/// <summary>
        /// Serialize SourceMap object to json string with given serialize settings
        /// </summary>
        public string SerializeMapping(SourceMap sourceMap, JsonSerializerSettings jsonSerializerSettings = null)
            if (sourceMap == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sourceMap));

            string mappings = null;

            if (sourceMap.ParsedMappings != null && sourceMap.ParsedMappings.Count > 0)
                MappingGenerateState state  = new MappingGenerateState(sourceMap.Names, sourceMap.Sources);
                StringBuilder        output = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (MappingEntry entry in sourceMap.ParsedMappings)
                    SerializeMappingEntry(entry, state, output);


                mappings = output.ToString();

            SourceMap mapToSerialize = new SourceMap(
                version: sourceMap.Version,
                file: sourceMap.File,
                mappings: mappings,
                sources: sourceMap.Sources,
                names: sourceMap.Names,
                parsedMappings: default,
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize SourceMap object to json string with given serialize settings
        /// </summary>
        public string SerializeMapping(SourceMap sourceMap, JsonSerializerSettings jsonSerializerSettings = null)
            if (sourceMap == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sourceMap));

            SourceMap mapToSerialize = new SourceMap()
                File           = sourceMap.File,
                Names          = sourceMap.Names,
                Sources        = sourceMap.Sources,
                Version        = sourceMap.Version,
                SourcesContent = sourceMap.SourcesContent

            if (sourceMap.ParsedMappings != null && sourceMap.ParsedMappings.Count > 0)
                MappingGenerateState state  = new MappingGenerateState(sourceMap.Names, sourceMap.Sources);
                StringBuilder        output = new StringBuilder();

                foreach (MappingEntry entry in sourceMap.ParsedMappings)
                    SerializeMappingEntry(entry, state, output);


                mapToSerialize.Mappings = output.ToString();

                                               jsonSerializerSettings ?? new JsonSerializerSettings
                ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver(),
                NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore,
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert each mapping entry to VLQ encoded segments
        /// </summary>
        internal void SerializeMappingEntry(MappingEntry entry, MappingGenerateState state, ICollection <char> output)
            // Each line of generated code is separated using semicolons
            while (entry.GeneratedSourcePosition.ZeroBasedLineNumber != state.LastGeneratedPosition.ZeroBasedLineNumber)
                state.LastGeneratedPosition.ZeroBasedColumnNumber = 0;
                state.IsFirstSegment = true;

            // The V3 source map format calls for all Base64 VLQ segments to be seperated by commas.
            if (!state.IsFirstSegment)

            state.IsFirstSegment = false;

             *	The following description was taken from the Sourcemap V3 spec https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U1RGAehQwRypUTovF1KRlpiOFze0b-_2gc6fAH0KY0k/mobilebasic?pref=2&pli=1
             *  The Sourcemap V3 spec is under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
             *  Each VLQ segment has 1, 4, or 5 variable length fields.
             *  The fields in each segment are:
             *  1. The zero-based starting column of the line in the generated code that the segment represents.
             *     If this is the first field of the first segment, or the first segment following a new generated line(“;”),
             *     then this field holds the whole base 64 VLQ.Otherwise, this field contains a base 64 VLQ that is relative to
             *     the previous occurrence of this field.Note that this is different than the fields below because the previous
             *     value is reset after every generated line.
             *  2. If present, an zero - based index into the “sources” list.This field is a base 64 VLQ relative to the previous
             *     occurrence of this field, unless this is the first occurrence of this field, in which case the whole value is represented.
             *  3. If present, the zero-based starting line in the original source represented. This field is a base 64 VLQ relative to the
             *     previous occurrence of this field, unless this is the first occurrence of this field, in which case the whole value is
             *     represented.Always present if there is a source field.
             *  4. If present, the zero - based starting column of the line in the source represented.This field is a base 64 VLQ relative to
             *     the previous occurrence of this field, unless this is the first occurrence of this field, in which case the whole value is
             *     represented.Always present if there is a source field.
             *  5. If present, the zero - based index into the “names” list associated with this segment.This field is a base 64 VLQ relative
             *     to the previous occurrence of this field, unless this is the first occurrence of this field, in which case the whole value
             *     is represented.

            Base64VlqEncoder.Encode(output, entry.GeneratedSourcePosition.ZeroBasedColumnNumber - state.LastGeneratedPosition.ZeroBasedColumnNumber);
            state.LastGeneratedPosition.ZeroBasedColumnNumber = entry.GeneratedSourcePosition.ZeroBasedColumnNumber;

            if (entry.OriginalFileName != null)
                int sourceIndex = state.Sources.IndexOf(entry.OriginalFileName);
                if (sourceIndex < 0)
                    throw new SerializationException("Source map contains original source that cannot be found in provided sources array");

                Base64VlqEncoder.Encode(output, sourceIndex - state.LastSourceIndex);
                state.LastSourceIndex = sourceIndex;

                Base64VlqEncoder.Encode(output, entry.OriginalSourcePosition.ZeroBasedLineNumber - state.LastOriginalPosition.ZeroBasedLineNumber);
                state.LastOriginalPosition.ZeroBasedLineNumber = entry.OriginalSourcePosition.ZeroBasedLineNumber;

                Base64VlqEncoder.Encode(output, entry.OriginalSourcePosition.ZeroBasedColumnNumber - state.LastOriginalPosition.ZeroBasedColumnNumber);
                state.LastOriginalPosition.ZeroBasedColumnNumber = entry.OriginalSourcePosition.ZeroBasedColumnNumber;

                if (entry.OriginalName != null)
                    int nameIndex = state.Names.IndexOf(entry.OriginalName);
                    if (nameIndex < 0)
                        throw new SerializationException("Source map contains original name that cannot be found in provided names array");

                    Base64VlqEncoder.Encode(output, nameIndex - state.LastNameIndex);
                    state.LastNameIndex = nameIndex;