Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this instance of <see cref="warehouseDto"/> to an instance of <see cref="warehouse"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dto"><see cref="warehouseDto"/> to convert.</param>
        public static warehouse ToEntity(this warehouseDto dto)
            if (dto == null)

            var entity = new warehouse();

            entity.v_WarehouseId           = dto.v_WarehouseId;
            entity.v_OrganizationId        = dto.v_OrganizationId;
            entity.v_LocationId            = dto.v_LocationId;
            entity.v_Name                  = dto.v_Name;
            entity.v_AdditionalInformation = dto.v_AdditionalInformation;
            entity.i_CostCenterId          = dto.i_CostCenterId;
            entity.i_IsDeleted             = dto.i_IsDeleted;
            entity.i_InsertUserId          = dto.i_InsertUserId;
            entity.d_InsertDate            = dto.d_InsertDate;
            entity.i_UpdateUserId          = dto.i_UpdateUserId;
            entity.d_UpdateDate            = dto.d_UpdateDate;


Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this instance of <see cref="warehouse"/> to an instance of <see cref="warehouseDto"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"><see cref="warehouse"/> to convert.</param>
        public static warehouseDto ToDTO(this warehouse entity)
            if (entity == null)

            var dto = new warehouseDto();

            dto.v_WarehouseId           = entity.v_WarehouseId;
            dto.v_OrganizationId        = entity.v_OrganizationId;
            dto.v_LocationId            = entity.v_LocationId;
            dto.v_Name                  = entity.v_Name;
            dto.v_AdditionalInformation = entity.v_AdditionalInformation;
            dto.i_CostCenterId          = entity.i_CostCenterId;
            dto.i_IsDeleted             = entity.i_IsDeleted;
            dto.i_InsertUserId          = entity.i_InsertUserId;
            dto.d_InsertDate            = entity.d_InsertDate;
            dto.i_UpdateUserId          = entity.i_UpdateUserId;
            dto.d_UpdateDate            = entity.d_UpdateDate;


