsFile);
						strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath = strategyJsonAbsFile;
					} catch (Exception e) {
						string msg = "STRATEGY_unJSON_FAILED: StrategyDeserializeFromJsonFile(" + strategyJsonAbsFile + ")";
						Assembler.PopupException(msg, e);
						var sample = new Strategy("sampleStrategy");
						sample.ScriptSourceCode =
							"namespace sample.Strategies {\r\n"
								+ "public class MyScript : Script {\r\n"
									+ "public override void ExecuteOnNewQuote(Quote quote) {\r\n"
										+ "log(\"ExecuteOnNewQuote(): [\" + quote.ToString() + \"]\");\r\n"
									+ "}\r\n"
								+ "}\r\n"
							+ "}\r\n";
						this.StrategyAdd(sample, "sampleFolder");
			return ret;
		public void StrategyRenameCheckThrow(Strategy strategy, string strategyNameTo) {
			string msig = "StrategyRepository.StrategyRenameCheckThrow([" + strategy.Name + "]=>[" + strategyNameTo + "]): ";

			if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strategyNameTo)) {
				string msg = "Destination strategyNameTo IsNullOrWhiteSpace";
				throw new Exception(msig + msg);
			var strategyNamesInThisFolder = new List<string>();
			foreach (Strategy strategySibling in this.StrategiesInFolders[strategy.StoredInFolderRelName]) {
			if (strategyNamesInThisFolder.Contains(strategyNameTo)) {
				string msg = "strategyNameTo is alreadyin the this.StrategiesInFolders["
					+ strategy.StoredInFolderRelName + "] list; add '1' at the end";
				throw new Exception(msig + msg);
			string newJsonAbspath = this.StrategyJsonAbsNameFor(strategy, strategyNameTo);
			if (File.Exists(newJsonAbspath)) {
				string msg = "File.Exists(newJsonAbspath=" + newJsonAbspath + ") = true";
				throw new Exception(msig + msg);
		protected Dictionary<Assembly, List<Script>> StrategiesScanDllsInitDeserialized(string dataOrStartupPath) {
			ScriptRepository repo = new ScriptRepository();
			Dictionary<Assembly, List<Script>> ret = repo.CloneableInstancesByAssemblies;
			foreach (Assembly assembly in ret.Keys) {
				List<Script> cloneableInstancesForAssembly = ret[assembly];
				// WONT_BE_EMPTY if (cloneableInstancesForAssembly.Count == 0) continue;
				string assemblyName = Path.GetFileName(assembly.Location);
				if (this.StrategiesInFolders.ContainsKey(assemblyName) == false) {
					//this.StrategiesInFolders.Add(assemblyName, new List<Strategy>());
					this.FolderAdd(assemblyName, false);
				//} else {
				//	string msg = "StrategyRepository::StrategiesScanDllsInitDeserialized(" + dataOrStartupPath + "):"
				//		+ " Assembly [" + assembly.Location + "] wasn't added to this.StrategiesInFolders"
				//		+ " because already existed among AllFoldersAvailable[" + AllFoldersAvailable + "]";
				//	Assembler.Constructed.StatusReporter.PopupException(msg);
				//	continue;
				List<Strategy> strategiesForAssmbly = this.StrategiesInFolders[assemblyName];
				foreach (Script script in cloneableInstancesForAssembly) {
					string scriptName = script.GetType().Name;
					Strategy strategyFound = this.LookupByName(scriptName, assemblyName);
					if (strategyFound == null) {
						strategyFound = new Strategy(scriptName);
						strategyFound.StoredInJsonAbspath = Path.Combine(this.FolderAbsPathFor(assemblyName), scriptName + ".json");
					strategyFound.Script = script;
					strategyFound.DllPathIfNoSourceCode = assembly.Location;
			return ret;
		private void currentJsonAbspathCheckThrow(Strategy strategy, string msig, string renamingTo = null) {
			if (renamingTo == null && strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath != this.StrategyJsonAbsNameFor(strategy)) {
				string msg = "folder.JsonAbsFile[" + strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath + "] != "
					+ "this.StrategyJsonAbsNameFor(" + strategy.Name + ")[" + this.StrategyJsonAbsNameFor(strategy) + "]";
				throw new Exception(msig + msg);
			if (strategy.ActivatedFromDll == true) {
				string msg = "Adjust your GUI so that folder.ActivatedFromDll is not rename-able and its folder";
				throw new Exception(msig + msg);

