private void exportAllAsANIMToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var ofd = new FolderSelectDialog()) { ofd.Title = "Character Folder"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string path = ofd.SelectedPath; foreach (TreeNode b in treeView1.Nodes) { foreach (TreeNode v in b.Nodes) { foreach (TreeNode f in v.Nodes) { foreach (TreeNode a in f.Nodes) { if (a is Animation) { ANIM.CreateANIM(path + "\\" + a.Text + ".anim", ((Animation)a), Runtime.TargetVbn); } } } } } } } }
public void ReplaceAnimation(object sender, EventArgs args) { using (OpenFileDialog of = new OpenFileDialog()) { of.ShowDialog(); foreach (string filename in of.FileNames) { if (filename.EndsWith(".omo")) { Animation a = FileData(filename)); a.Text = filename; ReplaceMe(a); } if (filename.EndsWith(".smd")) { Animation a = new Animation(filename.Replace(".smd", "")); Smd.Read(filename, a, Runtime.TargetVbn); ReplaceMe(a); } if (filename.EndsWith(".chr0")) { Animation a = ( FileData(filename), Runtime.TargetVbn)); ReplaceMe(a); } if (filename.EndsWith(".anim")) { Animation a = (, Runtime.TargetVbn)); ReplaceMe(a); } } } }
public void Import(object sender, EventArgs args) { using (OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog()) { fd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.omo;*.anim;*.chr0;*.smd;*.mta;|" + "Object Motion|*.omo|" + "Maya Animation|*.anim|" + "NW4R Animation|*.chr0|" + "Source Animation (SMD)|*.smd|" + "Smash 4 Material Animation (MTA)|*.mta|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; if (fd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (string filename in fd.FileNames) { if (filename.EndsWith(".mta")) { MTA mta = new MTA(); try { mta.Read(filename); Runtime.MaterialAnimations.Add(filename, mta); Nodes.Add(filename); } catch (Exception) { mta = null; } } else if (filename.EndsWith(".smd")) { var anim = new Animation(filename); if (Runtime.TargetVbn == null) { Runtime.TargetVbn = new VBN(); } Smd.Read(filename, anim, Runtime.TargetVbn); Nodes.Add(anim); } if (filename.EndsWith(".omo")) { Animation a = FileData(filename)); a.Text = filename; Nodes.Add(a); } if (filename.EndsWith(".chr0")) { Nodes.Add( FileData(filename), Runtime.TargetVbn)); } if (filename.EndsWith(".anim")) { Nodes.Add(, Runtime.TargetVbn)); } } } } }
public void SaveAs(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (Runtime.TargetVbn == null) { MessageBox.Show("You must have a bone-set (VBN) selected to save animations."); return; } using (var sfd = new SaveFileDialog()) { sfd.Filter = "Supported Files (.omo, .anim, .smd)|*.omo;*.anim;*.smd|" + "Maya Anim (.anim)|*.anim|" + "Object Motion (.omo)|*.omo|" + "Source Animation (.smd)|*.smd|" + "All Files (*.*)|*.*"; sfd.DefaultExt = "smd"; //Set a default extension to prevent crashing if not specified by user if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { sfd.FileName = sfd.FileName; if (sfd.FileName.EndsWith(".anim")) { if (Tag is AnimTrack) { ((AnimTrack)Tag).CreateAnim(sfd.FileName, Runtime.TargetVbn); } else { ANIM.CreateANIM(sfd.FileName, this, Runtime.TargetVbn); } } if (sfd.FileName.EndsWith(".omo")) { if (Tag is FileData) { FileOutput o = new FileOutput(); o.WriteBytes(((FileData)Tag).GetSection(0, ((FileData)Tag).Size())); o.Save(sfd.FileName); } else { File.WriteAllBytes(sfd.FileName, OMOOld.CreateOMOFromAnimation(this, Runtime.TargetVbn)); } } if (sfd.FileName.EndsWith(".smd")) { Smd.Save(this, Runtime.TargetVbn, sfd.FileName); } } } }
public void Apply(VBN bone) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { List <AnimType> used = new List <AnimType>(); Bone b = bone.bones[i]; Vector3 erot = ANIM.quattoeul(b.rot); foreach (DATAnimTrack track in nodes[i]) { KeyNode node = track.keys[0]; if (Debug) { Console.WriteLine("Bone " + i + " " + track.type + " " + node.value); } switch (track.type) { case AnimType.XPOS: b.pos.X = node.value; break; case AnimType.YPOS: b.pos.Y = node.value; break; case AnimType.ZPOS: b.pos.Z = node.value; break; case AnimType.XROT: erot.X = node.value; break; case AnimType.YROT: erot.Y = node.value; break; case AnimType.ZROT: erot.Z = node.value; break; } } b.rot = VBN.FromEulerAngles(erot.Z, erot.Y, erot.X); } bone.update(); }
public static void Save(Animation anim, VBN skeleton, String fname) { using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fname)) { file.WriteLine("version 1"); file.WriteLine("nodes"); foreach (Bone b in skeleton.bones) { file.WriteLine(skeleton.bones.IndexOf(b) + " \"" + b.Text + "\" " + b.parentIndex); } file.WriteLine("end"); file.WriteLine("skeleton"); anim.SetFrame(0); for (int i = 0; i <= anim.frameCount; i++) { anim.NextFrame(skeleton); file.WriteLine("time " + i); foreach (Animation.KeyNode sb in anim.bones) { Bone b = skeleton.getBone(sb.Text); if (b == null) { continue; } Vector3 eul = ANIM.quattoeul(b.rot); file.WriteLine(skeleton.bones.IndexOf(b) + " " + b.pos.X + " " + b.pos.Y + " " + b.pos.Z + " " + eul.X + " " + eul.Y + " " + eul.Z); } } file.WriteLine("end"); file.Close(); } }
public void SetKeyFromBone(float frame, Bone bone) { Vector3 rot = ANIM.quattoeul(bone.rot); if (rot.X != bone.rotation[0] || rot.Y != bone.rotation[1] || rot.Z != bone.rotation[2]) { xrot.GetKeyFrame(frame).Value = bone.rot.X; yrot.GetKeyFrame(frame).Value = bone.rot.Y; zrot.GetKeyFrame(frame).Value = bone.rot.Z; wrot.GetKeyFrame(frame).Value = bone.rot.W; } if (bone.pos.X != bone.position[0] || bone.pos.Y != bone.position[1] || bone.pos.Z != bone.position[2]) { xpos.GetKeyFrame(frame).Value = bone.pos.X; ypos.GetKeyFrame(frame).Value = bone.pos.Y; zpos.GetKeyFrame(frame).Value = bone.pos.Z; } if ( != bone.scale[0] || != bone.scale[1] || != bone.scale[2]) { xsca.GetKeyFrame(frame).Value =; ysca.GetKeyFrame(frame).Value =; zsca.GetKeyFrame(frame).Value =; } }