Esempio n. 1
        public Vec2 MeasureString(string text, int height, DrawTextFormat format)
            SlimDX.Direct3D9.Font font      = this.GetFont(height);
            Rectangle             rectangle = font.MeasureString(this.textSprite, text, format);

            return(new Vec2(rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height));
Esempio n. 2
        public override void AllocateResources()
            DisplayFont = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.Font(Panel.MainPlot.Device, new System.Drawing.Font("Lucida Console", 16));
            DisplayFont.MeasureString(null, "X", DrawTextFormat.Center, ref FontSizeRect);

            PositionUpdated = true;
Esempio n. 3
        public Vec2 AddTextWithHeight(Vec2 pos, string text, Color color, int height, DrawTextFormat format)
            SlimDX.Direct3D9.Font font      = this.GetFont(height);
            Rectangle             rectangle = font.MeasureString(this.textSprite, text, format);

            rectangle.X += pos.X;
            rectangle.Y += pos.Y;
            font.DrawString(this.textSprite, text, rectangle, format, color);
            return(new Vec2(rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height));
Esempio n. 4
        public Vector2 MeasureString(Vector2 position, string text, float emSize)
            Matrix matScale = Matrix.Scaling(emSize / 30.0f, emSize / 30.0f, 1);
            var    sprite   = FontManager.Sprite;

            var oldTransform = sprite.Transform;

            sprite.Transform = matScale * Matrix.Translation(position.X, position.Y, 0);

            var rect = mBaseFont.MeasureString(sprite, text, DrawTextFormat.Center);

            sprite.Transform = oldTransform;

            var vec = new Vector2(rect.Width, rect.Height);

            return(Vector2.TransformCoordinate(vec, matScale));
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary> Draws text. </summary>
        /// <param name="text">      The text. </param>
        /// <param name="x">         The x coordinate. </param>
        /// <param name="y">         The y coordinate. </param>
        /// <param name="color">     The color. </param>
        /// <param name="emSize">    (optional) size of the em. </param>
        /// <param name="fontStyle"> (optional) the font style. </param>
        public static void DrawText(string text, int x, int y, Color color, float emSize = 12f, FontStyle fontStyle = FontStyle.Regular)
            if (_fontSprite == null)
                _fontSprite = new Sprite(Device);

            using (Font font = new Font(Device, new System.Drawing.Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, emSize, fontStyle)))
                Rectangle stringRect = font.MeasureString(_fontSprite, text, DrawTextFormat.Left);
                Rectangle rect       = new Rectangle(x, y, stringRect.Width + 1, stringRect.Height + 1);

                font.DrawString(_fontSprite, text, rect, DrawTextFormat.Left, color.ToArgb());
Esempio n. 6
        public Vec2 AddTextWithHeightAndOutline(Vec2 pos, string text, Color color, Color outLine, int height, DrawTextFormat format, int outlineOsset = 1)
            SlimDX.Direct3D9.Font font      = this.GetFont(height);
            Rectangle             rectangle = font.MeasureString(this.textSprite, text, format);

            rectangle.X += pos.X;
            rectangle.Y += pos.Y;

            rectangle.X -= 1 * outlineOsset;
            rectangle.Y -= 1 * outlineOsset;
            font.DrawString(this.textSprite, text, rectangle, format, outLine);
            rectangle.Y += 2 * outlineOsset;
            font.DrawString(this.textSprite, text, rectangle, format, outLine);
            rectangle.X += 2 * outlineOsset;
            font.DrawString(this.textSprite, text, rectangle, format, outLine);
            rectangle.Y -= 2 * outlineOsset;
            font.DrawString(this.textSprite, text, rectangle, format, outLine);

            rectangle.X -= 1 * outlineOsset;
            rectangle.Y += 1 * outlineOsset;
            font.DrawString(this.textSprite, text, rectangle, format, color);
            return(new Vec2(rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height));
Esempio n. 7
        private void AddLine(string text)
            Rectangle stringSizeRect = new Rectangle();

            DisplayFontBold.MeasureString(null, text, DrawTextFormat.Center, ref stringSizeRect);

            DisplayFontNormal.DrawString(null, text, TextShadowRect, DrawTextFormat.Left | DrawTextFormat.Top, (int)ShadowColor);
            DisplayFontNormal.DrawString(null, text, TextRect, DrawTextFormat.Left | DrawTextFormat.Top, (int)TextColor);

