Inheritance: SKObject
Esempio n. 1
        public static void RenderRaster(SKCanvas canvas, SKBitmap bitmap, SKRect rect, float opacity = 1f)
            // Better for quality. Helps to compare to WPF
            var color = new SKColor(255, 255, 255, (byte)(255 * opacity));
            var paint = new SKPaint { Color = color, FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High };
            canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, rect, paint);

            // Better for performance:
            canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, rect);
Esempio n. 2
        public static void Draw(SKCanvas canvas, IViewport viewport, IStyle style, IGeometry geometry)
            var lineString = ((LineString) geometry).Vertices;

            float lineWidth = 1;
            var lineColor = new Color();

            var vectorStyle = style as VectorStyle;

            if (vectorStyle != null)
                lineWidth = (float) vectorStyle.Line.Width;
                lineColor = vectorStyle.Line.Color;

            var line = WorldToScreen(viewport, lineString);
            var path = ToSkia(line);

            using (var paint = new SKPaint())
                paint.IsStroke = true;
                paint.StrokeWidth = lineWidth;
                paint.Color = lineColor.ToSkia();
                paint.StrokeJoin = SKStrokeJoin.Round;

                canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);
Esempio n. 3
        private void _skiaView_PaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintGLSurfaceEventArgs e)
            Stopwatch renderStopWatch = null;

            if (RenderOptions.ShowClipRects)
                renderStopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            e.Surface.Canvas.Clear(new SKColor(Container.BackColor.R, Container.BackColor.G, Container.BackColor.B, Container.BackColor.A));

            _root.Measure(new Primitives.Size(Container.ClientSize.Width, Container.ClientSize.Height));

            _root.Arrange(new Primitives.Rect(0, 0, Container.ClientSize.Width, Container.ClientSize.Height));


            if (renderStopWatch != null)
                using (var ptRect = new SkiaSharp.SKPaint()
                                    .ApplyBrush(new SolidColorBrush(new Color(0, 0, 0))))
                    using (var ptText = new SkiaSharp.SKPaint()
                                        .ApplyBrush(new SolidColorBrush(new Color(255, 255, 255))))
                        e.Surface.Canvas.DrawRect(Container.ClientSize.Width - 50.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f, 10.0f, ptRect);
                        var elapsedString = renderStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds == 0 ? "-" : $"{(1.0 / renderStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds * 1000).ToString("##.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}FPS";
                        e.Surface.Canvas.DrawText(elapsedString, new SKPoint(Container.ClientSize.Width - 50.0f, 10.0f), ptText);
Esempio n. 4
        public static void Draw(SKCanvas canvas, IViewport viewport, IStyle style, IGeometry geometry)
            var polygon = (Polygon)geometry;

            float lineWidth = 1;
            var lineColor = Color.Black; // default
            var fillColor = Color.Gray; // default

            var vectorStyle = style as VectorStyle;

            if (vectorStyle != null)
                lineWidth = (float) vectorStyle.Outline.Width;
                lineColor = vectorStyle.Outline.Color;
                fillColor = vectorStyle.Fill?.Color;

            using (var path = ToSkia(viewport, polygon))
                using (var paint = new SKPaint())
                    paint.IsAntialias = true;
                    paint.StrokeWidth = lineWidth;

                    paint.Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
                    paint.Color = fillColor.ToSkia();
                    canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);
                    paint.Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke;
                    paint.Color = lineColor.ToSkia();
                    canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);
        void BoundingBox_PaintSurface(object sender, SkiaSharp.Views.Forms.SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
            if (ViewModel.lastPrediction?.BoundingBox == null)

            var boundingBox = ViewModel.lastPrediction.BoundingBox;


            var SKSkiaView = sender as SKCanvasView;

            double scaleFactor     = e.Info.Width / SKSkiaView.Width;
            float  width           = (float)e.Info.Width;
            float  height          = (float)e.Info.Height;
            float  lineStrokeWidth = 2 * (float)scaleFactor;

