public bool DrawPhoto(PrintParameter printPra) { Image img = null; if (printPra.personPhoto.Equals("") || !File.Exists(printPra.personPhoto)) { img = Properties.Resources.blank; } else { img = Image.FromFile(printPra.personPhoto); } if (img.Equals(null)) { return(false); } float _fwhith = GetHPixel(20.0f); float _fHight = GetVPixel(25.0f); string[] pos = printPra.photoPos.Split(','); float X = GetHPixel((float)Convert.ToDouble(pos[0])); float Y = GetVPixel((float)Convert.ToDouble(pos[1])); int ret = PrintPicture((int)X, (int)Y, printPra.personPhoto, (int)_fwhith, (int)_fHight); return(true); }
private bool LINE_Format(ref Graphics g, PrintParameter printPra) { float X = 0; float Y = 0; string[] pos; int iCountParams = printPra.printstr.Length; if (true) { for (int i = 0; i < iCountParams; i++) { pos = printPra.position[i].Split(','); X = GetHPixel((float)Convert.ToDouble(pos[0])); Y = GetVPixel((float)Convert.ToDouble(pos[1])); g.DrawString(printPra.printstr[i], new Font(new FontFamily("宋体"), 8, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold), System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, X, Y); Y += GetVPixel(4.5f); } } //if (cfg.bNeedPrintCardNo) //{ // g.DrawString(cfg.printfCardNo, new Font(new FontFamily(cfg.cardNo.fontName), cfg.cardNo.FontSize, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular), // System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, GetHPixel(cfg.cardNo.X), GetHPixel(cfg.cardNo.Y)); //} return(true); }
public bool DrawPersonInfo(PrintParameter printPra, ref ZBRGraphics g) { //float X = 0; //float Y = 0; string[] pos; int iCountParams = printPra.printstr.Length; if (true) { for (int i = 0; i < iCountParams; i++) { pos = printPra.position[i].Split(','); //X = GetHPixel((float)Convert.ToDouble(pos[0])); //Y = GetVPixel((float)Convert.ToDouble(pos[1])); int X = Convert.ToInt32(GetHPixel((float)Convert.ToDouble(pos[0]))); int Y = Convert.ToInt32(GetVPixel((float)Convert.ToDouble(pos[1]))); int err = 0; g.DrawText((int)X, (int)Y, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(printPra.printstr[i]), Encoding.Default.GetBytes("宋体"), 8, 0, 0, out err); g.DrawText((int)X, (int)Y + 1, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(printPra.printstr[i]), Encoding.Default.GetBytes("宋体"), 8, 0, 0, out err); //ret = PrintText((int)X, (int)Y, printPra.printstr[i], 8, "宋体", false); //ret = PrintText((int)X, (int)Y + 1, printPra.printstr[i], 8, "宋体", false); } } return(true); }
public bool DrawPersonInfo(ref Graphics g, PrintParameter printPra) { bool bDrawReslut = false; bDrawReslut = LINE_Format(ref g, printPra); return(bDrawReslut); }
public void PrintFrontSideOnly(PrintParameter pParas, string drvName, out int jobID, out string msg) { PrintFormatView pfv = new PrintFormatView(); jobID = 0; msg = string.Empty; int errValue; // value of 0 indicates no errors ZBRGraphics graphics = graphics = new ZBRGraphics(); try { if (graphics.InitGraphics(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(drvName), "job", out jobID, out errValue) == 0) { msg = "Printing InitGraphics Error: " + errValue.ToString(); return; } LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "InitGraphics 成功"); //数据位置 pfv.DrawPersonInfo(pParas, ref graphics); LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "DrawPersonInfo 成功"); //头像位置 pfv.DrawPhoto(pParas, ref graphics); LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "DrawPhoto 成功"); if (graphics.PrintGraphics(out errValue) == 0) { msg = "Printing PrintGraphics Error: " + errValue.ToString(); return; } LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "PrintGraphics 成功"); } catch (Exception ex) { msg += ex.ToString(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "PrintFrontSideOnly"); } finally { if (graphics != null) { // Starts the printing process and releases the Graphics Buffer if (graphics.CloseGraphics(out errValue) == 0) { msg = "Printing CloseGraphics Error: " + errValue.ToString(); } graphics = null; } } }
public bool DrawFormat(PrintParameter printPra) { Bitmap img = new Bitmap(_height, _width); img.SetResolution(_dpiX, _dpiY); //设置图片DPI Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(img); if (!DrawFormat(ref g, printPra)) //绘制卡面 { return(false); } image = img; return(true); }
