Esempio n. 1
 public TutorialString(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, string id, SpriteFont spriteFont, string key, string frameFilename, Vector2 positionOffset)
     : base(spriteBatch, game, id, frameFilename, positionOffset)
     this.spriteFont = spriteFont;
     this.key = key;
     this.keyOffset = spriteFont.MeasureString(key) / 2;
Esempio n. 2
 public MenuImage(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, Vector2 position, string filename, string id)
     : base(id)
     image = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, filename);
     offset = image.Dimension * 0.5f;
     this.position = position;
Esempio n. 3
 public TutorialSprite(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, string id, string keyFilename, string frameFilename, Vector2 positionOffset, float rotation = 0f)
     : base(spriteBatch, game, id, frameFilename, positionOffset)
     this.key = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, keyFilename);
     this.keyOffset = key.Dimension * 0.5f;
     this.rotation = rotation;
Esempio n. 4
        public Boss(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, AudioManager audio, GameTime gameTime, string alias, EntityManager entityManager)
            : base(spriteBatch, game, Constants.BOSS_IDLE_FILENAME, new Vector2(Constants.BOSS_WIDTH, Constants.BOSS_HEIGHT), alias, EntityType.BOSS)
            spriteIdle = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, Constants.BOSS_IDLE_FILENAME);
            spriteShoot = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, Constants.BOSS_SHOOT_FILENAME);
            spriteSpawn = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, Constants.BOSS_SPAWN_FILENAME);
            spriteDeath = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, Constants.BOSS_DEATH_FILENAME);

            this.sprite = spriteSpawn;
            this.animation.MaxFrames = 0;

            animation2 = new Animation(((int)(spriteShoot.X / dimension.X)) - 1);

            this.entityManager = entityManager;
            weapon = new BossWeapon(spriteBatch, game, sprite.Y);
            weapon.Damage = damage;
            offset = Vector2.Zero;

            this.random = new Random();
            hitFx = new HitFX(game);
            velocity.X = 5;
   = audio;

            fireRate = burst;
            burstPause = int.Parse(game.constants.getValue("BOSS", "BURSTPAUSE"));
Esempio n. 5
        public Bullet(Random r, int range, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, string filename, string alias, EntityType type, int damage)
            : base(spriteBatch, game, filename, new Vector2(Constants.DARK_WHISPER_SPIKE_WIDTH, Constants.DARK_WHISPER_SPIKE_HEIGHT), alias, type)
            spikeRange = range;
            useRange = true;
            originalPosition = position;

            spike = true;

            animation.CurrentFrame = r.Next(3);

