Esempio n. 1
 public void AlphaCentariPage(LandingPage LP, Shop Shop, ShipYard SY, GameOver GO, PersonalStatus PS, UtilityMethods UM,
                              Ship ship, PlanetInfo PI, Fuel fuel, Asgard Asgard, Earth Earth, AlphaCentari AlphaCentari, M63 M63, PlanetX PlanetX,
                              Titan Titan, PlanetJoe planetJoe, Vormir vormir, Picium Picium)
     UM.InventoryDisplay(PS, ship, fuel);
     Console.Write("\n\n" +
                   "\tWelcome to Alpha Centari! You stand in the port city of Macawalani. Centarian birdpeople fly to and fro. \n" +
                   "\tYou spot a few pairs of No Balances here and there but whats the point when you have wings? \n" +
                   "\tStilted building dominate the skyline, your human sensability is assualted by the seemingly \n" +
                   "\trandom way the doors are arranged until you see a Centarian fly up to a sixth floor door and\n" +
                   "\tenter the building. The air is surprisingly clear from the lack of vehicles in the city center.\n" +
                   "\tIt's not just Centarians though, you see a large amount of humans from your own region of space, \n" +
                   "\tsome are earth humans but you spot a blue Venusian and a orange mercurian amoung them. \n" +
                   "\tComing out of the docks you even spot a Pician fellow his telltale glass helmet \n" +
                   "\tkeeping his gills underwater. \n\n" +
                   "\t\tWhere would you like to go? \n" +
                   "\t\t 1. Ship Yard \n" +
                   "\t\t 2. Galactic Bank of Centari IV \n" +
                   "\t\t 3. Buy, Sell, Trade \n" +
                   "\t\t 4. Galactic Stock Exchange\n" +
                   "\t\t 5. Departure Port\n\n" +
                   "\t\t 9. Quit game\n" +
                   "\t\t Enter your choice: ");
     AlphaCentariSelector(GO, PS, ship, PI, fuel, UM, LP, SY, Shop, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
Esempio n. 2
        public void VormirPage(LandingPage LP, Shop Shop, ShipYard SY, GameOver GO, PersonalStatus PS,
                               UtilityMethods UM, Ship ship, PlanetInfo PI, Fuel fuel, Asgard Asgard, Earth Earth,
                               AlphaCentari AlphaCentari, M63 M63, PlanetX PlanetX, Titan Titan, PlanetJoe planetJoe, Vormir vormir, Picium Picium)

            //clear up window

            //display menu on Vormir upon arrival
            UM.InventoryDisplay(PS, ship, fuel);
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the desolate planet of Vormir. Our treasures are vast and we are home to the unkown. \n" +
                              "\tMany travel to this destination and few are able to make it out." +
                              "\tIf you are pure of heart then you should have nothing to worry about. \n" +
                              "\t\tWhere would you like to go? \n" +
                              "\t\t  1. Ship Yard \n" +
                              "\t\t  2. Galactic Bank \n" +
                              "\t\t  3. Buy, Sell, Trade \n" +
                              "\t\t  4. Galactic Market\n" +
                              "\t\t  5. Departure Port\n\n" +
                              "\t\t  9. Quit the Game");