            float boxX      = (float)((width * boundingBox.Left));
            float boxY      = (float)((height * boundingBox.Top));
            float boxWidth  = (float)((width * boundingBox.Width));
            float boxHeight = (float)((height * boundingBox.Height));

            var paint = new SkiaSharp.SKPaint()
                Style       = SkiaSharp.SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                StrokeWidth = lineStrokeWidth,
                Color       = SkiaSharp.SKColors.White,
                StrokeCap   = SKStrokeCap.Round,

            e.Surface.Canvas.DrawRect(boxX, boxY, boxWidth, boxHeight, paint);
Esempio n. 6
        public FormattedTextImpl(string text, string fontFamilyName, double fontSize, FontStyle fontStyle,
                    TextAlignment textAlignment, FontWeight fontWeight, TextWrapping wrapping)
            _text = text ?? string.Empty;

            // Replace 0 characters with zero-width spaces (200B)
            _text = _text.Replace((char)0, (char)0x200B);

            var typeface = TypefaceCache.GetTypeface(fontFamilyName, fontStyle, fontWeight);

            _paint = new SKPaint();

            //currently Skia does not measure properly with Utf8 !!!
            //Paint.TextEncoding = SKTextEncoding.Utf8;
            _paint.TextEncoding = SKTextEncoding.Utf16;
            _paint.IsStroke = false;
            _paint.IsAntialias = true;            
            _paint.LcdRenderText = true;            
            _paint.SubpixelText = true;
            _paint.Typeface = typeface;
            _paint.TextSize = (float)fontSize;
            _paint.TextAlign = textAlignment.ToSKTextAlign();

            _wrapping = wrapping;

Esempio n. 7
        public SkiaCanvasPainter(int w, int h)

            _fill = new SKPaint();
            _stroke = new SKPaint();
            _stroke.IsStroke = true;
            _width = w;
            _height = h;
		public SKImage CreateBackgroundImage ()
			SKPaint paint = null;
			SKPath path = null;

				var height = (int)Bounds.Height;
				var width = (int)Bounds.Width;

				using (var surface = SKSurface.Create (width, height, SKColorType.N_32, SKAlphaType.Premul)) 
					var canvas = surface.Canvas;

					//canvas.Clear (SKColors.Beige);

					paint = new SKPaint
						Color = SKColors.DarkBlue,
						IsStroke = true,
						StrokeWidth = 1,
						StrokeCap = SKStrokeCap.Round,
						IsAntialias = true

					//path = new SKPath ();
					//path.MoveTo (0f, 0f);
					//path.LineTo (width, height);
					//path.Close ();

					//canvas.DrawPath (path, paint);

					//DrawArc (canvas, paint, 0, 90);

					var start = -90;
					var end = 0;

					//DrawCircle (canvas, paint, width / 2, height / 2, width / 2 - 4);
					DrawArcFromTo (canvas, paint, width / 2, height / 2, width / 2 - 4, start, end);
					DrawArcFromTo (canvas, paint, width / 2, height / 2, (int)((width / 2 - 4) * 0.8), start, end);

					return surface.Snapshot ();
				if (paint != null)
					paint.Dispose ();

				if (path != null)
					path.Dispose ();
Esempio n. 9
 public void DrawImage(IBitmap source, double opacity, Rect sourceRect, Rect destRect)
     var impl = (BitmapImpl)source.PlatformImpl;
     var s = sourceRect.ToSKRect();
     var d = destRect.ToSKRect();
     using (var paint = new SKPaint()
             { Color = new SKColor(255, 255, 255, (byte)(255 * opacity)) })
         Canvas.DrawBitmap(impl.Bitmap, s, d, paint);
Esempio n. 10
        private static SKBitmap CreateLabelAsBitmap(LabelStyle style, string text, SKPaint paint)
            var rect = new SKRect();
            paint.MeasureText(text, ref rect);

            var backRect = new SKRect(0, 0, rect.Width + 6, rect.Height + 6);

            var bitmap = new SKBitmap((int)backRect.Width, (int)backRect.Height);

            using (var target = new SKCanvas(bitmap))

