Esempio n. 1
        public void AddRowTest()
            var percentWidths = new[] { 20, 30, 50 };
            var controls = new[]
                    new InputBox(new XRect(0, 0, 10, 20), ""),
                    new InputBox(new XRect(0, 0, 10, 30), ""),
                    new InputBox(new XRect(0, 0, 10, 50), ""),

            var rect = new XRect(0, 0, 100 + DefaultValues.Groupbox.MarginLeft + DefaultValues.Groupbox.MarginRight, 10);
            var target = new GroupBox(rect);

            target.AddRow(controls, percentWidths);
            foreach (var control in controls.Zip(target.Controls, (i, o) => new { Input = i, Output = o }))
                Assert.AreSame(control.Input, control.Output);

            Assert.AreEqual(target.Controls.ElementAt(0).Rect.Left, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(target.Controls.ElementAt(1).Rect.Left, 20);
            Assert.AreEqual(target.Controls.ElementAt(2).Rect.Left, 50);

            Assert.AreEqual(target.Controls.ElementAt(0).Rect.Width, 20);
            Assert.AreEqual(target.Controls.ElementAt(1).Rect.Width, 30);
            Assert.AreEqual(target.Controls.ElementAt(2).Rect.Width, 50);

            Assert.AreEqual(target.Rect.Height, target.MarginBottom + target.MarginTop + 50);
        public void AppendHeader(TNaglowek naglowek, string nip)

            var headerBigFont = new XFont(DefaultValues.Groupbox.Font.FontFamily.Name, 12, XFontStyle.Bold, DefaultValues.Groupbox.Font.PdfOptions);

            var nipContent = new GroupBox(0, _document.Width * 3 / 4, "") { MarginLeft = 0, MarginTop = 0, MarginRight = 0, MarginBottom = 0 };
            var percentRowWidths = new[] { 45, 35, 20 };
            var rowControls = new[]
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle1, nip),
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle2) {Brush = XBrushes.LightGray},
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle3) {Brush = XBrushes.LightGray},

            nipContent.AddRow(rowControls, percentRowWidths);

            var miesiacVal = naglowek.DateType == ItemChoiceType.Miesiac ? naglowek.Miesiac.ToString() : "";
            var kwartalVal = naglowek.ItemElementName == ItemChoiceType.Kwartal ? naglowek.Kwartal.ToString() : "";

            var titleContent = new GroupBox(0, _document.Width, "")
                    MarginBottom = 10,
                    Brush = new XSolidBrush(XColor.FromArgb(128, 128, 255)),
                    Controls = new List<IControl>
                            new Label(20, 0, Resources.TitleLabel1) {Font = headerBigFont},
                            new Label(150, 0, Resources.TitleLabel2) {Font = headerBigFont},
                            new Label(270, 50, Resources.TitleLabel3) {Font = headerBigFont},
                            new InputBox(new XRect(200, 40, 60, 30), Resources.InputTitle4, miesiacVal),
                            new InputBox(new XRect(300, 40, 60, 30), Resources.InputTitle5, kwartalVal),
                            new InputBox(new XRect(400, 40, 80, 30), Resources.InputTitle6, naglowek.Rok)

            var infoFont = new XFont(DocumentContainer.FontFamily, 8);
            var infoContent = new GroupBox(0, _document.Width, "")
                    MarginLeft = 5,
                    MarginTop = 1,
                    MarginRight = 1,
                    MarginBottom = 1,
                    Controls = new List<IControl>
                            new Label(0, 0, Resources.InfoContent0Label) {Font = infoFont},
                            new Label(0, 10, Resources.InfoContent1Label) {Font = infoFont},
                            new Label(0, 40, Resources.InfoContent2Label) {Font = infoFont},
                            new Label(0, 50, Resources.InfoContent3Label) {Font = infoFont},
                            new Label(new XRect(80, 0, _document.Width, 50), Resources.InfoContent0Label){Font = infoFont},
                            new Label(new XRect(80, 10, _document.Width, 50), Resources.InfoContent1Value){Font = infoFont},
                            new Label(new XRect(80, 40, _document.Width, 50), Resources.InfoContent2Value){Font = infoFont},
                            new Label(new XRect(80, 50, _document.Width, 70), Resources.InfoContent3Value){Font = infoFont},
        public void AppendFContent()
            var fContent = new GroupBox(0, _document.Width,

