Esempio n. 1
        internal static CIReleaseInfo Create(Commit commit, CIBranchVersionMode ciVersionMode, string ciBuildName, StringBuilder errors, CommitVersionInfo info)
            var actualBaseTag = info.PreviousMaxTag;
            ReleaseTagVersion ciBaseTag = actualBaseTag ?? ReleaseTagVersion.VeryFirstVersion;
            string            ciBuildVersionNuGet = null, ciBuildVersion = null;

            // If there is no base release found, we fall back to ZeroTimedBased mode.
            if (ciVersionMode == CIBranchVersionMode.ZeroTimed || actualBaseTag == null)
                DateTime timeRelease = commit.Committer.When.ToUniversalTime().UtcDateTime;
                ciBuildVersion      = CreateSemVerZeroTimed(ciBuildName, timeRelease, actualBaseTag?.ToString());
                ciBuildVersionNuGet = CreateNuGetZeroTimed(ciBuildName, timeRelease);
                Debug.Assert(ciVersionMode == CIBranchVersionMode.LastReleaseBased && actualBaseTag != null);
                CIBuildDescriptor ci = new CIBuildDescriptor {
                    BranchName = ciBuildName, BuildIndex = info.PreviousMaxCommitDepth
                if (!ci.IsValidForNuGetV2)
                    errors.AppendLine("Due to NuGet V2 limitation, the branch name must not be longer than 8 characters. ");
                    errors.Append("Adds a VersionName attribute to the branch element in RepositoryInfo.xml with a shorter name: ")
                    .AppendFormat(@"<Branch Name=""{0}"" VersionName=""{1}"" ... />.", ci.BranchName, ci.BranchName.Substring(0, 8))
                    ciBuildVersion      = actualBaseTag.ToString(ReleaseTagFormat.SemVer, ci);
                    ciBuildVersionNuGet = actualBaseTag.ToString(ReleaseTagFormat.NuGetPackage, ci);
            Debug.Assert(ciBuildVersion == null || errors.Length == 0);
            return(ciBuildVersion != null ? new CIReleaseInfo(ciBaseTag, info.PreviousMaxCommitDepth, ciBuildVersion, ciBuildVersionNuGet) : null);
Esempio n. 2
        internal static CIReleaseInfo Create(
            Commit commit,
            CIBranchVersionMode ciVersionMode,
            string ciBuildName,
            StringBuilder errors,
            BasicCommitInfo info)
            var       actualBaseTag = info?.MaxCommit.ThisTag;
            CSVersion ciBaseTag = actualBaseTag ?? CSVersion.VeryFirstVersion;
            SVersion  ciBuildVersionNuGet = null, ciBuildVersion = null;

            // If there is no base release found, we fall back to ZeroTimedBased mode.
            if (ciVersionMode == CIBranchVersionMode.ZeroTimed || actualBaseTag == null)
                DateTime timeRelease = commit.Committer.When.ToUniversalTime().UtcDateTime;
                string   vS          = CIBuildDescriptor.CreateSemVerZeroTimed(ciBuildName, timeRelease);
                string   vN          = CIBuildDescriptor.CreateShortFormZeroTimed(ciBuildName, timeRelease);
                if (actualBaseTag != null)
                    string buildMetaData = "+v" + actualBaseTag;
                    vS += buildMetaData;
                    vN += buildMetaData;
                ciBuildVersion      = SVersion.Parse(vS);
                ciBuildVersionNuGet = SVersion.Parse(vN, false);
                return(new CIReleaseInfo(ciBaseTag, 0, ciBuildVersion, ciBuildVersionNuGet, true));
            Debug.Assert(ciVersionMode == CIBranchVersionMode.LastReleaseBased && actualBaseTag != null);
            CIBuildDescriptor ci = new CIBuildDescriptor {
                BranchName = ciBuildName, BuildIndex = info.BelowDepth

