Esempio n. 1
        public void PostFile(HttpRequestMessage request)
                string idString = User.Identity.Name;
                User   user     = IUserService.GetDataByPropertyName(nameof(Utility.User.ApiAuthToken), idString, true, 0, 0, false).FirstOrDefault();
                idString = user.Id.ToString();
                var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
                MemoryStream xmlStream = new MemoryStream();
                xmlStream.Flush();//Adjust this if you want read your data
                xmlStream.Position = 0;

                XmlSerializer    deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(BatchStatusModel));
                TextReader       textReader   = new StreamReader(xmlStream);
                BatchStatusModel batchStatusModel;
                batchStatusModel = (BatchStatusModel)deserializer.Deserialize(textReader);
                if (batchStatusModel != null)
                    LogWriter logWriter = new LogWriter("API call start " + batchStatusModel.BatchKey + " ,StageId " + batchStatusModel.StageId + ",Status " + batchStatusModel.Status + ",DepartmentId " + batchStatusModel.DepartmentId + ", Count " + batchStatusModel.BatchCount + ", Date" + DateTime.Now);
                    //LogWriter logWriter = new LogWriter("API call start- " + batchStatusModel.BatchKey + " ,StageId " + batchStatusModel.StageId +",Status " + batchStatusModel.Status + ",DepartmentId " + batchStatusModel.DepartmentId + ", Date" + DateTime.Now);

                Branch            branch            = new Branch();
                Department        department        = new Department();
                BranchDepartment  branchDepartment  = new BranchDepartment();
                List <Branch>     branchMatches     = IBranchService.GetDataByPropertyName(nameof(Branch.Code), batchStatusModel.BranchId, true, 0, 0, true);
                List <Department> departmentMatches = IDepartmentService.GetDataByPropertyName(nameof(Department.Code), batchStatusModel.DepartmentId, true, 0, 0, true);
                if (branchMatches.Count > 0 && departmentMatches.Count > 0)
                    branch     = branchMatches.FirstOrDefault();
                    department = departmentMatches.FirstOrDefault();

                    ConfigurationController configurationController = new ConfigurationController();
                    ConfigurationDTO        config = (ConfigurationDTO)configurationController.Get(user.ApiAuthToken);
                    if (config.responseMsg == "Branch")
                        var dept = config.departments.Where(x => x.Id == department.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (dept == null)
                            string customMessage         = "Department not active!";
                            HttpResponseMessage response = request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, customMessage);
                            response.ReasonPhrase = customMessage;
                            throw new HttpResponseException(response);

                StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder();
                filter.Append(" 1=1");
                string batchKeyColumnName     = Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName <Batch>(nameof(Batch.BatchKey));
                string batchNoColumnName      = Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName <Batch>(nameof(Batch.BatchNo));
                string branchIdColumnName     = Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName <Batch>(nameof(Batch.BranchId));
                string departmentIdColumnName = Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName <Batch>(nameof(Batch.DepartmentId));
                //string stageIdColumnName = Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName<Batch>(nameof(Batch.StageId));
                string statusColumnName = Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName <Batch>(nameof(Batch.Status));
                filter.Append(" and " + batchKeyColumnName + " = '" + batchStatusModel.BatchKey + "'");
                filter.Append(" and " + batchNoColumnName + " = '" + batchStatusModel.BatchNo + "'");
                filter.Append(" and " + branchIdColumnName + " = '" + branch.Id + "'");
                filter.Append(" and " + departmentIdColumnName + " = '" + department.Id + "'");
                //filter.Append(" and " + stageIdColumnName + " = '" + batchStatusModel.StageId + "'");
                filter.Append(" and " + statusColumnName + " = '1'");

                List <Batch> batchMatches = IBatchService.GetDataByFilter(filter.ToString(), 0, 0, true);
                if (batchMatches.Count > 0)
                    Batch batch = batchMatches.FirstOrDefault();

                    batch.BatchUser  = batchStatusModel.UserId;
                    batch.BatchCount = batchStatusModel.BatchCount;
                    if (batchStatusModel.Status == 9)
                        batch.Status = 0;
                        batch.BatchStatus = batchStatusModel.Status;
                    if (batch.StageId != batchStatusModel.StageId)
                        batch.StageId = batchStatusModel.StageId;
                    // batch.UpdatedDate = (batchStatusModel.UpdatedDate == "" ? DateTime.Now : Convert.ToDateTime(batchStatusModel.UpdatedDate));
                    batch.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    batch.UpdatedBy   = Convert.ToInt32(idString);

                    if (batchStatusModel.StageId == 4 && batchStatusModel.Status == 1)
                        if (batch.StageId == 4 && batch.Status == 0)
                            batch.BatchStatus = 0;

