public ActionResult CustomerDetails([Bind(Include = "CustomerID,Name,CustType,Multi,Number,Email,Address")] CustomerViewModel customerViewModel, Customer customer)
            // returns this view after customer passes regiter view in accounts
            string reciever     = "";
            string customername = "";
            int    Accid        = 0;

            customerViewModel.CustType = "Customer";

            customer.Disabled = false;

            if (TempData.ContainsKey("Username"))
                string name = TempData["Username"].ToString();
                var    user = db.Accounts.Where(x => x.UserName == name).Select(y => y.AccountID).First();
                Accid = Convert.ToInt32(user);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                reciever     = customerViewModel.Email;
                customername = customerViewModel.Name;
                // inserts customer info to customer table using corresponding account ID

                customer.CustomerID = customerViewModel.CustomerID;
                customer.AccountID  = Accid;
                customer.Name       = customerViewModel.Name;
                customer.Type       = customerViewModel.CustType;
                customer.Multi      = customerViewModel.Multi;
                customer.Number     = customerViewModel.Number;
                customer.Address    = customerViewModel.Address;


                AccountsController acc = new AccountsController();
                var subject            = "Farmer's Fresh Produce Registration";
                var body = "Welcome to Farmer's Fresh Produce " + customername + "\r\n Please enjoy our services";
                acc.Confirmation(reciever, customername, subject, body);

                return(RedirectToAction("Store", "Stocks"));
        public ActionResult CheckOut(CheckoutViewModel checkout)
            DateTime today = DateTime.Now.Date;
            string   name  = User.Identity.Name;

            var getAcctId = (from x in db.Accounts
                             where x.UserName == name
                             select x.AccountID).First();

            int accid = Convert.ToInt16(getAcctId);

            var getCustId = (from x in db.Customers
                             where x.AccountID == accid
                             select x.CustomerID).First();

            int customerID = Convert.ToInt16(getCustId);

            var email = (from x in db.Customers
                         where x.CustomerID == customerID
                         select x.Email).First();
            string custEmail = email.ToString();

            var getCustName = (from x in db.Customers
                               where x.CustomerID == customerID
                               select x.Name).First();
            string custname   = getCustName.ToString();
            var    getOrderid = (from x in db.Orders
                                 where x.CustomerID == customerID
                                 select x.OrderID).First();
            int OrderId = Convert.ToInt16(getOrderid);

            //var orders = db.Orders.Where(a => a.CustomerID == customerID).OrderBy(x => x.Customer.Name).ToList();

            checkout.CustomerID   = customerID;
            checkout.CustomerName = custname;

            Order order = db.Orders.Find(OrderId);

            order.status          = "Processing";
            db.Entry(order).State = EntityState.Modified;

            int customerId = Convert.ToInt16(order.CustomerID);
            int orderId    = Convert.ToInt16(order.OrderID);

            statOrderId = Convert.ToInt16(order.OrderID);
            int total = Convert.ToInt16(order.Total);

            Sale sale = new Sale();

            sale.CustomerID = customerId;
            sale.Date       = DateTime.Now.Date;
            sale.Total      = total;
            sale.OrderID    = orderId;

            SalesController sc = new SalesController();


            string subject = "Order" + orderId + "Confirmation";
            string body    = custname + " your order= " + orderId + " of " + total + " has be successfully placed.";

            AccountsController acc = new AccountsController();

            acc.Confirmation(custEmail, custname, subject, body);

            var stockoid     = db.StockOrders.Where(x => x.OrderID == orderId).Select(y => y.SOID).First();
            int stockorderid = Convert.ToInt16(stockoid);

            StockOrder stockorders = db.StockOrders.Find(stockorderid);


            return(RedirectToAction("OrderHistory", "Orders"));
Esempio n. 3
        public ActionResult AddEmployee([Bind(Include = "EmployeeID,Name,Surname,IDNumber,DateHired,ContactNum,KinContactNum,Email,FarmID,PositionID,GroupID,UserName,Password,ConfirmPassword,Type")] EmployeeAccountsViewModel employeeAccounts)
            // employeeAccounts.Type = "Employee";
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    // add employee account to account table
                    var     varBefore = db.Accounts.Select(x => x.AccountID).Count();
                    int     before    = Convert.ToInt16(varBefore);
                    Account account   = new Account();
                    account.UserName        = employeeAccounts.UserName;
                    account.Password        = employeeAccounts.Password;
                    account.ConfirmPassword = employeeAccounts.ConfirmPassword;
                    //Acc ID
                    var accFind = db.Accounts.Where(x => x.UserName == account.UserName).Select(y => y.AccountID).Single();
                    int accId   = Convert.ToInt16(accFind);

                    // add employee details to employee table
                    var varAfter = db.Accounts.Select(x => x.AccountID).Count();
                    int after    = Convert.ToInt16(varAfter);
                    var beforeEmployeeIsAdded = db.Employees.Select(x => x.EmployeeID).Count();

                    if (before < after)
                        int      positionId = employeeAccounts.PositionID;
                        int      farmId     = employeeAccounts.FarmID;
                        int      groupId    = employeeAccounts.GroupID;
                        Employee employees  = new Employee();
                        //employees.Account = new Account();
                        //employees.Position = new Position();
                        employees.EmployeeID    = employeeAccounts.EmployeeID;
                        employees.Email         = employeeAccounts.Email;
                        employees.Name          = employeeAccounts.Name;
                        employees.Surname       = employeeAccounts.Surname;
                        employees.AccountID     = accId;
                        employees.KinContactNum = employeeAccounts.KinContactNum;
                        employees.IDNumber      = employeeAccounts.IDNumber;
                        employees.ContactNum    = employeeAccounts.ContactNum;
                        employees.DateHired     = employeeAccounts.DateHired;
                        DateTime hired = employeeAccounts.DateHired;
                        employees.PositionID = positionId;
                        employees.FarmID     = farmId;
                        employees.GroupID    = groupId;
                        // employees.Account.UserName = employeeAccounts.UserName;

                        var checkEmp = db.Employees.Select(x => x.EmployeeID).Count();
                        if (beforeEmployeeIsAdded < checkEmp)
                            EmpPos employeePosition = new EmpPos();
                            employeePosition.EmployeeID = employees.EmployeeID;
                            employeePosition.Started    = hired;
                            employeePosition.PositionID = positionId;
                            employeePosition.Ended      = null;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    // undo account commit if employee transaction fails
                    var acc = db.Accounts.Where(x => x.UserName == employeeAccounts.UserName).Select(y => y.AccountID).Single();
                    int ac  = Convert.ToInt16(acc);
                    AccountsController emp = new AccountsController();

                    ViewBag.FarmID     = new SelectList(db.Farms, "FarmID", "FarmName", employeeAccounts.FarmID);
                    ViewBag.PositionID = new SelectList(db.Positions, "PositionID", "Name", employeeAccounts.PositionID);
                    ViewBag.GroupID    = new SelectList(db.Groups, "GroupID", "GName", employeeAccounts.GroupID);

                    ViewBag.fatalError = ex.ToString();
            ViewBag.FarmID     = new SelectList(db.Farms, "FarmID", "FarmName", employeeAccounts.FarmID);
            ViewBag.PositionID = new SelectList(db.Positions, "PositionID", "Name", employeeAccounts.PositionID);
            ViewBag.GroupID    = new SelectList(db.Groups, "GroupID", "GName", employeeAccounts.GroupID);
