protected BarFactoryItem(Instrument instrument, BarType barType, long barSize) { this.factory = null; this.instrument = instrument; this.barType = barType; this.barSize = barSize; }
public void Subscribe(IDataProvider provider, Instrument instrument) { if (provider.Status != ProviderStatus.Connected) { provider.Connect(); } Dictionary<Instrument, int> dictionary = null; if (!this.subscriptions.TryGetValue((int)provider.Id, out dictionary)) { dictionary = new Dictionary<Instrument, int>(); this.subscriptions[(int)provider.Id] = dictionary; } int num = 0; bool flag = false; if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(instrument, out num)) { flag = true; num = 1; } else { if (num == 0) { flag = true; } num++; } dictionary[instrument] = num; if (flag) { provider.Subscribe(instrument); } }
public HistoricalDataRequest(Instrument instrument, DateTime dateTime1, DateTime dateTime2, byte dataType) { this.Instrument = instrument; this.DateTime1 = dateTime1; this.DateTime2 = dateTime2; this.DataType = dataType; }
public override object Read(BinaryReader reader) { reader.ReadByte(); int id = reader.ReadInt32(); InstrumentType type = (InstrumentType)reader.ReadByte(); string symbol = reader.ReadString(); string description = reader.ReadString(); byte currencyId = reader.ReadByte(); string exchange = reader.ReadString(); Instrument instrument = new Instrument(id, type, symbol, description, currencyId, exchange); instrument.tickSize = reader.ReadDouble(); instrument.maturity = new DateTime(reader.ReadInt64()); instrument.factor = reader.ReadDouble(); instrument.strike = reader.ReadDouble(); instrument.putcall = (PutCall)reader.ReadByte(); instrument.margin = reader.ReadDouble(); int num = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { AltId altId = new AltId(); altId.providerId = reader.ReadByte(); altId.symbol = reader.ReadString(); = reader.ReadString(); instrument.altId.Add(altId); } return instrument; }
protected override void OnInit() { this.instrument = (Instrument) this.args[0]; this.InitDataSeriesList(); this.InitDataSeriesViewer(); this.Text = string.Format("Data [{0}]", (object) this.instrument.Symbol); }
public override void Subscribe(Instrument instrument) { if (instrument.Parent != null) { this.strategyBySynthInstrument[instrument.Id] = this.strategyBySynthInstrument[instrument.Parent.Id]; this.strategyBySynthInstrument[instrument.Id].OnSubscribe(instrument); return; } SellSideInstrumentStrategy sellSideInstrumentStrategy = (SellSideInstrumentStrategy)Activator.CreateInstance(base.GetType(), new object[] { this.framework, string.Concat(new object[] { base.Name, "(", instrument, ")" }) }); this.SetupStrategy(sellSideInstrumentStrategy); sellSideInstrumentStrategy.Instrument = instrument; this.strategyBySynthInstrument[instrument.Id] = sellSideInstrumentStrategy; sellSideInstrumentStrategy.OnSubscribe(instrument); sellSideInstrumentStrategy.dataProvider = base.DataProvider; sellSideInstrumentStrategy.executionProvider = base.ExecutionProvider; sellSideInstrumentStrategy.raiseEvents = true; base.AddStrategy(sellSideInstrumentStrategy, false); sellSideInstrumentStrategy.OnStrategyStart(); }
// 从分类好的目录中取中所有合约 private SortedDictionary<int, FileInfo> GetData_Instrument(Instrument inst) { SortedDictionary<int, FileInfo> resultList = new SortedDictionary<int, FileInfo>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DataPath_Instrument)) return resultList; // 直接查找某一目录是否存在 string instrument = inst.Symbol; int i = inst.Symbol.IndexOf('.'); if(i>=0) { instrument = instrument.Substring(0,i); } var di = new DirectoryInfo(DataPath_Instrument); if (!di.Exists) return resultList; var list = di.GetDirectories(instrument, System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach(var l in list) { UnionAndUpdate(resultList, GetFiles(l, inst.Symbol)); } return resultList; }
public ImportTask(Instrument instrument) { this.Instrument = instrument; this.State = ImportTaskState.Pending; this.Count = 0; this.TotalNum = 0; this.Message = string.Empty; }
public void Delete(Instrument instrument) { this.instruments.Remove(instrument); if (this.server != null && instrument.isPersistent) { this.server.Delete(instrument); } this.framework.eventServer.OnInstrumentDeleted(instrument); }
