Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Here we do initial processing of requestData.
        /// <para>Processing of requestData can be passed to another object. Both for local and global messaging. Currenlty all processing is done in Entity. 
        /// Entity uses Addresses to register in RMQ.
        /// </para>        
        /// <para> Override this function to provide other threading models and remeber that this function is executed in the RMQ driver thread- switch ASAP.</para>
        public virtual void OnPreMessage(RequestData requestData)
            //now everything is dispatched in thread pool
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((r) =>
                //try release pending rpc
                if (Bus.TryHandleAsRPCResponse(this, requestData))

                catch (Exception ex)
                    //todo: log it
                    //make sure that ack and RPC response (if necessary) is sent back
                    requestData.RPCResponse(1, RequestData.ErrorCodeEnum.InternalError, ex.Message, null, null);
                    //default response
                    requestData.RPCResponse(RequestData.ErrorCodeEnum.Error, "default response");