                DrawBackground(style, backRect, target);
                target.DrawText(text, -rect.Left + 3, -rect.Top +3, paint);
                return bitmap;
        protected override void Draw(SKCanvas canvas, int width, int height)
            float time = _frame / (LengthSec * Fps);

            using (var paint = new SKPaint())
                paint.Color = Foreground.ToSkia();
                paint.StrokeWidth = (float)StrokeWidth;
                paint.IsAntialias = true;
                paint.IsStroke = true;

                for (int a = 0; a < 3; ++a)
                    var matrix = SKMatrix.MakeRotation(2 * (float)Math.PI * time / 6 + 2 * (float)Math.PI * a / 3);
                    matrix.TransX = width / 2f;
                    matrix.TransY = height / 2f;


                    const int n = 12;
                    const int sp = 39;

                    for (int i = -n; i <= n; ++i)
                        float y = (float)(i * sp * Math.Pow(2, time));
                        float tt = (float)Math.Min(1, Math.Max(0, 1.09 * time - 0.00275 * Math.Abs(y) + 0.075));

                        float x;

                        if (i % 2 == 0)
                            x = width;
                            x = width * tt;

                        if (x > 0)
                            canvas.DrawLine(-x, y, x, y, paint);

            if (_frame > LengthSec * Fps)
                _frame = 0;
Esempio n. 12
        private void _skiaView_PaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
            Stopwatch renderStopWatch = null;

            if (RenderOptions.ShowFrameRate)
                renderStopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            //e.Surface.Canvas.Clear(new SKColor(Container.BackgroundColor.R, Container.BackgroundColor.G, Container.BackgroundColor.B, Container.BackgroundColor.A));

            using (new SKAutoCanvasRestore(e.Surface.Canvas))
                var deviceSize    = new Primitives.Size(e.Info.Width, e.Info.Height);
                var deviceIndSize = new Primitives.Size(_skiaView.Width, _skiaView.Height);
                var scaleDpi      = new Primitives.Point(e.Info.Width / _skiaView.Width, e.Info.Height / _skiaView.Height);

                e.Surface.Canvas.Scale((float)scaleDpi.X, (float)scaleDpi.Y);


                _root.Arrange(new Primitives.Rect(0, 0, deviceIndSize.Width, deviceIndSize.Height));


            if (renderStopWatch != null)
                using (var ptRect = new SkiaSharp.SKPaint()
                                    .ApplyBrush(new SolidColorBrush(new Primitives.Color(0, 0, 0))))
                    using (var ptText = new SkiaSharp.SKPaint()
                                        .ApplyBrush(new SolidColorBrush(new Primitives.Color(255, 255, 255))))
                        e.Surface.Canvas.DrawRect(e.Info.Width - 50.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f, 10.0f, ptRect);
                        var elapsedString = renderStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds == 0 ? "-" : $"{(1.0 / renderStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds * 1000).ToString("##.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}FPS";
                        e.Surface.Canvas.DrawText(elapsedString, new SKPoint(e.Info.Width - 50.0f, 10.0f), ptText);
        void CreateGraphicsFromNativeHdc(int width, int height)

            skBitmap = new SKBitmap(width, height);
            skCanvas = new SKCanvas(skBitmap);
            stroke = new SKPaint();
            stroke.IsStroke = true;
            fill = new SKPaint();
            fill.IsStroke = false;
            textFill = new SKPaint();
            textFill.IsAntialias = true;
            this.CurrentFont = new RequestFont("tahoma", 14);
            this.CurrentTextColor = Color.Black;
Esempio n. 14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region skiasharp
            var surface = SkiaSharp.SKSurface.Create(new SkiaSharp.SKImageInfo(100, 100));

            var canvas = surface.Canvas;


            var paint = new SkiaSharp.SKPaint {
                Color = SkiaSharp.SKColors.Blue
            canvas.DrawCircle(50, 50, 45, paint);

            var image = surface.Snapshot();
            var data  = image.Encode(SkiaSharp.SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100);

            var base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(data.AsSpan().ToArray());

