Esempio n. 1
 //A Simple Home-brew class to hold some info about our Available Plugins
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a Plugin to the collection of Available plugins
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pluginToAdd">The Plugin to Add</param>
 public void Add( AvailablePlugin pluginToAdd )
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove a Plugin to the collection of Available plugins
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pluginToRemove">The Plugin to Remove</param>
 public void Remove( AvailablePlugin pluginToRemove )
Esempio n. 3
        private void AddPlugin( string FileName )
            //Create a new assembly from the plugin file we're adding..
            Assembly pluginAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(FileName);

            //Next we'll loop through all the Types found in the assembly
            foreach ( Type pluginType in pluginAssembly.GetTypes() )
                if ( pluginType.IsPublic ) //Only look at public types
                    if ( !pluginType.IsAbstract )  //Only look at non-abstract types
                        Type typeInterface = null;

                        //Gets a type object of the interface we need the plugins to match

                            typeInterface = pluginType.GetInterface("SimpleEditPluginInterface.SEPlugin");
                            //MessageBox.Show("The plugin '" + FileName + "' is not a valid SimpleEdit plugin.", "SimpleEdit", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error, MessageBoxResult.OK);
                            MessageBox.Show("The plugin '" + FileName + "' is not a valid SimpleEdit plugin.", "SimpleEdit", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);

                        //Make sure the interface we want to use actually exists
                        if ( typeInterface != null )
                            //Create a new available plugin since the type implements the IPlugin interface
                            AvailablePlugin newPlugin = new AvailablePlugin();

                            //Set the filename where we found it
                            newPlugin.AssemblyPath = FileName;

                            //Create a new instance and store the instance in the collection for later use
                            //We could change this later on to not load an instance.. we have 2 options
                            //1- Make one instance, and use it whenever we need it.. it's always there
                            //2- Don't make an instance, and instead make an instance whenever we use it, then close it
                            //For now we'll just make an instance of all the plugins
                            newPlugin.Instance = (SEPlugin)Activator.CreateInstance(pluginAssembly.GetType(pluginType.ToString()));

                            //Set the Plugin's host to this class which inherited IPluginHost
                            //newPlugin.Instance.Host = this;

                            //Call the initialization sub of the plugin

                            //Add the new plugin to our collection here

                            //cleanup a bit
                            newPlugin = null;

                        typeInterface = null; //Mr. Clean

            pluginAssembly = null; //more cleanup