Esempio n. 1
        public void BasicTest()
            const double North = 45.45;
            const double South = -12.12;
            const double East = 123.123;
            const double West = -89.89;

            BoundingBox box = new BoundingBox();
            Assert.That(box.IsEmpty, Is.True);

            box.Expand(North, East);
            Assert.That(box.IsEmpty, Is.False);
            box.Expand(South, West);

            VerifyBounds(box, North, South, East, West);
            Assert.That(box.Center.Latitude, Is.EqualTo(16.665).Within(0.000001));
            Assert.That(box.Center.Longitude, Is.EqualTo(16.6165).Within(0.000001));
 /// <summary>
 /// Expands the BoundingBox to include the specified coordinates.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bounds">A collection of coordinates to expand the box with.</param>
 /// <param name="box">The BoundingBox to expand.</param>
 internal static void ExpandBox(IBoundsInformation bounds, BoundingBox box)
     if (bounds != null)
         foreach (var coord in bounds.Coordinates)
             box.Expand(coord.Latitude, coord.Longitude);
Esempio n. 3
        public void TestContains()
            double[][] points =
                new double[] { 46.3941, 10.1168 },
                new double[] { 46.6356, 8.84678 },
                new double[] { 46.69, 8.95711 },
                new double[] { 46.158, 8.97531 },
                new double[] { 46.1719, 8.79744 },
                new double[] { 46.1217, 8.35152 },
                new double[] { 46.62, 8.5706 },
                new double[] { 46.7067, 8.953 },
                new double[] { 46.6087, 8.82036 },
                new double[] { 46.1546, 8.9633 },
                new double[] { 46.2368, 10.1363 },
                new double[] { 46.7079, 9.19907 },
                new double[] { 45.9296, 8.92094 },
                new double[] { 46.1738, 8.84359 },
                new double[] { 46.5616, 8.34504 },
                new double[] { 46.7389, 8.97314 },
                new double[] { 46.7493, 8.23686 },
                new double[] { 46.7233, 8.92272 },
                new double[] { 45.9528, 8.95471 }

            BoundingBox box = new BoundingBox();

            foreach (var point in points)
                box.Expand(point[0], point[1]);

            VerifyBounds(box, 46.7493, 45.9296, 10.1363, 8.23686);
            Assert.That(box.Center.Latitude, Is.EqualTo(46.33945).Within(0.000001));
            Assert.That(box.Center.Longitude, Is.EqualTo(9.18658).Within(0.000001));

            foreach (var point in points)
                Assert.True(box.Contains(point[0], point[1]));
                box.Expand(point[0], point[1]);
Esempio n. 4
        public void TestExpand()
            const double North = 89.123;
            const double South = -2.222;
            const double East = -88.888;
            const double West = -154.6789;

            BoundingBox box = new BoundingBox(North, South, East, West);
            BoundingBox other = new BoundingBox();

            VerifyBounds(box, North, South, East, West);