public bool DrawFormat(ref Graphics g, PrintParameter printPra) { if (!DrawPhotoBack(ref g, printPra.background)) { return(false); } if (!DrawPhoto(ref g, printPra)) { return(false); } if (!DrawPersonInfo(ref g, printPra)) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void tvCardInit_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { AccessOperator Accor = new AccessOperator(); TreeNode Node = (TreeNode)tvCardInit.SelectedNode; ucFuncButton1.SetButtonEnabled(3, false); ucFuncButton1.SetButtonEnabled(4, false); if (Node.Parent == null) { pcPrintView.Image = Properties.Resources.社保正面; } else { string strsql = "SELECT [Status01],[XM27],[SHBZHM28],[XB30],[SGRSBH37],[FullDATA59],[BY60],[BY61] FROM ProductData WHERE [SHBZHM28]='" + Node.Name + "'"; DataTable dtread = Accor.ExecuteDataTable(strsql); if (dtread.Rows.Count > 0) { GlobalClass.status = dtread.Rows[0]["Status01"].ToString(); = dtread.Rows[0]["XM27"].ToString(); GlobalClass.idcard = dtread.Rows[0]["SHBZHM28"].ToString(); = dtread.Rows[0]["XB30"].ToString(); GlobalClass.provNo = dtread.Rows[0]["SGRSBH37"].ToString(); GlobalClass.fulldata = dtread.Rows[0]["FullDATA59"].ToString(); GlobalClass.idcardType = dtread.Rows[0]["BY60"].ToString(); GlobalClass.receipt = dtread.Rows[0]["BY61"].ToString(); if (GlobalClass.status.Equals("1") || GlobalClass.status.Equals("2")) { ucFuncButton1.SetButtonEnabled(3, true); } else if (GlobalClass.status.Equals("3")) { ucFuncButton1.SetButtonEnabled(4, true); } PrintParameter pp = new PrintParameter(); PrintFormatView pfv = new PrintFormatView(); pfv.DrawFormat(pp); pcPrintView.Image = pfv.image; } } }
private void ProductCard(string name, string idcardType, string idNo, string receipt) { string ICdata = ""; string reportStr = ""; string strsql = ""; ICdata = TCPinterface.WriteICBaseData(name, idcardType, idNo, receipt) + "#" + GlobalClass.fulldata; AccessOperator Accor = new AccessOperator(); PrintParameter pp = new PrintParameter(); tvCardInit.Enabled = false; int ret = ProductExecute(pp, ICdata, out reportStr); if (ret != 0) { MsgPutOut("制作卡片", "制卡失败。错误:" + ret); strsql = "UPDATE ProductData SET [Status01]='2' WHERE [SHBZHM28]='" + idNo + "'"; int count = Accor.ExecuteNonQuery(strsql); if (count <= 0) { MsgPutOut("制作卡片", "更新本地数据库失败"); } } else { MsgPutOut("制作卡片", "制卡成功!"); string[] strrep = reportStr.Split('|'); strsql = "UPDATE ProductData SET [Status01]='3',[CGBZ02]='1',[SBYY03]='',[KSDM04]='" + strrep[0] + "',[YHKH05]='" + strrep[1] + "',[KSBM06]='" + strrep[2] + "',[ATR07]='" + strrep[3] + "' WHERE [SHBZHM28]='" + idNo + "'"; int count = Accor.ExecuteNonQuery(strsql); if (count <= 0) { MsgPutOut("制作卡片", "更新本地数据库失败"); } ReportResult(name, idcardType, idNo, receipt, reportStr); } RefreshTree(); tvCardInit.Enabled = true; }
public bool DrawPersonInfo(PrintParameter printPra) { int ret = 0; float X = 0; float Y = 0; string[] pos; int iCountParams = printPra.printstr.Length; if (true) { for (int i = 0; i < iCountParams; i++) { pos = printPra.position[i].Split(','); X = GetHPixel((float)Convert.ToDouble(pos[0])); Y = GetVPixel((float)Convert.ToDouble(pos[1])); ret = PrintText((int)X, (int)Y, printPra.printstr[i], 8, "宋体", false); ret = PrintText((int)X, (int)Y + 1, printPra.printstr[i], 8, "宋体", false); //Y += GetVPixel(3.5f); } } return(true); }
public bool DrawPhoto(PrintParameter printPra, ref ZBRGraphics g) { Image img = null; LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(PrintFormatView), "photo path:" + printPra.personPhoto); if (printPra.personPhoto.Equals("") || !File.Exists(printPra.personPhoto)) { img = Properties.Resources.blank; } else { LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(PrintFormatView), "printPra.personPhoto:" + printPra.personPhoto); img = MyImage.GetFile(printPra.personPhoto); //img = Image.FromFile(printPra.personPhoto); } if (img == null) { return(false); } int _fwhith = Convert.ToInt32(GetHPixel(20.0f)); int _fHight = Convert.ToInt32(GetVPixel(25.0f)); string[] pos = printPra.photoPos.Split(','); int X = Convert.ToInt32(GetHPixel((float)Convert.ToDouble(pos[0]))); int Y = Convert.ToInt32(GetVPixel((float)Convert.ToDouble(pos[1]))); //int ret = PrintPicture((int)X, (int)Y, printPra.personPhoto, (int)_fwhith, (int)_fHight); int errValue = 0; g.DrawImage(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(printPra.personPhoto), (int)X, (int)Y, (int)_fwhith, (int)_fHight, out errValue); return(true); }
