Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Scans for a list of byte signatures and returns the result as a list of ScanResultData
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sigList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void SignatureListScan(List <ByteSignature> sigList, Process proc, ProcessModule mod)
            // create results list
            Results = new List <ScanResultData>();

            // keep count of how many sigs we've scanned for
            int sigCt = 0;

            // open this process

            // go through eahc signatuer and scan
            foreach (ByteSignature sig in sigList)
                    // perform a signature scan
                    ScanResultData scan = SignatureScan(sig, proc, mod);

                    // add this scan result to results list

                    // increase sig count

                    // report scan total progress changed
                    ScanTotalProgressChanged(this, (Convert.ToSingle(sigCt) / Convert.ToSingle(sigList.Count) * 100));
                catch { }

            // fire finished event
            ScanComplete(this, Results);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Scans for the specified signature.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sig">Byte signature to scan for.</param>
        /// <returns>ScanResultData object.</returns>
        private ScanResultData SignatureScan(ByteSignature sig, Process proc, ProcessModule mod)
            // return new ScanResultData();

            // create default 'failure' result
            ScanResultData result = new ScanResultData();

            result.Name = sig.Name;

            //  match
            Match match;
            Regex regex;

            uint BaseAddr = (uint)mod.BaseAddress.ToInt32();
            uint StopAddr = (uint)(mod.BaseAddress.ToInt32() + mod.ModuleMemorySize);

            // current position in memory
            uint position      = BaseAddr;
            uint searchMemSize = StopAddr - BaseAddr;

            // current scan progress
            float prog = 0f;

            string opcode    = sig.Signature.Substring(0, 2);
            string curOpcode = string.Empty;
            string hexString;

            byte[] bytes;

                while (position < StopAddr)
                    // go through memory until we hit a byte matching our signatures first byte
                    while (!ReadByte(position).ToString("X2").Equals(opcode))

                    // read current position as hex string
                    bytes     = ReadBytes(position, sig.SignatureTrimmed.Length);
                    hexString = ConvertUtil.BytesToHexString(bytes);

                    // see if it matches
                    regex = new Regex(sig.RegExpStr);
                    match = regex.Match(hexString);
                    if (match.Success)
                        // get the bytes of the value we're looking for
                        string hexVal = hexString.Substring(sig.TargetByteStartIndex, sig.TargetByteCount);

                        // reverse the bytes of this string
                        string reversedHexVal = string.Empty;
                        int    bytesToReverse = hexVal.Length / 2;
                        for (int i = bytesToReverse; i > 0; i--)
                            reversedHexVal += hexVal.Substring((i * 2) - 2, 2);

                        // subtract the base addr from this to get the offset
                        int val = ConvertUtil.HexStringToInt(reversedHexVal);

                        uint offset = (uint)val - BaseAddr;

                        // flag success
                        result.Result = ScanResult.Success;

                        // return result

                    // increase position

                    // report progress
                    prog = (Convert.ToSingle(position - BaseAddr) / Convert.ToSingle(searchMemSize)) * 100;
                    ScanSignatureProgressChanged(this, prog);
            catch { }

            // failure
            ScanSignatureProgressChanged(this, 100);