Esempio n. 1
         * <p>
         * Performs a matrix multiplication with a transpose on {@link DMatrixRBlock} submatrices.<br>
         * <br>
         * c = a * b <sup>T</sup> <br>
         * <br>
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * It is assumed that all submatrices start at the beginning of a block and end at the end of a block.
         * </p>
         * @param blockLength Length of the blocks in the submatrix.
         * @param A A submatrix.  Not modified.
         * @param B A submatrix.  Not modified.
         * @param C Result of the operation.  Modified,
        public static void multTransB(int blockLength, DSubmatrixD1 A, DSubmatrixD1 B, DSubmatrixD1 C)
            for (int i = A.row0; i < A.row1; i += blockLength)
                int heightA = Math.Min(blockLength, A.row1 - i);

                for (int j = B.row0; j < B.row1; j += blockLength)
                    int widthC = Math.Min(blockLength, B.row1 - j);

                    int indexC = (i - A.row0 + C.row0) * C.original.numCols + (j - B.row0 + C.col0) * heightA;

                    for (int k = A.col0; k < A.col1; k += blockLength)
                        int widthA = Math.Min(blockLength, A.col1 - k);

                        int indexA = i * A.original.numCols + k * heightA;
                        int indexB = j * B.original.numCols + (k - A.col0 + B.col0) * widthC;

                        if (k == A.col0)
                                                                        indexA, indexB, indexC, heightA, widthA, widthC);
                                                                         indexA, indexB, indexC, heightA, widthA, widthC);
Esempio n. 2
        public static void multTransB(DMatrixRBlock A, DMatrixRBlock B, DMatrixRBlock C)
            if (A.numCols != B.numCols)
                throw new ArgumentException("Columns in A are incompatible with columns in B");
            if (A.numRows != C.numRows)
                throw new ArgumentException("Rows in A are incompatible with rows in C");
            if (B.numRows != C.numCols)
                throw new ArgumentException("Rows in B are incompatible with columns in C");
            if (A.blockLength != B.blockLength || A.blockLength != C.blockLength)
                throw new ArgumentException("Block lengths are not all the same.");

            int blockLength = A.blockLength;

            DSubmatrixD1 Asub = new DSubmatrixD1(A, 0, A.numRows, 0, A.numCols);
            DSubmatrixD1 Bsub = new DSubmatrixD1(B, 0, B.numRows, 0, B.numCols);
            DSubmatrixD1 Csub = new DSubmatrixD1(C, 0, C.numRows, 0, C.numCols);

            MatrixMult_DDRB.multTransB(blockLength, Asub, Bsub, Csub);
Esempio n. 3
         * <p>
         * Performs a matrix multiplication on {@link DMatrixRBlock} submatrices.<br>
         * <br>
         * c = c + a * b <br>
         * <br>
         * </p>
         * <p>
         * It is assumed that all submatrices start at the beginning of a block and end at the end of a block.
         * </p>
         * @param blockLength Size of the blocks in the submatrix.
         * @param A A submatrix.  Not modified.
         * @param B A submatrix.  Not modified.
         * @param C Result of the operation.  Modified,
        public static void multPlus(int blockLength, DSubmatrixD1 A, DSubmatrixD1 B, DSubmatrixD1 C)
//        checkInput( blockLength,A,B,C);

            for (int i = A.row0; i < A.row1; i += blockLength)
                int heightA = Math.Min(blockLength, A.row1 - i);

                for (int j = B.col0; j < B.col1; j += blockLength)
                    int widthB = Math.Min(blockLength, B.col1 - j);

                    int indexC = (i - A.row0 + C.row0) * C.original.numCols + (j - B.col0 + C.col0) * heightA;

                    for (int k = A.col0; k < A.col1; k += blockLength)
                        int widthA = Math.Min(blockLength, A.col1 - k);

                        int indexA = i * A.original.numCols + k * heightA;
                        int indexB = (k - A.col0 + B.row0) * B.original.numCols + j * widthA;