            //send back to check selected option after invalid input
            SelectVormirOptions(LP, Shop, SY, GO, PS, UM, ship, PI, fuel, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
Esempio n. 3
 public void PlanetJoePage(UtilityMethods UM, PersonalStatus PS, Ship ship, Fuel fuel, GameOver GO,
                           ShipYard SY, Shop Shop, PlanetInfo PI, LandingPage LP, Asgard Asgard, Earth Earth,
                           AlphaCentari AlphaCentari, M63 M63, PlanetX PlanetX, Titan Titan, PlanetJoe planetJoe, Vormir vormir, Picium Picium)
     PS.LocationChanger("Planet Joe");
     UM.InventoryDisplay(PS, ship, fuel);
     Console.WriteLine($"\n\n" +
                       $"\tYou arrive on the remote planet of Planet Joe, named for the king King Joe. The people of\n" +
                       $"\tPlanet Joe are wealthy beyond measure. It's honestly weird, no one on the whole planet has\n" +
                       $"\tany kind of hurry or drive. They all work hard at their shared project but only when they\n" +
                       $"\twant to, because there is no way you could pay them enough to make it worth their while.\n" +
                       $"\tAll that being said, their love of King Joe has brought them all together and they are all\n" +
                       $"\tgetting together to build a giant golden space port out of pure Space Gold. It's unfinished\n" +
                       $"\tfacade gleams in the sunlight. You look forward to checking that out and maybe picking up a\n" +
                       $"\tprofit from these gold hungry builders.\n" +
                       $"\t\tWhere would you like to go?\n");
         int response = UM.MainPageOptions();
         if (response == 1)
             JoeShipyard(UM, PS, ship, fuel, SY);
         if (response == 2)
             JoeBank(UM, PS, ship, fuel);
         if (response == 3)
             JoeShop(UM, PS, ship, fuel, Shop, PI);
         if (response == 4)
             JoeMarket(UM, PS, ship, fuel, PI);
         if (response == 5)
             JoePort(UM, PS, ship, fuel, PI, Shop, SY, LP, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
         if (response == 9)
             GO.EndScreen(PS, ship);
         Console.WriteLine("Invalid Entry, try again");
Esempio n. 4
        // quick list of all the class declerations
        // LandingPage LP, Shop Shop, ShipYard SY, GameOver GO, PersonalStatus PS, UtilityMethods UM, Ship ship, PlanetInfo PI, Fuel fuel, Asgard Asgard, Earth Earth, AlphaCentari AlphaCentari, M63 M63
        //LP, Shop, SY, GO, PS, UM, ship, PI, fuel, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63
        public void FirstPage()
            Console.Write("\n\n\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t                  D U K E                  \n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t                    O F                    \n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t               M E R C U R Y               \n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t |  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |   .      .  _____________  .     *   ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |     *      / _    \\    \\ \\  .        ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |  .        / /#\\    \\    \\ \\__    *   ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |    .  *  | |##|    |    | |##\\       ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |#####     | |##|    |    | |###\\      ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |######   _|_|##|____|____|_|####\\     ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |#######<| | //\\ | /\\\\    CAMEL   |    ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |#######<|_|||  \\|/ ||____________|    ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |######   . ||  /*\\ ||     * .    *    ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |#####  .    \\\\/_|_\\//                 ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |   *     .   -------     .     *    . ||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~||\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t |_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|\n\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" +
                          "\n\t\t\t\t    Hello, welcome to Duke Of Mercury!\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t\t   What is your name? ");

            //Setting the starting stats


            //clears the text

            //add story here
            Console.WriteLine($"\n\n\n\n" +
                              $"\t\tOkay, {PS.NameCall()}. You were engaged to Venusian royalty but the king of Venus has forbidden your beloved \n" +
                              $"\t\tto marry a mere commoner like yourself. But there is even worse news! \n" +
                              $"\t\tYour beloved has other interested parties, and what's worse is they are already nobility. \n" +
                              $"\t\tBut you are in luck there is a way to buy into galactic nobility, but it's going to be a lot of work. \n" +
                              $"\t\tYou've got a {ship.ShipName} class ship and {PS.Cash()} Galactic Credits, \n" +
                              $"\t\tso get out there and get to trading, {PS.NameCall()}!\n\n" +
                              $"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\tPress enter to continue past this or any screen in this game.");


