/// <summary> /// Method to handle the reception of a subscription request /// By Default returns false /// </summary> /// <param name="from">Jid from which the subscription request has arrived</param> /// <returns></returns> private bool SubScribeRequest(Jid from) { uiDispatcher.multiDebug("\n" + DateTime.Now + " | Subscription received by | " + from.ToString()); return false; }
/// <summary> /// Sends a File Object to the Person /// </summary> /// <param name="peer">Person to send the file object</param> /// <param name="moment2distr">File object to send</param> /// <returns>The Sid of the transfer, null if error</returns> public string SendFile(Jid peer, string moment2distr) { if ((moment2distr == null) || !isConnected()) return null; String fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(moment2distr); String tempFilePath = Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), fileName); string sid; ///COPY MOMENT TO A TEMP DIR /// try { File.Copy(moment2distr, tempFilePath, true); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException copyError) { uiDispatcher.multiDebug(copyError.Message); } catch (PathTooLongException copyError) { uiDispatcher.multiDebug(copyError.Message); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException copyError) { uiDispatcher.multiDebug(copyError.Message); } catch (ArgumentException copyError) { uiDispatcher.multiDebug(copyError.Message); } catch (FileNotFoundException copyError) { uiDispatcher.multiDebug(copyError.Message); } catch (IOException copyError) { uiDispatcher.multiDebug(copyError.Message); } //The sid of the file transfer //Serialize with escaped characters the description of the moment string xdesc = new System.Xml.Linq.XText(moment2distr.ToString()).ToString(); try { sid = xmppClient.InitiateFileTransfer(peer, tempFilePath, xdesc); return sid; } catch (Exception e) { uiDispatcher.multiDebug("Error in transfering moment" + e.StackTrace + e.ToString()); } return null; }
public void SendMessage(Jid jid, string message) { xmppClient.SendMessage(jid, message); }