Esempio n. 1
        private void Generate(GenerateAccounts msg)
            List <Account> accounts = null;

            if (AccountList.Count >= msg.NumAccountsToGenerate)
                _log.Info("Generate - enough accounts already exist. AccountList.Count={0} NumAccountsToGenerate={1}",
                          AccountList.Count, msg.NumAccountsToGenerate);
                _log.Info("Generate - generating accounts for {0} actors",
                          AccountList.Count - msg.NumAccountsToGenerate);

            // Only create the actors that we need to
            int i;

            irefs = new IActorRef[msg.NumAccountsToGenerate];

            // Start the actors that have previously been created
            for (i = 0; i < msg.NumAccountsToGenerate && i < AccountList.Count; i++)
                var testActorProps = Props.Create(() => new TestActor(AccountList[i]));

                // Spread the actors across the systems to see if we get better performance
                irefs[i] = Context.ActorOf(testActorProps, "testActor-" + i);

            var started = i;

            _log.Info("Generate - started {0} previously created actors", i);

            // Create any new actors that are needed
            if (i < msg.NumAccountsToGenerate)
                accounts = CreateAccounts(msg);

            for (; i < msg.NumAccountsToGenerate; i++)
                var testActorProps = Props.Create(() => new TestActor(accounts[i]));
                // Spread the actors across the systems to see if we get better performance
                irefs[i] = Context.ActorOf(testActorProps, "testActor-" + i);


            _log.Info("Generate - created {0} new actors", i - started);

            // Save the state
Esempio n. 2
        private List <Account> CreateAccounts(GenerateAccounts msg)
            _log.Debug("AccountGenerator - Processing GenerateAccounts");

            var    counter = 0;
            string line;
            var    list = new List <Account>(msg.NumAccountsToGenerate);
            var    rnd  = new Random();

                // Read the file and display it line by line.
                var file =
                    new StreamReader(msg.Filename);

                _log.Info("AccountGenerator - Start Account Generation");

                while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (counter == 0)
                        continue; // skip the headers in the file

                    var tokens  = line.Split(',');
                    var account = new Account(tokens[0] + "-" + (counter - 1));

                    account.CompanyIDCustomerID    = tokens[1];
                    account.AccountTypeID          = tokens[2];
                    account.PrimaryAccountCodeID   = tokens[3];
                    account.PortfolioID            = int.Parse(tokens[4]);
                    account.ContractDate           = tokens[5];
                    account.DelinquencyHistory     = tokens[6];
                    account.LastPaymentAmount      = tokens[7];
                    account.LastPaymentDate        = tokens[8];
                    account.SetupDate              = tokens[9];
                    account.CouponNumber           = tokens[10];
                    account.AlternateAccountNumber = tokens[11];
                    account.Desc1 = tokens[12];
                    account.Desc2 = tokens[13];
                    account.Desc3 = tokens[14];
                    account.ConversionAccountID       = tokens[15];
                    account.SecurityQuestionsAnswered = tokens[16];
                    account.LegalName   = tokens[17];
                    account.RandomText0 = Guid.NewGuid() +
                                          "SOme random lot of text that is front and ended with a guid to make it uique and fairly long so it taxes the actor creation mechanism to determine if it takes too long" +
                    account.RandomText1 = Guid.NewGuid() +
                                          "SOme random lot of text that is front and ended with a guid to make it uique and fairly long so it taxes the actor creation mechanism to determine if it takes too long" +
                    account.RandomText3 = Guid.NewGuid() +
                                          "SOme random lot of text that is front and ended with a guid to make it uique and fairly long so it taxes the actor creation mechanism to determine if it takes too long" +
                    account.RandomText4 = Guid.NewGuid() +
                                          "SOme random lot of text that is front and ended with a guid to make it uique and fairly long so it taxes the actor creation mechanism to determine if it takes too long" +
                    account.RandomText5 = Guid.NewGuid() +
                                          "SOme random lot of text that is front and ended with a guid to make it uique and fairly long so it taxes the actor creation mechanism to determine if it takes too long" +
                    account.RandomText6 = Guid.NewGuid() +
                                          "SOme random lot of text that is front and ended with a guid to make it uique and fairly long so it taxes the actor creation mechanism to determine if it takes too long" +
                    account.RandomText7 = Guid.NewGuid() +
                                          "SOme random lot of text that is front and ended with a guid to make it uique and fairly long so it taxes the actor creation mechanism to determine if it takes too long" +
                    account.RandomText8 = Guid.NewGuid() +
                                          "SOme random lot of text that is front and ended with a guid to make it uique and fairly long so it taxes the actor creation mechanism to determine if it takes too long" +
                    account.RandomText9 = Guid.NewGuid() +
                                          "SOme random lot of text that is front and ended with a guid to make it uique and fairly long so it taxes the actor creation mechanism to determine if it takes too long" +

                    // Every so often make a large account with a lot of data
                    const string allowedChars = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@$?_-";
                    if (counter % 10000 == 0)
                        _log.Debug("AccountGenerator - counter={0}", counter);

                        // Populate a large dictionary
                        account.LargeAccount1 = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        var size = rnd.Next(100000, 200000);
                        for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
                            var stringLength = rnd.Next(100, 1000);
                            var chars        = new char[stringLength];

                            for (var j = 0; j < stringLength; j++)
                                chars[j] = allowedChars[rnd.Next(0, allowedChars.Length)];

                            account.LargeAccount1.Add(new string(chars) + i, "" + i);

                        // Populate a large list
                        account.LargeAccount2 = new List <float>();
                        size = rnd.Next(5000, 50000);
                        for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
                            var result = rnd.NextDouble() * (float.MaxValue - (double)float.MinValue) + float.MinValue;

                    // Create an array of random longs
                    account.LongValues = new long[rnd.Next(20, 500)];
                    for (var i = 0; i < account.LongValues.Length; i++)
                        account.LongValues[i] = rnd.Next(1, 18000000);

                    // Store the Account in the List

                    if (counter > msg.NumAccountsToGenerate + 1)

                _log.Info("AccountGenerator - Finish Account Generation");

            catch (Exception e)
                    "ERROR opening the faile that holds the data for the accounts. Filename={0}. Error={1}. Stacktrace={2}",
                    msg.Filename, e.Message, e.StackTrace);
