private static List <OneGameStatisticsDto> RunSimluations(GameSimluator simluator, int numberOfIterations, int numberOfProgressLogs, int maxTurns)
            List <OneGameStatisticsDto> allGameStats = new List <OneGameStatisticsDto>();

            int afterHowManyRunsToMakeLog = numberOfIterations / numberOfProgressLogs;

            DateTime simluationStartTime = DateTime.Now;

            Console.WriteLine($"\r\n\r\nRunning simulation with {numberOfIterations} iterations:\r\n");
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfIterations; i++)
                OneGameStatisticsDto currentGameStats = simluator.Simlulate(maxTurns);


                bool enoughProgressMade = i % afterHowManyRunsToMakeLog == 0;
                if (enoughProgressMade)
                    int progressPercentage = 100 * i / numberOfIterations;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Simulation progress: {progressPercentage}%");

            DateTime simluationEndTime  = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan simluationDuration = simluationEndTime - simluationStartTime;

            Console.WriteLine($"Simulation done. Simulation actual duration: {simluationDuration.Seconds}s\r\n");
        public OneGameStatisticsDto Simlulate(int maxTurns, bool liveGameLogging = false)
            //player starts out of the game board
            int playerPosition = 0;

            int thrownDices = 0;

            int numberOfJumps = 0;
            int numberOfTimesPlayerIsBlocked = 0;

            while (true)
                if (thrownDices == maxTurns)
                    if (liveGameLogging)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Max turns ({maxTurns}) reached wihtout reaching the goal! Better luck in next game!");

                int diceResult = ThrowDice();
                if (liveGameLogging)
                    Console.WriteLine($"\r\nPlayer is on position {playerPosition}. Dice gave result {diceResult} on throwing number {thrownDices}.");

                //check if player would be moved out of the board
                if (playerPosition + diceResult > 100)
                    if (liveGameLogging)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Player can't move. \t\t\t<-- IMPORTANT");

                //move player
                playerPosition += diceResult;
                if (liveGameLogging)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Moved player by {diceResult} to position {playerPosition}");

                //execute snake or ladder jump if there is one of those at new player's position
                SnakeOrLadderEntity snakeOrLadderAtNewPlayerPosition = SnakesAndLadders.SingleOrDefault(element => element.HeadPosition == playerPosition);
                if (snakeOrLadderAtNewPlayerPosition != null)
                    int whereToJump = snakeOrLadderAtNewPlayerPosition.TailPosition;

                    if (liveGameLogging)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Player jumped to position {whereToJump}. \t\t<-- IMPORTANT");
                    playerPosition = whereToJump;

                //check if player reached game end
                if (playerPosition == 100)
                    if (liveGameLogging)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Player won the game in {thrownDices} turns.");

            OneGameStatisticsDto stats = new OneGameStatisticsDto
                Turns        = thrownDices,
                Jumps        = numberOfJumps,
                BlockedTimes = numberOfTimesPlayerIsBlocked

            if (liveGameLogging)
                Console.WriteLine($"\r\nLast game statistics: Turns: {thrownDices}, Jumps: {numberOfJumps}, Times player was unable to move: {numberOfTimesPlayerIsBlocked}");