            if (!ci.IsValidForShortForm)
                errors.AppendLine("Due to ShortForm (NuGet V2 compliance) limitation, the branch name must not be longer than 8 characters. ");
                errors.Append("Adds a VersionName attribute to the branch element in RepositoryInfo.xml with a shorter name: ")
                .Append($@"<Branch Name=""{ci.BranchName}"" VersionName=""{ci.BranchName.Substring( 0, 8 )}"" ... />.")
                ciBuildVersion      = SVersion.Parse(actualBaseTag.ToString(CSVersionFormat.Normalized, ci));
                ciBuildVersionNuGet = SVersion.Parse(actualBaseTag.ToString(CSVersionFormat.NuGetPackage, ci), false);
            Debug.Assert(ciBuildVersion == null || errors.Length == 0);
            return(ciBuildVersion != null
                    ? new CIReleaseInfo(ciBaseTag, info.BelowDepth, ciBuildVersion, ciBuildVersionNuGet, false)
                    : null);
Esempio n. 3
        internal static CIReleaseInfo Create( Commit commit, CIBranchVersionMode ciVersionMode, string ciVersionName, StringBuilder errors, CommitVersionInfo info )
            var actualBaseTag = info.PreviousMaxTag;
            ReleaseTagVersion ciBaseTag = actualBaseTag ?? ReleaseTagVersion.VeryFirstVersion;
            string ciBuildVersionNuGet = null, ciBuildVersion = null;

            // If there is no base release found, we fall back to ZeroTimedBased mode.
            if( ciVersionMode == CIBranchVersionMode.ZeroTimed || actualBaseTag == null )
                string suffix = actualBaseTag != null ? '+' + actualBaseTag.ToString() : null;
                var name = string.Format( "0.0.0--ci-{0}.{1:yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm-ss-ff}", ciVersionName, commit.Committer.When );
                ciBuildVersion = name + suffix;

                TimeSpan delta200 = commit.Committer.When.ToUniversalTime() - new DateTime( 2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc );
                Debug.Assert( Math.Log( 1000 * 366 * 24 * 60 * (long)60, 62 ) < 7, "Using Base62: 1000 years in seconds on 7 chars!" );
                long second = (long)delta200.TotalSeconds;
                string b62 = ToBase62( second );
                string ver = new string( '0', 7 - b62.Length ) + b62;
                ciBuildVersionNuGet = string.Format( "0.0.0-C{0}-{1}", ciVersionName, ver );
                Debug.Assert( ciVersionMode == CIBranchVersionMode.LastReleaseBased && actualBaseTag != null );
                CIBuildDescriptor ci = new CIBuildDescriptor { BranchName = ciVersionName, BuildIndex = info.PreviousMaxCommitDepth };
                if( !ci.IsValidForNuGetV2 )
                    errors.AppendLine( "Due to NuGet V2 limitation, the branch name must not be longer than 8 characters. " );
                    errors.Append( "Adds a VersionName attribute to the branch element in RepositoryInfo.xml with a shorter name: " )
                            .AppendFormat( @"<Branch Name=""{0}"" VersionName=""{1}"" ... />.", ci.BranchName, ci.BranchName.Substring( 0, 8 ) )
                    ciBuildVersion = actualBaseTag.ToString( ReleaseTagFormat.SemVer, ci );
                    ciBuildVersionNuGet = actualBaseTag.ToString( ReleaseTagFormat.NuGetPackage, ci );
            Debug.Assert( ciBuildVersion == null || errors.Length == 0 );
            return ciBuildVersion != null ? new CIReleaseInfo( ciBaseTag, info.PreviousMaxCommitDepth, ciBuildVersion, ciBuildVersionNuGet ) : null;
Esempio n. 4
        internal static CIReleaseInfo Create( Commit commit, CIBranchVersionMode ciVersionMode, string ciBuildName, StringBuilder errors, CommitVersionInfo info )
            var actualBaseTag = info.PreviousMaxTag;
            ReleaseTagVersion ciBaseTag = actualBaseTag ?? ReleaseTagVersion.VeryFirstVersion;
            string ciBuildVersionNuGet = null, ciBuildVersion = null;