                                                               indexA, indexB, indexC, heightA, widthA, widthB);
Esempio n. 4
         * <p>
         * Row vector scale:<br>
         * scale: b<sub>i</sub> = &alpha;*a<sub>i</sub><br>
         * where 'a' and 'b' are row vectors within the row block vector A and B.
         * </p>
         * @param A submatrix. Not modified.
         * @param rowA which row in A the vector is contained in.
         * @param alpha scale factor.
         * @param B submatrix that the results are written to.  Modified.
         * @param offset Index at which the vectors start at.
         * @param end Index at which the vectors end at.
        public static void scale_row(int blockLength,
                                     DSubmatrixD1 A, int rowA,
                                     double alpha, DSubmatrixD1 B, int rowB,
                                     int offset, int end)
            double[] dataA =;
            double[] dataB =;

            // handle the case where offset is more than a block
            int startI = offset - offset % blockLength;

            offset = offset % blockLength;

            // handle rows in any block
            int rowBlockA = A.row0 + rowA - rowA % blockLength;

            rowA = rowA % blockLength;
            int rowBlockB = B.row0 + rowB - rowB % blockLength;

            rowB = rowB % blockLength;

            int heightA = Math.Min(blockLength, A.row1 - rowBlockA);
            int heightB = Math.Min(blockLength, B.row1 - rowBlockB);

            for (int i = startI; i < end; i += blockLength)
                int segment = Math.Min(blockLength, end - i);

                int widthA = Math.Min(blockLength, A.col1 - A.col0 - i);
                int widthB = Math.Min(blockLength, B.col1 - B.col0 - i);

                int indexA = rowBlockA * A.original.numCols + (A.col0 + i) * heightA + rowA * widthA;
                int indexB = rowBlockB * B.original.numCols + (B.col0 + i) * heightB + rowB * widthB;

                if (i == startI)
                    indexA += offset;
                    indexB += offset;

                    for (int j = offset; j < segment; j++)
                        dataB[indexB++] = alpha * dataA[indexA++];
                    for (int j = 0; j < segment; j++)
                        dataB[indexB++] = alpha * dataA[indexA++];
Esempio n. 5
         * Inverts an upper or lower triangular block submatrix.
         * @param blockLength
         * @param upper Is it upper or lower triangular.
         * @param T Triangular matrix that is to be inverted.  Overwritten with solution.  Modified.
         * @param temp Work space variable that is size blockLength*blockLength.
        public static void invert(int blockLength,
                                  bool upper,
                                  DSubmatrixD1 T,
                                  double[] temp)
            if (upper)
                throw new ArgumentException("Upper triangular matrices not supported yet");

            if (temp.Length < blockLength * blockLength)
                throw new ArgumentException("Temp must be at least blockLength*blockLength long.");

            int M = T.row1 - T.row0;

            double[] dataT   =;
            int      offsetT = T.row0 * T.original.numCols + M * T.col0;

            for (int i = 0; i < M; i += blockLength)
                int heightT = Math.Min(T.row1 - (i + T.row0), blockLength);

                int indexII = offsetT + T.original.numCols * (i + T.row0) + heightT * (i + T.col0);

                for (int j = 0; j < i; j += blockLength)
                    int widthX = Math.Min(T.col1 - (j + T.col0), blockLength);

                    for (int w = 0; w < temp.Length; w++)
                        temp[w] = 0;

                    for (int k = j; k < i; k += blockLength)
                        int widthT = Math.Min(T.col1 - (k + T.col0), blockLength);

                        int indL = offsetT + T.original.numCols * (i + T.row0) + heightT * (k + T.col0);
                        int indX = offsetT + T.original.numCols * (k + T.row0) + widthT * (j + T.col0);

                        InnerMultiplication_DDRB.blockMultMinus(dataT, dataT, temp, indL, indX, 0, heightT, widthT, widthX);

                    int indexX = offsetT + T.original.numCols * (i + T.row0) + heightT * (j + T.col0);

