A Windows SID is a numeric identifier used to represent Windows accounts.
A Windows SID is a numeric identifier used to represent Windows accounts. SIDs are commonly represented using a textual format such as S-1-5-21-1496946806-2192648263-3843101252-1029 but they may also be resolved to yield the name of the associated Windows account such as Administrators or MYDOM\alice.

Consider the following output of examples/SidLookup.java:

 toString: S-1-5-21-4133388617-793952518-2001621813-512 toDisplayString: WNET\Domain Admins getType: 2 getTypeText: Domain group getDomainName: WNET getAccountName: Domain Admins 
Inheritance: SharpCifs.Dcerpc.Rpc.SidT
Esempio n. 1
		public MsrpcLookupSids(LsaPolicyHandle policyHandle, Sid[] sids) : base(policyHandle
			, new LsarSidArrayX(sids), new Lsarpc.LsarRefDomainList(), new Lsarpc.LsarTransNameArray
			(), 1, sids.Length)
			this.sids = sids;
			Ptype = 0;
            Flags = DcerpcConstants.DcerpcFirstFrag | DcerpcConstants.DcerpcLastFrag;
Esempio n. 2
		internal LsarSidArrayX(Sid[] sids)
			NumSids = sids.Length;
			this.Sids = new Lsarpc.LsarSidPtr[sids.Length];
			for (int si = 0; si < sids.Length; si++)
				this.Sids[si] = new Lsarpc.LsarSidPtr();
				this.Sids[si].Sid = sids[si];
Esempio n. 3
		static Sid()
				Everyone = new Sid("S-1-1-0");
				CreatorOwner = new Sid("S-1-3-0");
				SYSTEM = new Sid("S-1-5-18");
			catch (SmbException)
Esempio n. 4
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
 private void ProcessAces(Ace[] aces, bool resolveSids)
     string server = GetServerWithDfs();
     int ai;
     if (resolveSids)
         Sid[] sids = new Sid[aces.Length];
         string[] names = null;
         for (ai = 0; ai < aces.Length; ai++)
             sids[ai] = aces[ai].Sid;
         for (int off = 0; off < sids.Length; off += 64)
             int len = sids.Length - off;
             if (len > 64)
                 len = 64;
             Sid.ResolveSids(server, Auth, sids, off, len);
         for (ai = 0; ai < aces.Length; ai++)
             aces[ai].Sid.OriginServer = server;
             aces[ai].Sid.OriginAuth = Auth;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
        internal static void ResolveSids0(string authorityServerName, NtlmPasswordAuthentication
			 auth, Sid[] sids)
            DcerpcHandle handle = null;
            LsaPolicyHandle policyHandle = null;
            lock (SidCache)
                    handle = DcerpcHandle.GetHandle("ncacn_np:" + authorityServerName + "[\\PIPE\\lsarpc]"
                        , auth);
                    string server = authorityServerName;
                    int dot = server.IndexOf('.');
                    if (dot > 0 && char.IsDigit(server[0]) == false)
                        server = Runtime.Substring(server, 0, dot);
                    policyHandle = new LsaPolicyHandle(handle, "\\\\" + server, unchecked(0x00000800));
                    ResolveSids(handle, policyHandle, sids);
                    if (handle != null)
                        if (policyHandle != null)
Esempio n. 6
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
        internal static void ResolveSids(DcerpcHandle handle, LsaPolicyHandle policyHandle
			, Sid[] sids)
            MsrpcLookupSids rpc = new MsrpcLookupSids(policyHandle, sids);
            switch (rpc.Retval)
                case 0:
                case NtStatus.NtStatusNoneMapped:
                case unchecked(0x00000107):
                    // NT_STATUS_SOME_NOT_MAPPED

                    throw new SmbException(rpc.Retval, false);
            for (int si = 0; si < sids.Length; si++)
                sids[si].Type = rpc.Names.Names[si].SidType;
                sids[si].DomainName = null;
                switch (sids[si].Type)
                    case SidTypeUser:
                    case SidTypeDomGrp:
                    case SidTypeDomain:
                    case SidTypeAlias:
                    case SidTypeWknGrp:
                        int sidIndex = rpc.Names.Names[si].SidIndex;
                        Rpc.Unicode_string ustr = rpc.Domains.Domains[sidIndex].Name;
                        sids[si].DomainName = (new UnicodeString(ustr, false)).ToString();
                sids[si].AcctName = (new UnicodeString(rpc.Names.Names[si].Name, false)).ToString
                sids[si].OriginServer = null;
                sids[si].OriginAuth = null;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// This specialized method returns a Map of users and local groups for the
        /// target server where keys are SIDs representing an account and each value
        /// is an List<object> of SIDs represents the local groups that the account is
        /// a member of.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This specialized method returns a Map of users and local groups for the
        /// target server where keys are SIDs representing an account and each value
        /// is an List<object> of SIDs represents the local groups that the account is
        /// a member of.