Esempio n. 3
 public restrictedwarehouseprofileDto(Int32 i_SystemUserId, String v_WarehouseId, Int32 i_NodeId, Nullable <Int32> i_IsDeleted, Nullable <Int32> i_InsertUserId, Nullable <DateTime> d_InsertDate, Nullable <Int32> i_UpdateUserId, Nullable <DateTime> d_UpdateDate, systemuserDto systemuser, warehouseDto warehouse)
     this.i_SystemUserId = i_SystemUserId;
     this.v_WarehouseId  = v_WarehouseId;
     this.i_NodeId       = i_NodeId;
     this.i_IsDeleted    = i_IsDeleted;
     this.i_InsertUserId = i_InsertUserId;
     this.d_InsertDate   = d_InsertDate;
     this.i_UpdateUserId = i_UpdateUserId;
     this.d_UpdateDate   = d_UpdateDate;
     this.systemuser     = systemuser;
     this.warehouse      = warehouse;
Esempio n. 4
 public productwarehouseDto(String v_WarehouseId, String v_ProductId, Nullable <Single> r_StockMin, Nullable <Single> r_StockMax, Nullable <Single> r_StockActual, Nullable <Int32> i_InsertUserId, Nullable <DateTime> d_InsertDate, Nullable <Int32> i_UpdateUserId, Nullable <DateTime> d_UpdateDate, productDto product, warehouseDto warehouse)
     this.v_WarehouseId  = v_WarehouseId;
     this.v_ProductId    = v_ProductId;
     this.r_StockMin     = r_StockMin;
     this.r_StockMax     = r_StockMax;
     this.r_StockActual  = r_StockActual;
     this.i_InsertUserId = i_InsertUserId;
     this.d_InsertDate   = d_InsertDate;
     this.i_UpdateUserId = i_UpdateUserId;
     this.d_UpdateDate   = d_UpdateDate;
     this.product        = product;
     this.warehouse      = warehouse;
Esempio n. 5
 public movementdetailDto(String v_MovementId, String v_ProductId, String v_WarehouseId, Nullable <Single> r_StockMax, Nullable <Single> r_StockMin, Nullable <Int32> i_MovementTypeId, Nullable <Single> r_Quantity, Nullable <Single> r_Price, Nullable <Single> r_SubTotal, Nullable <DateTime> d_UpdateDate, movementDto movement, productDto product, warehouseDto warehouse)
     this.v_MovementId     = v_MovementId;
     this.v_ProductId      = v_ProductId;
     this.v_WarehouseId    = v_WarehouseId;
     this.r_StockMax       = r_StockMax;
     this.r_StockMin       = r_StockMin;
     this.i_MovementTypeId = i_MovementTypeId;
     this.r_Quantity       = r_Quantity;
     this.r_Price          = r_Price;
     this.r_SubTotal       = r_SubTotal;
     this.d_UpdateDate     = d_UpdateDate;
     this.movement         = movement;
     this.product          = product;
     this.warehouse        = warehouse;
Esempio n. 6
 public nodeorganizationlocationwarehouseprofileDto(Int32 i_NodeId, String v_OrganizationId, String v_LocationId, String v_WarehouseId, Nullable <Int32> i_IsDeleted, Nullable <Int32> i_InsertUserId, Nullable <DateTime> d_InsertDate, Nullable <Int32> i_UpdateUserId, Nullable <DateTime> d_UpdateDate, nodeDto node, organizationDto organization, locationDto location, warehouseDto warehouse)
     this.i_NodeId         = i_NodeId;
     this.v_OrganizationId = v_OrganizationId;
     this.v_LocationId     = v_LocationId;
     this.v_WarehouseId    = v_WarehouseId;
     this.i_IsDeleted      = i_IsDeleted;
     this.i_InsertUserId   = i_InsertUserId;
     this.d_InsertDate     = d_InsertDate;
     this.i_UpdateUserId   = i_UpdateUserId;
     this.d_UpdateDate     = d_UpdateDate;
     this.node             = node;
     this.organization     = organization;
     this.location         = location;
     this.warehouse        = warehouse;
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Invoked when <see cref="ToEntity"/> operation is about to return.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity"><see cref="warehouse"/> converted from <see cref="warehouseDto"/>.</param>
 static partial void OnEntity(this warehouseDto dto, warehouse entity);
Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Invoked when <see cref="ToDTO"/> operation is about to return.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dto"><see cref="warehouseDto"/> converted from <see cref="warehouse"/>.</param>
 static partial void OnDTO(this warehouse entity, warehouseDto dto);
Esempio n. 9
 public movementDto(String v_MovementId, String v_WarehouseId, String v_SupplierId, Nullable <Int32> i_ProcessTypeId, String v_ParentMovementId, String v_Motive, Nullable <Int32> i_MotiveTypeId, Nullable <DateTime> d_Date, Nullable <Single> r_TotalQuantity, Nullable <Int32> i_MovementTypeId, Nullable <Int32> i_RequireRemoteProcess, String v_RemoteWarehouseId, Nullable <Int32> i_CurrencyId, Nullable <Single> r_ExchangeRate, String v_ReferenceDocument, Nullable <Int32> i_CostCenterId, String v_Observations, Nullable <Int32> i_IsLocallyProcessed, Nullable <Int32> i_IsRemoteProcessed, Nullable <Int32> i_InsertUserId, Nullable <Int32> i_UpdateUserId, Nullable <DateTime> d_UpdateDate, Nullable <Int32> i_UpdateNodeId, String v_ComentaryUpdate, supplierDto supplier, warehouseDto warehouse, List <movementdetailDto> movementdetail)
     this.v_MovementId           = v_MovementId;
     this.v_WarehouseId          = v_WarehouseId;
     this.v_SupplierId           = v_SupplierId;
     this.i_ProcessTypeId        = i_ProcessTypeId;
     this.v_ParentMovementId     = v_ParentMovementId;
     this.v_Motive               = v_Motive;
     this.i_MotiveTypeId         = i_MotiveTypeId;
     this.d_Date                 = d_Date;
     this.r_TotalQuantity        = r_TotalQuantity;
     this.i_MovementTypeId       = i_MovementTypeId;
     this.i_RequireRemoteProcess = i_RequireRemoteProcess;
     this.v_RemoteWarehouseId    = v_RemoteWarehouseId;
     this.i_CurrencyId           = i_CurrencyId;
     this.r_ExchangeRate         = r_ExchangeRate;
     this.v_ReferenceDocument    = v_ReferenceDocument;
     this.i_CostCenterId         = i_CostCenterId;
     this.v_Observations         = v_Observations;
     this.i_IsLocallyProcessed   = i_IsLocallyProcessed;
     this.i_IsRemoteProcessed    = i_IsRemoteProcessed;
     this.i_InsertUserId         = i_InsertUserId;
     this.i_UpdateUserId         = i_UpdateUserId;
     this.d_UpdateDate           = d_UpdateDate;
     this.i_UpdateNodeId         = i_UpdateNodeId;
     this.v_ComentaryUpdate      = v_ComentaryUpdate;
     this.supplier               = supplier;
     this.warehouse              = warehouse;
     this.movementdetail         = movementdetail;