private string AddCategory(string categoryAdd)
            string methodName = "AddCategory";

            TextInfo myTI = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
            categoryAdd = myTI.ToTitleCase(categoryAdd);
            categoryAdd = categoryAdd.Trim();

            if (!mCategoryDict.ContainsKey(categoryAdd) && categoryAdd != "")
                Category category = new Category();
                category.Name = categoryAdd;
                category.NewTotalAmount = 0;
                category.HaveTotalTextblock = false;
                mCategoryDict.Add(categoryAdd, category);
                Log(methodName, string.Format("Adding NEW Category: {0}", categoryAdd));

                // Sort the comboBox items
                List<string> tmpCatList = new List<string>();
                tmpCatList = mCategoryDict.Keys.ToList();
                foreach (string cat in tmpCatList)
            return categoryAdd;
        private void DisplayCategoryTotals(string category)
            string methodName = "DisplayCategoryTotals";

            string modCatName = category.Replace(' ', '_');
            modCatName = modCatName.Replace("'", "");  // stkPanel.Name value can not contain apostrophy, so filter that out.

            Category cat = new Category();
            cat = mCategoryDict[category];

            Log(methodName, string.Format("Adding NEW control for category: {0}", category));
            StackPanel stkPanel = new StackPanel();
            stkPanel.Margin = new Thickness(20, 5, 5, 5);
            stkPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
            stkPanel.Name = string.Format("sp_{0}", modCatName);

            Label label = new Label();
            label.Name = string.Format("lbl_{0}", modCatName);
            label.Content = string.Format("{0}: ", category);

            TextBlock textBlk = new TextBlock();
            textBlk.Name = string.Format("tb_{0}", modCatName);
            //textBlk.Text = mCategoryDict[category].ToString();
            textBlk.Margin = new Thickness(2, 5, 5, 5);
            //textBlk.DataContext = mCategoryDict[category];

            Binding binding = new Binding();  //
            //binding.ElementName = textBlk.Text;
            binding.Source = cat;
            binding.Path = new PropertyPath("NewTotalAmount");
            binding.StringFormat = "0.00";
            binding.UpdateSourceTrigger = UpdateSourceTrigger.PropertyChanged;
            BindingOperations.SetBinding(textBlk, TextBlock.TextProperty, binding);  //
            //textBlk.SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, binding);


 private void UpdateCategoryTotals(string category, float value)
     string methodName = "UpdateCategoryTotals";
     Category cat = new Category();
     cat = mCategoryDict[category];
     if (!cat.HaveTotalTextblock)
         cat.HaveTotalTextblock = true;
     float oldTotal = cat.NewTotalAmount;
     cat.NewTotalAmount += value;
     Log(methodName, string.Format("Category: {0}   total was: $ {1}    new amt: $ {2}     new TOTAL: $ {3}",
                                                 category, oldTotal, value, cat.NewTotalAmount));