                    InnerTriangularSolver_DDRB.solveL(dataT, temp, heightT, widthX, heightT, indexII, 0);
                    Array.Copy(temp, 0, dataT, indexX, widthX * heightT);
                InnerTriangularSolver_DDRB.invertLower(dataT, heightT, indexII);
Esempio n. 6
         * <p>
         * Row vector add:<br>
         * add: c<sub>i</sub> = &alpha;*a<sub>i</sub> + &beta;B<sub>i</sub><br>
         * where 'a', 'b', and 'c' are row vectors within the row block vectors of A, B, and C respectively.
         * </p>
         * @param blockLength Length of each inner matrix block.
         * @param A submatrix. Not modified.
         * @param rowA which row in A the vector is contained in.
         * @param alpha scale factor of A
         * @param B submatrix. Not modified.
         * @param rowB which row in B the vector is contained in.
         * @param beta scale factor of B
         * @param C submatrix where the results are written to. Modified.
         * @param rowC which row in C is the vector contained.
         * @param offset Index at which the vectors start at.
         * @param end Index at which the vectors end at.
        public static void add_row(int blockLength,
                                   DSubmatrixD1 A, int rowA, double alpha,
                                   DSubmatrixD1 B, int rowB, double beta,
                                   DSubmatrixD1 C, int rowC,
                                   int offset, int end)
            int heightA = Math.Min(blockLength, A.row1 - A.row0);
            int heightB = Math.Min(blockLength, B.row1 - B.row0);
            int heightC = Math.Min(blockLength, C.row1 - C.row0);

            // handle the case where offset is more than a block
            int startI = offset - offset % blockLength;

            offset = offset % blockLength;

            double[] dataA =;
            double[] dataB =;
            double[] dataC =;

            for (int i = startI; i < end; i += blockLength)
                int segment = Math.Min(blockLength, end - i);

                int widthA = Math.Min(blockLength, A.col1 - A.col0 - i);
                int widthB = Math.Min(blockLength, B.col1 - B.col0 - i);
                int widthC = Math.Min(blockLength, C.col1 - C.col0 - i);

                int indexA = A.row0 * A.original.numCols + (A.col0 + i) * heightA + rowA * widthA;
                int indexB = B.row0 * B.original.numCols + (B.col0 + i) * heightB + rowB * widthB;
                int indexC = C.row0 * C.original.numCols + (C.col0 + i) * heightC + rowC * widthC;

                if (i == startI)
                    indexA += offset;
                    indexB += offset;
                    indexC += offset;

                    for (int j = offset; j < segment; j++)
                        dataC[indexC++] = alpha * dataA[indexA++] + beta * dataB[indexB++];
                    for (int j = 0; j < segment; j++)
                        dataC[indexC++] = alpha * dataA[indexA++] + beta * dataB[indexB++];
Esempio n. 7
         * <p>
         * Rank N update function for a symmetric inner submatrix and only operates on the upper
         * triangular portion of the submatrix.<br>
         * <br>
         * A = A - B <sup>T</sup>B
         * </p>
        public static void symmRankNMinus_U(int blockLength,
                                            DSubmatrixD1 A, DSubmatrixD1 B)
            int heightB = B.row1 - B.row0;

            if (heightB > blockLength)
                throw new ArgumentException("Height of B cannot be greater than the block length");

            int N = B.col1 - B.col0;

            if (A.col1 - A.col0 != N)
                throw new ArgumentException("A does not have the expected number of columns based on B's width");
            if (A.row1 - A.row0 != N)
                throw new ArgumentException("A does not have the expected number of rows based on B's width");

            for (int i = B.col0; i < B.col1; i += blockLength)
                int indexB_i = B.row0 * B.original.numCols + i * heightB;
                int widthB_i = Math.Min(blockLength, B.col1 - i);

