Esempio n. 1
        public void calibration(String hero, HSCardsParser parser, HoningStoneBuilder builder, HSCombosParser combosParser, Dictionary <String, double[]> cardDatasetFull, Dictionary <String, CardObject> cartTable, HSCardOperator op)
            net = new HoningNetwork <string>();

            string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(hero + "");
            char[]   delim = new char[1];
            delim[0] = ' ';
            String highSurprise   = lines[0].Split(delim).Last();
            String minSurprise    = lines[1].Split(delim).Last();
            String highEfficiency = lines[2].Split(delim).Last();
            String minEfficiency  = lines[3].Split(delim).Last();

            double.TryParse(highSurprise, out highSurp);
            double.TryParse(minSurprise, out minSurp);
            double.TryParse(highEfficiency, out highEff);
            double.TryParse(minEfficiency, out minEff);

            List <CardObject> heroCards = parser.objects[hero];
            List <CardObject> neutral   = parser.objects["Neutral"];

            builder.PopulateFromCardData(ref net, ref heroCards);
            builder.BuildThirdLevel(ref net, ref heroCards);
            builder.PopulateFromCardData(ref net, ref neutral);
            builder.BuildThirdLevel(ref net, ref neutral);

            fixedBayes = new HSHoningBayes(hero.ToLower(), ref combosParser, ref net, ref cardDatasetFull, ref cartTable, 100000);
            fixedBayes.SaveKNNDataset(hero + "_data.dataset");
            Dataset fixedDataset = new Dataset(hero + "_data.dataset", ',');

            fixedKNN = new KNNEfficiency(fixedDataset);

            dic = net.getNetwork();
            selfAbilityFilter = op.GenerateAbilityFilter();
Esempio n. 2
        public HoningNetwork <String> populateNetwork(String file_path)
            // Configura builder
            HoningStoneBuilder builder = new HoningStoneBuilder();

            // Apenas leitura do json
            String json_network = builder.ReadHoningStone(file_path);

            // Popula e retorna rede pronta para uso
Esempio n. 3
        public void Instantiate(String jsonWithTypes, String ALYCOMBOOK, String allCardsWithAbility)
            liteParser   = new HSCardsParser(jsonWithTypes);
            fullParser   = new HSCardsParser(allCardsWithAbility, 0);
            fullCParser  = new HSCombosParser(); fullCParser.PopulateFromJson(ALYCOMBOOK);
            HSBuilder    = new HoningStoneBuilder();
            cardOperator = new HSCardOperator();
            cartTable    = new Dictionary <string, CardObject>();
            cardsDataSet = cardOperator.generateCardVectors(fullParser, out dataID);

            // Populate all card table
            foreach (string key in liteParser.objects.Keys)
                List <CardObject> cards_objects = liteParser.objects[key];
                HSBuilder.GenCardTableObject(ref cards_objects, ref cartTable);

            honingOBJS = new Dictionary <string, HS_HONING_OBJ>();
            heroes     = new String[9];
            heroes[0]  = "Shaman"; heroes[1] = "Mage"; heroes[2] = "Warrior"; heroes[3] = "Druid"; heroes[4] = "Rogue"; heroes[5] = "Priest"; heroes[6] = "Paladin"; heroes[7] = "Warlock"; heroes[8] = "Hunter";
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                HS_HONING_OBJ h_obj = new HS_HONING_OBJ();
                h_obj.calibration(heroes[i], liteParser, HSBuilder, fullCParser, cardsDataSet, cartTable, cardOperator);
                honingOBJS.Add(heroes[i], h_obj);


            dataID                         = null;
            liteParser.objects             = null;
            fullParser.objects             = null;
            fullCParser.combos_by_quantity = null;

        void ValidationTests()
            HSCardsParser      parser  = new HSCardsParser("jsonWithTypes.json");
            HoningStoneBuilder builder = new HoningStoneBuilder();

            Dictionary <String, CardObject> cardTable = new Dictionary <string, CardObject>();
            HSCardOperator op = new HSCardOperator();

            // Populate all card table
            foreach (string key in parser.objects.Keys)
                List <CardObject> cards_objects = parser.objects[key];
                builder.GenCardTableObject(ref cards_objects, ref cardTable);

            HSCombosParser combosParser = new HSCombosParser();

            //combosParser.PopulateFromHoningNetwork(ref decksParser, ref cardTable, 5);

            int maxComboSize = 10;
            //int maxMana         = 50;
            int maxCombos = 100;

            Random rand = new Random();

            foreach (String hero in parser.objects.Keys)
                if (hero == "Neutral")

