private Person(Person original) { Type = AgentType.Person; //copy the values ZoneID = original.ZoneID; Age = original.Age; Sex = original.Sex; HouseholdSize = original.HouseholdSize; EducationLevel = original.EducationLevel; }
private Person(Person original) { Type = AgentType.Person; //copy the values ZoneID = original.ZoneID; Age = original.Age; Sex = original.Sex; EducationLevel = original.EducationLevel; Occupation = original.Occupation; PublicTransitPass = original.PublicTransitPass; EmploymentStatus = original.EmploymentStatus; DrivingLicense = original.DrivingLicense; household = original.household; myID = idCounter++; }
public override SimulationObject CreateNewCopy(string baseDim, int baseDimVal) { Person copy = new Person(this); // apply the new change switch(baseDim) { case "Age": copy.Age = (Age)baseDimVal; break; case "Sex": copy.Sex = (Sex)baseDimVal; break; case "HouseholdSize2": copy.HouseholdSize = (HouseholdSize2)baseDimVal; break; case "EducationLevel": copy.EducationLevel = (EducationLevel)baseDimVal; break; default: return null; } return copy; }
private double ComputeDriverLisenceProbablities(string category, Person person) { var valList = GetUtilityValuesForDriverLicense(person); double logsum = ((double)valList[0] + (double)valList[1] + (double)valList[2]); if (int.Parse(category) == (int)DrivingLicense.Yes) { return ((double)valList[0] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)DrivingLicense.No) { return ((double)valList[1] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)DrivingLicense.Unkown) { return ((double)valList[2] / logsum); } return 0.00; }
private List<KeyValPair> ComputeDriverLisenceCommulative(Person person) { double comVal = 0.00; var comList = new List<KeyValPair>(); var valList = GetUtilityValuesForDriverLicense(person); KeyValPair currPair = new KeyValPair(); double utilSum = (double)valList[0] + (double)valList[1]; currPair.Category = "0";//IncomeLevel.yes.ToString(); currPair.Value = (double)valList[0] / utilSum; comVal = currPair.Value; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "1";//; currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[1] / utilSum; comVal = currPair.Value; comList.Add(currPair); return comList; }
private List<double> GetUtilityValuesForSex(Person person) { var currValues = new List<double>(2); currValues.Add(1); int twoAdultsChildren = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.TwoAdultsChildren); int twoPlusAdults = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.Twoadults || person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.ThreeOrMoreAdults); int twoPlusAdultsChildren = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.TwoAdultsChildren || person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.ThreeOrMoreAdultsChildren); int threePlusCars = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetNumOfCars() == NumOfCars.ThreeOrMore); int lNo = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetDrivingLicense() == DrivingLicense.No); int homeFT = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetEmploymentStatus() == EmploymentStatus.FullTimeHome); int homePT = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetEmploymentStatus() == EmploymentStatus.PartTimeHome); int PT = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetEmploymentStatus() == EmploymentStatus.PartTime); int town = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetDwellingType() == DwellingType.Townhouse); int manConst = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetOccupation() == Occupation.Construction); int profMan = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetOccupation() == Occupation.TradesProfessional); int retail = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetOccupation() == Occupation.TechnicalRetailSalesServiceNotEmployedUnknown); int oNE = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetEmploymentStatus() == EmploymentStatus.Unemployed); int eleven = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.ElevenToThirteen); int sixteen = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.SixteenToSeventeen); int eighteen = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.EighteenToTwentyFive); int twentysix = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.TwentySixToThirty); int fortyone = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.FortyOneToFifty); int fiftyone = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.FiftyOneToFiftyFour); int fiftyfive = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.FiftyfiveToSixtyFour); int sixtyfivePlus = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.MoreThanSixtyFive); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(0.436 * 1.00 + -0.261 * twoAdultsChildren + -0.174 * twoPlusAdults + -0.222 * twoPlusAdultsChildren + 0.0472 * threePlusCars + 0.443 * lNo + -0.267 * homeFT + 0.530 * homePT + 0.900 * PT + 0.0508 * town + -2.33 * manConst + -0.733 * profMan + -0.824 * retail + -0.329 * oNE + -0.451 * eleven + -0.354 * sixteen + -0.154 * eighteen + 0.371 * twentysix + 0.428 * fortyone + 0.326 * fiftyone + 0.216 * fiftyfive + -0.0818 * sixtyfivePlus)); return currValues; }
private List<double> GetUtilityValuesForOccupation(Person person, SpatialZone curZ) { var currValues = new List<double>(5); currValues.Add(1); int twoAdultsChildren = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.TwoAdultsChildren); int twoPlusAdultsChildren = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.TwoAdultsChildren || person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.ThreeOrMoreAdultsChildren); int homeFT = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetEmploymentStatus() == EmploymentStatus.FullTimeHome); int homePT = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetEmploymentStatus() == EmploymentStatus.PartTimeHome); int PT = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetEmploymentStatus() == EmploymentStatus.PartTime); int apart = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetDwellingType() == DwellingType.Apartment); int eighteen = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.EighteenToTwentyFive); int twentysix = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.TwentySixToThirty); int fortyone = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.FortyOneToFifty); int fiftyone = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.FiftyOneToFiftyFour); int fiftyfive = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.FiftyfiveToSixtyFour); int thirtyone = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.ThirtyOneToForty); int threePlusCars = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetNumOfCars() == NumOfCars.ThreeOrMore); double z_manConst = curZ.GetPersonOccuMarginal().GetValue("1"); int oneAdultChildren = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.OneAdultOneChild); int twoAdults = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.Twoadults); int twoPlusAdults = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.ThreeOrMoreAdults || person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.Twoadults); int oneCar = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetNumOfCars() == NumOfCars.OneCar); int twoCars = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetNumOfCars() == NumOfCars.TwoCars); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(-1.95 * 1.00 + -0.746 * oneAdultChildren + 0.280 * twoAdults + 0.594 * twoAdultsChildren + 0.556 * twoPlusAdults + 0.827 * twoPlusAdultsChildren + 0.247 * apart + 0.0751 * oneCar + 0.0867 * threePlusCars + 2.13 * homeFT + 0.237 * homePT + 0.841 * PT + -0.106 * eighteen + -0.123 * twentysix + -0.137 * thirtyone + 0.145 * fiftyone + 0.140 * fiftyfive + 16.1 * z_manConst)); int town = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetDwellingType() == DwellingType.Townhouse); int fourteen = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.FourteenToFifteen); int sixteen = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.SixteenToSeventeen); int sixtyfivePlus = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.MoreThanSixtyFive); double z_profMan = curZ.GetPersonOccuMarginal().GetValue("2"); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(-0.648 * 1.00 + -0.0753 * twoAdults + 0.121 * twoAdultsChildren + -0.243 * twoPlusAdults + -0.110 * twoPlusAdultsChildren + -0.265 * apart + -0.147 * town + 0.271 * oneCar + 0.337 * twoCars + 0.303 * threePlusCars + 2.31 * homeFT + -1.02 * fourteen + -0.866 * sixteen + -0.389 * eighteen + 0.0738 * thirtyone + 0.229 * sixtyfivePlus + 7.22 * z_profMan)); int eleven = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.ElevenToThirteen); double z_retail = curZ.GetPersonOccuMarginal().GetValue("3"); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(-1.05 * 1.00 + 0.308 * oneAdultChildren + 0.205 * twoAdults + 0.479 * twoAdultsChildren + 0.379 * twoPlusAdults + 0.781 * twoPlusAdultsChildren + 0.220 * apart + 0.108 * town + -0.152 * oneCar + -0.245 * twoCars + -0.27 * threePlusCars + 2.85 * homeFT + 1.48 * homePT + 2.30 * PT + 3.90 * eleven + 2.20 * fourteen + 2.22 * sixteen + 0.507 * eighteen + 0.160 * twentysix + 0.0563 * fiftyone + 0.129 * fiftyfive + 0.398 * sixtyfivePlus + 6.32 * z_retail)); double z_oNE = curZ.GetPersonOccuMarginal().GetValue("4"); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(0.743 * 1.00 + 2.37 * oneAdultChildren + 0.298 * twoAdults + 2.47 * twoAdultsChildren + 0.437 * twoPlusAdults + 2.12 * twoPlusAdultsChildren + 0.114 * apart + -0.0672 * town + -0.63 * oneCar + -1.08 * twoCars + -1.33 * threePlusCars + 8.71 * eleven + 5.34 * fourteen + 3.87 * sixteen + 0.969 * eighteen + -0.842 * twentysix + -1.70 * thirtyone + -0.528 * fiftyone + 0.517 * fiftyfive + 3.08 * sixtyfivePlus + 0.854 * z_oNE)); return currValues; }
private double ComputeAgeProbablities(string category, Person person) { var valList = GetUtilityValuesForAge(person); double logsum = ((double)valList[0] + (double)valList[1] + (double)valList[2] + (double)valList[3] + (double)valList[4] + (double)valList[5] + (double)valList[6] + (double)valList[7] + (double)valList[8] + (double)valList[9] + (double)valList[10]); if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Age.LessThanEleven) { return ((double)valList[0] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Age.ElevenToThirteen) { return ((double)valList[1] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Age.FourteenToFifteen) { return ((double)valList[2] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Age.SixteenToSeventeen) { return ((double)valList[3] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Age.EighteenToTwentyFive) { return ((double)valList[4] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Age.TwentySixToThirty) { return ((double)valList[5] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Age.ThirtyOneToForty) { return ((double)valList[6] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Age.FortyOneToFifty) { return ((double)valList[7] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Age.FiftyOneToFiftyFour) { return ((double)valList[8] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Age.FiftyfiveToSixtyFour) { return ((double)valList[9] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Age.MoreThanSixtyFive) { return ((double)valList[10] / logsum); } return 0.00; }
private void updateCounts(Person person) { { switch (person.GetAge()) { case (Age.LessThanEleven): { count_less11++; break; } case (Age.ElevenToThirteen): { count_11++; break; } case (Age.FourteenToFifteen): { count_14++; break; } case (Age.SixteenToSeventeen): { count_16++; break; } case (Age.EighteenToTwentyFive): { count_18++; break; } case (Age.TwentySixToThirty): { count_26++; break; } case (Age.ThirtyOneToForty): { count_31++; break; } case (Age.FortyOneToFifty): { count_41++; break; } case (Age.FiftyOneToFiftyFour): { count_51++; break; } case (Age.FiftyfiveToSixtyFour): { count_55++; break; } case (Age.MoreThanSixtyFive): { count_65++; break; } default: break; } switch (person.GetEmploymentStatus()) { case (EmploymentStatus.PartTime): count_part_time++; break; case (EmploymentStatus.FullTimeHome): count_full_time_home++; break; case (EmploymentStatus.FullTime): count_full_time++; break; case (EmploymentStatus.PartTimeHome): count_part_time_home++; break; case (EmploymentStatus.Unemployed): count_unemployed++; break; default: break; } switch (person.GetSex()) { case (Sex.Male): count_male++; break; case (Sex.Female): count_female++; break; default: break; } switch (person.GetDrivingLicense()) { case (DrivingLicense.Yes): count_driving_license_yes++; break; case (DrivingLicense.No): count_driving_license_no++; break; default: break; } switch (person.GetOccupation()) { case (Occupation.GeneralOffice): { count_general_office++; break; } case (Occupation.ClericalManufacturing): { count_clerical_manufacturing++; break; } case (Occupation.TradesProfessional): { count_professional_man++; break; } case (Occupation.TechnicalRetailSalesServiceNotEmployedUnknown): { count_retail++; break; } case (Occupation.Construction): { count_costruction_man++; break; } } } }
