Esempio n. 1
 /// <summary>To be documented.</summary>
 public static unsafe Result SignalSemaphore(this KhrTimelineSemaphore thisApi, [Count(Count = 0)] Device device, [Count(Count = 0), Flow(FlowDirection.In)] ReadOnlySpan <SemaphoreSignalInfo> pSignalInfo)
     // SpanOverloader
     return(thisApi.SignalSemaphore(device, in pSignalInfo.GetPinnableReference()));
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>To be documented.</summary>
 public static unsafe Result WaitSemaphores(this KhrTimelineSemaphore thisApi, [Count(Count = 0)] Device device, [Count(Count = 0), Flow(FlowDirection.In)] ReadOnlySpan <SemaphoreWaitInfo> pWaitInfo, [Count(Count = 0)] ulong timeout)
     // SpanOverloader
     return(thisApi.WaitSemaphores(device, in pWaitInfo.GetPinnableReference(), timeout));
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>To be documented.</summary>
 public static unsafe Result GetSemaphoreCounterValue(this KhrTimelineSemaphore thisApi, [Count(Count = 0)] Device device, [Count(Count = 0)] Semaphore semaphore, [Count(Count = 0), Flow(FlowDirection.Out)] Span <ulong> pValue)
     // SpanOverloader
     return(thisApi.GetSemaphoreCounterValue(device, semaphore, out pValue.GetPinnableReference()));