                HoningNetwork <String> net       = new HoningNetwork <string>();
                List <CardObject>      heroCards = parser.objects[hero];
                List <CardObject>      neutral   = parser.objects["Neutral"];

                builder.PopulateFromCardData(ref net, ref heroCards);
                builder.BuildThirdLevel(ref net, ref heroCards);
                builder.PopulateFromCardData(ref net, ref neutral);
                builder.BuildThirdLevel(ref net, ref neutral);

                HSHoningBayes fixedBayes = new HSHoningBayes(hero.ToLower(), ref combosParser, ref net, ref cardTable);


                Dataset       fixedDataset = new Dataset("ARSDataset.dataset", ',');
                KNNEfficiency fixedKNN     = new KNNEfficiency(fixedDataset);

                HSHoningBayes dynamicBayes = new HSHoningBayes(hero.ToLower(), ref combosParser, ref net, ref cardTable);

                List <String> Terminals = net.getTerminalList();

                // Random Honing config
                HSCardExpasionConfiguration config = new HSCardExpasionConfiguration(fixedBayes, fixedKNN);
                config.cutByManaCost            = false;
                config.max_lowerlevel_to_expand = 1;
                config.giver_inflation          = false;

                // Guided Honing config
                HSCardExpasionConfiguration configGuided = new HSCardExpasionConfiguration(fixedBayes, fixedKNN);
                configGuided.cutByManaCost            = false;
                configGuided.max_lowerlevel_to_expand = 1;
                configGuided.giver_inflation          = false;

                // Tests i and ii control variables
                double ihs  = 0.0f;
                double iihs = 0.0f;

                double[] surprise_vec;
                Double[] comboArray;
                // Tests i and ii control variables

                // Tests i, ii, iii, iv, v control variables
                int           mana = 50;
                double        surprise;
                double        efficiency;
                double        creativity;
                List <String> combo;
                // Tests i, ii, iii, iv, v control variables

                int combosize = 5;

                for (int combos = 0; combos < maxCombos; combos++)
                    //for (int mana = 2; mana <= maxMana; mana++)
                    //for (int combosize = 2; combosize <= maxComboSize; combosize++)
                    // {
                    // Honing shared seed
                    int    RandomicSeed = rand.Next(Terminals.Count);
                    String seed         = Terminals[RandomicSeed];

                    // Surpresa estática
                    // (i)totalmente aleatorio (sem honing)

                    /* List<String> randomComboList = new List<String>();
                     * while(randomComboList.Count < combosize)
                     * {
                     *   int randNode = rand.Next(Terminals.Count);
                     *   randomComboList.Add(Terminals[randNode]);
                     * }
                     * // Surprise
                     * ComboNode node = ToComboNode(randomComboList);
                     * fixedBayes.CalculateSurprise(ref node, 1, out surprise_vec, out surprise, false);
                     * // update surprise
                     * if (surprise > ihs)
                     *   ihs = surprise;
                     * // Calculate efficiency
                     * fixedBayes.GenerateComboVector(ref node, out comboArray);
                     * Instance target = new Instance(comboArray);
                     * efficiency = fixedKNN.getKNearestWinrates(target, 5);
                     * efficiency /= 100;
                     * // Calculate creativity
                     * creativity = ((surprise / ihs) + efficiency) / 2;
                     * //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     * // (ii)honing velho aleatorio
                     * Dictionary<String, String> shcombolist = new Dictionary<String, String>();
                     * Dictionary<String, HoningNode<String>> honingOut;
                     * List<String> bridges;
                     * net.getMfList(seed, out bridges);
                     * net.recruitNeurds(bridges, out honingOut, "terminal");
                     * List<String> comboH = new List<string>();
                     * int limit = combosize;
                     * if(honingOut.Count < combosize)
                     *   limit = honingOut.Count;
                     * for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
                     *   comboH.Add(honingOut.ElementAt(i).Key);
                     * // Surprise
                     * node = ToComboNode(comboH);
                     * fixedBayes.CalculateSurprise(ref node, 1, out surprise_vec, out surprise, false);
                     * // update surprise
                     * if (surprise > iihs)
                     *   iihs = surprise;
                     * // Calculate efficiency
                     * fixedBayes.GenerateComboVector(ref node, out comboArray);
                     * target = new Instance(comboArray);
                     * efficiency = fixedKNN.getKNearestWinrates(target, 5);
                     * efficiency /= 100;
                     * // Calculate creativity
                     * creativity = ((surprise / iihs) + efficiency) / 2;
                     * //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     * // (iii)honing novo aleatorio
                     * HoningTest(
                     *   config,
                     *   fixedBayes,
                     *   fixedKNN,
                     *   mana,
                     *   combosize,
                     *   net,
                     *   cardTable,
                     *   seed,
                     *   op,
                     *   ExpansionGeneralPolitics.Random,
                     *   out combo,
                     *   out creativity,
                     *   out efficiency,
                     *   out surprise);*/