public SimulationObject CreateNewCopy() { Person copy = new Person(this); return copy; }
private List<double> GetUtilityValuesForAge(Person person) { var currValues = new List<double>(11); currValues.Add(1); int twoAdultsChildren = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.TwoAdultsChildren); int oneCar = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetNumOfCars() == NumOfCars.OneCar); int twoCars = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetNumOfCars() == NumOfCars.TwoCars); int female = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetSex() == Sex.Female); int threePlusCars = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetNumOfCars() == NumOfCars.ThreeOrMore); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(-0.591 * 1.00 + -4.20 * twoAdultsChildren + 0.235 * oneCar + 0.271 * twoCars + -0.268 * threePlusCars + 0.153 * female)); int twoAdults = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.Twoadults); int manConst = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetOccupation() == Occupation.Construction); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(-0.916 * 1.00 + 1.27 * twoAdults + -4.87 * twoAdultsChildren + 0.227 * oneCar + 0.214 * twoCars + -0.138 * threePlusCars + 0.945 * manConst + 0.159 * female)); int eNE = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetEmploymentStatus() == EmploymentStatus.Unemployed); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(2.92 * 1.00 + 1.44 * twoAdults + -5.21 * twoAdultsChildren + 0.152 * oneCar + 0.0860 * twoCars + -3.99 * eNE + -1.63 * manConst + 0.271 * female)); int oneAdultChildren = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.OneAdultOneChild); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(5.51 * 1.00 + -2.57 * oneAdultChildren + 2.31 * twoAdults + -4.19 * twoAdultsChildren + -0.598 * oneCar + -0.934 * twoCars + -0.106 * threePlusCars + -5.60 * eNE + 0.508 * female)); int homeFT = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetEmploymentStatus() == EmploymentStatus.FullTimeHome); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(4.90 * 1.00 + -0.750 * oneAdultChildren + 3.72 * twoAdults + -1.45 * twoAdultsChildren + -0.880 * oneCar + -1.28 * twoCars + -0.309 * threePlusCars + 1.33 * homeFT + -6.66 * eNE + 0.381 * manConst + 0.950 * female)); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(5.58 * 1.00 + -0.350 * oneAdultChildren + 3.55 * twoAdults + -0.381 * twoAdultsChildren + -0.706 * oneCar + -1.21 * twoCars + -1.10 * threePlusCars + 1.79 * homeFT + -6.91 * eNE + 0.476 * manConst + 1.14 * female)); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(6.40 * 1.00 + -1.48 * oneAdultChildren + 3.13 * twoAdults + -1.98 * twoAdultsChildren + -0.639 * oneCar + -1.09 * twoCars + -1.17 * threePlusCars + 1.97 * homeFT + -7.04 * eNE + 0.567 * manConst + 0.978 * female)); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(5.42 * 1.00 + -2.80 * oneAdultChildren + 3.71 * twoAdults + -3.73 * twoAdultsChildren + -0.796 * oneCar + -1.20 * twoCars + -0.655 * threePlusCars + 2.05 * homeFT + -6.74 * eNE + 0.600 * manConst + 0.891 * female)); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(5.70 * 1.00 + -4.1 * oneAdultChildren + 4.44 * twoAdults + -4.58 * twoAdultsChildren + -0.717 * oneCar + -1.09 * twoCars + -0.424 * threePlusCars + 2.17 * homeFT + -5.83 * eNE + 0.496 * manConst + 0.813 * female)); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(4.85 * 1.00 + -5.75 * oneAdultChildren + 4.80 * twoAdults + -5.69 * twoAdultsChildren + -0.902 * oneCar + -1.75 * twoCars + -1.44 * threePlusCars + 2.23 * homeFT + -3.44 * eNE + 0.513 * female)); return currValues; }