            // If there is no base release found, we fall back to ZeroTimedBased mode.
            if( ciVersionMode == CIBranchVersionMode.ZeroTimed || actualBaseTag == null )
                DateTime timeRelease = commit.Committer.When.ToUniversalTime().UtcDateTime;
                ciBuildVersion = CreateSemVerZeroTimed( ciBuildName, timeRelease, actualBaseTag?.ToString() );
                ciBuildVersionNuGet = CreateNuGetZeroTimed( ciBuildName, timeRelease );
                Debug.Assert( ciVersionMode == CIBranchVersionMode.LastReleaseBased && actualBaseTag != null );
                CIBuildDescriptor ci = new CIBuildDescriptor { BranchName = ciBuildName, BuildIndex = info.PreviousMaxCommitDepth };
                if( !ci.IsValidForNuGetV2 )
                    errors.AppendLine( "Due to NuGet V2 limitation, the branch name must not be longer than 8 characters. " );
                    errors.Append( "Adds a VersionName attribute to the branch element in RepositoryInfo.xml with a shorter name: " )
                            .AppendFormat( @"<Branch Name=""{0}"" VersionName=""{1}"" ... />.", ci.BranchName, ci.BranchName.Substring( 0, 8 ) )
                    ciBuildVersion = actualBaseTag.ToString( ReleaseTagFormat.SemVer, ci );
                    ciBuildVersionNuGet = actualBaseTag.ToString( ReleaseTagFormat.NuGetPackage, ci );
            Debug.Assert( ciBuildVersion == null || errors.Length == 0 );
            return ciBuildVersion != null ? new CIReleaseInfo( ciBaseTag, info.PreviousMaxCommitDepth, ciBuildVersion, ciBuildVersionNuGet ) : null;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the string version in the given format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f">Format to use.</param>
        /// <param name="buildInfo">Not null to generate a post-release version.</param>
        /// <param name="usePreReleaseNameFromTag">True to use <see cref="PreReleaseNameFromTag"/> instead of standardized <see cref="PreReleaseName"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>Formated string (or <see cref="ParseErrorMessage"/> if any).</returns>
        public string ToString(ReleaseTagFormat f, CIBuildDescriptor buildInfo = null, bool usePreReleaseNameFromTag = false)
            if (ParseErrorMessage != null)
            if (buildInfo != null && !buildInfo.IsValid)
                throw new ArgumentException("buildInfo must be valid.");
            if (f == ReleaseTagFormat.FileVersion)
                return(ToStringFileVersion(buildInfo != null));

            string prName = usePreReleaseNameFromTag ? PreReleaseNameFromTag : PreReleaseName;

            switch (f)
            case ReleaseTagFormat.NugetPackageV2:
                // For NuGetV2, we are obliged to use the initial otherwise the special part for a pre release fix is too long for CI-Build LastReleasedBased.
                if (usePreReleaseNameFromTag)
                    throw new ArgumentException("ReleaseTagFormat.NugetPackageV2 can not use PreReleaseNameFromTag.");
                prName = PreReleaseNameIdx >= 0 ? _standardNames[PreReleaseNameIdx][0].ToString() : String.Empty;

                string suffix    = IsMarkedInvalid ? Marker : null;
                bool   isCIBuild = buildInfo != null;
                if (isCIBuild && !buildInfo.IsValidForNuGetV2)
                    throw new ArgumentException("buildInfo must be valid for NuGetV2 format.");
                if (isCIBuild)
                    suffix = buildInfo.ToStringForNuGetV2() + suffix;
                if (IsPreRelease)
                    if (IsPreReleasePatch)
                        if (isCIBuild)
                            return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}{4:00}-{5:00}-{6}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, PreReleasePatch, suffix));
                        return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}{4:00}-{5:00}{6}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, PreReleasePatch, suffix));
                    if (PreReleaseNumber > 0)
                        if (isCIBuild)
                            return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}{4:00}-00-{5}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, suffix));
                        return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}{4:00}{5}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, suffix));
                    if (isCIBuild)
                        return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}00-00-{4}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, suffix));
                    return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}{4}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, suffix));
                if (isCIBuild)
                    return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-C{3}", Major, Minor, Patch + 1, suffix));
                return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}{3}", Major, Minor, Patch, suffix));

            case ReleaseTagFormat.SemVer:
            case ReleaseTagFormat.SemVerWithMarker:
                string suffix    = f == ReleaseTagFormat.SemVerWithMarker ? Marker : string.Empty;
                bool   isCIBuild = buildInfo != null;
                if (isCIBuild)
                    suffix = buildInfo.ToString() + suffix;
                if (IsPreRelease)
                    if (IsPreReleasePatch)
                        if (isCIBuild)
                            return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}.{4}.{5}.{6}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, PreReleasePatch, suffix));
                        return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}.{4}.{5}{6}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, PreReleasePatch, suffix));
                    if (PreReleaseNumber > 0)
                        if (isCIBuild)
                            return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}.{4}.0.{5}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, suffix));
                        return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}.{4}{5}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, suffix));
                    if (isCIBuild)
                        return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}.0.0.{4}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, suffix));
                    return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}{4}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, suffix));
                if (isCIBuild)
                    return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}--{3}", Major, Minor, Patch + 1, suffix));
                return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}{3}", Major, Minor, Patch, suffix));