            Console.WriteLine("data:image/png;base64," + base64);
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Combines 2 images into one, given the shared ImageStats for both supplied images.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">the ImageStats object used to generate both bottom and top tiles.</param>
        /// <param name="bottomTile">the tile to use as the base of the image. Expected to be opaque.</param>
        /// <param name="topTile">The tile to layer on top. Expected to be at least partly transparent or translucent.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public byte[] LayerTiles(ImageStats info, byte[] bottomTile, byte[] topTile)
            SkiaSharp.SKBitmap bitmap = new SkiaSharp.SKBitmap(info.imageSizeX, info.imageSizeY, SkiaSharp.SKColorType.Rgba8888, SkiaSharp.SKAlphaType.Premul);
            SkiaSharp.SKCanvas canvas = new SkiaSharp.SKCanvas(bitmap);
            SkiaSharp.SKPaint  paint  = new SkiaSharp.SKPaint();
            canvas.Scale(1, 1, info.imageSizeX / 2, info.imageSizeY / 2);
            paint.IsAntialias = true;

            var baseBmp = SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Decode(bottomTile);
            var topBmp  = SkiaSharp.SKBitmap.Decode(topTile);

            canvas.DrawBitmap(baseBmp, 0, 0);
            canvas.DrawBitmap(topBmp, 0, 0);
            var ms   = new MemoryStream();
            var skms = new SkiaSharp.SKManagedWStream(ms);

            bitmap.Encode(skms, SkiaSharp.SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100);
            var output = ms.ToArray();

            skms.Dispose(); ms.Close(); ms.Dispose();
        protected sealed override void RenderCore(RenderContext context)
            using (new SKAutoCanvasRestore(context.Canvas))
                context.Canvas.Translate((int)_visualOffset.X, (int)_visualOffset.Y);

                context.Canvas.ApplyTransform(Transform, RenderSize);
                context.Canvas.ClipRect(new SkiaSharp.SKRect(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)RenderSize.Width, (float)RenderSize.Height));


                if (RenderOptions.ShowClipRects)
                    var pt = new SkiaSharp.SKPaint()
                             .ApplyBrush(new SolidColorBrush(new Color(255, 0, 0)), 1.0f);

                    context.Canvas.DrawRect(new SkiaSharp.SKRect(0.5f, 0.5f, (float)RenderSize.Width - 0.5f, (float)RenderSize.Height - 0.5f), pt);

Esempio n. 17
 public int SaveLayer(SKPaint paint)
     return SkiaApi.sk_canvas_save_layer (Handle, IntPtr.Zero, paint == null ? IntPtr.Zero : paint.Handle);
Esempio n. 18
        public void DrawText(string text, SKPath path, float hOffset, float vOffset, SKPaint paint)
            if (text == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("text");
            if (paint == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (paint));
            if (paint == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (paint));

            var bytes = Util.GetEncodedText (text, paint.TextEncoding);
            SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_text_on_path (Handle, bytes, bytes.Length, path.Handle, hOffset, vOffset, paint.Handle);
Esempio n. 19
        public void DrawText(IntPtr buffer, int length, SKPoint[] points, SKPaint paint)
            if (buffer == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("buffer");
            if (paint == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (paint));
            if (points == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("points");

            SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_pos_text (Handle, buffer, length, points, paint.Handle);
Esempio n. 20
        public void DrawText(IntPtr buffer, int length, float x, float y, SKPaint paint)
            if (buffer == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("buffer");
            if (paint == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (paint));

            SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_text (Handle, buffer, length, x, y, paint.Handle);
Esempio n. 21
        public void DrawText(IntPtr buffer, int length, SKPath path, float hOffset, float vOffset, SKPaint paint)
            if (buffer == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("buffer");
            if (paint == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (paint));
            if (paint == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (paint));

            SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_text_on_path (Handle, buffer, length, path.Handle, hOffset, vOffset, paint.Handle);
Esempio n. 22
        public void DrawText(string text, SKPoint [] points, SKPaint paint)
            if (text == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("text");
            if (paint == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (paint));
            if (points == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("points");

            var bytes = Util.GetEncodedText (text, paint.TextEncoding);
            SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_pos_text (Handle, bytes, bytes.Length, points, paint.Handle);
Esempio n. 23
 public void DrawRoundRect(SKRect rect, float rx, float ry, SKPaint paint)
     if (paint == null)
                 throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (paint));
         SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_round_rect (Handle, ref rect, rx, ry, paint.Handle);
Esempio n. 24
 public void DrawPoints(SKPointMode mode, SKPoint [] points, SKPaint paint)
     if (paint == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (paint));
     if (points == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (points));
     SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_points (Handle, mode, (IntPtr)points.Length, points, paint.Handle);
Esempio n. 25
 public void DrawPoint(float x, float y, SKPaint paint)
     if (paint == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (paint));
     SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_point (Handle, x, y, paint.Handle);
Esempio n. 26
 public void DrawPath(SKPath path, SKPaint paint)
     if (paint == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (paint));
     if (path == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (path));
     SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_path (Handle, path.Handle, paint.Handle);
Esempio n. 27
            public IDisposable ApplyTo(SKPaint paint)
                var state = new PaintState(paint, paint.Color, paint.Shader);

                paint.Color = Paint.Color;
                paint.Shader = Paint.Shader;

                return state;
Esempio n. 28
 public PaintWrapper(SKPaint paint)
     Paint = paint;
     _disposable1 = null;
Esempio n. 29
        internal PaintWrapper CreatePaint(IBrush brush, Size targetSize)
            SKPaint paint = new SKPaint();
            var rv = new PaintWrapper(paint);
            paint.IsStroke = false;

            // TODO: SkiaSharp does not contain alpha yet!
            double opacity = brush.Opacity * _currentOpacity;
            //paint.SetAlpha(paint.GetAlpha() * opacity);
            paint.IsAntialias = true;

            SKColor color = new SKColor(255, 255, 255, 255);

            var solid = brush as ISolidColorBrush;
            if (solid != null)
                color = solid.Color.ToSKColor();

            paint.Color = (new SKColor(color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue, (byte)(color.Alpha * opacity)));

            if (solid != null)
                return rv;

            var gradient = brush as GradientBrush;
            if (gradient != null)
                var tileMode = gradient.SpreadMethod.ToSKShaderTileMode();
                var stopColors = gradient.GradientStops.Select(s => s.Color.ToSKColor()).ToArray();
                var stopOffsets = gradient.GradientStops.Select(s => (float)s.Offset).ToArray();

                var linearGradient = brush as LinearGradientBrush;
                if (linearGradient != null)
                    var start = linearGradient.StartPoint.ToPixels(targetSize).ToSKPoint();
                    var end = linearGradient.EndPoint.ToPixels(targetSize).ToSKPoint();

                    // would be nice to cache these shaders possibly?
                    var shader = SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(start, end, stopColors, stopOffsets, tileMode);
                    paint.Shader = shader;
                    var radialGradient = brush as RadialGradientBrush;
                    if (radialGradient != null)
                        var center = radialGradient.Center.ToPixels(targetSize).ToSKPoint();
                        var radius = (float)radialGradient.Radius;

                        // TODO: There is no SetAlpha in SkiaSharp

                        // would be nice to cache these shaders possibly?
                        var shader = SKShader.CreateRadialGradient(center, radius, stopColors, stopOffsets, tileMode);
                        paint.Shader = shader;

                return rv;

            var tileBrush = brush as TileBrush;
            if (tileBrush != null)
                var helper = new TileBrushImplHelper(tileBrush, targetSize);
                var bitmap = new BitmapImpl((int)helper.IntermediateSize.Width, (int)helper.IntermediateSize.Height);
                using (var ctx = bitmap.CreateDrawingContext())
                SKMatrix translation = SKMatrix.MakeTranslation(-(float)helper.DestinationRect.X, -(float)helper.DestinationRect.Y);
                SKShaderTileMode tileX =
                    tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.None
                        ? SKShaderTileMode.Clamp
                        : tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipX || tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipXY
                            ? SKShaderTileMode.Mirror
                            : SKShaderTileMode.Repeat;