            this.position = position;
            this.velocity = velocity;
            this.damage = damage;
            this.hitRadius = Constants.BULLET_RADIUS;
            /*if (type == EntityType.PLAYER_BULLET)
                pointLight = new PointLight()
                    Color = new Vector4(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f),
                    Power = 2f,
                    LightDecay = 100,
                    Position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 70f),
                    IsEnabled = true
Esempio n. 6
 public GlowParticle(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, string alias, Vector2 position)
     : base(spriteBatch, game, Constants.GLOW_PARTICLE_FILENAME, new Vector2(Constants.GLOW_PARTICLE_DIMENSION), alias, EntityType.DIE_PARTICLE)
     maxVelocity = new Vector2(Constants.GLOW_PARTICLE_MAX_SPEED);
     acceleration = new Vector2(Constants.GLOW_PARTICLE_ACCELERATION);
     this.ghost = true;
Esempio n. 7
 public ScrollingBackground(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, string filename, string id, uint startTime, uint deleteTime, float scrollSpeed, float layer, bool persistScroll)
     this.startTime = startTime;
     if (deleteTime == 0)
         this.deleteTime = uint.MaxValue;
         this.deleteTime = deleteTime;
     } = id;
     this.layer = layer;
     this.persistScroll = persistScroll;
     sprite = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, filename);
     filename += "_depth";
     normal = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, filename);
     if (startTime != 0)
         scanner = new BGScanner(game, new Vector2(sprite.X, sprite.Y), scrollSpeed, false);
         wait = true;
         visible = false;
         scanner = new BGScanner(game, new Vector2(sprite.X, sprite.Y), scrollSpeed, true);
     scanner.callDead += new BGScanner.CallDeadEvent(nowDead);
Esempio n. 8
 public FadeInOut(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, int maxAlpha)
     sprite = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, Constants.BLACK);
     screenSize = new Rectangle(0, 0, game.Window.ClientBounds.Width, game.Window.ClientBounds.Height);
     this.maxAlpha = maxAlpha;
     alphaValue = 254;
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// The main entry point for the application.
 /// </summary>
 static void Main(string[] args)
     using (Soul game = new Soul())
Esempio n. 10
 public TutorialManager(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, SpriteFont spriteFont, InputManager inputManager)
     this.tutorialList = new List<TutorialBase>();
     this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch; = game;
     this.spriteFont = spriteFont;
     this.inputManager = inputManager;
Esempio n. 11
 public BloodVessel(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, AudioManager audioManager, EntityManager entityManager, Vector2 dimension, EntityType entityType, string alias, string filename)
     : base(spriteBatch, game, filename, dimension, alias, entityType)
 { = audioManager;
     this.entityManager = entityManager;
     this.animation.MaxFrames = 0;
     hitFx = new HitFX(game);
Esempio n. 12
 public State(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, AudioManager audioManager, InputManager controls, string id)
 { = id;
     this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch; = audioManager; = game;
     this.controls = controls;
Esempio n. 13
 public BlueBloodvessel(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, AudioManager audioManager, EntityManager entityManager, string alias)
     : base(spriteBatch, game, audioManager, entityManager, new Vector2(Constants.BLUE_BLOOD_VESSEL_WIDTH), EntityType.BLUE_BLOOD_VESSEL, alias, Constants.BLUE_BLOOD_VESSEL_FILENAME)
     //maxVelocity = new Vector2(Constants.BLUE_BLOOD_VESSEL_MAX_SPEED, Constants.BLUE_BLOOD_VESSEL_MAX_SPEED);
     acceleration = new Vector2(Constants.BLUE_BLOOD_VESSEL_ACCELERATION, Constants.BLUE_BLOOD_VESSEL_ACCELERATION);
     moveRight = true;
     animation.MaxFrames = 0;
     animation.FrameRate = 30;
Esempio n. 14
 public LevelReader(string filename, Soul game)
     this.filename = filename;
     file = new StreamReader(filename);
     entityDataList = new List<EntityData>();
     bgData_back = new List<BackgroundData>();
     bgData_front = new List<BackgroundData>();
     this.config = game.config;
Esempio n. 15
 public Memory(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, string filename, float scrollSpeed, uint startTime, uint stopTime, float layer)
     sprite = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, filename);
     filename += "_depth";
     normal = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, filename);
     this.scrollSpeed = scrollSpeed;