                    // (iv)busca pela aresta com maior valor eficiência + surpresa (GULOSO)
                        out combo,
                        out creativity,
                        out efficiency,
                        out surprise);

                    Console.WriteLine("Cluster honing finished runing.");


                    // Surpresa dinâmica
                    // (i)totalmente aleatorio (sem honing)
                    // (ii)honing velho aleatorio
                    // (iii)honing novo aleatorio
                    // (iv)busca pela aresta com maior valor eficiência + surpresa
Esempio n. 5
        public void PopulateFromHoningNetwork(ref HSDecksParser decks, ref Dictionary <String, CardObject> cardTable, int mana_mult)
            combos_per_card    = 10;
            combos_by_quantity = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <int, List <ComboNode> > >();

            // Hero loop
            foreach (String hero in decks.decks_by_hero.Keys)
                // Decks loop
                foreach (HSDeckInfo deckinfo in decks.decks_by_hero[hero])
                    // Generate honingNet for the deck
                    HoningNetwork <String> deck_net      = new HoningNetwork <string>();
                    List <CardObject>      cards_objects = new List <CardObject>();
                    HoningStoneBuilder     builder       = new HoningStoneBuilder();

                    // Generate card table info to populate the honingNetwork
                    foreach (String card in
                        if (cardTable.ContainsKey(card))

                    builder.PopulateFromCardData(ref deck_net, ref cards_objects);
                    builder.BuildThirdLevel(ref deck_net, ref cards_objects);

                    // Generate all combos
                    HSCardOperator op = new HSCardOperator();
                    HSCardExpasionConfiguration conf = new HSCardExpasionConfiguration(null, null);

                    for (int j = 1; j < mana_mult; j++)
                        // Mana to spend on combo
                        conf.total_mana = 10 * j;

                        // Same deck insertion flag
                        bool same_deck = false;
                        foreach (String card in
                            for (int i = 0; i < combos_per_card; i++)
                                List <List <String> > combo;
                                List <String>         sCombo;
                                    ref deck_net,
                                    ref conf,
                                    ref cardTable,
                                    out combo,
                                    out sCombo);

                                // Create new combo object(Node) or get an existing one
                                Dictionary <String, String> comboToFind = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                foreach (String c in sCombo)
                                    comboToFind.Add(c, c);

                                if (comboToFind.Count == 0)

                                ComboNode new_combo = FindCombo(ref comboToFind, hero);

                                if (new_combo == null)
                                    new_combo = new ComboNode();
                                    if (!combos_by_quantity.ContainsKey(hero))
                                        combos_by_quantity.Add(hero, new Dictionary <int, List <ComboNode> >());
                                    if (!combos_by_quantity[hero].ContainsKey(comboToFind.Count))
                                        combos_by_quantity[hero].Add(comboToFind.Count, new List <ComboNode>());

                                    // Configura winrate for this combo
                                    float comboWinrate;
                                    float.TryParse(deckinfo.winrate, out comboWinrate);
                                    new_combo.combo = comboToFind;

                                    // Add the combo to the master holder
                                    if (!same_deck && new_combo.combo.Count != 0)
                                        float comboWinrate;
                                        float.TryParse(deckinfo.winrate, out comboWinrate);

                                same_deck = true;
                        } // end foreach card
                    }     // end for manda
                }         // end foreach deck
            }             // end foreach hero
        void ValidationTests(String cardsJson, String combosFile, int k)
            HSCardsParser      parser  = new HSCardsParser(cardsJson);
            HoningStoneBuilder builder = new HoningStoneBuilder();

            Dictionary <String, CardObject> cardTable = new Dictionary <string, CardObject>();
            HSCardOperator op = new HSCardOperator();

            HSCardsParser                 fullParser = new HSCardsParser("allCardsWithAbility.json", 0);
            Dictionary <String, int>      dataID;
            Dictionary <String, double[]> cardDatasetFull = op.generateCardVectors(fullParser, out dataID);

            // Populate all card table
            foreach (string key in parser.objects.Keys)
                List <CardObject> cards_objects = parser.objects[key];
                builder.GenCardTableObject(ref cards_objects, ref cardTable);

            HSCombosParser combosParser = new HSCombosParser();

            //combosParser.PopulateFromHoningNetwork(ref decksParser, ref cardTable, 5);

            Random rand = new Random();

            List <CardObject> neutral = parser.objects["Neutral"];

            foreach (String hero in parser.objects.Keys)
                // To write results
                System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(hero + "_results.dat");
                if (hero != "Mage")

                List <String> honingCombo;

