Esempio n. 1
        public static Vector3 GetFarmingPosition()
            var lasthittable =
                Minions.GetMinionsInLane(SessionBasedData.EnemyTeam, SessionBasedData.MyLane)
                .OrderBy(m => m.Health)
                .FirstOrDefault(m => m.Health > 1 && m.Health < ObjectManager.Player.GetAutoAttackDamage(m) * 2);
            var farthestTurret = Turrets.GetTurretsPosition(ObjectManager.Player.Team, SessionBasedData.CurrentLane).Last();

            if (lasthittable != null)
            var ourMinion =
                ObjectManager.Get <Obj_AI_Minion>().Where(m => m.IsAlly && !m.IsDead && m.Position.IsInside(SessionBasedData.CurrentLanePolygon)).OrderBy(m => m.Distance(GameObjects.AllyNexus))

            if (ourMinion != null && ourMinion is Obj_AI_Minion)
                    (new Geometry.Circle(ourMinion
                                         .ServerPosition.Extend(GameObjects.AllyNexus.Position, Math.Min(Utility.Random.GetRandomInteger(100, 350) + GetMinDistanceFromEnemies(), 1350)).ToVector2(),
                                         Utility.Random.GetRandomInteger(100, 350)).ToPolygon().GetRandomPointInPolygon());
Esempio n. 2
        public static Geometry.Polygon GetLanePolygonExtendedToFarthestMinion(GameObjectTeam laneZoneTeam, Lane lane,
                                                                              GameObjectTeam minionTeam, int maxFieldDistance = 1000)
            var farthestTurret = Turrets.GetTurretsPosition(laneZoneTeam, lane).Last();
            var mostdamaged    = Minions.GetMostDamagedMinion(minionTeam, lane);
            var farthestMinion = mostdamaged != null
                ? mostdamaged
                : Minions.GetMinionsInLane(minionTeam, lane)
                                 .OrderBy(m => m.Distance(farthestTurret))

            if (farthestMinion != null)
                    (new Geometry.Rectangle(farthestMinion.ServerPosition.ToVector2(),
                                            farthestMinion.ServerPosition.ToVector2().Extend(farthestTurret, maxFieldDistance), 700).ToPolygon());
            return(GetLanePolygon(laneZoneTeam, lane));
Esempio n. 3
        static StaticData()
            foreach (var lane in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Lane)))
                var laneCastedAsLane = (Lane)lane;
                // for order
                var orderTurretsList = Turrets.GetTurretsPosition(GameObjectTeam.Order, laneCastedAsLane).ToArray();
                var orderPolygons    = new List <Geometry.Polygon>();
                for (var i = 0; i < orderTurretsList.Length - 1; i++)
                    // circle around turrets
                    orderPolygons.Add(new Geometry.Circle(orderTurretsList[i], 950).ToPolygon());
                    // rectangle from this turret to next one
                    orderPolygons.Add(new Geometry.Rectangle(orderTurretsList[i],
                                                             orderTurretsList[i + 1], 700).ToPolygon());
                // add a circle around last turret too
                orderPolygons.Add(new Geometry.Circle(orderTurretsList.LastOrDefault(), 950).ToPolygon());
                _teamOrderLaneZones.Add(laneCastedAsLane, orderPolygons.ClipperUnion().PathsToPolygon());
                // for team chaos
                var chaosTurretsList = Turrets.GetTurretsPosition(GameObjectTeam.Chaos, laneCastedAsLane).ToArray();
                var chaosPolygons    = new List <Geometry.Polygon>();
                for (var i = 0; i < chaosTurretsList.Length - 1; i++)
                    // circle around turrets
                    chaosPolygons.Add(new Geometry.Circle(chaosTurretsList[i], 950).ToPolygon());
                    // rectangle from this turret to next one
                    chaosPolygons.Add(new Geometry.Rectangle(chaosTurretsList[i],
                                                             chaosTurretsList[i + 1], 700).ToPolygon());
                // add a circle around last turret too
                chaosPolygons.Add(new Geometry.Circle(chaosTurretsList.LastOrDefault(), 950).ToPolygon());
                _teamChaosLaneZones.Add(laneCastedAsLane, chaosPolygons.ClipperUnion().PathsToPolygon());
                // for neutral zones
                if (laneCastedAsLane != Lane.Base)
                    var neutralCenter =
                        Turrets.GetTurretsPosition(GameObjectTeam.Neutral, laneCastedAsLane).LastOrDefault();
                    //#TODO should probably get the polygon end-point but cba
                    var blueTeamTurretPos =
                        Turrets.GetTurretsPosition(GameObjectTeam.Order, laneCastedAsLane)
                        .Extend(neutralCenter, 880);
                    var redTeamTurretPos =
                        Turrets.GetTurretsPosition(GameObjectTeam.Chaos, laneCastedAsLane)
                        .Extend(neutralCenter, 880);
                    var poly1 = new Geometry.Rectangle(blueTeamTurretPos, neutralCenter, 700);
                    var poly2 = new Geometry.Rectangle(neutralCenter, redTeamTurretPos, 700);
                    var union = new List <Geometry.Polygon> {
                        poly1.ToPolygon(), poly2.ToPolygon()
                    _teamNeutralLaneZones.Add(laneCastedAsLane, union.PathsToPolygon());
            // add a polygon for each lane, without minding the team.
            foreach (var lane in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Lane)))
                var laneCastedAsLane = (Lane)lane;
                if (laneCastedAsLane == Lane.Mid || laneCastedAsLane == Lane.Bot || laneCastedAsLane == Lane.Top)
                    var polygons = new List <Geometry.Polygon>();
                    polygons.Add(_teamNeutralLaneZones.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.Key == laneCastedAsLane).Value);
                    polygons.Add(_teamOrderLaneZones.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.Key == laneCastedAsLane).Value);
                    polygons.Add(_teamChaosLaneZones.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.Key == laneCastedAsLane).Value);
                    _wholeLanePolygon.Add(laneCastedAsLane, polygons.ClipperUnion().PathsToPolygon());