            TextRect.Y       += FontSizeRect.Height;
            TextShadowRect.Y += FontSizeRect.Height;

            if (stringSizeRect.Width > Width)
                Width = stringSizeRect.Width;

            if (TextRect.Y > Height)
                Height = TextRect.Y;
Esempio n. 8
            // Calculates wrapping and places in WrappedMessage.
            public void WrapMessage(SlimDX.Direct3D9.Font overlayFont, int width)
                    // Rectangle to store the dimensions in.
                    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();

                    // Measure the sender string.
                    overlayFont.MeasureString(null, Sender, DrawTextFormat.SingleLine, ref rect);
                    SenderWidth = rect.Width;
                    width      -= SenderWidth;

                    // List containing the split lines.
                    List <String> lines = new List <String>();

                    // The start index for the measured substring.
                    int start = 0;

                    // The length of the measured substring.
                    int length = 1;

                    // The last location of a space char.
                    int lastSpace = -1;

                    // The current substring.
                    String text;

                    // Split the message into lines.
                    while (start + length - 1 < Content.Length)
                        // Retrieve a substring of the message.
                        text = Content.Substring(start, length);

                        // Check if the last char is whitespace.
                        char c = Content[start + length - 1];
                        if (c == ' ')
                            lastSpace = length;

                        // Measure the substring.
                        overlayFont.MeasureString(null, text, DrawTextFormat.SingleLine, ref rect);

                        if (rect.Width > width)
                            // Split the message.

                            // Attempt to avoid splitting words in the middle.
                            if (length > 1)
                                if (lastSpace != -1)
                                    length = lastSpace;

                            lines.Add(Content.Substring(start, length));
                            start    += length;
                            length    = 1;
                            lastSpace = -1;

                        else if (start + length >= Content.Length)
                            // Add the last line.



                    // Store the lines.
                    WrappedMessage = lines.ToArray();

                    // Don't re-attempt the wrapping.
                    FontUsed = overlayFont;
                // Don't interrupt the drawing of the other messages.
                    // Do not re-attempt.
                    WrappedMessage = new String[0];
                    FontUsed       = overlayFont;
Esempio n. 9
        public override void Render()
            if (!Active)

            int xPos = AbsoluteXPosition;
            int yPos = AbsoluteYPosition;

            if (PositionUpdated)
                DisplayFont.MeasureString(null, Text, DrawTextFormat.Center, ref SizeRect);
                AbsoluteHeight = SizeRect.Height;
                AbsoluteWidth  = SizeRect.Width;

            if (xPos < 0)
                xPos += MainPlot.DirectXWidth - AbsoluteWidth;

            if (yPos < 0)
                yPos += MainPlot.DirectXHeight - AbsoluteHeight;

            if (PositionUpdated)
                PositionUpdated = false;

                BorderVertexesUsed = 0;
                BorderVertexesUsed = BuildRectangle(BorderVertexes, BorderVertexesUsed, xPos - 7, xPos + 7 + AbsoluteWidth, yPos - 4, yPos + 4 + AbsoluteHeight, 0x7FFF0000);
                BorderVertexesUsed = BuildRectangle(BorderVertexes, BorderVertexesUsed, xPos - 6, xPos + 6 + AbsoluteWidth, yPos - 3, yPos + 3 + AbsoluteHeight, 0xFFFF0000);
                BorderVertexesUsed = BuildRectangle(BorderVertexes, BorderVertexesUsed, xPos - 5, xPos + 5 + AbsoluteWidth, yPos - 2, yPos + 2 + AbsoluteHeight, 0x7FFF0000);

                BodyVertexesUsed = 0;
                BodyVertexesUsed = BuildFilledRectangle(BodyVertexes, BodyVertexesUsed, xPos - 6, xPos + 6 + AbsoluteWidth, yPos - 3, yPos + 3 + AbsoluteHeight, 0x1FFF0000);

            if (Pulsing)
                double maxAngle = 10 * Math.PI;
                /* -1 .. 1 -> 0.5 .. 1 */
                double sinVal = (Math.Sin(UpdateCounter++ / maxAngle) + 1) / 4 + 0.5;

                TextColor.Alpha   = (float)Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, sinVal));
                ShadowColor.Alpha = (float)Math.Max(0, TextColor.Alpha - 0.5);
                TextColor.Alpha   = 1;
                ShadowColor.Alpha = 1;

            MainPlot.Device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, 2, BodyVertexes);
            if (BorderVertexesUsed > 0)
                MainPlot.Device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineList, BorderVertexesUsed / 2, BorderVertexes);

            DisplayFont.DrawString(null, Text, xPos + 2, yPos + 2, ShadowColor);
            DisplayFont.DrawString(null, Text, xPos, yPos, TextColor);
Esempio n. 10
        public override void Render()
            bool docksChanged = false;

            /* to speed up processing */
            if (!HasDocks)
                DocksChanged = false;