                HoningNetwork <String> net       = new HoningNetwork <string>();
                List <CardObject>      heroCards = parser.objects[hero];

                builder.PopulateFromCardData(ref net, ref heroCards);
                builder.BuildThirdLevel(ref net, ref heroCards);
                builder.PopulateFromCardData(ref net, ref neutral);
                builder.BuildThirdLevel(ref net, ref neutral);

                HSHoningBayes fixedBayes = new HSHoningBayes(hero.ToLower(), ref combosParser, ref net, ref cardDatasetFull, ref cardTable, 100000);

                fixedBayes.SaveKNNDataset(hero + "_data.dataset");

                Dataset fixedDataset = new Dataset(hero + "_data.dataset", ',');

                KNNEfficiency fixedKNN = new KNNEfficiency(fixedDataset);

                Dictionary <String, HoningNode <String> > dic = net.getNetwork();
                Dictionary <String, String> selfAbilityFilter = op.GenerateAbilityFilter();
                Dictionary <String, String> TerminalsDic      = op.GetComboPotential(ref dic, ref cardTable, ref selfAbilityFilter, 123123);
                List <String> Terminals = TerminalsDic.Keys.ToList();

                double[] surprise_vec;
                Double[] comboArray;
                // Tests i and ii control variables

                // Tests i, ii, iii, iv, v control variables
                int           mana = 10;
                double        surprise;
                double        efficiency;
                double        fitness;
                double        creativity;
                double        normCreativity;
                double        normSurprise;
                double        normEfficiency;
                List <String> combo    = new List <string>();
                double        highSurp = 0.0;
                double        minSurp  = double.MaxValue;
                double        highEff  = 0.0;
                double        minEff   = double.MaxValue;
                // Tests i, ii, iii, iv, v control variables

                String seed = "";

                // Calibrating surprise
                Console.WriteLine("-                       Calibrating surprise!                        -");
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    int           totalMana       = 0;
                    List <String> randomComboList = new List <String>();
                    int           manaCost        = 0;
                    while (totalMana < mana)
                        int randNode = rand.Next(Terminals.Count);
                        Int32.TryParse(cardTable[Terminals[randNode]].cost, out manaCost);
                        if (manaCost + totalMana <= mana)
                            totalMana += manaCost;

                    // Surprise
                    ComboNode node = ToComboNode(randomComboList);
                    fixedBayes.CalculateSurprise(ref node, 1, out surprise_vec, ref cardDatasetFull, out surprise, false);

                    // Calculate efficiency
                    fixedBayes.GenerateComboVector(ref node, ref cardDatasetFull, out comboArray);
                    Instance target = new Instance(comboArray);
                    efficiency = fixedKNN.getKNearestWinrates(target, k);

                    if (surprise > highSurp)
                        highSurp = surprise;
                    if (surprise < minSurp)
                        minSurp = surprise;

                    if (efficiency > highEff)
                        highEff = efficiency;
                    if (efficiency < minEff)
                        minEff = efficiency;

                Console.WriteLine("-                       Surprise calibrated!                         -");

                foreach (String c in Terminals)

                    Console.WriteLine("Hero: " + hero);
                    Console.WriteLine("Seed: " + c);


                    file.WriteLine("Hero: " + hero);
                    file.WriteLine("Seed: " + c);

                    // Test all reacheable seeds
                    seed = c;

                    // (i)totalmente aleatorio (sem honing)
                    int           totalMana       = 0;
                    List <String> randomComboList = new List <String>();
                    int manaCost = 0;
                    Int32.TryParse(cardTable[seed.ToLower()].cost, out manaCost);
                    totalMana += manaCost;
                    while (totalMana < mana)
                        int randNode = rand.Next(Terminals.Count);
                        Int32.TryParse(cardTable[Terminals[randNode]].cost, out manaCost);
                        if (manaCost + totalMana <= mana)
                            totalMana += manaCost;

                    // Surprise
                    ComboNode node = ToComboNode(randomComboList);

                    fixedBayes.CalculateSurprise(ref node, 1, out surprise_vec, ref cardDatasetFull, out surprise, false);

                    // Calculate efficiency
                    fixedBayes.GenerateComboVector(ref node, ref cardDatasetFull, out comboArray);
                    Instance target = new Instance(comboArray);
                    efficiency = fixedKNN.getKNearestWinrates(target, k);

                    // Calculate creativity
                    fitness = op.CalculateFitness(surprise, ref highSurp, ref minSurp, out normSurprise, ref highEff, ref minEff, out normEfficiency, efficiency);

                    creativity     = surprise + efficiency;
                    normCreativity = normSurprise + normEfficiency;

