Esempio n. 1
		private static BmpTexture Read24BitBmp(byte[] buffer, BmpInfoHeader header)
			int		alignment = (header.Width * 3) % 4;       // Rows are aligned on 4 byte boundaries
			int		rowbase = 0;
			int		offset;
			int		realRow;

			BmpTexture image = new BmpTexture(header.Width, header.Height);

			if (alignment != 0)
				alignment = 4 - alignment;                        // Calculate row padding

			for (int row = 0; row < header.Height; row++)
				rowbase = (row * ((header.Width * 3) + alignment));
				for (int col = 0; col < header.Width; col++)
					offset = rowbase + (col * 3);
					realRow = header.Height - row - 1;          // Reverse row
					if (offset >= buffer.Length)
						HtmlPage.Window.Alert("Error - outside of bounds and not sure why");
					image.SetPixel(realRow, col, buffer[offset + 2], buffer[offset + 1], buffer[offset], 255);

			return image;
Esempio n. 2
		private static BmpTexture Read8BitBmp(byte[] buffer, Color[] palette, BmpInfoHeader header)
			int		alignment = header.Width % 4;       // Rows are aligned on 4 byte boundaries
			int		rowbase = 0;
			int		offset;
			int		realRow;
			Color color;

			BmpTexture image = new BmpTexture(header.Width, header.Height);

			if (alignment != 0)
				alignment = 4 - alignment;                        // Calculate row padding

			for (int row = 0; row < header.Height; row++)
				rowbase = (row * (header.Width + alignment));
				for (int col = 0; col < header.Width; col++)
					offset = rowbase + col;
					realRow = header.Height - row - 1;          // Reverse row
					color = palette[buffer[offset]];
					image.SetPixel(realRow, col, color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);

			return image;
Esempio n. 3
		private static BmpTexture ReadPaletteBmp(byte[] buffer, Color[] palette, BmpInfoHeader header, int bpp)
			int		ppb = 8 / bpp;                    // Pixels per byte (bits per pixel)
			int		width = (header.Width + ppb - 1) / ppb;
			int		alignment = width % 4;          // Rows are aligned on 4 byte boundaries
			int		mask = (0xFF >> (8 - bpp));       // Bit mask
			int		rowbase;
			int		colbase;
			int		offset;
			int		realRow;
			Color color;

			BmpTexture image = new BmpTexture(header.Width, header.Height);

			if (alignment != 0)
				alignment = 4 - alignment;                        // Calculate row padding

			for (int row = 0; row < header.Height; row++)
				rowbase = (row * (width + alignment));
				for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
					offset = rowbase + col;
					colbase = col * ppb;
					realRow = header.Height - row - 1;                  // Reverse row
					for (int shift = 0; ((shift < ppb) && ((colbase + shift) < header.Width)); shift++)
						color = palette[((buffer[offset]) >> (8 - bpp - (shift * bpp))) & mask];
						image.SetPixel(realRow, colbase + shift, color.R, color.G, color.B, 255);

			return image;
Esempio n. 4
		private static BmpTexture Read4BitBmp(byte[] buffer, Color[] palette, BmpInfoHeader header)
			int		width = (header.Width + 1) / 2;
			int		alignment = width % 4;       // Rows are aligned on 4 byte boundaries
			int		rowbase = 0;
			int		colbase = 0;
			int		offset;
			int		realRow;
			Color color1;
			Color color2;

			BmpTexture image = new BmpTexture(header.Width, header.Height);

			if (alignment != 0)
				alignment = 4 - alignment;                        // Calculate row padding

			for (int row = 0; row < header.Height; row++)
				rowbase = (row * (width + alignment));
				for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
					colbase = col * 2;
					offset = rowbase + col;
					realRow = header.Height - row - 1;          // Reverse row
					color1 = palette[(buffer[offset]) >> 4];
					color2 = palette[(buffer[offset]) & 0x0F];
					image.SetPixel(realRow, colbase, color1.R, color1.G, color1.B, 255);
					image.SetPixel(realRow, colbase + 1, color2.R, color2.G, color2.B, 255);

			return image;
Esempio n. 5
		private static BmpTexture Read565Bmp(byte[] buffer, BmpInfoHeader header)
			int		rowbase = 0;
			int		offset;
			int		realRow;
			short color;
			byte	red;
			byte	green;
			byte	blue;
			int		scaleR = 256 / 32;
			int		scaleG = 256 / 64;

			BmpTexture image = new BmpTexture(header.Width, header.Height);

			for (int row = 0; row < header.Height; row++)
				rowbase = (row * header.Width * 2);
				for (int col = 0; col < header.Width; col++)
					offset = rowbase + (col * 2);
					realRow = header.Height - row - 1;          // Reverse row

					// Get color and convert
					color = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer, offset);
					red = (byte)(((color & _REDMASK) >> 11) * scaleR);
					green = (byte)(((color & _GREENMASK) >> 5) * scaleG);
					blue = (byte)(((color & _BLUEMASK)) * scaleR);

					// Set pixel
					image.SetPixel(realRow, col, red, green, blue, 255);

			return image;