Esempio n. 1
        // Generates first solution on random basis
        public Solution ConfigSolution(List <Photo> photos)
            Solution s = new Solution();

            //Add Heuristic for initial solution

            // Number of photos
            int noPhotos = photos.Count;

            List <Slide> slides = new List <Slide>();
            List <Photo> slidePhotos;

            int photoToSkipId = -1;

            int slideID = 1;

            // Iterate into photos and put them in list
            for (int i = 0; i < noPhotos; i++)
                // If we have selected this photo before
                // Continue
                if (photos[i].ID == photoToSkipId)

                slidePhotos = new List <Photo>();

                // If current photo has horizontal orientation
                // Put that photo into one slide
                if (photos[i].Orientation == Orientation.H)

                // If current photo has vertical orientation
                    // Add that photo

                    // Try to get the next one with vertical orientation
                    Photo nextVerticalPhoto = GetNextVerticalPhoto(photos, i + 1);

                    // If there is one
                    // Add that on the list
                    // And mark that one as visited
                    if (nextVerticalPhoto != null)
                        photoToSkipId = nextVerticalPhoto.ID;

                Slide oneSlide = new Slide(slidePhotos, slideID++);


            // Calculate fitness and save it
            int InterestFactor = CalculateInterestFactor(slides);

            s.Slides         = slides;
            s.InterestFactor = InterestFactor;

Esempio n. 2
 private int Quality(Solution s)
Esempio n. 3
        // Main work
        public void Start()
            Solution FirstSolution = ConfigSolution(_photos);

            // Components
            var C = GenerateComponents(FirstSolution.Slides);

            // Total Time
            var totalTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20);

            // List of Times used for local optimum
            List <int> T = new List <int> {
                20, 30, 15, 25, 8, 7

            //List of component penalties, Initially Zero
            List <int> p = InitializePenalties(C.Count);

            // Initial Solution
            Solution S = CopySolution(FirstSolution);

            // Mark this solution as Best
            Solution Best = CopySolution(S);

            var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();


            // Start
            while (watch.Elapsed < totalTime)
                // Select random time
                int randomTimeIndex = _random.Next(0, T.Count);

                int time = T[randomTimeIndex];

                var localWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                // Start local optimum
                while (localWatch.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(time))
                    // Copy S
                    var copy = CopySolution(S);

                    var R = Tweak(copy);

                    if (Quality(R) > Quality(Best))
                        Best = CopySolution(R);

                    //Adjusted Quality
                    if (AdjustedQuality(R, C, p) > AdjustedQuality(S, C, p))
                        S = CopySolution(R);


                // List to save index of items to penalize
                List <int> C_prim = new List <int>();

                List <Slide> currentSlides = S.Slides;

                for (int i = 0; i < currentSlides.Count - 1; i++)
                    // Form component 1 as a combination between each pair of Slide ID-s
                    string firstComponent = currentSlides[i].ID + " - " + currentSlides[i + 1].ID;

                    // Calculate value of this pair
                    int firstComponentValue = ComponentValue(currentSlides[i], currentSlides[i + 1]);

                    // Get index in list
                    int firstComponnentIndex = ComponentIndex(C, firstComponent);

                    //Get component penalty
                    int firstComponentP = p[firstComponnentIndex];

                    //Get penalizability
                    double firstComponentPenalizability = Penalizability(firstComponentValue, firstComponentP);

                    // Indicator to check if current component is more penalizible or eqaul than/with all others
                    bool isMorePenalizible = true;

                    for (int j = 0; j < currentSlides.Count - 1; j++)
                        if (i != j)
                            // Form component 1 as a combination between each pair of Slide ID-s
                            string secondComponent = currentSlides[j].ID + " - " + currentSlides[j + 1].ID;

                            // Calculate value of this pair
                            int secondComponentValue = ComponentValue(currentSlides[j], currentSlides[j + 1]);

                            // Get index in list
                            int secondComponnentIndex = ComponentIndex(C, secondComponent);

                            //Get component penalty
                            int secondComponentP = p[secondComponnentIndex];

                            //Get penalizability
                            double secondComponentPenalizability = Penalizability(secondComponentValue, secondComponentP);

                            //If there is only one component that is more penalizible than the one we are comparing
                            //Than break and go look others
                            if (firstComponentPenalizability < secondComponentPenalizability)
                                isMorePenalizible = false;

                    //If component[i] is the most penalizible, add it to list
                    if (isMorePenalizible)

                // Foreach component that we have seleceted as the most penalizibles
                // Increase penalty for one
                for (int i = 0; i < C_prim.Count; i++)
                    p[C_prim[i]] = p[C_prim[i]] + 1;