            var percentRow1Widths = new[] { 40, 60 };
            var row1Controls = new[]
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle20),
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle21),

            var percentRow2Widths = new[] { 25, 25, 50 };
            var row2Controls = new[]
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle22),
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle23),
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle24)
            fContent.AddRow(row1Controls, percentRow1Widths);
            fContent.AddRow(row2Controls, percentRow2Widths);

        private void AppendB2Content(GroupBox b2Content, TAdresZagraniczny adres)
            var percentRow1Widths = new[] { 20, 45, 35 };
            var row1Controls = new[]
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle10, KodKrajowyDictionary.GetCode(adres.KodKraju)),
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle11),
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle12),

            var percentRow2Widths = new[] { 25, 45, 15, 15 };
            var row2Controls = new[]
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle13),
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle14, adres.Ulica),
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle15, adres.NrDomu),
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle16, adres.NrLokalu)

            var percentRow3Widths = new[] { 40, 20, 40 };
            var row3Controls = new[]
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle17, adres.Miejscowosc),
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle18, adres.KodPocztowy),
                    new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle19)

            b2Content.AddRow(row1Controls, percentRow1Widths);
            b2Content.AddRow(row2Controls, percentRow2Widths);
            b2Content.AddRow(row3Controls, percentRow3Widths);
 private void AppendB1Content(GroupBox b1Content, TIdentyfikatorOsobyFizycznej osobyFizycznej)
     var container = new GroupBox()
             MarginTop = 0,
             MarginBottom = 0,
             MarginLeft = 0,
             MarginRight = 0,
             Brush = XBrushes.White
     var personDataWidths = new[] { 25, 25, 25, 25 };
     var personDataControls = new[]
             new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle9, osobyFizycznej.Nazwisko){Pen = XPens.Transparent},
             new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle9A, osobyFizycznej.ImiePierwsze){Pen = XPens.Transparent},
             new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle9B, osobyFizycznej.DataUrodzenia.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")){Pen = XPens.Transparent},
             new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle9C, osobyFizycznej.PESEL){Pen = XPens.Transparent},
     container.AddRow(personDataControls, personDataWidths);
 private void AppendB1Content(GroupBox b1Content, TIdentyfikatorOsobyNiefizycznej osobyNiefizycznej)
     var container = new GroupBox()
         MarginTop = 0,
         MarginBottom = 0,
         MarginLeft = 0,
         MarginRight = 0,
         Brush = XBrushes.White
     var companyDataWidths = new[] { 75, 25 };
     var companyDataControls = new[]
             new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle9D, osobyNiefizycznej.PelnaNazwa){Pen = XPens.Transparent},
             new InputBox(Resources.InputTitle9E, osobyNiefizycznej.REGON){Pen = XPens.Transparent},
     container.AddRow(companyDataControls, companyDataWidths);
Esempio n. 7
        public void AddRow(ICollection<IControl> controls, int marginTop = 0, int marginBottom = 0)
            if (controls.Count != ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException("Column count and controls count have to be equal");

            GroupBox row = GetNewRow(_left + MarginLeft);
            ////Each Control box into groupbox with no margins, draw cell border
            var cells = new List<IControl>();
            foreach (IControl control in controls)
                var groupBox = new GroupBox
                        MarginLeft = 0,
                        MarginRight = 0,
                        MarginTop = marginTop,
                        MarginBottom = marginBottom,

            row.AddRow(cells, _columnWidths);

            _currentY += row.Rect.Height;

            Rect = new XRect(Rect.X, Rect.Y, Rect.Width, _currentY + MarginTop + MarginBottom);
Esempio n. 8
 public void AddRowTest2()
     var rect = new XRect(0, 0, 100, 20);
     var target = new GroupBox(rect);
     ICollection<IControl> controls = new Collection<IControl> { new Label(0, 0, "foo"), new Label(0, 0, "bar") };
     ICollection<int> percentWidths = new Collection<int>() { 50, 50 };
     target.AddRow(controls, percentWidths);
     Assert.AreEqual(target.Controls.Count, 2);
Esempio n. 9
 public void AddRowTest1()
     var rect = new XRect(0, 0, 50, 50);
     var target = new GroupBox(rect);
     IControl control = new InputBox("foo", "bar");
     Assert.AreEqual(target.Controls.Contains(control), true);