private double ComputeSexProbablities(string category, Person person) { var valList = GetUtilityValuesForSex(person); double logsum = ((double)valList[0] + (double)valList[1]); if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Sex.Male) { return ((double)valList[0] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Sex.Female) { return ((double)valList[1] / logsum); } return 0.00; }
private double ComputeOccupationProbablities(string category, Person person, SpatialZone curZ) { var valList = GetUtilityValuesForOccupation(person, curZ); double logsum = ((double)valList[0] + (double)valList[1] + (double)valList[2] + (double)valList[3] + (double)valList[4] + (double)valList[5]); if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Occupation.GeneralOffice) { return ((double)valList[0] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Occupation.ClericalManufacturing) { return ((double)valList[1] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Occupation.Construction) { return ((double)valList[2] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Occupation.TradesProfessional) { return ((double)valList[3] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Occupation.Management) { return ((double)valList[4] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)Occupation.TechnicalRetailSalesServiceNotEmployedUnknown) { return ((double)valList[5] / logsum); } return 0.00; }
private List<KeyValPair> ComputeOccupationCommulative(Person person, SpatialZone curZ) { double comVal = 0.00; var comList = new List<KeyValPair>(); var valList = GetUtilityValuesForOccupation(person, curZ); KeyValPair currPair = new KeyValPair(); double utilSum = (double)valList[0] + (double)valList[1] + (double)valList[2] + (double)valList[3] + (double)valList[4]; currPair.Category = "0";//IncomeLevel.GeneralOffice.ToString(); currPair.Value = (double)valList[0] / utilSum; comVal = currPair.Value; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "1";//IncomeLevel.ClericalManufacturing.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[1] / utilSum; comVal = currPair.Value; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "2";//IncomeLevel.Construction.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[2] / utilSum; comVal = currPair.Value; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "3";//IncomeLevel.TradesProfessional.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[3] / utilSum; comVal = currPair.Value; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "4";//IncomeLevel.Management.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[4] / utilSum; comList.Add(currPair); return comList; }
private List<KeyValPair> ComputeAgeCommulative(Person person) { double comVal = 0.00; var comList = new List<KeyValPair>(); var valList = GetUtilityValuesForAge(person); KeyValPair currPair = new KeyValPair(); double utilSum = (double)valList[0] + (double)valList[1] + (double)valList[2] + (double)valList[3] + (double)valList[4] + (double)valList[5] + (double)valList[6] + (double)valList[7] + (double)valList[8] + (double)valList[9] + (double)valList[10]; currPair.Category = "0";//IncomeLevel.LessThanEleven.ToString(); currPair.Value = (double)valList[0] / utilSum; comVal = currPair.Value; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "1";//IncomeLevel.ElevenToThirteen.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[1] / utilSum; comVal = currPair.Value; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "2";//IncomeLevel.FourteenToFifteen.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[2] / utilSum; comVal = currPair.Value; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "3";//IncomeLevel.SixteenToSeventeen.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[3] / utilSum; comVal = currPair.Value; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "4";//IncomeLevel.EighteenToTwentyFive.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[4] / utilSum; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "5";//IncomeLevel.TwentySixToThirty.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[5] / utilSum; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "6";//IncomeLevel.ThirtyOneToForty.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[6] / utilSum; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "7";//IncomeLevel.FortyOneToFifty.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[7] / utilSum; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "8";//IncomeLevel.FiftyOneToFiftyFour.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[8] / utilSum; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "9";//IncomeLevel.FiftyfiveToSixtyFour.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[9] / utilSum; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "10";//IncomeLevel.MoreThanSixtyFive.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[10] / utilSum; comList.Add(currPair); return comList; }