                    if (!(batchStatusModel.StageId == 4 && batchStatusModel.Status == 0))
                        LogWriter logWriter2 = new LogWriter("API call update " + batchStatusModel.BatchKey + " ,StageId " + batchStatusModel.StageId + ",Status " + batchStatusModel.Status + ",DepartmentId " + batchStatusModel.DepartmentId + ", Count " + batchMatches.Count + ", Date" + DateTime.Now);

                    if ((batchStatusModel.StageId == 3 && batchStatusModel.Status == 1))
                        string   savePath      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SavePath"].ToString();
                        string[] filesToDelete = Directory.GetFiles(savePath, batch.BatchKey + "*");
                        if (filesToDelete.Count() > 0)
                            foreach (string file in filesToDelete)
                    if ((batch.StageId == 4 && batch.Status == 1 && batchStatusModel.StageId == 4 && batchStatusModel.Status == 1))
                        DirectoryInfo info        = new DirectoryInfo(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SavePath"].ToString());
                        FileInfo[]    filesByTime = info.GetFiles(batch.BatchKey + "*").OrderBy(x => x.CreationTime).ToArray();

                        //string savePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SavePath"].ToString();
                        //string[] filesToDelete = Directory.GetFiles(savePath, batch.BatchKey + "*");
                        if (filesByTime.Count() > 0)
                            foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in filesByTime)
                                DateTime lastWriteTime   = fileInfo.LastWriteTime;
                                DateTime currentDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                                currentDateTime = currentDateTime.AddSeconds(-7);
                                // currentDateTime = currentDateTime.AddSeconds(-1);
                                if (lastWriteTime < currentDateTime)
                                    // File.Delete(fileInfo.FullName);
                    DateTime        dateTime;
                    string          buddhaDateTime = batchStatusModel.CreatedDate.ToString();
                    IFormatProvider buddhaCulture  = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("th-TH");
                    bool            IsBuddhaDate   = DateTime.TryParse(buddhaDateTime, buddhaCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dateTime);
                    if (IsBuddhaDate)
                        IFormatProvider culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");
                        DateTime        englishDate;
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(dateTime.ToString(), culture, DateTimeStyles.None, out englishDate))
                            batchStatusModel.CreatedDate = englishDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss");
                    Batch batch = new Batch()
                        BranchId     = branch.Id,
                        DepartmentId = department.Id,
                        StageId      = batchStatusModel.StageId,
                        BatchKey     = batchStatusModel.BatchKey,
                        BatchNo      = batchStatusModel.BatchNo,
                        BatchUser    = batchStatusModel.UserId,
                        BatchCount   = batchStatusModel.BatchCount,
                        BatchStatus  = batchStatusModel.Status,
                        CreatedDate  = DateTime.Now,
                        UpdatedDate  = DateTime.Now,
                        //CreatedDate = (batchStatusModel.CreatedDate == "" ? DateTime.Now : Convert.ToDateTime(batchStatusModel.CreatedDate)),
                        //UpdatedDate = (batchStatusModel.UpdatedDate == "" ? DateTime.Now : Convert.ToDateTime(batchStatusModel.UpdatedDate)),
                        CreatedBy = Convert.ToInt32(idString),
                        UpdatedBy = Convert.ToInt32(idString),
                        Status    = 1,
                    LogWriter logWriter2 = new LogWriter("API call insert " + batchStatusModel.BatchKey + " ,StageId " + batchStatusModel.StageId + ",Status " + batchStatusModel.Status + ",DepartmentId " + batchStatusModel.DepartmentId + ", Count " + batchStatusModel.BatchCount + ", Date" + DateTime.Now);

                LogWriter logWriter1 = new LogWriter("API call end " + batchStatusModel.BatchKey + " ,StageId " + batchStatusModel.StageId + ",Status " + batchStatusModel.Status + ",DepartmentId " + batchStatusModel.DepartmentId + ", Count " + batchStatusModel.BatchCount + ", Date" + DateTime.Now);

            catch (Exception ex)
                LogWriter logWriter = new LogWriter("Exception - BatchStatusController: " + ex.Message);

                var httpResponse = ex as HttpResponseException;
                if (httpResponse.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized && httpResponse.Response.ReasonPhrase == "Department not active!")
                    string customMessage         = "Department not active!";
                    HttpResponseMessage response = request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, customMessage);
                    response.ReasonPhrase = customMessage;
                    throw new HttpResponseException(response);
Esempio n. 2
        public void PostFile(HttpRequestMessage request)
                string idString = User.Identity.Name;
                User   user     = IUserService.GetDataByPropertyName(nameof(Utility.User.ApiAuthToken), idString, true, 0, 0, false).FirstOrDefault();
                idString = user.Id.ToString();