                int rowA    = i - B.col0 + A.row0;
                int heightA = Math.Min(blockLength, A.row1 - rowA);

                for (int j = i; j < B.col1; j += blockLength)
                    int widthB_j = Math.Min(blockLength, B.col1 - j);

                    int indexA   = rowA * A.original.numCols + (j - B.col0 + A.col0) * heightA;
                    int indexB_j = B.row0 * B.original.numCols + j * heightB;

                    if (i == j)
                        // only the upper portion of this block needs to be modified since it is along a diagonal
                                               indexB_i, indexB_j, indexA, heightB, widthB_i, widthB_j);
                                             indexB_i, indexB_j, indexA, heightB, widthB_i, widthB_j);
Esempio n. 8
  * <p>
  * Performs an in-place solve operation on the provided block aligned sub-matrices.<br>
  * <br>
  * B = T<sup>-1</sup> B<br>
  * <br>
  * where T is a triangular matrix. T or B can be transposed.  T is a square matrix of arbitrary
  * size and B has the same number of rows as T and an arbitrary number of columns.
  * </p>
  * @param blockLength Size of the inner blocks.
  * @param upper If T is upper or lower triangular.
  * @param T An upper or lower triangular matrix. Not modified.
  * @param B A matrix whose height is the same as T's width. Solution is written here. Modified.
 public static void solve(int blockLength,
                          bool upper,
                          DSubmatrixD1 T,
                          DSubmatrixD1 B,
                          bool transT)
     if (upper)
         solveR(blockLength, T, B, transT);
         solveL(blockLength, T, B, transT);
Esempio n. 9
         * <p>
         * Rank N update function for a symmetric inner submatrix and only operates on the lower
         * triangular portion of the submatrix.<br>
         * <br>
         * A = A - B*B<sup>T</sup><br>
         * </p>
        public static void symmRankNMinus_L(int blockLength, DSubmatrixD1 A, DSubmatrixD1 B)
            int widthB = B.col1 - B.col0;

            if (widthB > blockLength)
                throw new ArgumentException("Width of B cannot be greater than the block length");

            int N = B.row1 - B.row0;

            if (A.col1 - A.col0 != N)
                throw new ArgumentException("A does not have the expected number of columns based on B's height");
            if (A.row1 - A.row0 != N)
                throw new ArgumentException("A does not have the expected number of rows based on B's height");

            for (int i = B.row0; i < B.row1; i += blockLength)
                int heightB_i = Math.Min(blockLength, B.row1 - i);
                int indexB_i  = i * B.original.numCols + heightB_i * B.col0;

                int rowA    = i - B.row0 + A.row0;
                int heightA = Math.Min(blockLength, A.row1 - rowA);

                for (int j = B.row0; j <= i; j += blockLength)
                    int widthB_j = Math.Min(blockLength, B.row1 - j);

                    int indexA   = rowA * A.original.numCols + (j - B.row0 + A.col0) * heightA;
                    int indexB_j = j * B.original.numCols + widthB_j * B.col0;

                    if (i == j)
                                               indexB_i, indexB_j, indexA, widthB, heightB_i, widthB_j);
                                             indexB_i, indexB_j, indexA, widthB, heightB_i, widthB_j);
Esempio n. 10
         * <p>
         * Performs:<br>
         * <br>
         * A = A + &alpha; B <sup>T</sup>B
         * </p>
         * @param blockLength Size of the block in the block matrix.
         * @param alpha scaling factor for right hand side.
         * @param A Block aligned submatrix.
         * @param B Block aligned submatrix.
        public static void rankNUpdate(int blockLength, double alpha,
                                       DSubmatrixD1 A, DSubmatrixD1 B)
            int heightB = B.row1 - B.row0;

            if (heightB > blockLength)
                throw new ArgumentException("Height of B cannot be greater than the block length");

            int N = B.col1 - B.col0;