        /// <p/>
        /// This method is designed to assist with computing access control for a
        /// given user when the target object's ACL has local groups. Local groups
        /// are not listed in a user's group membership (e.g. as represented by the
        /// tokenGroups constructed attribute retrived via LDAP).
        /// <p/>
        /// Domain groups nested inside a local group are currently not expanded. In
        /// this case the key (SID) type will be SID_TYPE_DOM_GRP rather than
        /// SID_TYPE_USER.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="authorityServerName">The server from which the local groups will be queried.
        /// 	</param>
        /// <param name="auth">The credentials required to query groups and group members.</param>
        /// <param name="flags">
        /// Flags that control the behavior of the operation. When all
        /// name associated with SIDs will be required, the SID_FLAG_RESOLVE_SIDS
        /// flag should be used which causes all group member SIDs to be resolved
        /// together in a single more efficient operation.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
        internal static Hashtable GetLocalGroupsMap(string authorityServerName, NtlmPasswordAuthentication
			 auth, int flags)
            Sid domsid = GetServerSid(authorityServerName, auth);
            DcerpcHandle handle = null;
            SamrPolicyHandle policyHandle = null;
            SamrDomainHandle domainHandle = null;
            Samr.SamrSamArray sam = new Samr.SamrSamArray();
            MsrpcEnumerateAliasesInDomain rpc;
            lock (SidCache)
                    handle = DcerpcHandle.GetHandle("ncacn_np:" + authorityServerName + "[\\PIPE\\samr]"
                        , auth);
                    policyHandle = new SamrPolicyHandle(handle, authorityServerName, unchecked(0x02000000));
                    domainHandle = new SamrDomainHandle(handle, policyHandle, unchecked(0x02000000), domsid);
                    rpc = new MsrpcEnumerateAliasesInDomain(domainHandle, unchecked(0xFFFF), sam
                    if (rpc.Retval != 0)
                        throw new SmbException(rpc.Retval, false);
                    Hashtable map = new Hashtable();
                    for (int ei = 0; ei < rpc.Sam.Count; ei++)
                        Samr.SamrSamEntry entry = rpc.Sam.Entries[ei];
                        Sid[] mems = GetGroupMemberSids0(handle, domainHandle, domsid
                            , entry.Idx, flags);
                        Sid groupSid = new Sid(domsid, entry.Idx);
                        groupSid.Type = SidTypeAlias;
                        groupSid.DomainName = domsid.GetDomainName();
                        groupSid.AcctName = (new UnicodeString(entry.Name, false)).ToString();
                        for (int mi = 0; mi < mems.Length; mi++)
                            List<object> groups = (List<object>)map.Get(mems[mi]);
                            if (groups == null)
                                groups = new List<object>();
                                map.Put(mems[mi], groups);
                            if (!groups.Contains(groupSid))
                    return map;
                    if (handle != null)
                        if (policyHandle != null)
                            if (domainHandle != null)
Esempio n. 8
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
        internal static Sid[] GetGroupMemberSids0(DcerpcHandle handle, SamrDomainHandle
			 domainHandle, Sid domsid, int rid, int flags)
            SamrAliasHandle aliasHandle = null;
            Lsarpc.LsarSidArray sidarray = new Lsarpc.LsarSidArray();
            MsrpcGetMembersInAlias rpc = null;
                aliasHandle = new SamrAliasHandle(handle, domainHandle, unchecked(0x0002000c), rid);
                rpc = new MsrpcGetMembersInAlias(aliasHandle, sidarray);
                if (rpc.Retval != 0)
                    throw new SmbException(rpc.Retval, false);
                Sid[] sids = new Sid[rpc.Sids.NumSids];
                string originServer = handle.GetServer();
                NtlmPasswordAuthentication originAuth = (NtlmPasswordAuthentication)handle.GetPrincipal
                for (int i = 0; i < sids.Length; i++)
                    sids[i] = new Sid(rpc.Sids.Sids[i].Sid, 0, null, null, false);
                    sids[i].OriginServer = originServer;
                    sids[i].OriginAuth = originAuth;
                if (sids.Length > 0 && (flags & SidFlagResolveSids) != 0)
                    ResolveSids(originServer, originAuth, sids);
                return sids;
                if (aliasHandle != null)
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>Manually resolve this SID.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Manually resolve this SID. Normally SIDs are automatically
        /// resolved. However, if a SID is constructed explicitly using a SID
        /// constructor, JCIFS will have no knowledge of the server that created the
        /// SID and therefore cannot possibly resolve it automatically. In this case,
        /// this method will be necessary.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="authorityServerName">The FQDN of the server that is an authority for the SID.