private void textBox_Instrument_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { Instrument = SmartQuant.Shared.Global.Framework.InstrumentManager.Get((sender as TextBox).Text); errorProvider1.Clear(); if (Instrument == null) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox_Instrument,"合约不存在"); } }
public InstrumentViewItem(Instrument instrument) : base(new string[5]) { this.Instrument = instrument; this.SubItems[0].Text = instrument.Symbol; this.SubItems[1].Text = instrument.Type.ToString(); this.SubItems[2].Text = instrument.Exchange; this.SubItems[3].Text = CurrencyId.GetName(instrument.CurrencyId); this.SubItems[4].Text = instrument.Maturity == DateTime.MinValue ? string.Empty : instrument.Maturity.ToShortDateString(); }
public Instrument GetById(int id) { Instrument instrument = this.instruments.GetById(id); if (instrument == null) { instrument = new Instrument(id, InstrumentType.Synthetic, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "", 1); this.instruments.Add(instrument); } return instrument; }
public Order(IExecutionProvider provider, Instrument instrument, OrderType type, OrderSide side, double qty, double price = 0.0, double stopPx = 0.0, TimeInForce timeInForce = TimeInForce.Day, string text = "") : this() { this.provider = provider; this.instrument = instrument; this.type = type; this.side = side; this.qty = qty; this.price = price; this.stopPx = stopPx; this.timeInForce = timeInForce; this.text = text; this.portfolio = null; }
public void Add(Instrument instrument, bool save = true) { if (this.Contains(instrument.symbol)) { throw new ApplicationException("Instrument with the same symbol is already present in the framework : " + instrument.symbol); } instrument.Id = this.next_id; this.next_id++; this.instruments.Add(instrument); if (save && this.server != null) { this.server.Save(instrument); } this.framework.eventServer.OnInstrumentAdded(instrument); }
public void AddInstance(Instrument instrument, InstrumentStrategy strategy) { strategy.instruments.Add(instrument); strategy.instrument = instrument; strategy.raiseEvents = true; strategy.dataProvider = this.dataProvider; strategy.executionProvider = this.executionProvider; this.Add(strategy); if (base.Instruments.GetById( == null) { base.Instruments.Add(instrument); } strategy.status = StrategyStatus.Running; strategy.OnStrategyStart(); }
public Stop(Strategy strategy, Position position, DateTime time) { this.strategy = strategy; this.position = position; this.instrument = position.instrument; this.qty = position.qty; this.side = position.Side; this.type = StopType.Time; this.creationTime = strategy.framework.Clock.DateTime; this.completionTime = time; this.stopPrice = this.GetInstrumentPrice(); if (this.completionTime > this.creationTime) { strategy.framework.Clock.AddReminder(new Reminder(new ReminderCallback(this.OnClock), this.completionTime, null)); } }
public Stop(Strategy strategy, Position position, double level, StopType type, StopMode mode) { this.strategy = strategy; this.position = position; this.instrument = position.instrument; this.qty = position.qty; this.side = position.Side; this.level = level; this.type = type; this.mode = mode; this.currPrice = this.GetInstrumentPrice(); this.trailPrice = this.currPrice; this.stopPrice = this.GetStopPrice(); this.creationTime = strategy.framework.Clock.DateTime; this.completionTime = DateTime.MinValue; this.Connect(); }
protected override void OnBar(Instrument instrument, Bar bar) { // Add bar to bar series. Bars.Add(bar); // Add bar to group. Log(bar, barsGroup); // Add upper bollinger band value to group. if (bbu.Count > 0) Log(bbu.Last, bbuGroup); // Add lower bollinger band value to group. if (bbl.Count > 0) Log(bbl.Last, bblGroup); // Add simple moving average value bands to group. if (sma.Count > 0) Log(sma.Last, smaGroup); // Calculate performance. Portfolio.Performance.Update(); // Add equity to group. Log(Portfolio.Value, equityGroup); // Check strategy logic. if (!HasPosition(instrument)) { if (bbu.Count > 0 && bar.Close >= bbu.Last) { Order enterOrder = SellOrder(Instrument, Qty, "Enter"); Send(enterOrder); } else if (bbl.Count > 0 && bar.Close <= bbl.Last) { Order enterOrder = BuyOrder(Instrument, Qty, "Enter"); Send(enterOrder); } } else UpdateExitLimit(); }