     this.startTime = startTime;
     this.stopTime = stopTime;
     this.layer = layer;
Esempio n. 16
 public TutorialWidget(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, string id, string filename, Vector2 positionOffset)
     this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch; = game;
     this.frame = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, filename);
     this.frameOffset = frame.Dimension * 0.5f;
     this.positionOffset = positionOffset;
     this.glow = new GlowFX(game, 0.01f, 0.4f, 0.9f); = id;
Esempio n. 17
 public ImageButton(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, InputManager controls, Vector2 position, string filename, string id)
     : base(id)
     this.controls = controls;
     this.position = position;
     button = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, filename);
     hover = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, Constants.MENU_HOVER);
     offset = button.Dimension * 0.5f;
     glowOffset = hover.Dimension * 0.5f;
     glowOffset.Y -= 6f;
Esempio n. 18
 public Bullet(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, string filename, string alias, EntityType type, int damage, int colorType = 0)
     : base(spriteBatch, game, filename, new Vector2(20.0f, 20.0f), alias, type)
     this.position = position;
     this.velocity = velocity;
     this.damage = damage;
     this.hitRadius = Constants.BULLET_RADIUS;
     if (type == EntityType.PLAYER_BULLET)
         pointLight = new PointLight()
             Color = new Vector4(float.Parse("PlayerBullet", "ColorR")), float.Parse("PlayerBullet", "ColorG")), float.Parse("PlayerBullet", "ColorB")), float.Parse("PlayerBullet", "ColorA"))),
             Power = float.Parse("PlayerBullet", "Power")),
             LightDecay = int.Parse("PlayerBullet", "LightDecay")),
             Position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, float.Parse("PlayerBullet", "ZPosition"))),
             IsEnabled = true,
             renderSpecular = bool.Parse("PlayerBullet", "Specular"))
         if (colorType == 1)
             pointLight.Color = new Vector4(float.Parse("SpreadPowerUp", "ColorR")), float.Parse("SpreadPowerUp", "ColorG")), float.Parse("SpreadPowerUp", "ColorB")), float.Parse("SpreadPowerUp", "ColorA")));
         else if (colorType == 2)
             pointLight.Color = new Vector4(float.Parse("RapidPowerUp", "ColorR")), float.Parse("RapidPowerUp", "ColorG")), float.Parse("RapidPowerUp", "ColorB")), float.Parse("RapidPowerUp", "ColorA")));
     else if (type == EntityType.DARK_THOUGHT_BULLET)
         pointLight = new PointLight()
             Color = new Vector4(float.Parse("DarkThoughtBullet", "ColorR")), float.Parse("DarkThoughtBullet", "ColorG")), float.Parse("DarkThoughtBullet", "ColorB")), float.Parse("DarkThoughtBullet", "ColorA"))),
             Power = float.Parse("DarkThoughtBullet", "Power")),
             LightDecay = int.Parse("DarkThoughtBullet", "LightDecay")),
             Position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, float.Parse("DarkThoughtBullet", "ZPosition"))),
             IsEnabled = true,
             renderSpecular = bool.Parse("DarkThoughtBullet", "Specular"))
     else if (type == EntityType.BOSS_BULLET)
         pointLight = new PointLight()
             Color = new Vector4(float.Parse("BossBullet", "ColorR")), float.Parse("BossBullet", "ColorG")), float.Parse("BossBullet", "ColorB")), float.Parse("BossBullet", "ColorA"))),
             Power = float.Parse("BossBullet", "Power")),
             LightDecay = int.Parse("BossBullet", "LightDecay")),
             Position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, float.Parse("BossBullet", "ZPosition"))),
             IsEnabled = true,
             renderSpecular = bool.Parse("BossBullet", "Specular"))
Esempio n. 19
 public Nightmare(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, AudioManager audioManager, EntityManager entityManager, string alias)
     : base(spriteBatch, game, Constants.NIGHTMARE_FILENAME, new Vector2(Constants.NIGHTMARE_WIDTH, Constants.NIGHTMARE_HEIGHT), alias, EntityType.NIGHTMARE)
     this.entityManager = entityManager;
     //this.maxVelocity = new Vector2 (Constants.NIGHTMARE_MAX_SPEED, Constants.NIGHTMARE_MAX_SPEED);
     this.acceleration = new Vector2 (Constants.NIGHTMARE_ACCELERATION, Constants.NIGHTMARE_ACCELERATION);
     // = Constants.NIGHTMARE_MAX_HEALTH;
     //this.damage = Constants.NIGHTMARE_DAMAGE;
     this.animation.MaxFrames = 12;
     hitFx = new HitFX(game);
     //this.hitRadius = Constants.NIGHTMARE_RADIUS; = audioManager;
Esempio n. 20
 public VolumeSlider(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, AudioManager audioManager, Vector2 position, string id)
     : base(id)
     if (audioManager != null)
         this.audioManager = audioManager;