            if (A.col1 - A.col0 != N)
                throw new ArgumentException("A does not have the expected number of columns based on B's width");
            if (A.row1 - A.row0 != N)
                throw new ArgumentException("A does not have the expected number of rows based on B's width");

            for (int i = B.col0; i < B.col1; i += blockLength)
                int indexB_i = B.row0 * B.original.numCols + i * heightB;
                int widthB_i = Math.Min(blockLength, B.col1 - i);

                int rowA    = i - B.col0 + A.row0;
                int heightA = Math.Min(blockLength, A.row1 - rowA);

                for (int j = B.col0; j < B.col1; j += blockLength)
                    int widthB_j = Math.Min(blockLength, B.col1 - j);

                    int indexA   = rowA * A.original.numCols + (j - B.col0 + A.col0) * heightA;
                    int indexB_j = B.row0 * B.original.numCols + j * heightB;

                                                                 indexB_i, indexB_j, indexA, heightB, widthB_i, widthB_j);
Esempio n. 11
         * Checks to see if the submatrix has its boundaries along inner blocks.
         * @param blockLength Size of an inner block.
         * @param A Submatrix.
         * @return If it is block aligned or not.
        public static bool blockAligned(int blockLength, DSubmatrixD1 A)
            if (A.col0 % blockLength != 0)
            if (A.row0 % blockLength != 0)

            if (A.col1 % blockLength != 0 && A.col1 != A.original.numCols)

            if (A.row1 % blockLength != 0 && A.row1 != A.original.numRows)

Esempio n. 12
        private static void checkInput(int blockLength, DSubmatrixD1 A, DSubmatrixD1 B, DSubmatrixD1 C)
            int Arow = A.getRows();
            int Acol = A.getCols();
            int Brow = B.getRows();
            int Bcol = B.getCols();
            int Crow = C.getRows();
            int Ccol = C.getCols();

            if (Arow != Crow)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Mismatch A and C rows");
            if (Bcol != Ccol)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Mismatch B and C columns");
            if (Acol != Brow)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Mismatch A columns and B rows");

            if (!MatrixOps_DDRB.blockAligned(blockLength, A))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Sub-Matrix A is not block aligned");

            if (!MatrixOps_DDRB.blockAligned(blockLength, B))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Sub-Matrix B is not block aligned");

            if (!MatrixOps_DDRB.blockAligned(blockLength, C))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Sub-Matrix C is not block aligned");
Esempio n. 13
         * <p>
         * vector dot/inner product from one row vector and one column vector:<br>
         * dot: c = sum a<sub>i</sub>*b<sub>i</sub><br>
         * where 'a' is a row vector 'b' is a column vectors within the row block vector A and B, and 'c' is a scalar.
         * </p>
         * @param A block row vector. Not modified.
         * @param rowA which row in A the vector is contained in.
         * @param B block column vector. Not modified.
         * @param colB which column in B is the vector contained in.
         * @param offset Index at which the vectors start at.
         * @param end Index at which the vectors end at.
         * @return Results of the dot product.
        public static double dot_row_col(int blockLength,
                                         DSubmatrixD1 A, int rowA,
                                         DSubmatrixD1 B, int colB,
                                         int offset, int end)
            // handle the case where offset is more than a block
            int startI = offset - offset % blockLength;

            offset = offset % blockLength;

            double[] dataA =;
            double[] dataB =;

            double total = 0;

            // handle rows in any block
            int rowBlockA = A.row0 + rowA - rowA % blockLength;

            rowA = rowA % blockLength;
            int colBlockB = B.col0 + colB - colB % blockLength;

            colB = colB % blockLength;

            int heightA = Math.Min(blockLength, A.row1 - rowBlockA);
            int widthB  = Math.Min(blockLength, B.col1 - colBlockB);

            if (A.col1 - A.col0 != B.col1 - B.col0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            for (int i = startI; i < end; i += blockLength)
                int segment = Math.Min(blockLength, end - i);