//public int PrintCard(PrintParameter pParas, out int err) //{ // SampleCodeGraphics prn = null; // string msg = string.Empty; // int jobID = 0; // err = 0; // try // { // if (EndPostionCard(1, 0, out err) == 1) // { // if (MoveToPrintLocation(out err) == 0) // { // return 0; // } // prn = new SampleCodeGraphics(); // if (IsPrinterReady(out err) == 1) // { // prn.PrintFrontSideOnly(pParas, printName,out jobID, out msg); // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg)) // { // WaitForJobToComplete(printName, jobID, out msg); // } // } // LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "PrintCard: " + msg); // } // return 1; // } // catch (System.Exception ex) // { // msg += ex.Message; // MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "PrintCard"); // LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "PrintCard: " + msg); // return 0; // } // finally // { // if (prn != null) // { // prn = null; // } // } //} public int PrintCard(PrintParameter pParas, out int err) { LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(FormMain), "PrintCard"); SampleCodeGraphics prn = null; string msg = string.Empty; int jobID = 0; err = 0; try { LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "EndPostionCard Begin"); if (EndPostionCard(1, 0, out err) == 1) { LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "EndPostionCard 成功"); LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "MoveToPrintLocation Begin"); if (MoveToPrintLocation(out err) == 0) { LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "MoveToPrintLocation 失败: err +" + err); return(0); } LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "MoveToPrintLocation 成功: err +" + err); prn = new SampleCodeGraphics(); if (IsPrinterReady(out err) == 1) { LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "IsPrinterReady 成功: err +" + err); prn.PrintFrontSideOnly(pParas, printName, out jobID, out msg); LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "PrintFrontSideOnly: msg +" + msg); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg)) { WaitForJobToComplete(printName, jobID, out msg); } return(1); } else { LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "IsPrinterReady 失败: err +" + err); return(0); } } else { LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "EndPostionCard 失败: err +" + err); return(0); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { msg += ex.Message; MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "PrintCard"); LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(ZBRPrinter), "PrintCard: " + msg); return(0); } finally { if (prn != null) { prn = null; } } }
public int ProductExecute(PrintParameter printPra, string ICdata, out string outCardData) { int ret = 0; outCardData = ""; PrintProduct ppro = new PrintProduct(); //打开打印机 int printHandle = PrintProduct.OpenPrinter(printName); if (printHandle <= 0) { MsgPutOut("制作卡片", "打开打印机失败"); return(-101); } //进卡 int steps = 100; ret = PrintProduct.FeedCard(printHandle, 0, steps); if (ret != 1) { ucFlowChart1.SetStepStatus(1, false); MsgPutOut("制作卡片", "进卡失败"); return(-102); } ucFlowChart1.SetStepStatus(1, true); this.Refresh(); //写IC MsgPutOut("制作卡片", "正在写卡,请耐心等待..."); ret = WriteIC(ICdata); if (ret != 0) { ucFlowChart1.SetStepStatus(2, false); PrintProduct.Eject(printHandle); MsgPutOut("制作卡片", "写卡失败,错误代码:" + ret); return(-103); } //读卡 ret = ReadCardInfo(out outCardData); if (ret != 0) { MsgPutOut("制作卡片", "读卡失败,错误代码:" + ret); return(-104); } ucFlowChart1.SetStepStatus(2, true); this.Refresh(); //排版照片 if (!ppro.DrawPhoto(printPra)) { MsgPutOut("制作卡片", "排版照片失败"); return(-105); } //排版个人信息 if (!ppro.DrawPersonInfo(printPra)) { MsgPutOut("制作卡片", "排版个人信息失败"); return(-106); } //开始打印 MsgPutOut("制作卡片", "正在打印,请耐心等待..."); ret = PrintProduct.StartPrint(printHandle, 2, 0); if (ret != 1) { ucFlowChart1.SetStepStatus(3, false); MsgPutOut("制作卡片", "打印失败"); return(-107); } ucFlowChart1.SetStepStatus(3, true); this.Refresh(); return(0); }