Esempio n. 1
 protected virtual void OnGetMovieInfoCompleted(MovieInfoCompletedEventArgs e)
     if (GetMovieInfoCompleted != null)
         GetMovieInfoCompleted(this, e);
Esempio n. 2
        private void GetMovieInfoWorker(int id, object userState, AsyncOperation asyncOp)
            Exception exception = null;
            Movie     movie     = null;

                movie = GetMovieInfo(id);
            catch (Exception ex)
                exception = ex;

            MovieInfoCompletedEventArgs args = new MovieInfoCompletedEventArgs(movie, exception, false, userState);

            asyncOp.PostOperationCompleted(delegate(object e) { OnGetMovieInfoCompleted((MovieInfoCompletedEventArgs)e); }, args);
Esempio n. 3
        void Tmdb_GetMovieInfoCompleted(object sender, TMDB.MovieInfoCompletedEventArgs e)
            threadCount -= 1;
            MovieTag tag;

            if (scanning)
                if (searchPos < listViewResults.Items.Count)
                    while (listViewResults.Items[searchPos].ForeColor == Color.Purple || (listViewResults.Items[searchPos].ForeColor == Color.Red && listViewResults.Items[searchPos].SubItems[3].Text == "Unable to find match"))
                        searchPos += 1;
                        progressBarResults.Value += 1;
                        completedMatches         += 1;

                    listViewResults.Items[searchPos].SubItems[3].Text = "Scanning...";
                    tag = (MovieTag)listViewResults.Items[searchPos].Tag;

                    threadCount += 1;


                    Program.Tmdb.MovieSearchAsync(tag.Search, searchPos);
                    searchPos += 1;

            if (e.Error == null)
                if (e.Movie != null)
                    completedMatches += 1;

                    MovieTag filetag = (MovieTag)listViewResults.Items[(int)e.UserState].Tag;

                    Movie add = new Movie();
                    add                  = filetag.MovieInfo;
                    add.Id               = e.Movie.Id;
                    add.Title            = e.Movie.Name;
                    add.AlternativeTitle = e.Movie.AlternativeName;
                    add.ImdbId           = e.Movie.ImdbId;
                    add.Language         = e.Movie.Language;
                    add.Overview         = e.Movie.Overview;
                    add.Released         = e.Movie.Released;
                    add.Trailer          = e.Movie.Trailer;
                    add.Votes            = e.Movie.Votes;
                    add.Rating           = e.Movie.Rating;
                    add.Budget           = e.Movie.Budget;
                    add.Certification    = e.Movie.Certification;
                    add.Homepage         = e.Movie.Homepage;
                    add.Revenue          = e.Movie.Revenue;

                    foreach (TMDB.Image img in e.Movie.Images)
                        if (img.Size == TMDB.ImageSize.original)
                            add.Cover = img;


                    listViewResults.Items[(int)e.UserState].ForeColor        = Color.Green;
                    listViewResults.Items[(int)e.UserState].SubItems[3].Text = "Complete";
                    listViewResults.Items[(int)e.UserState].ForeColor        = Color.Red;
                    listViewResults.Items[(int)e.UserState].SubItems[3].Text = "Unable to find match";
                listViewResults.Items[(int)e.UserState].ForeColor        = Color.Red;
                listViewResults.Items[(int)e.UserState].SubItems[3].Text = "Remote server error";

            progressBarResults.Value += 1;
            int    current = progressBarResults.Value;
            int    max     = progressBarResults.Maximum;
            double percent = ((double)current / (double)max) * 100;

            if (progressBarResults.Value == progressBarResults.Maximum)
                scanning = false;

                percent     = 100;
                threadCount = 0;

            labelProgress.Text = percent.ToString("0.0") + "% (" + completedMatches + " / " + listViewResults.Items.Count + ")";

            if (!scanning && threadCount == 0 && percent != 100)
                labelProgress.Text = "Aborted (" + completedMatches + " / " + listViewResults.Items.Count + ")";
                Program.Tmdb.GetMovieInfoCompleted -= new TMDB.Api.MovieInfoAsyncCompletedEventHandler(Tmdb_GetMovieInfoCompleted);
            else if ((scanning && threadCount == 0) || percent == 100)
                buttonResultsAbort.Enabled          = true;
                Program.Tmdb.GetMovieInfoCompleted -= new TMDB.Api.MovieInfoAsyncCompletedEventHandler(Tmdb_GetMovieInfoCompleted);

            if (threadCount == 0)
                buttonResultsBack.Enabled   = true;
                buttonResultsAutoId.Enabled = true;
                buttonResultsAbort.Text     = "Close";

                foreach (ListViewItem lvi in listViewResults.Items)
                    if (lvi.ForeColor == Color.Green)
                        buttonResultsAdd.Enabled = true;