                    Console.WriteLine("Test I:\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Fitness: " + fitness + "\nRaw creativity: " + creativity + "\nNormalized creativity: " + normCreativity + "\nSurprise " + surprise + "\nNormalized surprise: " + normSurprise + "\nEfficiency: " + efficiency + "\nNormalized efficiency: " + normEfficiency);
                    Console.WriteLine("Highest surprise: " + highSurp + "\nLowest surprise: " + minSurp);
                    Console.WriteLine("Highest efficiency: " + highEff + "\nLowest efficiency: " + minEff + "\n");
                    file.WriteLine("Test I:\n");
                    file.WriteLine("Fitness: " + creativity + "\nRaw creativity: " + surprise + efficiency + "\nNormalized creativity: " + normEfficiency + normSurprise + "\nSurprise " + surprise + "\nNormalized surprise: " + normSurprise + "\nEfficiency: " + efficiency + "\nNormalized efficiency: " + normEfficiency);
                    file.WriteLine("Highest surprise: " + highSurp + "\nLowest surprise: " + minSurp);
                    file.WriteLine("Highest efficiency: " + highEff + "\nLowest efficiency: " + minEff + "\n");
                    file.WriteLine("Cards: ");
                    foreach (String st in randomComboList)
                        Console.Write("(" + st + ") ");
                        file.Write("(" + st + ") ");

                    // (ii)honing novo aleatorio
                    honingCombo = op.GenerateCardClusterRandom(
                        ref cardTable,
                        ref net,
                        ref selfAbilityFilter,
                        ref fixedBayes,
                        ref fixedKNN,
                        ref cardDatasetFull,
                        ref highSurp,
                        ref minSurp,
                        ref highEff,
                        ref minEff,
                        out fitness,
                        out surprise,
                        out efficiency,
                        out normSurprise,
                        out normEfficiency).Keys.ToList();

                    creativity     = surprise + efficiency;
                    normCreativity = normSurprise + normEfficiency;

                    Console.WriteLine("Test II:\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Fitness: " + fitness + "\nRaw creativity: " + creativity + "\nNormalized creativity: " + normCreativity + "\nSurprise " + surprise + "\nNormalized surprise: " + normSurprise + "\nEfficiency: " + efficiency + "\nNormalized efficiency: " + normEfficiency);
                    Console.WriteLine("Highest surprise: " + highSurp + "\nLowest surprise: " + minSurp);
                    Console.WriteLine("Highest efficiency: " + highEff + "\nLowest efficiency: " + minEff + "\n");
                    file.WriteLine("Test I:\n");
                    file.WriteLine("Fitness: " + creativity + "\nRaw creativity: " + surprise + efficiency + "\nNormalized creativity: " + normEfficiency + normSurprise + "\nSurprise " + surprise + "\nNormalized surprise: " + normSurprise + "\nEfficiency: " + efficiency + "\nNormalized efficiency: " + normEfficiency);
                    file.WriteLine("Highest surprise: " + highSurp + "\nLowest surprise: " + minSurp);
                    file.WriteLine("Highest efficiency: " + highEff + "\nLowest efficiency: " + minEff + "\n");
                    file.WriteLine("Cards: ");
                    foreach (String st in honingCombo)
                        Console.Write("(" + st + ") ");
                        file.Write("(" + st + ") ");


                    // (iii)honing novo (E+S)
                    honingCombo = op.GenerateCardCluster(
                        ref cardTable,
                        ref net,
                        ref selfAbilityFilter,
                        ref fixedBayes,
                        ref fixedKNN,
                        ref cardDatasetFull,
                        ref highSurp,
                        ref minSurp,
                        ref highEff,
                        ref minEff,
                        out fitness,
                        out surprise,
                        out efficiency,
                        out normSurprise,
                        out normEfficiency).Keys.ToList();

                    creativity     = surprise + efficiency;
                    normCreativity = normSurprise + normEfficiency;

                    Console.WriteLine("Test III:\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Fitness: " + fitness + "\nRaw creativity: " + creativity + "\nNormalized creativity: " + normCreativity + "\nSurprise " + surprise + "\nNormalized surprise: " + normSurprise + "\nEfficiency: " + efficiency + "\nNormalized efficiency: " + normEfficiency);
                    Console.WriteLine("Highest surprise: " + highSurp + "\nLowest surprise: " + minSurp);
                    Console.WriteLine("Highest efficiency: " + highEff + "\nLowest efficiency: " + minEff + "\n");
                    file.WriteLine("Test I:\n");
                    file.WriteLine("Fitness: " + creativity + "\nRaw creativity: " + surprise + efficiency + "\nNormalized creativity: " + normEfficiency + normSurprise + "\nSurprise " + surprise + "\nNormalized surprise: " + normSurprise + "\nEfficiency: " + efficiency + "\nNormalized efficiency: " + normEfficiency);
                    file.WriteLine("Highest surprise: " + highSurp + "\nLowest surprise: " + minSurp);
                    file.WriteLine("Highest efficiency: " + highEff + "\nLowest efficiency: " + minEff + "\n");
                    file.WriteLine("Cards: ");
                    foreach (String st in honingCombo)
                        Console.Write("(" + st + ") ");
                        file.Write("(" + st + ") ");

        void ValidationTests(String cardsJson, String combosFile, String knnDatase, int k)
            HSCardsParser      parser  = new HSCardsParser(cardsJson);
            HoningStoneBuilder builder = new HoningStoneBuilder();