                int widthA  = Math.Min(blockLength, A.col1 - A.col0 - i);
                int heightB = Math.Min(blockLength, B.row1 - B.row0 - i);

                int indexA = rowBlockA * A.original.numCols + (A.col0 + i) * heightA + rowA * widthA;
                int indexB = (B.row0 + i) * B.original.numCols + colBlockB * heightB + colB;

                if (i == startI)
                    indexA += offset;
                    indexB += offset * widthB;

                    for (int j = offset; j < segment; j++, indexB += widthB)
                        total += dataB[indexB] * dataA[indexA++];
                    for (int j = 0; j < segment; j++, indexB += widthB)
                        total += dataB[indexB] * dataA[indexA++];

Esempio n. 14
         * <p>
         * Solves upper triangular systems:<br>
         * <br>
         * B = R<sup>-1</sup> B<br>
         * <br>
         * </p>
         * <p>Only the first B.numRows rows in R will be processed.  Lower triangular elements are ignored.<p>
         * <p> Reverse or forward substitution is used depending upon L being transposed or not. </p>
         * @param blockLength
         * @param R Upper triangular with dimensions m by m.  Not modified.
         * @param B A matrix with dimensions m by n.  Solution is written into here. Modified.
         * @param transR Is the triangular matrix transposed?
        public static void solveR(int blockLength,
                                  DSubmatrixD1 R,
                                  DSubmatrixD1 B,
                                  bool transR)
            int lengthR = B.row1 - B.row0;

            if (R.getCols() != lengthR)
                throw new ArgumentException("Number of columns in R must be equal to the number of rows in B");
            else if (R.getRows() != lengthR)
                throw new ArgumentException("Number of rows in R must be equal to the number of rows in B");

            DSubmatrixD1 Y = new DSubmatrixD1(B.original);

            DSubmatrixD1 Rinner = new DSubmatrixD1(R.original);
            DSubmatrixD1 Binner = new DSubmatrixD1(B.original);

            int startI, stepI;

            if (transR)
                startI = 0;
                stepI  = blockLength;
                startI = lengthR - lengthR % blockLength;
                if (startI == lengthR && lengthR >= blockLength)
                    startI -= blockLength;

                stepI = -blockLength;

            for (int i = startI;; i += stepI)
                if (transR)
                    if (i >= lengthR)
                    if (i < 0)

                // width and height of the inner T(i,i) block
                int widthT = Math.Min(blockLength, lengthR - i);

                Rinner.col0 = R.col0 + i;
                Rinner.col1 = Rinner.col0 + widthT;
                Rinner.row0 = R.row0 + i;
                Rinner.row1 = Rinner.row0 + widthT;

                Binner.col0 = B.col0;
                Binner.col1 = B.col1;
                Binner.row0 = B.row0 + i;
                Binner.row1 = Binner.row0 + widthT;

                // solve the top row block
                // B(i,:) = T(i,i)^-1 Y(i,:)
                solveBlock(blockLength, true, Rinner, Binner, transR, false);

                bool updateY;
                if (transR)
                    updateY = Rinner.row1 < R.row1;
                    updateY = Rinner.row0 > 0;
                if (updateY)
                    // Y[i,:] = Y[i,:] - sum j=1:i-1 { T[i,j] B[j,i] }
                    // where i is the next block down
                    // The summation is a block inner product
                    if (transR)
                        Rinner.col0 = Rinner.col1;
                        Rinner.col1 = Math.Min(Rinner.col0 + blockLength, R.col1);
                        Rinner.row0 = R.row0;
                        //Rinner.row1 = Rinner.row1;

                        Binner.row0 = B.row0;
                        //Binner.row1 = Binner.row1;

                        Y.row0 = Binner.row1;
                        Y.row1 = Math.Min(Y.row0 + blockLength, B.row1);
                        Rinner.row1 = Rinner.row0;
                        Rinner.row0 = Rinner.row1 - blockLength;
                        Rinner.col1 = R.col1;