            /* fade alpha value */
            if (WantedTitleBarAlpha >= CurrentTitleBarAlpha)
                CurrentTitleBarAlpha = WantedTitleBarAlpha;
                if (CurrentTitleBarAlpha > 0)
                    CurrentTitleBarAlpha = Math.Max(0, CurrentTitleBarAlpha - 0.02f);
                    docksChanged         = true;

            int xPos = 0;
            int yPos = 0;

            switch (Orientation)
            case eOrientation.RightBorder:
                xPos = MainPlot.DirectXWidth;
                yPos = DockStartY;

            case eOrientation.LeftBorder:
                xPos = 0;
                yPos = DockStartY;

            case eOrientation.TopBorder:
                xPos = DockStartX;
                yPos = 0;

            case eOrientation.BottomBorder:
                xPos = DockStartX;
                yPos = MainPlot.DirectXHeight;

            if (DocksChanged)
                lock (Docks)
                    Rectangle sizeRect = new Rectangle();

                    LeftMostPosition   = MainPlot.DirectXWidth;
                    RightMostPosition  = 0;
                    TopMostPosition    = MainPlot.DirectXHeight;
                    BottomMostPosition = 0;

                    foreach (Dock dock in Docks)
                        DockPanelPrivate priv = dock.Private;

                        priv.TitleBodyVertexesUsed       = 0;
                        priv.TitleBorderVertexesUsed     = 0;
                        priv.BackTitleBodyVertexesUsed   = 0;
                        priv.BackTitleBorderVertexesUsed = 0;

                        DisplayFont.MeasureString(null, dock.Title, DrawTextFormat.Center, ref sizeRect);

                        switch (Orientation)
                        case eOrientation.BottomBorder:
                        case eOrientation.TopBorder:
                            /* add some space around the text */
                            priv.TitleHitRect.Width  = sizeRect.Width + BorderSpaceHor * 2;
                            priv.TitleHitRect.Height = sizeRect.Height + BorderSpaceVert * 2;
                            if (dock.HideBackTitle)
                                priv.BackTitleHitRect.Width  = 0;
                                priv.BackTitleHitRect.Height = 0;
                                priv.BackTitleHitRect.Width  = sizeRect.Width + BorderSpaceHor * 2;
                                priv.BackTitleHitRect.Height = sizeRect.Height + BorderSpaceVert * 2;

                        case eOrientation.LeftBorder:
                        case eOrientation.RightBorder:
                            /* add some space around the text */
                            priv.TitleHitRect.Width  = sizeRect.Height + BorderSpaceVert * 2;
                            priv.TitleHitRect.Height = sizeRect.Width + BorderSpaceHor * 2;
                            if (dock.HideBackTitle)
                                priv.BackTitleHitRect.Width  = 0;
                                priv.BackTitleHitRect.Height = 0;
                                priv.BackTitleHitRect.Width  = sizeRect.Height + BorderSpaceVert * 2;
                                priv.BackTitleHitRect.Height = sizeRect.Width + BorderSpaceHor * 2;

                        switch (dock.State)
                        case eDockState.Expanding:
                            dock.PositionUpdated = true;

                            if (dock.Private.VisiblePart > 0.99f)
                                dock.State = dock.WantedState;
                                dock.Private.VisiblePart = 1;
                                dock.Private.VisiblePart += (1 - dock.Private.VisiblePart) / DockSlideFact + 0.001;

                            /* force update again */
                            docksChanged = true;

                        case eDockState.Collapsing:
                            dock.PositionUpdated = true;

                            if (dock.Private.VisiblePart < 0.01f)
                                dock.State = dock.WantedState;
                                dock.Private.VisiblePart = 0;
                                dock.Private.VisiblePart -= dock.Private.VisiblePart / DockSlideFact + 0.001;

                            /* force update again */
                            docksChanged = true;


                        /* set dock position */
                        dock.XPosition       = DockX(xPos, dock);
                        dock.YPosition       = DockY(yPos, dock);
                        dock.PositionUpdated = true;

                        /* update the hit rectangle */
                        priv.TitleHitRect.X     = DockTitleX(dock);
                        priv.TitleHitRect.Y     = DockTitleY(dock);
                        priv.BackTitleHitRect.X = DockBackTitleX(dock);
                        priv.BackTitleHitRect.Y = DockBackTitleY(dock);

                        /* draw the title bar */
                        uint color1      = TitleColor1 | TitleBarAlpha;
                        uint color2      = TitleColor2 | TitleBarAlpha;
                        uint colorBorder = TitleBorder | TitleBarAlpha;