     slider = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, Constants.GUI_SLIDER);
     marker = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, Constants.GUI_SLIDER_MARKER);
     sliderOffset = slider.Dimension * 0.5f;
     markerOffset = marker.Dimension * 0.5f;
     this.position = position;
Esempio n. 21
 public Selection(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, Vector2 position, string id)
     : base(id)
     this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch; = game;
     selectionList = new Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<Sprite, Vector2>>();
     this.position = position;
     leftArrow = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, Constants.GUI_ARROW_LEFT);
     rightArrow = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, Constants.GUI_ARROW_RIGHT);
     leftArrowOffset = leftArrow.Dimension * 0.5f;
     rightArrowOffset = rightArrow.Dimension * 0.5f;
     this.IsSelection = true;
Esempio n. 22
 public GlowParticle(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, string alias, Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity)
     : base(spriteBatch, game, Constants.GLOW_PARTICLE_FILENAME, new Vector2(Constants.GLOW_PARTICLE_DIMENSION), alias, EntityType.DIE_PARTICLE)
     this.velocity = velocity;
     this.position = position;
     pointLight = new PointLight()
         Color = new Vector4(float.Parse("MainMenuLight", "ColorR")), float.Parse("MainMenuLight", "ColorG")), float.Parse("MainMenuLight", "ColorB")), float.Parse("MainMenuLight", "ColorA"))),
         Power = float.Parse("MainMenuLight", "Power")),
         LightDecay = int.Parse("MainMenuLight", "LightDecay")),
         Position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, float.Parse("MainMenuLight", "ZPosition"))),
         IsEnabled = true,
         renderSpecular = bool.Parse("MainMenuLight", "Specular"))
Esempio n. 23
 public InnerDemon(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, AudioManager audioManager, string alias, EntityManager entityManager, Path path)
     : base(spriteBatch, game, Constants.INNER_DEMON_FILENAME, new Vector2(Constants.INNER_DEMON_WIDTH, Constants.INNER_DEMON_HEIGHT), alias, EntityType.INNER_DEMON)
     this.path = path;
     this.path.Repeat = true;
     //maxVelocity = new Vector2(Constants.INNER_DEMON_MAX_SPEED, Constants.INNER_DEMON_MAX_SPEED);
     acceleration = new Vector2(Constants.INNER_DEMON_ACCELERATION, Constants.INNER_DEMON_ACCELERATION);
     // = Constants.INNER_DEMON_MAX_HEALTH;
     this.entityManager = entityManager;
     this.random = new Random();
     hitFx = new HitFX(game);
     //this.hitRadius = Constants.INNER_DEMON_RADIUS; = audioManager;
     animation.MaxFrames = 0;
Esempio n. 24
 public TempLight(Soul game, Vector3 position, float powerScalar, Vector4 colorValue, int lightDecay, float power, bool specular, float minPower, float maxPower)
     this.minPower = minPower;
     this.maxPower = maxPower;
     this.powerScalar = powerScalar;
     pointLight = new PointLight()
         Color = colorValue,
         LightDecay = lightDecay,
         Power = power,
         Position = position,
         IsEnabled = true,
         renderSpecular = specular
Esempio n. 25
 public DarkThought(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, AudioManager audioManager, GameTime gameTime, string alias, EntityManager entityManager, Path path)
     : base(spriteBatch, game, Constants.DARK_THOUGHT_FILENAME, new Vector2(Constants.DARK_THOUGHT_WIDTH, Constants.DARK_THOUGHT_HEIGHT), alias, EntityType.DARK_THOUGHT)
 { = audioManager;
     this.entityManager = entityManager;
     weapon = new DarkThoughtWeapon(spriteBatch, game, sprite.Y);
     weapon.Damage = damage;
     //maxVelocity = new Vector2(Constants.DARK_THOUGHT_MAX_SPEED, Constants.DARK_THOUGHT_MAX_SPEED);
     acceleration = new Vector2(Constants.DARK_THOUGHT_ACCELERATION, Constants.DARK_THOUGHT_ACCELERATION);
     this.path = path;
     // = Constants.DARK_THOUGHT_MAX_HEALTH;
     this.animation.MaxFrames = 11;
     hitFx = new HitFX(game);
     //this.hitRadius = Constants.DARK_THOUGHT_RADIUS;
     timeSinceLastBullet = gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
     timeSinceLastBurst = gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds;
Esempio n. 26
        public WeaponPowerupSpread(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, string alias, Vector2 position)
            : base(spriteBatch, game, Constants.WEAPON_POWERUP_SPREAD_FILENAME, new Vector2(Constants.WEAPON_POWERUP_SPREAD_DIMENSION), alias, EntityType.WEAPON_POWERUP_SPREAD)
            animation.MaxFrames = 6;
            this.position = position;
            velocity.X = 1.0f;
            this.hitRadius = Constants.WEAPON_POWERUP_SPREAD_RADIUS;