        /// 	</param>
        /// <param name="auth">Credentials suitable for accessing the SID's information.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
        public virtual void Resolve(string authorityServerName, NtlmPasswordAuthentication
            Sid[] sids = new Sid[1];
            sids[0] = this;
            ResolveSids(authorityServerName, auth, sids);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>Resolve an array of SIDs using a cache and at most one MSRPC request.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Resolve an array of SIDs using a cache and at most one MSRPC request.
        /// <p>
        /// This method will attempt
        /// to resolve SIDs using a cache and cache the results of any SIDs that
        /// required resolving with the authority. SID cache entries are currently not
        /// expired because under normal circumstances SID information never changes.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="authorityServerName">The hostname of the server that should be queried. For maximum efficiency this should be the hostname of a domain controller however a member server will work as well and a domain controller may not return names for SIDs corresponding to local accounts for which the domain controller is not an authority.
        /// 	</param>
        /// <param name="auth">The credentials that should be used to communicate with the named server. As usual, <tt>null</tt> indicates that default credentials should be used.
        /// 	</param>
        /// <param name="sids">The SIDs that should be resolved. After this function is called, the names associated with the SIDs may be queried with the <tt>toDisplayString</tt>, <tt>getDomainName</tt>, and <tt>getAccountName</tt> methods.
        /// 	</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception>
        public static void ResolveSids(string authorityServerName, NtlmPasswordAuthentication
			 auth, Sid[] sids)
            List<object> list = new List<object>();//new List<object>(sids.Length);
            int si;
            lock (SidCache)
                for (si = 0; si < sids.Length; si++)
                    Sid sid = (Sid)SidCache.Get(sids[si]);
                    if (sid != null)
                        sids[si].Type = sid.Type;
                        sids[si].DomainName = sid.DomainName;
                        sids[si].AcctName = sid.AcctName;
                if (list.Count > 0)
                    //sids = (Jcifs.Smb.SID[])Sharpen.Collections.ToArray(list, new Jcifs.Smb.SID[0]);
                    sids = (Sid[]) list.ToArray();
                    ResolveSids0(authorityServerName, auth, sids);
                    for (si = 0; si < sids.Length; si++)
                        SidCache.Put(sids[si], sids[si]);
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a SID from a domain SID and an RID
 /// (relative identifier).
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Construct a SID from a domain SID and an RID
 /// (relative identifier). For example, a domain SID
 /// <tt>S-1-5-21-1496946806-2192648263-3843101252</tt> and RID <tt>1029</tt> would
 /// yield the SID <tt>S-1-5-21-1496946806-2192648263-3843101252-1029</tt>.
 /// </remarks>
 public Sid(Sid domsid, int rid)
     Revision = domsid.Revision;
     IdentifierAuthority = domsid.IdentifierAuthority;
     SubAuthorityCount = unchecked((byte)(domsid.SubAuthorityCount + 1));
     SubAuthority = new int[SubAuthorityCount];
     int i;
     for (i = 0; i < domsid.SubAuthorityCount; i++)
         SubAuthority[i] = domsid.SubAuthority[i];
     SubAuthority[i] = rid;
Esempio n. 12
		internal virtual int Decode(byte[] buf, int bi)
			Allow = buf[bi++] == unchecked(unchecked(0x00));
			Flags = buf[bi++] & unchecked(0xFF);
			int size = ServerMessageBlock.ReadInt2(buf, bi);
			bi += 2;
			Access = ServerMessageBlock.ReadInt4(buf, bi);
			bi += 4;
			Sid = new Sid(buf, bi);
			return size;