            Dictionary <String, CardObject> cardTable = new Dictionary <string, CardObject>();
            HSCardOperator op = new HSCardOperator();

            // Populate all card table
            foreach (string key in parser.objects.Keys)
                List <CardObject> cards_objects = parser.objects[key];
                builder.GenCardTableObject(ref cards_objects, ref cardTable);

            HSCombosParser combosParser = new HSCombosParser();

            //combosParser.PopulateFromHoningNetwork(ref decksParser, ref cardTable, 5);

            Random rand = new Random();

            foreach (String hero in parser.objects.Keys)
                // To write results
                System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(hero + "_results.dat");
                if (hero == "Neutral")

                List <String> honingCombo;
                List <String> highestComboI   = new List <String>();
                List <String> highestComboII  = new List <String>();;
                List <String> highestComboIII = new List <String>();;

                HoningNetwork <String> net       = new HoningNetwork <string>();
                List <CardObject>      heroCards = parser.objects[hero];
                List <CardObject>      neutral   = parser.objects["Neutral"];

                builder.PopulateFromCardData(ref net, ref heroCards);
                builder.BuildThirdLevel(ref net, ref heroCards);
                builder.PopulateFromCardData(ref net, ref neutral);
                builder.BuildThirdLevel(ref net, ref neutral);

                HSHoningBayes fixedBayes = new HSHoningBayes(hero.ToLower(), ref combosParser, ref net, ref cardTable);


                Dataset       fixedDataset = new Dataset(knnDatase, ',');
                KNNEfficiency fixedKNN     = new KNNEfficiency(fixedDataset);

                HSHoningBayes dynamicBayes = new HSHoningBayes(hero.ToLower(), ref combosParser, ref net, ref cardTable);

                Dictionary <String, HoningNode <String> > dic = net.getNetwork();
                Dictionary <String, String> selfAbilityFilter = op.GenerateAbilityFilter();
                Dictionary <String, String> TerminalsDic      = op.GetRealComboPotential(ref dic, ref cardTable, ref selfAbilityFilter, 3);
                List <String> Terminals = TerminalsDic.Keys.ToList();

                double[] surprise_vec;
                Double[] comboArray;
                // Tests i and ii control variables

                // Tests i, ii, iii, iv, v control variables
                int           mana = 10;
                double        surprise;
                double        efficiency;
                double        creativity;
                List <String> combo = new List <string>();
                // Tests i, ii, iii, iv, v control variables

                // Test I
                double highestCreativityA = 0.0;

                // Test II
                double highestCreativityB = 0.0;

                // Test III
                double highestCreativityC = 0.0;

                double highSurp = 0.0;

                double highestEfficience = 0.0;

                String seed = "";

                foreach (String c in Terminals)
                    Console.WriteLine("Hero: " + hero);
                    Console.WriteLine("Seed: " + c);

                    file.WriteLine("Hero: " + hero);
                    file.WriteLine("Seed: " + c);

                    // Test all reacheable seeds
                    seed = c;

                    // (i)totalmente aleatorio (sem honing)
                    int           totalMana       = 0;
                    List <String> randomComboList = new List <String>();
                    int manaCost = 0;
                    Int32.TryParse(cardTable[seed.ToLower()].cost, out manaCost);
                    totalMana += manaCost;
                    while (totalMana < mana)
                        int randNode = rand.Next(Terminals.Count);
                        Int32.TryParse(cardTable[Terminals[randNode]].cost, out manaCost);
                        if (manaCost + totalMana <= mana)
                            totalMana += manaCost;

                    // Surprise
                    ComboNode node = ToComboNode(randomComboList);

                    fixedBayes.CalculateSurprise(ref node, 1, out surprise_vec, out surprise, false);

                    // Calculate efficiency
                    fixedBayes.GenerateComboVector(ref node, out comboArray);
                    Instance target = new Instance(comboArray);
                    efficiency  = fixedKNN.getKNearestWinrates(target, k);
                    efficiency /= 100;

                    if (surprise > highSurp)
                        highSurp = surprise;

                    if (efficiency > highestEfficience)
                        highestEfficience = efficiency;