                        if (priv.TitleHighlighted)
                            color1 = TitleColorHigh1 | TitleBarAlpha;
                            color2 = TitleColorHigh2 | TitleBarAlpha;

                        int titleX     = DockTitleX(dock);
                        int titleY     = DockTitleY(dock);
                        int backTitleX = DockBackTitleX(dock);
                        int backTitleY = DockBackTitleY(dock);
                        int titleW     = priv.TitleHitRect.Width;
                        int titleH     = priv.TitleHitRect.Height;
                        int backTitleW = priv.BackTitleHitRect.Width;
                        int backTitleH = priv.BackTitleHitRect.Height;

                        if (FadeOutByDistance)
                            LeftMostPosition   = Math.Min(titleX, LeftMostPosition);
                            RightMostPosition  = Math.Max(titleX, RightMostPosition);
                            TopMostPosition    = Math.Min(titleY, TopMostPosition);
                            BottomMostPosition = Math.Max(titleY, BottomMostPosition);

                        priv.TitleBodyVertexesUsed       = BuildFilledRectangle(priv.TitleBodyVertexes, priv.TitleBodyVertexesUsed, titleX, titleX + titleW, titleY, titleY + titleH, color1, color1, color2, color2);
                        priv.TitleBorderVertexesUsed     = BuildRectangle(priv.TitleBorderVertexes, priv.TitleBorderVertexesUsed, titleX, titleX + titleW, titleY, titleY + titleH, colorBorder);
                        priv.BackTitleBodyVertexesUsed   = BuildFilledRectangle(priv.BackTitleBodyVertexes, priv.BackTitleBodyVertexesUsed, backTitleX, backTitleX + backTitleW, backTitleY, backTitleY + backTitleH, color1, color1, color2, color2);
                        priv.BackTitleBorderVertexesUsed = BuildRectangle(priv.BackTitleBorderVertexes, priv.BackTitleBorderVertexesUsed, backTitleX, backTitleX + backTitleW, backTitleY, backTitleY + backTitleH, colorBorder);

                        switch (Orientation)
                        case eOrientation.BottomBorder:
                        case eOrientation.TopBorder:
                            xPos += priv.TitleHitRect.Width;

                        case eOrientation.LeftBorder:
                        case eOrientation.RightBorder:
                            yPos += priv.TitleHitRect.Height;

            /* first render dock content */
            lock (Docks)
                foreach (Dock dock in Docks)
                    if (dock.State != eDockState.Collapsed && dock.State != eDockState.Hidden)

            /* later render dock border stuff */
            lock (Docks)
                foreach (Dock dock in Docks)
                    if (dock.State != eDockState.Hidden)
                        DockPanelPrivate priv = dock.Private;

                        if (priv.TitleBodyVertexesUsed - 2 > 0)
                            MainPlot.Device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, priv.TitleBodyVertexesUsed - 2, priv.TitleBodyVertexes);
                        if (priv.TitleBorderVertexesUsed > 0)
                            MainPlot.Device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineList, priv.TitleBorderVertexesUsed / 2, priv.TitleBorderVertexes);

                        /* back titles are not visible for collapsed docks */
                        if (dock.State != eDockState.Collapsed)
                            if (priv.BackTitleBodyVertexesUsed - 2 > 0)
                                MainPlot.Device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, priv.BackTitleBodyVertexesUsed - 2, priv.BackTitleBodyVertexes);
                            if (priv.BackTitleBorderVertexesUsed > 0)
                                MainPlot.Device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineList, priv.BackTitleBorderVertexesUsed / 2, priv.BackTitleBorderVertexes);

                        if (priv.TitleSprite == null)
                            priv.TitleSprite = new Sprite(MainPlot.Device);

                        switch (Orientation)
                        case eOrientation.BottomBorder:
                        case eOrientation.TopBorder:
                            /* draw the text */
                            DisplayFont.DrawString(priv.TitleSprite, dock.Title, priv.TitleHitRect.X + BorderSpaceHor, priv.TitleHitRect.Y + BorderSpaceVert, (int)(TextColor | TitleBarAlpha));

                        case eOrientation.LeftBorder:
                        case eOrientation.RightBorder:
                            /* rotate drawing sprite */
                            priv.TitleSprite.Transform = Matrix.RotationZ(-(float)Math.PI / 2);

                            /* draw the text */
                            DisplayFont.DrawString(priv.TitleSprite, dock.Title, -priv.TitleHitRect.Y - priv.TitleHitRect.Height + BorderSpaceHor, priv.TitleHitRect.X + BorderSpaceVert, (int)(TextColor | TitleBarAlpha));


            DocksChanged = docksChanged;