public void Add(Instrument instrument, BarType barType, long barSize) { BarFactoryItem item; switch (barType) { case BarType.Time: item = new TimeBarFactoryItem(instrument, barSize); break; case BarType.Tick: item = new TickBarFactoryItem(instrument, barSize); break; case BarType.Volume: item = new VolumeBarFactoryItem(instrument, barSize); break; default: throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Unknown bar type - {0}", barType)); } this.Add(item); }
public TickSeries GetHistoricalTrades(IHistoricalDataProvider provider, Instrument instrument, DateTime dateTime1, DateTime dateTime2) { HistoricalDataRequest request = new HistoricalDataRequest(instrument, dateTime1, dateTime2, 4); provider.Send(request); this.handle = new ManualResetEventSlim(false); this.handle.Wait(); TickSeries tickSeries = new TickSeries(""); if (this.historicalData != null) { foreach (HistoricalData current in this.historicalData) { DataObject[] objects = current.Objects; for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++) { DataObject dataObject = objects[i]; tickSeries.Add((Trade)dataObject); } } } this.historicalData = null; return tickSeries; }
// 得到API中的合约名与交易所 private void GetApi_Symbol_Exchange_TickSize(Instrument instrument, out string altSymbol, out string altExchange, out string apiSymbol, out string apiExchange, out double apiTickSize) { // 取合约别名 altSymbol = instrument.GetSymbol(; altExchange = instrument.GetExchange(; apiTickSize = instrument.TickSize; // 取合约在API中的名字 apiSymbol = altSymbol; apiExchange = altExchange; InstrumentField _Instrument; if (_dictInstruments.TryGetValue(altSymbol, out _Instrument)) { apiSymbol = _Instrument.InstrumentID; apiExchange = _Instrument.ExchangeID; apiTickSize = _Instrument.PriceTick; } }
private void EmitNewMarketDepth(Instrument instrument, DateTime datatime, int position, MDSide ask, double price, int size) { MDOperation insert = MDOperation.Update; if (MDSide.Ask == ask) { if (position >= instrument.OrderBook.Ask.Count) { insert = MDOperation.Insert; } } else { if (position >= instrument.OrderBook.Bid.Count) { insert = MDOperation.Insert; } } if (price != 0 && size != 0) { EmitNewMarketDepth(instrument, new MarketDepth(datatime, "", position, insert, ask, price, size)); } }
public InstrumentList LoadFiles() { if (!Directory.Exists(Path)) { return instruments; } var dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path); foreach (var fi in dir.GetFiles("*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { // 以最深层的文件名做为合约名 string _exchange = string.Empty; string _product = string.Empty; string _instrument = string.Empty; string _symbol = string.Empty; string _date = string.Empty; if (PathHelper.SplitFileName(fi.Name, out _exchange, out _product, out _instrument, out _date)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_exchange)) { _symbol = string.Format("{0}.{1}", _instrument, _exchange); } else _symbol = _instrument; Instrument inst = framework.InstrumentManager.Get(_symbol); if (inst == null) { inst = new Instrument(SmartQuant.InstrumentType.Synthetic, _symbol); framework.InstrumentManager.Add(inst, Save); } instruments.Add(inst); } } return instruments; }
public TickBarFactoryItem(Instrument instrument, long barSize) : base(instrument, BarType.Tick, barSize) { }