                Stream stream    = request.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result;
                byte[] fileBytes = new byte[stream.Length];
                stream.Read(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length);
                string FileName = request.Headers.ToList().Where(x => x.Key == "FileName").FirstOrDefault().Value.FirstOrDefault().ToString();

                string mimeType      = request.Content.Headers.ContentType.MediaType;
                string fileExtension = Extension.GetDefaultExtension(mimeType);

                if (fileExtension == null || fileExtension == "")
                    fileExtension = "." + mimeType.Split('/')[1];

                string   FileNameWithoutExtension = FileName.Split('.')[0];
                string[] keys = FileNameWithoutExtension.Split('_');
                //string batchKey = keys[0];
                string batchKey = keys[0];
                //string batchNo = keys[1];
                string setKey     = keys[1];
                string aaNo       = keys[2];
                string deptCode   = keys[3];
                string branchCode = keys[4];
                string accNo      = keys[5];
                string docType    = "";
                string pageCount  = "";

                string    fileNameOld      = "";
                string    savePath         = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SavePath"].ToString();
                string[]  filesToDelete    = new string[] { };
                string[]  filesToDeletePDF = new string[] { };
                LogWriter logWriter        = new LogWriter("BatchStatusController: Check");
                if (fileExtension == ".pdf")
                    docType   = keys[6];
                    pageCount = keys[7];

                    fileNameOld      = batchKey + "_" + setKey + "_" + aaNo + "_" + deptCode + "_" + branchCode + "_" + accNo + "_" + docType + "_" + pageCount;
                    filesToDeletePDF = Directory.GetFiles(savePath, fileNameOld + "*.pdf");
                else if (fileExtension == ".xml")
                    fileNameOld   = batchKey + "_" + setKey + "_" + aaNo + "_" + deptCode + "_" + branchCode + "_" + accNo;
                    logWriter     = new LogWriter("BatchStatusController: fileNameOld - " + fileNameOld);
                    filesToDelete = Directory.GetFiles(savePath, fileNameOld + "*.xml");
                    logWriter     = new LogWriter("BatchStatusController: filesToDelete Count - " + filesToDelete.Count());

                //if (filesToDelete.Count() > 0)
                //    foreach (string fNamePath in filesToDelete)
                //    {
                //        string fName = Path.GetFileName(fNamePath);
                //        string[] keysOld = fName.Split('_');
                //        string timestampOld = keysOld[6];
                //        logWriter = new LogWriter("BatchStatusController: timestampOld - " + timestampOld);

                //        string[] AllFilesToDelete = Directory.GetFiles(savePath, fileNameOld + "*" + timestampOld + "*");
                //        logWriter = new LogWriter("BatchStatusController: fName - " + fName);
                //        logWriter = new LogWriter("BatchStatusController: AllFilesToDelete - " + AllFilesToDelete.Count());

                //        foreach (string file in AllFilesToDelete)
                //        {
                //            File.Delete(file);
                //        }
                //    }
                //if (filesToDeletePDF.Count() > 0)
                //    foreach (string fNamePath in filesToDeletePDF)
                //    {
                //        string fName = Path.GetFileName(fNamePath);
                //        string[] keysOld = fName.Split('_');
                //        string timestampOld = keysOld[8];
                //        timestampOld = timestampOld.Remove(timestampOld.Length - 1);
                //        logWriter = new LogWriter("BatchStatusController: timestampOld - " + timestampOld);

                //        string[] AllFilesToDelete = Directory.GetFiles(savePath, fileNameOld + "*" + timestampOld + "*");
                //        logWriter = new LogWriter("BatchStatusController: fName - " + fName);
                //        logWriter = new LogWriter("BatchStatusController: AllFilesToDelete - " + AllFilesToDelete.Count());

                //        foreach (string file in AllFilesToDelete)
                //        {
                //            File.Delete(file);
                //        }
                //    }
                Branch            branch            = new Branch();
                Department        department        = new Department();
                BranchDepartment  branchDepartment  = new BranchDepartment();
                List <Branch>     branchMatches     = IBranchService.GetDataByPropertyName(nameof(Branch.Code), branchCode, true, 0, 0, true);
                List <Department> departmentMatches = IDepartmentService.GetDataByPropertyName(nameof(Department.Code), deptCode, true, 0, 0, true);

                if (branchMatches.Count > 0 && departmentMatches.Count > 0)
                    branch     = branchMatches.FirstOrDefault();
                    department = departmentMatches.FirstOrDefault();