                SKShaderTileMode tileY =
                    tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.None
                        ? SKShaderTileMode.Clamp
                        : tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipY || tileBrush.TileMode == TileMode.FlipXY
                            ? SKShaderTileMode.Mirror
                            : SKShaderTileMode.Repeat;
                paint.Shader = SKShader.CreateBitmap(bitmap.Bitmap, tileX, tileY, translation);

            return rv;
Esempio n. 30
 public void DrawLine(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, SKPaint paint)
     if (paint == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (paint));
     SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_line (Handle, x0, y0, x1, y1, paint.Handle);
Esempio n. 31
 public PaintState(SKPaint paint, SKColor color, SKShader shader)
     _paint = paint;
     _color = color;
     _shader = shader;
Esempio n. 32
 public void DrawOval(SKRect rect, SKPaint paint)
     if (paint == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (paint));
     SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_oval (Handle, ref rect, paint.Handle);
Esempio n. 33
        private static int LineBreak(string textInput, int textIndex, int stop,
                                     SKPaint paint, float maxWidth,
                                     out int trailingCount)
            int lengthBreak;
            if (maxWidth == -1)
                lengthBreak = stop - textIndex;
                float measuredWidth;
                string subText = textInput.Substring(textIndex, stop - textIndex);
                lengthBreak = (int)paint.BreakText(subText, maxWidth, out measuredWidth) / 2;

            //Check for white space or line breakers before the lengthBreak
            int startIndex = textIndex;
            int index = textIndex;
            int word_start = textIndex;
            bool prevBreak = true;

            trailingCount = 0;

            while (index < stop)
                int prevText = index;
                char currChar = textInput[index++];
                bool currBreak = IsBreakChar(currChar);

                if (!currBreak && prevBreak)
                    word_start = prevText;

                prevBreak = currBreak;

                if (index > startIndex + lengthBreak)
                    if (currBreak)
                        // eat the rest of the whitespace
                        while (index < stop && IsBreakChar(textInput[index]))

                        trailingCount = index - prevText;
                        // backup until a whitespace (or 1 char)
                        if (word_start == startIndex)
                            if (prevText > startIndex)
                                index = prevText;
                            index = word_start;

                if ('\n' == currChar)
                    int ret = index - startIndex;
                    int lineBreakSize = 1;
                    if (index < stop)
                        currChar = textInput[index++];
                        if ('\r' == currChar)
                            ret = index - startIndex;

                    trailingCount = lineBreakSize;

                    return ret;

                if ('\r' == currChar)
                    int ret = index - startIndex;
                    int lineBreakSize = 1;
                    if (index < stop)
                        currChar = textInput[index++];
                        if ('\n' == currChar)
                            ret = index - startIndex;

                    trailingCount = lineBreakSize;

                    return ret;

            return index - startIndex;
Esempio n. 34
 private static SKPaint ApplyWrapperTo(ref DrawingContextImpl.PaintWrapper wrapper,
                                         ref IDisposable curr, SKPaint paint)
     curr = wrapper.ApplyTo(paint);
     return wrapper.Paint;
Esempio n. 35
 public void DrawPicture(SKPicture picture, SKPaint paint = null)
     if (picture == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException ("picture");
     SkiaApi.sk_canvas_draw_picture (Handle, picture.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, paint == null ? IntPtr.Zero : paint.Handle);
Esempio n. 36
        public void DrawImageNinePatch(SKImage image, SKRectI center, SKRect dst, SKPaint paint = null)
            if (image == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (image));
            // the "center" rect must fit inside the image "rect"
            if (!SKRect.Create (image.Width, image.Height).Contains (center))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (nameof (center));

            var xDivs = new [] { center.Left, center.Right };
            var yDivs = new [] { center.Top, center.Bottom };
            DrawImageLattice (image, xDivs, yDivs, dst, paint);