                    // Calculate creativity
                    creativity = op.CalculateCreativity(surprise / highSurp, efficiency);

                    // Write in file
                    bool update = false;
                    if (creativity > highestCreativityA)
                        highestCreativityA = creativity;
                        update             = true;

                    Console.WriteLine("I: " + creativity + " " + surprise / highSurp + " " + efficiency);
                    file.WriteLine("I: " + creativity + " " + surprise + " " + efficiency);
                    foreach (String st in randomComboList)
                        Console.Write(st + "|");
                        file.Write(st + "|");
                        if (update)

                    // (ii)honing novo aleatorio
                    honingCombo = op.GenerateCardClusterRandom(c, ref cardTable, ref net, ref selfAbilityFilter, ref fixedBayes, ref fixedKNN, mana, k,
                                                               out creativity,
                                                               out surprise,
                                                               out efficiency).Keys.ToList();

                    update = false;
                    if (creativity > highestCreativityB)
                        highestCreativityB = creativity;
                        update             = true;

                    if (efficiency > highestEfficience)
                        highestEfficience = efficiency;

                    file.WriteLine("II: " + creativity + " " + surprise + " " + efficiency);
                    Console.WriteLine("II: " + creativity + " " + surprise + " " + efficiency);
                    foreach (String st in honingCombo)
                        Console.Write(st + "|");
                        file.Write(st + "|");
                        if (update)
                    // (iii)honing novo (E+S)
                    honingCombo = op.GenerateCardCluster(c, ref cardTable, ref net, ref selfAbilityFilter, ref fixedBayes, ref fixedKNN, mana, k,
                                                         ref highSurp,
                                                         out creativity,
                                                         out surprise,
                                                         out efficiency).Keys.ToList();

                    update = false;
                    if (creativity > highestCreativityC)
                        highestCreativityC = creativity;
                        update             = true;

                    if (efficiency > highestEfficience)
                        highestEfficience = efficiency;

                    file.WriteLine("III: " + creativity + " " + surprise + " " + efficiency);
                    Console.WriteLine("III: " + creativity + " " + surprise + " " + efficiency);
                    foreach (String st in honingCombo)
                        Console.Write(st + "|");
                        file.Write(st + "|");
                        if (update)

Esempio n. 8
        void ValidationTests(String cardsJson, String combosFile, int k)
            HSCardsParser      parser  = new HSCardsParser(cardsJson);
            HoningStoneBuilder builder = new HoningStoneBuilder();

            Dictionary <String, CardObject> cardTable = new Dictionary <string, CardObject>();
            HSCardOperator op = new HSCardOperator();

            HSCardsParser                 fullParser = new HSCardsParser("allCardsWithAbility.json", 0);
            Dictionary <String, int>      dataID;
            Dictionary <String, double[]> cardDatasetFull = op.generateCardVectors(fullParser, out dataID);

            // Populate all card table
            foreach (string key in parser.objects.Keys)
                List <CardObject> cards_objects = parser.objects[key];
                builder.GenCardTableObject(ref cards_objects, ref cardTable);

            HSCombosParser combosParser = new HSCombosParser();

            //combosParser.PopulateFromHoningNetwork(ref decksParser, ref cardTable, 5);

            Random rand = new Random();

            List <CardObject> neutral = parser.objects["Neutral"];

            String currentDirectory = "results";

            bool exists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(currentDirectory);

            if (!exists)

            // boxplot files
            System.IO.StreamWriter Fitness            = new System.IO.StreamWriter(currentDirectory + "//fit.txt");
            System.IO.StreamWriter Efficiency         = new System.IO.StreamWriter(currentDirectory + "//eff.txt");
            System.IO.StreamWriter Surprise           = new System.IO.StreamWriter(currentDirectory + "//sur.txt");
            System.IO.StreamWriter Creativity         = new System.IO.StreamWriter(currentDirectory + "//crea.txt");
            System.IO.StreamWriter fileNormEfficiency = new System.IO.StreamWriter(currentDirectory + "//norm_eff.txt");
            System.IO.StreamWriter fileNormSurprise   = new System.IO.StreamWriter(currentDirectory + "//norm_sur.txt");
            System.IO.StreamWriter fileNormCreativity = new System.IO.StreamWriter(currentDirectory + "//norm_crea.txt");

            Fitness.WriteLine("Hero Algorithm Value");
            Efficiency.WriteLine("Hero Algorithm Value");
            Surprise.WriteLine("Hero Algorithm Value");
            Creativity.WriteLine("Hero Algorithm Value");
            fileNormEfficiency.WriteLine("Hero Algorithm Value");
            fileNormSurprise.WriteLine("Hero Algorithm Value");
            fileNormCreativity.WriteLine("Hero Algorithm Value");

            foreach (String hero in parser.objects.Keys)
                if (hero == "Neutral")