public Person GetNextAgentPerson(DiscreteMarginalDistribution f_x, ConditionalDistribution g_x, string dimension, Person prvAgent, SpatialZone currZone) { KeyValPair currDimVal; double currProb = 0.00; double currRatio = 0.00; int cnt = 0; do { currDimVal = GenerateNextFromG_X(g_x, prvAgent, currZone,0); currProb = f_x.GetValue(currDimVal.Category); currRatio = currProb / currDimVal.Value; if (currRatio > 1.00) { currRatio = 1.00; } if (cnt > 10000) { currRatio = 1; } cnt++; } while (myRand.NextDouble() > currRatio); // Create the household object based on the currDimVal.category return (Person)prvAgent.CreateNewCopy( g_x.GetDimensionName(), Int16.Parse(currDimVal.Category),0); }
private List<KeyValPair> ComputeEmploymentStatusCommulative(Person person) { double comVal = 0.00; var comList = new List<KeyValPair>(); var valList = GetUtilityValuesForEmploymentStatus(person); KeyValPair currPair = new KeyValPair(); double utilSum = (double)valList[0] + (double)valList[1] + (double)valList[2] + (double)valList[3] + (double)valList[4]; currPair.Category = "0";//IncomeLevel.Unemployed.ToString(); currPair.Value = (double)valList[0] / utilSum; comVal = currPair.Value; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "1";//IncomeLevel.FullTime.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[1] / utilSum; comVal = currPair.Value; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "2";//IncomeLevel.FullTimeHome.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[2] / utilSum; comVal = currPair.Value; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "3";//IncomeLevel.PartTime.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[3] / utilSum; comVal = currPair.Value; comList.Add(currPair); currPair = new KeyValPair(); currPair.Category = "4";//IncomeLevel.PartTimeHome.ToString(); currPair.Value = comVal + (double)valList[4] / utilSum; comList.Add(currPair); return comList; }
private double ComputeEmploymentStatusProbablities(string category, Person person) { var valList = GetUtilityValuesForEmploymentStatus(person); double logsum = ((double)valList[0] + (double)valList[1] + (double)valList[2] + (double)valList[3] + (double)valList[4] + (double)valList[5]); if (int.Parse(category) == (int)EmploymentStatus.Unemployed) { return ((double)valList[0] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)EmploymentStatus.FullTime) { return ((double)valList[1] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)EmploymentStatus.FullTimeHome) { return ((double)valList[2] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)EmploymentStatus.PartTime) { return ((double)valList[3] / logsum); } else if (int.Parse(category) == (int)EmploymentStatus.PartTimeHome) { return ((double)valList[4] / logsum); } return 0.00; }
public override SimulationObject CreateNewCopy(string baseDim, int baseDimVal, int personId) { Person copy = new Person(this); // apply the new change switch(baseDim) { case "Age": copy.Age = (Age)baseDimVal; break; case "Sex": copy.Sex = (Sex)baseDimVal; break; case "Occupation": copy.Occupation = (Occupation)baseDimVal; break; case "PublicTransitPass": copy.PublicTransitPass = (PublicTransitPass)baseDimVal; break; case "EducationLevel": copy.EducationLevel = (EducationLevel)baseDimVal; break; case "EmploymentStatus": copy.EmploymentStatus = (EmploymentStatus)baseDimVal; break; case "DrivingLicense": copy.DrivingLicense = (DrivingLicense)baseDimVal; break; default: return null; } return copy; }