private void Send(Order order) { base.EmitExecutionReport(new ExecutionReport { dateTime = this.framework.Clock.DateTime, order = order, commandID =, instrument = order.instrument, ordQty = order.qty, timeInForce = order.timeInForce, execType = ExecType.ExecNew, ordStatus = OrderStatus.New, currencyId = order.instrument.currencyId, ordType = order.type, side = order.side, cumQty = 0.0, lastQty = 0.0, leavesQty = 0.0, lastPx = 0.0, avgPx = 0.0, text = order.text }); int id = order.instrument.Id; if (this.orders[id] == null) { this.orders[id] = new List <Order>(); } this.orders[id].Add(order); switch (order.type) { case OrderType.Market: if (!this.fillMarketOnNext) { Instrument instrument = order.instrument; if (this.fillOnQuote) { switch (order.side) { case OrderSide.Buy: { Ask ask = this.framework.DataManager.GetAsk(instrument); if (ask != null) { this.Fill(order, ask.Price, ask.Size); return; } break; } case OrderSide.Sell: { Bid bid = this.framework.DataManager.GetBid(instrument); if (bid != null) { this.Fill(order, bid.Price, bid.Size); return; } break; } } } if (this.fillOnTrade) { Trade trade = this.framework.DataManager.GetTrade(instrument); if (trade != null) { this.Fill(order, trade.Price, trade.Size); } } } break; case OrderType.Stop: case OrderType.Limit: break; default: return; } }
public override void Unsubscribe(Instrument instrument) { if (instrument.Parent != null) { this.strategyBySynthInstrument[instrument.Id].OnUnsubscribe(instrument); this.strategyBySynthInstrument.Remove(instrument.Id); } }
protected internal override void OnTrade(Instrument instrument, Trade trade) { this.alphaComponent.OnTrade(trade); this.positionComponent.OnTrade(trade); }
protected internal override void OnBid(Instrument instrument, Bid bid) { this.alphaComponent.OnBid(bid); this.positionComponent.OnBid(bid); }
public void Import(string fileName, string symbol, int type) { Console.WriteLine("Starting export: " + fileName + " " + symbol); int num = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; TextReader textReader = File.OpenText(fileName); Instrument instrument = this.framework.InstrumentManager.Get(symbol); if (instrument == null) { instrument = new Instrument(InstrumentType.Stock, symbol, "", 1); this.framework.InstrumentManager.Add(instrument, true); } int num4 = 0; double num5 = -1.0; int num6 = -1; double num7 = -1.0; int num8 = -1; textReader.ReadLine(); while (true) { string text = textReader.ReadLine(); if (text == null) { break; } string[] array = text.Split(new char[] { ',' }); CultureInfo invariantCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; switch (type) { case 4: { DateTime dateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(array[0], "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff", invariantCulture); double num9 = double.Parse(array[1], invariantCulture); int num10 = int.Parse(array[2]); if (num9 > 0.0 && num10 > 0) { Trade obj = new Trade(dateTime, 1, instrument.Id, num9, num10); this.framework.DataManager.Save(instrument, obj); num3++; } break; } case 5: { DateTime dateTime2 = DateTime.ParseExact(array[0], "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff", invariantCulture); double num11 = double.Parse(array[1], invariantCulture); int num12 = int.Parse(array[2]); double num13 = double.Parse(array[3], invariantCulture); int num14 = int.Parse(array[4]); if (num11 > 0.0 && num12 > 0 && (num5 != num11 || num6 != num12)) { Bid obj2 = new Bid(dateTime2, 1, instrument.Id, num11, num12); this.framework.DataManager.Save(instrument, obj2); num5 = num11; num6 = num12; num2++; } if (num13 > 0.0 && num14 > 0 && (num7 != num13 || num8 != num14)) { Ask obj3 = new Ask(dateTime2, 1, instrument.Id, num13, num14); this.framework.DataManager.Save(instrument, obj3); num7 = num13; num8 = num14; num++; } break; } } if (num4 % 100000 == 0) { Console.WriteLine(num4); } num4++; } Console.WriteLine(string.Concat(new object[] { "Lines = ", num4, " bids: ", num2, " asks: ", num, " trades: ", num3 })); textReader.Close(); }
public Leg(Instrument instrument, double weight) { this.instrument = instrument; this.weight = weight; }
public Leg(Instrument instrument) { this.instrument = instrument; this.weight = 0.0; }
public InstrumentEventArgs(Instrument instrument) { this.Instrument = instrument; }
public void OnInstrumentDeleted(Instrument instrument) { this.OnEvent(new OnInstrumentDeleted(instrument)); }
protected internal override void OnAsk(Instrument instrument, Ask ask) { this.alphaComponent.OnAsk(ask); this.positionComponent.OnAsk(ask); }
public void Unsubscribe(int providerId, Instrument instrument) { IDataProvider provider = this.framework.ProviderManager.GetProvider(providerId) as IDataProvider; this.Unsubscribe(provider, instrument); }