//                    Binner.row0 = Binner.row0;
                        Binner.row1 = B.row1;

                        Y.row0 = Binner.row0 - blockLength;
                        Y.row1 = Binner.row0;

                    // step through each block column
                    for (int k = B.col0; k < B.col1; k += blockLength)
                        Binner.col0 = k;
                        Binner.col1 = Math.Min(k + blockLength, B.col1);

                        Y.col0 = Binner.col0;
                        Y.col1 = Binner.col1;

                        if (transR)
                            // Y = Y - T^T * B
                            MatrixMult_DDRB.multMinusTransA(blockLength, Rinner, Binner, Y);
                            // Y = Y - T * B
                            MatrixMult_DDRB.multMinus(blockLength, Rinner, Binner, Y);
Esempio n. 15
         * <p>
         * Solves lower triangular systems:<br>
         * <br>
         * B = L<sup>-1</sup> B<br>
         * <br>
         * </p>
         * <p> Reverse or forward substitution is used depending upon L being transposed or not. </p>
         * @param blockLength
         * @param L Lower triangular with dimensions m by m.  Not modified.
         * @param B A matrix with dimensions m by n.  Solution is written into here. Modified.
         * @param transL Is the triangular matrix transposed?
        public static void solveL(int blockLength,
                                  DSubmatrixD1 L,
                                  DSubmatrixD1 B,
                                  bool transL)
            DSubmatrixD1 Y = new DSubmatrixD1(B.original);

            DSubmatrixD1 Linner = new DSubmatrixD1(L.original);
            DSubmatrixD1 Binner = new DSubmatrixD1(B.original);

            int lengthL = B.row1 - B.row0;

            int startI, stepI;

            if (transL)
                startI = lengthL - lengthL % blockLength;
                if (startI == lengthL && lengthL >= blockLength)
                    startI -= blockLength;

                stepI = -blockLength;
                startI = 0;
                stepI  = blockLength;

            for (int i = startI;; i += stepI)
                if (transL)
                    if (i < 0)
                    if (i >= lengthL)

                // width and height of the inner T(i,i) block
                int widthT = Math.Min(blockLength, lengthL - i);

                Linner.col0 = L.col0 + i;
                Linner.col1 = Linner.col0 + widthT;
                Linner.row0 = L.row0 + i;
                Linner.row1 = Linner.row0 + widthT;

                Binner.col0 = B.col0;
                Binner.col1 = B.col1;
                Binner.row0 = B.row0 + i;
                Binner.row1 = Binner.row0 + widthT;

                // solve the top row block
                // B(i,:) = T(i,i)^-1 Y(i,:)
                solveBlock(blockLength, false, Linner, Binner, transL, false);

                bool updateY;
                if (transL)
                    updateY = Linner.row0 > 0;
                    updateY = Linner.row1 < L.row1;
                if (updateY)
                    // Y[i,:] = Y[i,:] - sum j=1:i-1 { T[i,j] B[j,i] }
                    // where i is the next block down
                    // The summation is a block inner product
                    if (transL)
                        Linner.col1 = Linner.col0;
                        Linner.col0 = Linner.col1 - blockLength;
                        Linner.row1 = L.row1;
                        //Tinner.col1 = Tinner.col1;

//                    Binner.row0 = Binner.row0;
                        Binner.row1 = B.row1;

                        Y.row0 = Binner.row0 - blockLength;
                        Y.row1 = Binner.row0;
                        Linner.row0 = Linner.row1;
                        Linner.row1 = Math.Min(Linner.row0 + blockLength, L.row1);
                        Linner.col0 = L.col0;
                        //Tinner.col1 = Tinner.col1;

                        Binner.row0 = B.row0;
                        //Binner.row1 = Binner.row1;

                        Y.row0 = Binner.row1;
                        Y.row1 = Math.Min(Y.row0 + blockLength, B.row1);