private List<double> GetUtilityValuesForDriverLicense(Person person) { var currValues = new List<double>(2); currValues.Add(1); int twoAdultsChildren = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.TwoAdultsChildren); int twoPlusAdultsChildren = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.TwoAdultsChildren || person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.ThreeOrMoreAdultsChildren); int homeFT = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetEmploymentStatus() == EmploymentStatus.FullTimeHome); int homePT = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetEmploymentStatus() == EmploymentStatus.PartTimeHome); int PT = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetEmploymentStatus() == EmploymentStatus.PartTime); int apart = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetDwellingType() == DwellingType.Apartment); int manConst = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetOccupation() == Occupation.Construction); int retail = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetOccupation() == Occupation.TechnicalRetailSalesServiceNotEmployedUnknown); int sixteen = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.SixteenToSeventeen); int eighteen = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.EighteenToTwentyFive); int twentysix = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.TwentySixToThirty); int fortyone = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.FortyOneToFifty); int oneAdultChildren = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.OneAdultOneChild); int twoAdults = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.Twoadults); int twoPlusAdults = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.ThreeOrMoreAdults || person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.Twoadults); int oneCar = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetNumOfCars() == NumOfCars.OneCar); int twoCars = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetNumOfCars() == NumOfCars.TwoCars); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(-0.833 * 1.00 + 2.17 * oneAdultChildren + -0.103 * twoAdults + 1.85 * twoAdultsChildren + 1.02 * twoPlusAdults + 2.17 * twoPlusAdultsChildren + 0.693 * apart + -0.392 * oneCar + -0.743 * twoCars + -1.35 * homeFT + -1.26 * homePT + -0.220 * PT + -1.95 * manConst + -1.22 * retail + 0.811 * sixteen + -0.621 * eighteen + -1.52 * twentysix + -1.80 * fortyone)); return currValues; }
public void addPerson(Person p) { persons.Add(p); p.SetHhld(household); }
private List<SimulationObject> GeneratePersons(SpatialZone currZone, int numPerson, Person initAgent, bool warmUpStatus, OutputFileWriter currWriter) { int seltdDim = 0; List<ConditionalDistribution> condList = currZone.GetPersonDataCollectionsList(); var generatedAgents = new List<SimulationObject>(); Person prevAgent = initAgent; ImportanceSampler currImpSampler = new ImportanceSampler(); int iter = 0; if(warmUpStatus == true) { iter = Constants.WARMUP_ITERATIONS; } else { iter = Constants.SKIP_ITERATIONS * numPerson; } Person newAgent = new Person(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 0; i < iter; i++) { seltdDim = randGen.NextInRange(0, condList.Count - 1); DiscreteCondDistribution currDist = (DiscreteCondDistribution)condList[seltdDim]; /*if (currDist.GetDimensionName() == "HouseholdSize2") { newAgent = (Person) currImpSampler.GetNextAgent( currZone.myHhldSize2Marginal, currDist, currDist.GetDimensionName(), (SimulationObject) prevAgent, currZone); } else if (currDist.GetDimensionName() == "Age") { newAgent = (Person)currImpSampler.GetNextAgent( currZone.myAgeMarginal, currDist, currDist.GetDimensionName(), (SimulationObject)prevAgent, currZone); } else*/ if(currDist.GetDimensionName() == "Sex") { newAgent = (Person)currImpSampler.GetNextAgent( currZone.mySexMarginal, currDist, currDist.GetDimensionName(), (SimulationObject)prevAgent, currZone); } /*else if (currDist.GetDimensionName() == "EducationLevel") { newAgent = (Person)currImpSampler.GetNextAgent( currZone.myEducationMarginal, currDist, currDist.GetDimensionName(), (SimulationObject)prevAgent, currZone); }*/ else { List<KeyValPair> currComm = currDist.GetCommulativeValue( prevAgent.GetNewJointKey(currDist.GetDimensionName()) , currZone); newAgent = (Person)GenerateNextAgent(currComm, (SimulationObject)prevAgent, currDist.GetDimensionName()); } prevAgent = newAgent; if(warmUpStatus == false && (i % Constants.SKIP_ITERATIONS == 0)) { //generatedAgents.Add(newAgent); builder.Append((int)newAgent.GetAge()); builder.Append(','); builder.Append(newAgent.GetZoneID()); builder.Append(','); builder.Append((int)newAgent.GetSex()); builder.Append(','); builder.Append((int)newAgent.GetHhldSize()); builder.Append(','); builder.Append((int)newAgent.GetEducationLevel()); currWriter.WriteToFile(builder.ToString()); builder.Clear(); } } return generatedAgents; }