			if (this.StrategiesInFolders.ContainsKey(strategy.StoredInFolderRelName) == false) {
				string msg = "this.StrategiesInFolders should contain Folder[" + strategy.StoredInFolderRelName
					+ "] before manipulating; re-read by StrategiesScanFoldersDlls()?";
				throw new Exception(msig + msg);
			if (this.StrategiesInFolders[strategy.StoredInFolderRelName].Contains(strategy) == false) {
				string msg = "this.StrategiesInFolders[" + strategy.StoredInFolderRelName + "] should contain StrategyFolder["
					+ strategy.Name + "] before manipulating; re-read by StrategiesScanFoldersDlls()?";
				throw new Exception(msig + msg);
			string currentJsonAbspath = this.StrategyJsonAbsNameFor(strategy, renamingTo);
			if (File.Exists(currentJsonAbspath) == false) {
				string msg = "File.Exists(currentJsonAbspath=" + currentJsonAbspath + ") = false";
				throw new Exception(msig + msg);

		public void StrategySerializeToJsonFile(Strategy strategy, string strategyJsonAbsFile) {
			string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(strategy, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings {
				TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Objects});
			File.WriteAllText(strategyJsonAbsFile, json);
		public Strategy StrategyDuplicate(Strategy strategy, string strategyNameUserTyped = "") {
			//string nameToRestore = strategy.Name;
			Strategy strategyShallowCopy = strategy.Clone();
			//strategyShallowCopy.Name = "$$$STRATEGY_DUNNY_NAME_TO_BE_RENAMED";
			//strategyShallowCopy.Name = this.StrategyRenameModifyNameTillNoException(strategyShallowCopy, strategy.Name);
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strategyNameUserTyped)) strategyNameUserTyped = strategy.Name;
			strategyShallowCopy.Name = this.StrategyRenameModifyNameTillNoException(strategyShallowCopy, strategyNameUserTyped);
			this.StrategySave(strategyShallowCopy, true, true);
			Strategy strategyDeepCopy = this.StrategyDeserializeFromJsonFile(strategyShallowCopy.StoredInJsonAbspath);
			this.StrategyAdd(strategyDeepCopy, strategyDeepCopy.StoredInFolderRelName);
			//strategy.Name = nameToRestore;
			return strategyDeepCopy;
		public void StrategySave(Strategy strategy, bool lastModIsNow = true, bool creating = false) {
			if (strategy.HasChartOnly) {
				return;		//stub for a strategy-less chart
			//if (lastModIsNow) strategy.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
			string strategyJsonAbsFile = this.StrategyJsonAbsNameFor(strategy);
			try {
				this.StrategySerializeToJsonFile(strategy, strategy.StoredInJsonAbspath);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				string msg = "STRATEGY_SERIALIZE_JSON_FAILED: StrategySerializeToJsonFile(" + strategyJsonAbsFile + ")";
				throw new Exception(msg, e);

			if (creating == false && this.LookupByName(strategy.Name) == null) {
				throw new Exception("StrategyFolder MUST have been already included in internal dictionnaries");
		public void InitializeWithStrategy(MainForm mainForm, Strategy strategy) {
			string msig = "ChartFormsManager.InitializeWithStrategy(" + strategy + "): ";

			this.MainForm = mainForm;
			this.Strategy = strategy;
			//this.Executor = new ScriptExecutor(mainForm.Assembler, this.Strategy);

