public bool ColorSetBackground(Byte[] colorBitmap) { if (colorBitmap.Length != ColorWidth * ColorHeight) { throw new LogiLcdException("Bitmap size does not match expected size"); } return(LcdPinvoke.LogiLcdColorSetBackground(colorBitmap)); }
public bool MonoSetBackground(Byte[] monoBitmap) { if (monoBitmap.Length != MonoWidth * MonoHeight) { throw new LogiLcdException("Bitmap size does not match expected size"); } return(LcdPinvoke.LogiLcdMonoSetBackground(monoBitmap)); }
public void Dispose() { if (disposed) { return; } LcdPinvoke.LogiLcdShutdown(); hasInstance = false; disposed = true; }
public LogiLcd(string friendlyName, LcdType lcdtype) { if (hasInstance) { throw new LogiLcdException("There can only be one instance of this class at a time!"); } if (!LcdPinvoke.LogiLcdInit(friendlyName, (int)lcdtype)) { throw new LogiLcdException("LogiLcdInit failed"); } hasInstance = true; }
public bool ColorSetText(int lineNumber, string text, byte red = 255, byte green = 255, byte blue = 255) { return(LcdPinvoke.LogiLcdColorSetText(lineNumber, text, red, green, blue)); }
public bool ColorSetTitle(string text, byte red = 255, byte green = 255, byte blue = 255) { return(LcdPinvoke.LogiLcdColorSetTitle(text, red, green, blue)); }
public bool MonoSetText(int lineNumber, string text) { return(LcdPinvoke.LogiLcdMonoSetText(lineNumber, text)); }
public void Update() { LcdPinvoke.LogiLcdUpdate(); }
public bool IsButtonPressed(LcdButton button) { return(LcdPinvoke.LogiLcdIsButtonPressed((int)button)); }
public bool IsConnected(LcdType lcdtype) { return(LcdPinvoke.LogiLcdIsConnected((int)lcdtype)); }