The worker class that converts lowercase to uppercase.
 private static void Main(string[] args)
     using (var logWriter = CreateStandardOutputLogWriter())
         var shouter = new Shouter(logWriter);
         while (true)
             shouter.Shout(new System.Threading.CancellationToken());
 protected void ShoutLoop()
     // Configue a LogWriter to write to the Windows Event Log.
     var eventLog = new EventLog("Application", ".", "ShoutService");
     var eventLogTraceListener = new FormattedEventLogTraceListener(eventLog)
         Filter = new SeverityFilter(new TraceEventType[] {
                 TraceEventType.Error, TraceEventType.Information, TraceEventType.Warning})
     var config = new LoggingConfiguration();
     config.AddLogSource("All", SourceLevels.All, true)
     // A using statement ensures the log gets flushed when this process exits.
     using (var logWriter = new LogWriter(config))
         var shouter = new Shouter(logWriter);
         } while (!cancellationTokenSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested);
 public Test()
     _httpMessageHandler = new MockMessageHandler();
     _logStream = new MemoryStream();
     var init = Shouter.Initializer.CreateDefault();
     init.LogWriter = CreateLogWriter(_logStream);
     init.HttpClient = new HttpClient(_httpMessageHandler);
     _pubsub = init.PubsubService;
     init.SubscriptionName += "-test";
     init.ProjectId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID");
     _topicPath = $"projects/{init.ProjectId}/topics/{init.SubscriptionName}-topic";
     _subscriptionPath = $"projects/{init.ProjectId}/subscriptions/{init.SubscriptionName}";
     _shouter = new Shouter(init);