			if (this.DataSnapshot.ChartSerno == -1) {
				int charSernoNext = mainForm.GuiDataSnapshot.ChartSernoNextAvailable;
				bool createdNewFile = this.DataSnapshotSerializer.Initialize(Assembler.InstanceInitialized.AppDataPath,
					"ChartFormDataSnapshot-" + charSernoNext + ".json", "Workspaces",
					Assembler.InstanceInitialized.AssemblerDataSnapshot.CurrentWorkspaceName, true, true);
				this.DataSnapshot = this.DataSnapshotSerializer.Deserialize();
				this.DataSnapshot.ChartSerno = charSernoNext;
			this.DataSnapshot.StrategyGuidJsonCheck = strategy.Guid.ToString();
			if (this.ChartForm == null) {
				// 1. create ChartForm.Chart.Renderer
				this.ChartForm = new ChartForm(this);
				this.ChartForm.FormClosed += this.MainForm.MainFormEventManager.ChartForm_FormClosed;
				// 2. create Executor with Renderer
				this.Executor.Initialize(this.ChartForm.ChartControl as ChartShadow,
				                         this.Strategy, Assembler.InstanceInitialized.OrderProcessor,
				// 3. initialize Chart with Executor (I don't know why it should be so crazy)
				//ScriptExecutor.DataSource: you should not access DataSource before you've set Bars
				this.scriptEditorFormFactory = new ScriptEditorFormFactory(this, Assembler.InstanceInitialized.RepositoryDllJsonStrategy);
				this.EventManager = new ChartFormEventManager(this);
			} else {
				// we had chart already opened with bars loaded; then we clicked on a strategy and we want strategy to be backtested on these bars
				this.Executor.Initialize(this.ChartForm.ChartControl as ChartShadow,
				                         this.Strategy, Assembler.InstanceInitialized.OrderProcessor,
				if (this.ChartForm.CtxReporters.Items.Count == 0) {
			if (this.DataSnapshot.ChartSettings == null) {
				this.DataSnapshot.ChartSettings = this.ChartForm.ChartControl.ChartSettings;	// opening from Datasource => save
			} else {
				this.ChartForm.ChartControl.ChartSettings = this.DataSnapshot.ChartSettings;	// otherwize JustDeserialized => propagate

			//this.ChartForm.CtxReporters.Enabled = true;
			this.ChartForm.DdbReporters.Enabled = true;
			this.ChartForm.DdbStrategy.Enabled = true;
			this.ChartForm.DdbBacktest.Enabled = true;
			this.ChartForm.MniShowSourceCodeEditor.Enabled = !this.Strategy.ActivatedFromDll;

			try {
				//I'm here via Persist.Deserialize() (=> Reporters haven't been restored yet => backtest should be postponed); will backtest in InitializeStrategyAfterDeserialization
				this.PopulateSelectorsFromCurrentChartOrScriptContextLoadBarsSaveBacktestIfStrategy(msig, true, true);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				string msg = "PopulateCurrentChartOrScriptContext(): ";
				Assembler.PopupException(msg + msig, ex);
		void mniltbStrategyCreate_UserTyped(object sender, LabeledTextBoxUserTypedArgs e) {
			string msig = "StrategiesTree.mniltbStrategyCreate_UserTyped(): ";
			if (this.FolderSelected == null) {
				string msg = "this.FolderSelected==null; please set mniFolderCreate.Enabled=false when right-clicked not on the folder";
				statusReporter.PopupException(new Exception(msig + msg));
			Strategy strategyNew = null;
			try {
				string strategyNameGenerated = e.StringUserTyped;
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strategyNameGenerated)) strategyNameGenerated = strategyRepository.GenerateStrategyName();
				strategyNew = new Strategy(strategyNameGenerated);
			} catch (Exception ex) {

			strategyRepository.StrategyAdd(strategyNew, this.FolderSelected);

			this.tree.SelectObject(strategyNew, true); // does it work??
			this.StrategySelected = strategyNew;
			//var olvStrategy = this.treeListView.FindItemWithText(strategyNew.Name, true, 0); // finds first occurency, not what I've inserted!
			//var olvStrategy = this.tree.ModelToItem(strategyNew);
			//this.tree.EditSubItem(olvStrategy as OLVListItem, 0);
			e.RootHandlerShouldCloseParentContextMenuStrip = true;
