Esempio n. 1
        public void EarthPort(Ship ship, UtilityMethods UM, PersonalStatus PS, Fuel fuel, PlanetInfo PI, LandingPage LP, Shop shop, Asgard Asgard, M63 M63, Earth Earth, AlphaCentari AlphaCentari, ShipYard SY, GameOver GO, PlanetX PlanetX, Titan Titan, PlanetJoe planetJoe, Vormir vormir, Picium Picium)
            UM.InventoryDisplay(PS, ship, fuel);

            string response = UM.PortMenu(PI.EarthXPosition, PI.EarthYPosition, UM, PS, ship, fuel, PI);

            if (response == "titan" || response == "Titan")
                UM.PortTravel(PI.EarthXPosition, PI.TitanXPosition, PI.EarthYPosition, PI.TitanYPosition, "Titan", UM, PS, fuel, ship, PI, shop, SY, LP, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);

            if (response == "centari")
                UM.PortTravel(PI.EarthXPosition, PI.AlphaCentariXPosition, PI.EarthYPosition, PI.AlphaCentariYPosition, "AlphaCentari", UM, PS, fuel, ship, PI, shop, SY, LP, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
            if (response == "m63")
                UM.PortTravel(PI.EarthXPosition, PI.M63XPosition, PI.EarthYPosition, PI.M63YPosition, "M63", UM, PS, fuel, ship, PI, shop, SY, LP, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
            if (response == "asgard")
                UM.PortTravel(PI.EarthXPosition, PI.AsgardXPosition, PI.EarthYPosition, PI.AsgardYPosition, "Asgard", UM, PS, fuel, ship, PI, shop, SY, LP, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
            if (response == "x")
                UM.PortTravel(PI.EarthXPosition, PI.PlanetXXPosition, PI.EarthYPosition, PI.PlanetXYPosition, "Planet X", UM, PS, fuel, ship, PI, shop, SY, LP, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);

            if (response == "joe")
                UM.PortTravel(PI.EarthXPosition, PI.PlanetJoeXPosition, PI.EarthYPosition, PI.PlanetJoeYPosition, "Planet Joe", UM, PS, fuel, ship, PI, shop, SY, LP, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
            if (response == "vormir")
                UM.PortTravel(PI.VormirXPosition, PI.PlanetXXPosition, PI.VormirYPosition, PI.PlanetXYPosition, "Vormir", UM, PS, fuel, ship, PI, shop, SY, LP, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
            if (response == "picium")
                UM.PortTravel(PI.EarthXPosition, PI.PiciumXPosition, PI.EarthYPosition, PI.PiciumYPosition, "Picium", UM, PS, fuel, ship, PI, shop, SY, LP, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);
            if (response == "return")
Esempio n. 2
 public void M63ShipYard(UtilityMethods UM, PersonalStatus PS, Ship ship, Fuel fuel, ShipYard SY, LandingPage LP, Shop Shop, GameOver GO, PlanetInfo PI)
     UM.InventoryDisplay(PS, ship, fuel);
     // write flavor text about shipyard
     Console.WriteLine("\n\n" +
                       "\tYou walk into the Shipyard, the sound of welders and hammers fills the air. Ship salesman are\n" +
                       "\tweaving in and out of the ships pushing their latest ship on travelers all the while dodging the laborers.\n" +
                       "\t\tWould you like to:\n" +
                       "\t\t 1 Check your ship stats\n" +
                       "\t\t 2 Buy a new Ship\n" +
                       "\t\t 3 Return to planetary hub");
         int response = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
         if (response == 1)
             SY.ShipCheck(PS, ship, UM, fuel);
         if (response == 2)
             SY.PurchaseShip(PS, ship, UM, fuel);
         if (response == 3)
         Console.WriteLine("Invalid Entry, try again");
Esempio n. 3
        //Selector for the Asgard planet menus
        public void AsgardSelector(UtilityMethods UM, PersonalStatus PS, Ship ship, Fuel fuel, GameOver GO, ShipYard SY,
                                   PlanetInfo PI, Shop Shop, LandingPage LP, Asgard Asgard, Earth Earth, AlphaCentari AlphaCentari,
                                   M63 M63, PlanetX PlanetX, Titan Titan, PlanetJoe planetJoe, Vormir vormir, Picium Picium)
                int response = UM.MainPageOptions();

                if (response == 1)
                    AsgardShipyard(UM, PS, ship, fuel, SY);

                if (response == 2)
                    AsgardBank(UM, PS, ship, fuel);

                if (response == 3)
                    AsgardShop(UM, PS, ship, fuel, PI, Shop);

                if (response == 4)
                    AsgardMarket(UM, PS, ship, fuel, PI);

                if (response == 5)
                    AsgardPort(LP, Shop, SY, GO, PS, UM, ship, PI, fuel, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, planetJoe, vormir, Picium);

                if (response == 9)
                    GO.EndScreen(PS, ship);
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid Entry, try again");
Esempio n. 4
 public void PiciumPage(PersonalStatus PS, UtilityMethods UM, Ship ship, Fuel fuel, ShipYard SY, Shop Shop, PlanetInfo PI, LandingPage LP, GameOver GO, Asgard Asgard, Earth Earth, AlphaCentari AlphaCentari, M63 M63, PlanetX PlanetX, Titan Titan, PlanetJoe PlanetJoe, Vormir Vormir, Picium Picium)
     UM.InventoryDisplay(PS, ship, fuel);
     Console.WriteLine($"\n\n" +
                       $"\tYou step onto the planet or rather into the planet you instinctivly reach up and\n" +
                       $"\tcheck your helmet clasp. It's always disconcerting to come here since the entire\n" +
                       $"\tplanet's infestructure is underwater. Some people swim places and some people use\n" +
                       $"\tweighted boots to walk on the ground." +
                       $"\t\tWhere would you like to go?\n");
         int response = UM.MainPageOptions();
         if (response == 1)
             PiciumShipyard(UM, PS, ship, fuel, SY);
         if (response == 2)
             PiciumBank(UM, PS, ship, fuel);
         if (response == 3)
             PiciumShop(UM, PS, ship, fuel, Shop, PI);
         if (response == 4)
             PiciumMarket(UM, PS, ship, fuel, PI);
         if (response == 5)
             PiciumPort(UM, PS, ship, fuel, PI, Shop, SY, LP, Asgard, Earth, AlphaCentari, M63, PlanetX, Titan, PlanetJoe, Vormir, Picium);
         if (response == 9)
             GO.EndScreen(PS, ship);
         Console.WriteLine("Invalid Entry, try again");