private List<double> GetUtilityValuesForEmploymentStatus(Person person) { var currValues = new List<double>(5); currValues.Add(1); int twoAdultsChildren = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.TwoAdultsChildren); int twoPlusAdults = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.Twoadults || person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.ThreeOrMoreAdults); int threePlusCars = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetNumOfCars() == NumOfCars.ThreeOrMore); int lNo = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetDrivingLicense() == DrivingLicense.No); int apart = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetDwellingType() == DwellingType.Apartment); int town = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetDwellingType() == DwellingType.Townhouse); int profMan = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetOccupation() == Occupation.TradesProfessional); int retail = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetOccupation() == Occupation.TechnicalRetailSalesServiceNotEmployedUnknown); int eighteen = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.EighteenToTwentyFive); int twentysix = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.TwentySixToThirty); int thirtyone = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.ThirtyOneToForty); int female = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetSex() == Sex.Female); int twoAdults = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.Twoadults); int oneCar = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetNumOfCars() == NumOfCars.OneCar); int twoPlusAdultsChildren = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.TwoAdultsChildren || person.GetHhld().GetHhldSize() == HouseholdSize.ThreeOrMoreAdultsChildren); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(-2.34 * 1.00 - 0.122 * twoAdults + -0.335 * twoAdultsChildren + -0.453 * twoPlusAdults + -0.248 * twoPlusAdultsChildren + -0.236 * apart + -0.323 * town + 0.104 * oneCar + 0.126 * threePlusCars + 0.522 * profMan + 0.802 * retail + -1.32 * eighteen + -0.711 * twentysix + -0.325 * thirtyone + -0.252 * female + 0.247 * lNo)); int manConst = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetOccupation() == Occupation.Construction); int eleven = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.ElevenToThirteen); int fiftyone = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.FiftyOneToFiftyFour); int sixteen = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.SixteenToSeventeen); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(-3.25 * 1.00 + -0.430 * twoAdultsChildren + -0.573 * twoPlusAdults + -0.456 * twoPlusAdultsChildren + -0.249 * town + 0.0881 * oneCar + -0.757 * manConst + 0.204 * profMan + 0.351 * retail + 8.78 * eleven + 3.50 * sixteen + -0.367 * eighteen + -1.06 * twentysix + -0.865 * thirtyone + -0.508 * fiftyone + 0.542 * female)); int fourteen = Convert.ToInt32(person.GetAge() == Age.FourteenToFifteen); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(2.01 * 1.00 + -0.689 * twoPlusAdults + -0.0915 * twoPlusAdultsChildren + 0.0922 * apart + -0.240 * town + 0.398 * oneCar + -0.126 * threePlusCars + -17.7 * manConst + -17.9 * profMan + 14.6 * eleven + 5.15 * fourteen + 6.33 * sixteen + 0.646 * eighteen + -1.15 * twentysix + -1.45 * thirtyone + -1.31 * fiftyone + -0.280 * female + 2.15 * lNo + -19.6 * retail)); currValues.Add(Math.Exp(-2.69 * 1.00 + 0.116 * twoAdults + -0.232 * twoAdultsChildren + 0.0514 * twoPlusAdults + 0.188 * apart + -0.103 * town + 0.0953 * oneCar + -0.164 * threePlusCars + -0.194 * manConst + 0.0903 * profMan + 0.914 * retail + 3.93 * fourteen + 5.99 * sixteen + 1.74 * eighteen + -0.317 * thirtyone + -0.392 * fiftyone + 0.853 * female + 0.462 * lNo + 7.15 * eleven)); return currValues; }