                    // step through each block column
                    for (int k = B.col0; k < B.col1; k += blockLength)
                        Binner.col0 = k;
                        Binner.col1 = Math.Min(k + blockLength, B.col1);

                        Y.col0 = Binner.col0;
                        Y.col1 = Binner.col1;

                        if (transL)
                            // Y = Y - T^T * B
                            MatrixMult_DDRB.multMinusTransA(blockLength, Linner, Binner, Y);
                            // Y = Y - T * B
                            MatrixMult_DDRB.multMinus(blockLength, Linner, Binner, Y);
Esempio n. 16
         * <p>
         * Performs an in-place solve operation where T is contained in a single block.<br>
         * <br>
         * B = T<sup>-1</sup> B<br>
         * <br>
         * where T is a triangular matrix contained in an inner block. T or B can be transposed.  T must be a single complete inner block
         * and B is either a column block vector or row block vector.
         * </p>
         * @param blockLength Size of the inner blocks in the block matrix.
         * @param upper If T is upper or lower triangular.
         * @param T An upper or lower triangular matrix that is contained in an inner block. Not modified.
         * @param B A block aligned row or column submatrix. Modified.
         * @param transT If T is transposed or not.
         * @param transB If B is transposed or not.
        public static void solveBlock(int blockLength,
                                      bool upper, DSubmatrixD1 T,
                                      DSubmatrixD1 B,
                                      bool transT, bool transB)
            int Trows = T.row1 - T.row0;

            if (Trows > blockLength)
                throw new ArgumentException("T can be at most the size of a block");
            // number of rows in a block.  The submatrix can be smaller than a block
            int blockT_rows = Math.Min(blockLength, T.original.numRows - T.row0);
            int blockT_cols = Math.Min(blockLength, T.original.numCols - T.col0);

            int offsetT = T.row0 * T.original.numCols + blockT_rows * T.col0;

            double[] dataT =;
            double[] dataB =;

            if (transB)
                if (upper)
                    if (transT)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Operation not yet supported");
                        throw new ArgumentException("Operation not yet supported");
                    if (transT)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Operation not yet supported");
                        for (int i = B.row0; i < B.row1; i += blockLength)
                            int N = Math.Min(B.row1, i + blockLength) - i;

                            int offsetB = i * B.original.numCols + N * B.col0;

                            InnerTriangularSolver_DDRB.solveLTransB(dataT, dataB, blockT_rows, N, blockT_rows, offsetT,
                if (Trows != B.row1 - B.row0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("T and B must have the same number of rows.");

                if (upper)
                    if (transT)
                        for (int i = B.col0; i < B.col1; i += blockLength)
                            int offsetB = B.row0 * B.original.numCols + Trows * i;

                            int N = Math.Min(B.col1, i + blockLength) - i;
                            InnerTriangularSolver_DDRB.solveTransU(dataT, dataB, Trows, N, Trows, offsetT, offsetB);
                        for (int i = B.col0; i < B.col1; i += blockLength)
                            int offsetB = B.row0 * B.original.numCols + Trows * i;

                            int N = Math.Min(B.col1, i + blockLength) - i;
                            InnerTriangularSolver_DDRB.solveU(dataT, dataB, Trows, N, Trows, offsetT, offsetB);
                    if (transT)
                        for (int i = B.col0; i < B.col1; i += blockLength)
                            int offsetB = B.row0 * B.original.numCols + Trows * i;

                            int N = Math.Min(B.col1, i + blockLength) - i;
                            InnerTriangularSolver_DDRB.solveTransL(dataT, dataB, Trows, N, blockT_cols, offsetT,
                        for (int i = B.col0; i < B.col1; i += blockLength)
                            int offsetB = B.row0 * B.original.numCols + Trows * i;

                            int N = Math.Min(B.col1, i + blockLength) - i;
                            InnerTriangularSolver_DDRB.solveL(dataT, dataB, Trows, N, blockT_cols, offsetT, offsetB);