            LP.LandingPagePicker(LP, Shop, SY, GO, PS, UM, ship, PI, fuel, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
Esempio n. 5
 public void PortTravel(double currentX, double destinationX, double currentY, double destinationY, string destination, UtilityMethods UM, PersonalStatus PS, Fuel fuel, Ship ship, PlanetInfo PI, Shop shop, ShipYard SY, LandingPage LP,
                        Asgard Asgard, Earth Earth, AlphaCentari AlphaCentari, M63 M63, PlanetX PlanetX, Titan Titan, PlanetJoe planetJoe, Vormir vormir, Picium Picium)
     if (UM.FuelCheck(currentX, destinationX, currentY, destinationY, ship, PS, fuel) == "OK")
         UM.PlanetTravel(currentX, destinationX, currentY, destinationY, ship, PS, fuel);
         LP.LandingPagePicker(LP, shop, SY, GO, PS, UM, ship, PI, fuel, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
     if (UM.FuelCheck(currentX, destinationX, currentY, destinationY, ship, PS, fuel) == "TooFar")
         UM.TooFar(currentX, destinationX, currentY, destinationY, fuel);
Esempio n. 6
 public void AsgardPage(LandingPage LP, Shop Shop, ShipYard SY, GameOver GO, PersonalStatus PS, UtilityMethods UM,
                        Ship ship, PlanetInfo PI, Fuel fuel, Asgard Asgard, Earth Earth, AlphaCentari AlphaCentari,
                        M63 M63, PlanetX PlanetX, Titan Titan, PlanetJoe planetJoe, Vormir vormir, Picium Picium)
     UM.InventoryDisplay(PS, ship, fuel);
     Console.WriteLine($"\n\n" +
                       $"\tGolden spires and beautiful vistas greet you as soon as you land. The rainbow\n" +
                       $"\tbifrost is visable in the distance. It's as beautiful as you always imagined it\n" +
                       $"\twould be. It's just like the legends. Waterfalls and spill off cliffs that lead to\n" +
                       $"\tnowhere. The grand Mead-hall can be barely seen past some clouds and the distant \n" +
                       $"\tsound of drunken revelry carries across the open space.\n" +
                       $"\t\tWhere would you like to go?\n");
     AsgardSelector(UM, PS, ship, fuel, GO, SY, PI, Shop, LP, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
Esempio n. 7
 public void PiciumPage(PersonalStatus PS, UtilityMethods UM, Ship ship, Fuel fuel, ShipYard SY, Shop Shop, PlanetInfo PI, LandingPage LP, GameOver GO, Asgard Asgard, Earth Earth, AlphaCentari AlphaCentari, M63 M63, PlanetX PlanetX, Titan Titan, PlanetJoe PlanetJoe, Vormir Vormir, Picium Picium)
     UM.InventoryDisplay(PS, ship, fuel);
     Console.WriteLine($"\n\n" +
                       $"\tYou step onto the planet or rather into the planet you instinctivly reach up and\n" +
                       $"\tcheck your helmet clasp. It's always disconcerting to come here since the entire\n" +
                       $"\tplanet's infestructure is underwater. Some people swim places and some people use\n" +
                       $"\tweighted boots to walk on the ground." +
                       $"\t\tWhere would you like to go?\n");
         int response = UM.MainPageOptions();
         if (response == 1)
             PiciumShipyard(UM, PS, ship, fuel, SY);
         if (response == 2)
             PiciumBank(UM, PS, ship, fuel);
         if (response == 3)
             PiciumShop(UM, PS, ship, fuel, Shop, PI);
         if (response == 4)
             PiciumMarket(UM, PS, ship, fuel, PI);
         if (response == 5)
             PiciumPort(UM, PS, ship, fuel, PI, Shop, SY, LP, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, PlanetJoe, Vormir, Picium);
         if (response == 9)
             GO.EndScreen(PS, ship);
         Console.WriteLine("Invalid Entry, try again");
Esempio n. 8
        //PersonalStatus PS = new PersonalStatus();

        public void PlanetXPage(LandingPage LP, Shop Shop, ShipYard SY, GameOver GO, PersonalStatus PS,
                                UtilityMethods UM, Ship ship, PlanetInfo PI, Fuel fuel, Asgard Asgard, Earth Earth,
                                AlphaCentari AlphaCentari, M63 M63, PlanetX PlanetX, Titan Titan, PlanetJoe planetJoe, Vormir vormir, Picium Picium)
            PS.LocationChanger("Planet X");