                List <String> honingCombo;

                HoningNetwork <String> net       = new HoningNetwork <string>();
                List <CardObject>      heroCards = parser.objects[hero];

                builder.PopulateFromCardData(ref net, ref heroCards);
                builder.BuildThirdLevel(ref net, ref heroCards);
                builder.PopulateFromCardData(ref net, ref neutral);
                builder.BuildThirdLevel(ref net, ref neutral);

                HSHoningBayes fixedBayes = new HSHoningBayes(hero.ToLower(), ref combosParser, ref net, ref cardDatasetFull, ref cardTable, 100000);

                fixedBayes.SaveKNNDataset(hero + "_data.dataset");

                Dataset fixedDataset = new Dataset(hero + "_data.dataset", ',');

                KNNEfficiency fixedKNN = new KNNEfficiency(fixedDataset);

                Dictionary <String, HoningNode <String> > dic = net.getNetwork();
                Dictionary <String, String> selfAbilityFilter = op.GenerateAbilityFilter();
                Dictionary <String, String> TerminalsDic      = op.GetComboPotential(ref dic, ref cardTable, ref selfAbilityFilter, 10);
                List <String> Terminals = TerminalsDic.Keys.ToList();

                // Tests i, ii, iii, iv, v control variables
                int           mana = 10;
                double        surprise;
                double        efficiency;
                double        fitness;
                double        creativity;
                double        normCreativity;
                double        normSurprise;
                double        normEfficiency;
                List <String> combo    = new List <string>();
                double        highSurp = 0.0;
                double        minSurp  = double.MaxValue;
                double        highEff  = 0.0;
                double        minEff   = double.MaxValue;
                // Tests i, ii, iii, iv, v control variables

                String seed = "";

                Console.WriteLine("-                       Loading calibrated surprise!                 -");

                string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(hero + "");
                char[]   delim = new char[1];
                delim[0] = ' ';
                String highSurprise   = lines[0].Split(delim).Last();
                String minSurprise    = lines[1].Split(delim).Last();
                String highEfficiency = lines[2].Split(delim).Last();
                String minEfficiency  = lines[3].Split(delim).Last();

                double.TryParse(highSurprise, out highSurp);
                double.TryParse(minSurprise, out minSurp);
                double.TryParse(highEfficiency, out highEff);
                double.TryParse(minEfficiency, out minEff);

                int seedCount         = 1;
                int totalTestsPerSeed = 10;

                // Foreach percentage
                for (int percentage = 20; percentage <= 100; percentage += 20)
                    // To write results
                    System.IO.StreamWriter resultFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(currentDirectory + "//" + hero + "_results_II_" + percentage + ".dat");

                    // To calculate statistics
                    List <result> listres = new List <result>();

                    foreach (String c in Terminals)
                        //String c = Terminals.First();

                        Console.WriteLine("Hero: " + hero);
                        Console.WriteLine("Seed: " + c);
                        Console.WriteLine("Seed " + seedCount + " of " + Terminals.Count);


                        // Test all reacheable seeds
                        seed = c;

                        for (int i = 0; i < totalTestsPerSeed; i++)
                            // (iii)honing novo (E+S)
                            honingCombo = op.GenerateCardCluster(
                                ref cardTable,
                                ref net,
                                ref selfAbilityFilter,
                                ref fixedBayes,
                                ref fixedKNN,
                                ref cardDatasetFull,
                                ref highSurp,
                                ref minSurp,
                                ref highEff,
                                ref minEff,
                                out fitness,
                                out surprise,
                                out efficiency,
                                out normSurprise,
                                out normEfficiency).Keys.ToList();

                            creativity     = surprise + efficiency;
                            normCreativity = normSurprise + normEfficiency;

                            result res = new result(honingCombo, fitness, creativity, normCreativity, surprise, normSurprise, efficiency, normEfficiency, highSurp, minSurp, highEff, minEff);


                    // Renormalize and recalibrate limits
                    List <result> renormalizedResults = renormalizeSimple(listres, ref highSurp, ref minSurp, ref minEff, ref highEff);

                    // Write to file
                    foreach (result r in renormalizedResults)

                    //extractViableSeeds(op, hero, 0, 1, meanFitness, meanEfficiency, meanSurprise, meanCreativity);
                    writeForBoxPlot(hero, renormalizedResults, "II" + percentage, Fitness, Efficiency, Surprise, Creativity, fileNormEfficiency, fileNormSurprise, fileNormCreativity);

                } // end statistics
            }     // end hero

            // boxplot closing