/// <summary>
        /// Sets the UI for the game screen.
        /// </summary>
        private void setUI(StudentProblem curProb)
            AddSubProblem prob = curProb.Problem;

            Session["CurAnswer"] = prob.Result;
            string ord1 = prob.Operator1.ToString();
            string ord2 = prob.Operator2.ToString();

            // set the images for the UI
            imgOpSign.ImageUrl = "images/signs/plus.png";
            imgOrd1.ImageUrl   = "images/nums/" + ord1 + ".png";
            imgOrd2.ImageUrl   = "images/nums/" + ord2 + ".png";

            // set alternate text
            imgOpSign.AlternateText = "+";
            imgOrd1.AlternateText   = ord1;
            imgOrd2.AlternateText   = ord2;
Esempio n. 2
        // Randomly fill problem list with problems from the appropriate level and problem type
        // TODO Currently hard coded for the first 55 problems, which are Addition Level 1
        // TODO Create a SQL query which gets a list of all IDs for the appropriate ProblemType and Level
        // TODO Then generate random IDs based on that list
        private void PopulateProblemList()
            //int id;
            AddSubProblem thisAddSubProb;
            Result        thisResult;

            // Open a connection to the DB
            using (DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext())
                // Random number generator for problem IDs
                Random r = new Random();

                // Fill the ProblemList with problems, based on
                // the problem ID, which is randomly generated
                for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PROBS_PER_ROUND; i++)
                    // Random ID
                    // TODO random seed currently hardcoded to 0..55
                    int id = r.Next(LOWEST_PROBLEM_ID, (HIGHEST_PROBLEM_ID + 1));

                    // Set the sql string
                    var temp = dc.AddSubProblems.Where(x => x.AddSubProblemID == id).First();
                    thisAddSubProb = (AddSubProblem)(dc.AddSubProblems.Where(x => x.AddSubProblemID == id)).First();

                    // Create the new Result
                    thisResult = new Result();

                    // Pre-set values in the new Result
                    thisResult.ProblemID = id;
                    thisResult.Level     = thisAddSubProb.Level;

                    // Create a new StudentProblem
                    StudentProblem sp =
                        new StudentProblem(thisAddSubProb, thisResult);

                    // Add to problem list
Esempio n. 3
        // Randomly fill problem list with problems from the appropriate level and problem type
        // TODO: Query the Results table for id = StudentID, level = Level, and problem type = ProbType
        // This should return a list of the missed problems of this type in this level.
        // Use these values to start the PopulateProblemList list
        private void PopulateProblemList()
            AddSubProblem thisAddSubProb = null;
            Result        thisResult;

            // Open a connection to the DB
            using (DataClassesDataContext dc = new DataClassesDataContext())
                // RELEASE 2:
                // Remove the 0..55 range, and replace
                // it with a random selection where Level = desired level
                // NEWID() provides a randomization function.
                // See MSDN, Selecting Rows Randomly from a Large Table
                // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc441928.aspx

                // Get list of *missed* problem IDs for this level
                // This will form the first part of the problem list
                var        missedProbs   = dc.GetMissedProblems(sid, (int)probType);
                List <int> missedProbIds = new List <int>();

                foreach (GetMissedProblemsResult m in missedProbs)

                // Now get a list of *new* problem IDs for this level and problem type
                var        problemQuery = dc.GetProblemIDs((int)probType, level);
                List <int> newProbIds   = new List <int>();

                foreach (GetProblemIDsResult i in problemQuery)

                // Finally, combine the lists.
                // For now, we will start with missed problem ids,
                // and fill the rest of the list with new problem ids
                // There will be problem ids that are not covered in this round
                // TODO: How to deal with more than NUM_PROBS_PER_ROUND missed problems?
                List <int> allProbIds = new List <int>();

                // At most, the number of missed problems to be shown
                // is the number of problems in the current round
                int numMissedShown = Math.Min(missedProbIds.Count, NUM_PROBS_PER_ROUND);

                // If there are any problems not yet used, the slots will
                // be filled by new problems
                int numNewShown = NUM_PROBS_PER_ROUND - numMissedShown;

                for (int i = 0; i < numMissedShown; i++)

                int newProbCount = 0;

                for (int i = numMissedShown; i < NUM_PROBS_PER_ROUND; i++)

                // Get problems based on the list of ids
                var problems = dc.GetProblems(allProbIds);

                foreach (var prob in problems)
                    // Create the new Result
                    thisResult = new Result();

                    // Pre-set values in the new Result
                    thisResult.ProblemID = prob.AddSubProblemID;
                    thisResult.Level     = prob.Level;

                    // Create a new StudentProblem
                    StudentProblem sp =
                        new StudentProblem(prob, thisResult);
                    // new StudentProblem(thisAddSubProb, thisResult);

                    // Add to problem list
        /// <summary>
        /// Submits student's answer and checks against stored answer.
        /// Displays pop up with Correct/Incorrect and sets the UI for the next problem.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            // check that the user input is not blank
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtStudentInput.Text))
                return;                 // return out if the input is blank
            // get index value from hidden label
            int idx;

            Int32.TryParse(lblProbIdx.Text, out idx);

            // get student answer from textbox
            int studentAnswer;

            Int32.TryParse(txtStudentInput.Text, out studentAnswer);
            txtStudentInput.Text = "";

            ProblemSet     probSet = (ProblemSet)Session["CurProbSet"];
            StudentProblem curProb = probSet.ProblemList[idx];

            // correct answer
            if (studentAnswer == curProb.Problem.Result)
                // add happy cookie image
                imgCookie.ImageUrl      = "images/cookie-happy.png";
                imgCookie.AlternateText = "Happy Cookie";

                //change the label text and color
                lblAnswerResult.Text = "Correct!";
                //lblAnswerResult.ForeColor = "#9BFF3A";

                // increment right answers
                int x = (int)Session["RightAnswerCount"];
                Session["RightAnswerCount"] = ++x;
            // incorrect answer
                // add sad cookie image
                imgCookie.ImageUrl      = "images/cookie-sad.png";
                imgCookie.AlternateText = "Sad Cookie";

                //change the label text and color
                lblAnswerResult.Text = "Incorrect!";
                // lblAnswerResult.ForeColor = "#E52B14";

                // increment wrong answers
                int x = (int)Session["WrongAnswerCount"];
                Session["WrongAnswerCount"] = ++x;

            // Store problem and student's answer as a Result object
            Result result = new Result();

            result.StudentID = (int)Session["UserID"];
            result.ProblemID = curProb.Problem.AddSubProblemID;
            result.Answer    = studentAnswer;
            result.Level     = curProb.Problem.Level;
            result.Round     = (int)Session["CurRound"];

            // Add the result to the list node
            curProb.studentResult = result;

            // bring up the results pop up panel
            pnlGame.Visible    = false;
            pnlResults.Visible = true;

            // check if we've reached the end of the list
            if (++idx >= probSet.ProblemList.Count)
                // save the results to the DB

                lblGameOver.Text = "true";

                // advance the round
                int round = (int)Session["CurRound"];
                Session["CurRound"] = ++round;

                // switch panels to display
                // store current index in hidden label
                lblProbIdx.Text = idx.ToString();

                // move to the next problem