            //display menu on earth upon arrival
            UM.InventoryDisplay(PS, ship, fuel);
            Console.WriteLine("\n\n" +
                              "\tWelcome to Planet X! Not a lot of beings know we exist, but you are lucky\n" +
                              "\tto have found our planet. There is truly no greater honor than walking the\n" +
                              "\tRuberian Colloseum and feeling the spirits of the elite warriors that have\n" +
                              "\tbattled to lifes end. We are home to the universe's most lethal gladiators, \n" +
                              "\tand our vast wealth and prosperity is proof of that." +
                              "\n\t\t1. ShipYard" +
                              "\n\t\t2. Galactic Bank" +
                              "\n\t\t3. Buy, Sell, Trade" +
                              "\n\t\t4. Galactic Market" +
                              "\n\t\t5. Departure Port" +
                              "\n\t\t9. Quit Game");

            //send back to check selected option after invalid input
                SelectPlanetXOptions(LP, Shop, SY, GO, PS, UM, ship, PI, fuel, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);

            //display if invalid input
            catch (Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, try again! Press any key to continue.");

                //recycle to Welcome to planet x after invalid entry
                PlanetXPage(LP, Shop, SY, GO, PS, UM, ship, PI, fuel, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
Esempio n. 9
        public void TitanPage(LandingPage LP, Shop Shop, ShipYard SY, GameOver GO, PersonalStatus PS,
                              UtilityMethods UM, Ship ship, PlanetInfo PI, Fuel fuel, Asgard asgard, Earth earth, AlphaCentari alpha, M63 m63,
                              PlanetX PlanetX, Titan Titan, PlanetJoe planetJoe, Vormir vormir, Picium picium)

            //display menu on earth upon arrival
            UM.InventoryDisplay(PS, ship, fuel);
            Console.WriteLine("Welecome to Titan, the oldest planet in the universe. This planet has survived every disaster in history and still stands tall as" +
                              "\none of the universal leaders. We excel in importing and exporting the most desirable goods in the universe. Our world leader is Dwayne Johnson, " +
                              "\nso you could say we are all pretty yoked due to his anabolic policy." +
                              "\n1. ShipYard" +
                              "\n2. Galactic Bank" +
                              "\n3. Buy, Sell, Trade" +
                              "\n4. Galactic Market" +
                              "\n5. Departure Port" +
                              "\n9. Quit Game");

            //send back to check selected option after invalid input
                SelectTitanOptions(LP, Shop, SY, GO, PS, UM, ship, PI, fuel, asgard, earth, alpha, m63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, picium);

            //display if invalid input
            catch (Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, try again! Press any key to continue.");

                //recycle to Welcome to planet x after invalid entry
                TitanPage(LP, Shop, SY, GO, PS, UM, ship, PI, fuel, asgard, earth, alpha, m63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, picium);
Esempio n. 10
        public void M63Page(LandingPage LP, Shop Shop, ShipYard SY, GameOver GO, PersonalStatus PS, UtilityMethods UM,
                            Ship ship, PlanetInfo PI, Fuel fuel, Asgard Asgard, Earth Earth, AlphaCentari AlphaCentari, M63 M63,
                            PlanetX PlanetX, Titan Titan, PlanetJoe planetJoe, Vormir vormir, Picium Picium)
            UM.InventoryDisplay(PS, ship, fuel);
            Console.WriteLine("\n\n" +
                              "\tWelcome to the star system M63, named for Messier star cluster circling a black hole.\n" +
                              "\tAs you walk into the streets the first thing that you notice is that everything is\n" +
                              "\tclean and bright white. None of the architecture has a scrap of color anywhere, the\n" +
                              "\tonly exception is the flat holographic ads that are projected up on some of the walls\n" +
                              "\tbut even thier colors are muted. The Messinese that you see all wear the same color white\n" +
                              "\tof the buildings but in stark contrast their skin is as black as the hole their star orbits" +
                              "\n\n\t\tWhere would you like to go? \n" +
                              "\t\t1. Ship Yard \n" +
                              "\t\t2. Galactic Bank \n" +
                              "\t\t3. Buy, Sell, Trade \n" +
                              "\t\t4. Galactic Market\n" +
                              "\t\t5. Departure Port\n\n" +
                              "\t\t9. Quit the Game");
                SelectM63Options(GO, PS, ship, LP, SY, UM, PI, Shop, fuel, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);

            //display if invalid input
            catch (Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, try again! Press any key to continue.");

                //recycle to Welcome to m63 after invalid entry