             * // Here we WIPE the turret out from our lane if it's DELETED
             * GameObject.OnDelete += (sender, deleteArgs) =>
             * {
             *  if (sender == null)
             *  {
             *      Logging.Log("[Polygon Cache] Turret was deleted but sender was null");
             *  }
             *  if (sender is Obj_AI_Turret)
             *  {
             *      Logging.Log("[Polygon Cache] A turret was deleted");
             *      // we gather some information about the dead turret
             *      var teamLaneTuple = Turrets.GetTurretTeamAndLaneByPosition(sender.ServerPosition);
             *      var team = teamLaneTuple.Item1;
             *      var lane = teamLaneTuple.Item2;
             *      var position = teamLaneTuple.Item3;
             *      // check if its worth editing the lane poly
             *      if (lane == Lane.Base || lane == Lane.Unknown)
             *      {
             *          // escape null refs produced by the code below :roto2_think:
             *          return;
             *      }
             *      // we backup the lane to perform operations on its polygon
             *      var backup = GetLanePolygon(team, lane);
             *      if (backup != null)
             *      {
             *          Logging.Log("[Polygon Cache] backup of a deleted turret was created");
             *      }
             *      // do the work for each team separately (cuz when we wipe a team's region it should become neutral)
             *      // first blue
             *      if (team == GameObjectTeam.Order)
             *      {
             *          Logging.Log(
             *              "[Polygon Cache] Attempting to remove lane from team order, the collection currently has " +
             *              _teamChaosLaneZones.Count + " lanes");
             *          _teamChaosLaneZones.Remove(lane);
             *          Logging.Log("[Polygon Cache] Removed lane from team order, the collection currently has " +
             *                      _teamChaosLaneZones.Count + " lanes");
             *          // we first cut the first circle poly:
             *          var turretCircle = new Geometry.Circle(position, 850).ToPolygon();
             *          Logging.Log("[Polygon Cache] Trying to execute XOR");
             *          try
             *          {
             *              var step1 = backup.ClipperXor(turretCircle).PathsToPolygon();
             *              Logging.Log("[Polygon Cache] XOR executed succesfuly");
             *              var allTurretsInLane = Turrets.GetTurretsPosition(team, lane);
             *              var thisTurretIndex = allTurretsInLane.IndexOf(position);
             *              // and add it to neutral zone
             *              _teamNeutralLaneZones.Add(lane, turretCircle);
             *              // then we remove the space between the removed turret and the one that should still be alive (if any)
             *              if (thisTurretIndex - 1 >= 0)
             *              {
             *                  var rectFromThisToNextAlive = new Geometry.Rectangle(position,
             *                      allTurretsInLane[thisTurretIndex - 1], 700).ToPolygon();
             *                  var step2 = step1.ClipperXor(rectFromThisToNextAlive).PathsToPolygon();
             *                  _teamOrderLaneZones.Add(lane, step2);
             *                  _teamNeutralLaneZones.Add(lane, rectFromThisToNextAlive);
             *                  return;
             *              }
             *              _teamOrderLaneZones.Add(lane, step1);
             *          }
             *          catch (Exception e)
             *          {
             *              Logging.Log("[Polygon Cache] Caught Exception: " + e);
             *          }
             *      }
             *      // then red
             *      if (team == GameObjectTeam.Chaos)
             *      {
             *          _teamChaosLaneZones.Remove(lane);
             *          // we first cut the first circle poly:
             *          var turretCircle = new Geometry.Circle(position, 850).ToPolygon();
             *          try
             *          {
             *              var step1 = backup.ClipperXor(turretCircle).PathsToPolygon();
             *              var allTurretsInLane = Turrets.GetTurretsPosition(team, lane);
             *              var thisTurretIndex = allTurretsInLane.IndexOf(position);
             *              // and add it to neutral zone
             *              _teamNeutralLaneZones.Add(lane, turretCircle);
             *              // then we remove the space between the removed turret and the one that should still be alive (if any)
             *              if (thisTurretIndex - 1 >= 0)
             *              {
             *                  var rectFromThisToNextAlive = new Geometry.Rectangle(position,
             *                      allTurretsInLane[thisTurretIndex - 1], 700).ToPolygon();
             *                  var step2 = step1.ClipperXor(rectFromThisToNextAlive).PathsToPolygon();
             *                  _teamChaosLaneZones.Add(lane, step2);
             *                  _teamNeutralLaneZones.Add(lane, rectFromThisToNextAlive);
             *                  return;
             *              }
             *              _teamChaosLaneZones.Add(lane, step1);
             *          }
             *          catch (Exception e)
             *          {
             *              Logging.Log("[Polygon Cache] Caugh Exception: " + e);
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             * };*/
Esempio n. 4
        public static Geometry.Polygon GetLastTurretInLanePolygon(GameObjectTeam team, Lane lane)
            var turret = Turrets.GetTurretsPosition(team, lane);

            return(new Geometry.Circle(turret.LastOrDefault(), 500).ToPolygon());