            pointLight = new PointLight()
                Color = new Vector4(float.Parse("SpreadPowerUp", "ColorR")), float.Parse("SpreadPowerUp", "ColorG")), float.Parse("SpreadPowerUp", "ColorB")), float.Parse("SpreadPowerUp", "ColorA"))),
                Power = float.Parse("SpreadPowerUp", "Power")),
                LightDecay = int.Parse("SpreadPowerUp", "LightDecay")),
                Position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, float.Parse("SpreadPowerUp", "ZPosition"))),
                IsEnabled = true,
                renderSpecular = bool.Parse("SpreadPowerUp", "Specular"))
Esempio n. 27
        public HealthPowerup(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, string alias, Vector2 position)
            : base(spriteBatch, game, Constants.HEALTH_POWERUP_FILENAME, new Vector2(Constants.HEALTH_POWERUP_DIMENSION), alias, EntityType.HEALTH_POWERUP)
            animation.MaxFrames = 8;
            this.position = position;
            velocity.X = 1.0f;
            this.hitRadius = Constants.HEALTH_POWERUP_RADIUS;

            pointLight = new PointLight()
                Color = new Vector4(float.Parse("PlayerHealthLight", "ColorR")), float.Parse("PlayerHealthLight", "ColorG")), float.Parse("PlayerHealthLight", "ColorB")), float.Parse("PlayerHealthLight", "ColorA"))),
                Power = float.Parse("HealthLight", "Power")),
                LightDecay = int.Parse("HealthLight", "LightDecay")),
                Position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, float.Parse("HealthLight", "ZPosition"))),
                IsEnabled = true,
                renderSpecular = bool.Parse("HealthLight", "Specular"))
Esempio n. 28
 public BackgroundPillar(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, string filename, uint appearTime, float scrollSpeed, float layer, bool persistScroll)
     sprite = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, filename);
     filename += "_depth";
     normal = new Sprite(spriteBatch, game, filename);
     this.layer = layer;
     this.scrollSpeed = scrollSpeed;
     this.persistScroll = persistScroll;
     if (scrollSpeed > 0.0f)
         position.X = 0.0f - (float)sprite.X;
     else if (scrollSpeed < 0.0f)
         position.X = (float)game.Window.ClientBounds.Width;
     screenSize = new Rectangle(0, 0, game.Window.ClientBounds.Width, game.Window.ClientBounds.Height);
     spriteWidth = (float)sprite.X;
Esempio n. 29
 public DarkWhisper(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, AudioManager audioManager, string alias, EntityManager entityManager, Path path)
     : base(spriteBatch, game, Constants.DARK_WHISPER_FILENAME, new Vector2(Constants.DARK_WHISPER_WIDTH, Constants.DARK_WHISPER_HEIGHT), alias, EntityType.DARK_WHISPER)
     if (path != null)
         this.path = path; = false;
     this.entityManager = entityManager;
     // = Constants.DARK_WHISPER_MAX_HEALTH;
     //this.maxVelocity =  new Vector2(Constants.DARK_WHISPER_MAX_SPEED);
     this.acceleration = new Vector2(Constants.DARK_WHISPER_ACCELERATION);
     spikeList = new List<Bullet>();
     this.animation.MaxFrames = 0;
     this.animation.FrameRate = 50;
     hitFx = new HitFX(game); = audioManager;
     //this.hitRadius = Constants.DARK_WHISPER_RADIUS;
Esempio n. 30
 public PillarBatch(BackgroundManager backgroundManager, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Soul game, int lowestSpawn, int highestSpawn, int deadTime, float direction, bool randomDirection, bool randomSpeed, float layer, bool persistScroll)
     this.backgroundManager = backgroundManager;
     this.randomSpeed = randomSpeed;
     this.fileNameList = new List<string>();
     this.persistScroll = persistScroll;
     this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch; = game;
     this.layer = layer;
     this.scrollSpeed = direction;
     this.randomDirection = randomDirection;
     this.pillarList = new List<BackgroundPillar>();
     this.killList = new List<BackgroundPillar>();
     this.random = new Random();
     this.lowestSpawn = lowestSpawn;
     this.highestSpawn = highestSpawn;
     this.deadTime = deadTime;