                Debug.Assert(f == ReleaseTagFormat.Normalized);
                if (IsPreRelease)
                    if (IsPreReleasePatch)
                        return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "v{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}.{4}.{5}{6}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, PreReleasePatch, Marker));
                    if (PreReleaseNumber > 0)
                        return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "v{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}.{4}{5}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, Marker));
                    return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "v{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}{4}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, Marker));
                return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "v{0}.{1}.{2}{3}", Major, Minor, Patch, Marker));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the string version in the given format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f">Format to use.</param>
        /// <param name="buildInfo">Not null to generate a post-release version.</param>
        /// <param name="usePreReleaseNameFromTag">True to use <see cref="PreReleaseNameFromTag"/> instead of standardized <see cref="PreReleaseName"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>Formated string (or <see cref="ParseErrorMessage"/> if any).</returns>
        public string ToString( ReleaseTagFormat f, CIBuildDescriptor buildInfo = null, bool usePreReleaseNameFromTag = false )
            if( ParseErrorMessage != null ) return ParseErrorMessage;
            if( buildInfo != null && !buildInfo.IsValid ) throw new ArgumentException( "buildInfo must be valid." );
            if( f == ReleaseTagFormat.FileVersion )
                return ToStringFileVersion( buildInfo != null );

            string prName = usePreReleaseNameFromTag ? PreReleaseNameFromTag : PreReleaseName;
            switch( f )
                case ReleaseTagFormat.NugetPackageV2:
                        // For NuGetV2, we are obliged to use the initial otherwise the special part for a pre release fix is too long for CI-Build LastReleasedBased.
                        if( usePreReleaseNameFromTag ) throw new ArgumentException( "ReleaseTagFormat.NugetPackageV2 can not use PreReleaseNameFromTag." );
                        prName = PreReleaseNameIdx >= 0 ? _standardNames[PreReleaseNameIdx][0].ToString() : String.Empty;

                        string suffix = IsMarkedInvalid ? Marker : null;
                        bool isCIBuild = buildInfo != null;
                        if( isCIBuild && !buildInfo.IsValidForNuGetV2 ) throw new ArgumentException( "buildInfo must be valid for NuGetV2 format." );
                        if( isCIBuild )
                            suffix = buildInfo.ToStringForNuGetV2() + suffix;
                        if( IsPreRelease )
                            if( IsPreReleasePatch )
                                if( isCIBuild )
                                    return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}{4:00}-{5:00}-{6}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, PreReleasePatch, suffix );
                                return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}{4:00}-{5:00}{6}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, PreReleasePatch, suffix );
                            if( PreReleaseNumber > 0 )
                                if( isCIBuild )
                                    return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}{4:00}-00-{5}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, suffix );
                                return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}{4:00}{5}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, suffix );
                            if( isCIBuild )
                                return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}00-00-{4}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, suffix );
                            return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}{4}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, suffix );
                        if( isCIBuild )
                            return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-C{3}", Major, Minor, Patch+1, suffix );
                        return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}{3}", Major, Minor, Patch, suffix );
                case ReleaseTagFormat.SemVer:
                case ReleaseTagFormat.SemVerWithMarker:
                        string suffix = f == ReleaseTagFormat.SemVerWithMarker ? Marker : string.Empty;
                        bool isCIBuild = buildInfo != null;
                        if( isCIBuild )
                            suffix = buildInfo.ToString() + suffix;
                        if( IsPreRelease )
                            if( IsPreReleasePatch )
                                if( isCIBuild )
                                    return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}.{4}.{5}.{6}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, PreReleasePatch, suffix );
                                return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}.{4}.{5}{6}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, PreReleasePatch, suffix );
                            if( PreReleaseNumber > 0 )
                                if( isCIBuild )
                                    return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}.{4}.0.{5}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, suffix );
                                return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}.{4}{5}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, suffix );
                            if( isCIBuild )
                                return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}.0.0.{4}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, suffix );
                            return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}{4}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, suffix );
                        if( isCIBuild )
                            return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}--{3}", Major, Minor, Patch+1, suffix );
                        return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}.{1}.{2}{3}", Major, Minor, Patch, suffix );
                        Debug.Assert( f == ReleaseTagFormat.Normalized );
                        if( IsPreRelease )
                            if( IsPreReleasePatch )
                                return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "v{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}.{4}.{5}{6}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, PreReleasePatch, Marker );
                            if( PreReleaseNumber > 0 )
                                return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "v{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}.{4}{5}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, PreReleaseNumber, Marker );
                            return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "v{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}{4}", Major, Minor, Patch, prName, Marker );
                        return string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "v{0}.{1}.{2}{3}", Major, Minor, Patch, Marker );