private static void checkFilesFolders(string folder) { if (isArma2) { //armaPath = regcheck.arma2RegCheck(); armaPath = path("ArmA2"); } else { //armaPath = Settings.Default.A3path; armaPath = path("ArmA3"); } string relativePath = folder.Replace(armaPath, ""); string[] files = downloader.webReadLines(url + relativePath.Replace(@"\\", "") + "/files.cfg"); var info = new DirectoryInfo(folder); string[] dirs = downloader.webReadLines(url + relativePath + "\\dirs.cfg"); foreach (DirectoryInfo dirInfo in info.GetDirectories()) { bool exists = false; foreach (string dir in dirs) { if (dir == dirInfo.Name) { exists = true; } } if (!exists) { dirInfo.Delete(true); } } foreach (string dir in dirs) { var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(folder + "\\" + dir); if (!dirInfo.Exists) { dirInfo.Create(); } checkFilesFolders(dirInfo.FullName); } foreach (FileInfo file in info.GetFiles()) { bool exists = false; foreach (string fileString in files) { if (file.Name == fileString) { exists = true; } } if (exists == false) { file.Delete(); } } var client = new WebClient(); foreach (string file in files) { var fileInfo = new FileInfo(folder + "\\" + file); if (fileInfo.Exists) { string hash = RepoGenerator.md5Calc(fileInfo.FullName); string downloadedHash = downloader.webRead(url + relativePath + "\\" + fileInfo.Name + ".hash"); if (hash != downloadedHash) { + relativePath + "\\" + fileInfo.Name + ".7z", client); Unzippy.extract(fileInfo.Name + ".7z", fileInfo.DirectoryName); increment(); File.Delete(fileInfo.Name + ".7z"); } } else { + relativePath + "\\" + fileInfo.Name + ".7z", client); Unzippy.extract(fileInfo.Name + ".7z", fileInfo.DirectoryName); increment(); File.Delete(fileInfo.Name + ".7z"); } } if (info.Name == "plugin") { //Now Create all of the directories foreach (string dirPath in Directory.GetDirectories(info.FullName, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath.Replace(info.FullName, Settings.Default.ts3Dir + "\\plugins")); } //Copy all the files foreach (string newPath in Directory.GetFiles(info.FullName, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { if (!File.Exists(newPath.Replace(info.FullName, Settings.Default.ts3Dir + "\\plugins"))) { try { File.Copy(newPath, newPath.Replace(info.FullName, Settings.Default.ts3Dir + "\\plugins"), true); logIt.add("Copied ACRE plugin to TS3 folder"); } catch (Exception e) { WindowManager.mainWindow.Worker.ReportProgress(-1, e.Message); logIt.add("Failed to copy ACRE plugin to TS3 folder. Error Message: " + e.Message); } } else { Process[] pro64 = Process.GetProcessesByName("ts3client_win64"); Process[] pro32 = Process.GetProcessesByName("ts3client_win32"); if (pro32.Length == 0 && pro64.Length == 0) { logIt.add("TS3 is not running"); File.Delete(newPath.Replace(info.FullName, Settings.Default.ts3Dir + "\\plugins")); File.Copy(newPath, newPath.Replace(info.FullName, Settings.Default.ts3Dir + "\\plugins")); } else { logIt.add("TS3 is running"); if (UpdateManager.TFRalert == true) { MessageBox.Show("Teamspeak will now be closed to update the plugin files.", "Teamspeak will now close...", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); } foreach (Process p in pro64) { p.Kill(); } foreach (Process p in pro32) { p.Kill(); } File.Delete(newPath.Replace(info.FullName, Settings.Default.ts3Dir + "\\plugins")); File.Copy(newPath, newPath.Replace(info.FullName, Settings.Default.ts3Dir + "\\plugins")); } } } } if (info.Name == "userconfig") { string output = armaPath + "\\userconfig"; Directory.CreateDirectory(output); foreach (string dirPath in Directory.GetDirectories(info.FullName, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath.Replace(info.FullName, output)); } foreach (string newPath in Directory.GetFiles(info.FullName, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { try { File.Copy(newPath, newPath.Replace(info.FullName, output), true); } catch (Exception e) { WindowManager.mainWindow.Worker.ReportProgress(-1, e.Message); } } } }
static private void checkFilesFolders(string folder) { string relativePath = folder.Replace(arma2Path, ""); string[] files = downloader.webReadLines(url + relativePath + "/files.cfg"); DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(folder); string[] dirs = downloader.webReadLines(url + relativePath + "\\dirs.cfg"); foreach (DirectoryInfo dirInfo in info.GetDirectories()) { bool exists = false; foreach (string dir in dirs) { if (dir == dirInfo.Name) { exists = true; } } if (!exists) { dirInfo.Delete(true); } } foreach (string dir in dirs) { DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(folder + "\\" + dir); if (!dirInfo.Exists) { dirInfo.Create(); } checkFilesFolders(dirInfo.FullName); } foreach (FileInfo file in info.GetFiles()) { bool exists = false; foreach (string fileString in files) { if (file.Name == fileString) { exists = true; } } if (exists == false) { file.Delete(); } } WebClient client = new WebClient(); foreach (string file in files) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(folder + "\\" + file); if (fileInfo.Exists) { string hash = RepoGenerator.md5Calc(fileInfo.FullName); string downloadedHash = downloader.webRead(url + relativePath + "\\" + fileInfo.Name + ".hash"); if (hash != downloadedHash) { + relativePath + "\\" + fileInfo.Name + ".7z", client); Unzippy.extract(fileInfo.Name + ".7z", fileInfo.DirectoryName); increment(); File.Delete(fileInfo.Name + ".7z"); } } else { + relativePath + "\\" + fileInfo.Name + ".7z", client); Unzippy.extract(fileInfo.Name + ".7z", fileInfo.DirectoryName); increment(); File.Delete(fileInfo.Name + ".7z"); } } if (info.Name == "plugin") { //Now Create all of the directories foreach (string dirPath in Directory.GetDirectories(info.FullName, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath.Replace(info.FullName, Properties.Settings.Default.ts3Dir + "\\plugins")); } //Copy all the files foreach (string newPath in Directory.GetFiles(info.FullName, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { if (!File.Exists(newPath.Replace(info.FullName, Properties.Settings.Default.ts3Dir + "\\plugins"))) { try { File.Copy(newPath, newPath.Replace(info.FullName, Properties.Settings.Default.ts3Dir + "\\plugins"), true); logIt.addData("Copied ACRE plugin to TS3 folder"); } catch (Exception e) { WindowManager.mainWindow.worker.ReportProgress(-1, e.Message); logIt.addData("Failed to copy ACRE plugin to TS3 folder. Error Message: " + e.Message); } } } } if (info.Name == "userconfig") { string output = arma2Path + "\\userconfig"; Directory.CreateDirectory(output); foreach (string dirPath in Directory.GetDirectories(info.FullName, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dirPath.Replace(info.FullName, output)); } foreach (string newPath in Directory.GetFiles(info.FullName, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { try { File.Copy(newPath, newPath.Replace(info.FullName, output), true); } catch (Exception e) { WindowManager.mainWindow.worker.ReportProgress(-1, e.Message); } } } }