                    ConfigurationController configurationController = new ConfigurationController();
                    ConfigurationDTO        config = (ConfigurationDTO)configurationController.Get(user.ApiAuthToken);
                    if (config.responseMsg == "Branch")
                        var dept = config.departments.Where(x => x.Id == department.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (dept == null)
                            string customMessage         = "Department not active!";
                            HttpResponseMessage response = request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, customMessage);
                            response.ReasonPhrase = customMessage;
                            throw new HttpResponseException(response);

                    string deptId   = department.Id.ToString();
                    string branchId = branch.Id.ToString();

                    string localPath   = "/Content/Files/";
                    string dirFullPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(localPath);

                    //string savePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SavePath"].ToString();
                    string filePath     = savePath + FileName;
                    string fileFullPath = savePath + FileName;
                    if (File.Exists(fileFullPath))
                    using (Stream file = File.OpenWrite(fileFullPath))
                        file.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length);
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogWriter logWriter = new LogWriter("Exception - BatchStatusController: " + ex.Message);

                var httpResponse = ex as HttpResponseException;
                if (httpResponse.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized && httpResponse.Response.ReasonPhrase == "Department not active!")
                    string customMessage         = "Department not active!";
                    HttpResponseMessage response = request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, customMessage);
                    response.ReasonPhrase = customMessage;
                    throw new HttpResponseException(response);
        // GET api/values
        public object Get(string apiAuthToken)
            ConfigurationDTO configurationDTO = new ConfigurationDTO();
            List <User>      userMatches      = IUserService.GetDataByPropertyName(nameof(Utility.User.ApiAuthToken), apiAuthToken, true, 0, 0, false);
            User             user             = new Utility.User();

            if (userMatches.Count > 0)
                user = userMatches.FirstOrDefault();
                if (user != null)
                    if (user.Status == 0)
                        configurationDTO.isSuccess   = false;
                        configurationDTO.responseMsg = "User not active";
                        configurationDTO.user        = null;
                        configurationDTO.branch      = null;
                        UserRole userRole = IUserRoleService.GetSingle(user.UserRoleId);
                        if (user.BranchId == 0 && userRole.Name == "Super Admin")
                            configurationDTO.isSuccess   = true;
                            configurationDTO.responseMsg = "SA";
                            configurationDTO.user        = user;
                            configurationDTO.branch      = null;
                        else if (user.BranchId == 0 && userRole.Name == "HQ Admin")
                            configurationDTO.isSuccess   = true;
                            configurationDTO.responseMsg = "HQ Admin";
                            configurationDTO.user        = user;
                            configurationDTO.branch      = null;
                        else if (user.BranchId == 0 && userRole.Name == "Regional Admin")
                            configurationDTO.isSuccess   = true;
                            configurationDTO.responseMsg = "Regional Admin";
                            configurationDTO.user        = user;
                            configurationDTO.branch      = null;
                            Branch branch = IBranchService.GetSingle(user.BranchId);
                            if (branch.Status != 0)
                                List <Department> departments = new List <Department>();
                                if (branch.IsAll == 1)
                                    departments = IDepartmentService.GetData(0, 0, false);
                                    List <BranchDepartment> branchDepartments = IBranchDepartmentService.GetDataByFilter(" branch_id = '" + branch.Id + "' and status = '1'", 0, 0, false);
                                    departments = IDepartmentService.GetDataByFilter(" ID not in (" + String.Join(",", branchDepartments.Select(x => x.DepartmentId).ToArray()) + ") and status='1'", 0, 0, false);
                                    //departments.ForEach(x =>
                                    //    //x.Status = branchDepartments.Where(y => y.DepartmentId == x.Id).FirstOrDefault().Status;
                                    //    x.Status = 1;
                                List <DepartmentUser> userDepartments = IDepartmentUserService.GetDataByFilter(" user_id = '" + user.Id + "' and status='1'", 0, 0, false);
                                if (user.IsAll == 0)
                                    departments = departments.Where(x => !(userDepartments.Select(y => y.DepartmentId).ToList().Contains(x.Id))).ToList();
                                configurationDTO.isSuccess   = true;
                                configurationDTO.responseMsg = "Branch";
                                configurationDTO.user        = user;
                                configurationDTO.branch      = branch;
                                configurationDTO.departments = departments;
                                user.LastSyncDate            = DateTime.Now;
                                configurationDTO.isSuccess   = false;
                                configurationDTO.responseMsg = "Branch not active";
                                configurationDTO.user        = null;
                                configurationDTO.branch      = null;
                    configurationDTO.isSuccess   = false;
                    configurationDTO.responseMsg = "User doesn't exist";
                    configurationDTO.user        = null;
                    configurationDTO.branch      = null;
                configurationDTO.isSuccess   = false;
                configurationDTO.responseMsg = "User doesn't exist";
                configurationDTO.user        = null;
                configurationDTO.branch      = null;